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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier smiled, setting the blue cake in front of Logan. "Here ya go buddy" He said, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Happy birthday Logan" He said softly, moving away from his son. He looked over at Rose to see the cake had hand shaped imprint in the middle of it. And she was currently examining her fingers that were covered in cake and frosting.
Logan smiled as Xavier gave him a little kiss on the forehead, wished him a happy birthday, and served him some cake. “Happy birthday my little baby boy,” said Aaron. Wasting now time, Logan used his bare hands and smashed them into the cake. Aaron smiled and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Logan then scooped a chunk of icing and smooshed it into his face as he ate some of it. He now had chocolate frosting all over his mouth and the tip of his nose.
Xavier laughed, looking at Logan's reaction to the cake. He was so different from his sister, who was still trying to figure out just what she was supposed to do with the food. "Sweetheart, eat it." Xavier told her, taking a swipe of frosting and ate it, Rose watching him before she did the same. Her eyes went wide with the taste and proceeded to grab a handful of the cake and try to eat it. She got most of it in her mouth, she was definitely the cleaner of the two with food, she'd always been that way. Rose did manage to get frosting all over her mouth but unlike her brother, did not get any on her nose.
Logan smiled and banged his hands on the table happily as he tasted the delicious cake. He seemed to like it a lot, that much was clear. As he did this, he got some chocolate icing on the little table on his high chair. “Oi what a mess,” chuckled Aaron. “You were even messier as a baby Aaron,” laughed Mary.
Rose was much cleaner than her brother, even as she worked to eat the cake. Rose suddenly pushed her cake away, she didn't want it anymore. Xavier looked at her. "Are you all done sweetheart?" He asked her, coming over. "Done, no more" She said. "Alright angel" Xavier took the cake away, his eyes looking over at Logan who was making quite a mess with his cake. "Well, I know what I'll be doing later, washing these chairs off" Xavier said with a laugh.
Logan had gotten cake all over the high chair and all over his own face. He certainly was a very messy eater. Eventually, both babies had finished their cake, having enjoyed it very much. “Ok big guy, let’s get you cleaned up,” said Aaron as he began to wipe off Logan’s face with a napkin. The baby boy whined a bit and grunted as his father attempted to clean him.
Xavier smiled as he watched how excited Logan had been with the cake, getting it everywhere. He grabbed a napkin himself and wiped down Rose's face. She didn't fuss like her brother currently was. It was getting clearer and clearer that she was not a fan of messes which made Xavier smile. He heard Logan whining a little as Aaron tried to clean him up.
“Why can’t you be more like your sister,” chuckled Aaron as Logan fussed and made it difficult to wipe his messy face off. He had to gently but firm secure the baby boy’s head with his other hand so that he did not move it away. Logan tried to struggle and push away his father. “Damn it Logan stay still for papa please,” he muttered, finally getting the rest of the cake’s frosting off of his face. “There, all better!”
Xavier looked over at Aaron as he had to hold Logan's head. He crossed his arms as he listened to his husband. "Aaron, language" He reminded him, having heard him. He could see that Logan did not want to be cleaned off, and could understand Aaron's frustration but the last thing they needed was Logan to start talking like that.
“Right, sorry,” he said, blushing slightly. The last thing anyone wanted was for Logan to start parroting around the house the words “bloody hell” and “damn it.” Starting the boy’s life off with a dirty vocabulary was something they wanted to avoid. “Ok, he’s all cleaned,” said Aaron. He then lifted Logan up and out of his high chair and held him in his arms.
Xavier smiled, shaking his head. "What a handsome boy" Xavier said, looking at the now clean Logan in Aaron's arms. He looked over at Rose, who was currently looking at her daddy. "Dada, up" She said, wanting to be held. Xavier relented quickly, of course. He picked Rose up and held her in his arms. He still couldn't believe they had two one year olds in the house now. "Thank you guys for celebrating their first birthday with us" Xavier said with a smile.
“Yes guys, we’re so glad you came,” said Aaron with a smile. “It was our pleasure, boys,” replied Andrew. “A very happy birthday to the two little ones,” he added. “Yes my big boy, happy birthday to you. You’re growing up so fast,” said Aaron as he looked at Logan, his hazel eyes staring back at the young pretty and gleaming brown eyes of his now one year old son. Mary let out a yawn and Andrew gently took her hand. “Looks like it’s bed time for your mother,” chuckled Andrew, “We should get going,” he said. “Well we’re super happy you came mum and dad,” said Aaron.
Cora smiled. "Of course. Happy birthday you two" She said, smiling at both babies as well as the two parents. "Happy birthday to the little ones" James said with a smile. Xavier smiled, looking at Rose "Happy birthday angel" He said softly, as her milk chocolate eyes looked into his chocolate brown eyes. James and Cora smiled at their son, holding his daughter. "Yes, we must be off as well." James said. "It was nice to see you mum and dad, safe travels home" Xavier said happily.
“Have a good night guys,” said Aaron to Cora and James. “We’re gonna get these kiddos to bed too,” said Aaron. “Bed!” Logan repeated. Aaron chuckled, “Yes, bed little buddy,” he said, smiling and tapping the tip of Logan’s little nose gently. “Goodbye!” Aaron said as he stood up and opened the door, waving to both sets of their parents as they left. He then closed the door and turned to Xavier. “Alright love, time to get the two birthday kids to bed.”
Xavier waved to his parents as they left, and looked over at Aaron. "Sounds like a plan dear. Then we can go to bed" Xavier was ready to curl up beside Aaron and pass out himself. Rose yawned, as she looked between the two of them. Xavier led the way up to their bedroom, walking over to Rose's crib. He gently set her down, pulling her pink blanket over her. "Good night sweetheart, happy birthday" He said softly.
“I’d love to,” said Aaron, very tired from today. They’d had an eventful day taking care of the babies and setting up for their very first birthday celebration. “Let’s go,” said Aaron, bringing Logan up to the babies’ nursery room. Aaron set Logan down in his crib as Xavier did the same for Rose. He pulled his blue blanket over the small baby boy and leaned down to kiss Logan on his little forehead. “Good night, sleep tight, and happy birthday my love,” he whispered to the boy, who yawned and quickly fell asleep. Aaron then looked over at Xavier and smiled as both dads quietly left the room and headed to their own room to go to bed.
Xavier was tired that day, but it had been a great day. The babies had enjoyed their cakes, and they'd had a good visit with their parents. Xavier couldn't believe how quickly the babies were growing. It seemed like yesterday when they were bringing them home from the adoption center and now they were a year old. Xaie had crashed hard that night beside Aaron, enjoying the peaceful sleep he got. The next month passed by quietly, the babies picking up more words from their parents.

July 13th, the babies were 13 months old now and their parents had just set them on a blanket in the living room. They had started doing this so that the two can crawl and explore, it was also supposed to be a step in helping them walk from what Xavier had read. So they were sitting on the floor and watching the two in the living room crawling on the blanket, some toys for both scattered around as well.
A month had passed and it was now the afternoon of July 13th. Both dads were on a blanket on the floor with the two babies, letting them crawl around. Aaron laid on his side smiling as he watched Logan and Rose crawl on the blanket. They’d been letting them do this more often recently because Xavier had told him that it would help encourage the babies to eventually take their first steps. Aaron yawned as he continued to observe his two children.
Xavier was sitting up, his legs crossed in front of him as he watched the two crawl around. He looked over at Aaron who was laying on his side. "You're not gonna fall asleep on me are you love?" He asked playfully, his eyes focused on Rose who was crawling towards the play pen that made up the borders of the blanket so they could keep the two contained to just the blanket.
“I’ll try not to,” responded Aaron letting out another yawn. It had been an uneventful day, like any other. The kids were crawling and exploring the world from their hands and knees. It seemed like there was nothing to be alert or attentive about. Logan continued to crawl around and Aaron could barely keep his eyes open, feeling as if he’d drift to sleep at any moment on this lazy day. If he did, he knew Xavier would be there to supervise the babies.
Xavier let out a small laugh. "Okay" He said, though he knew his husband. And he'd be there to make sure the babies would be okay. He was watching both babies, Rose was sitting over by the play pen, grabbing at the mesh before shifting her attention to look at her brother. Xavier didn't know if it was because Aaron yawned or he was more tired than he thought, but he let out a yawn of his own while he sat there watching their two kids.
Aaron half fought sleep as his eyelids drooped, still laying on his side and somewhat watching the kids. Logan continued to crawl but saw his sister grabbing at the mesh and look at him, and he looked back at her curiously.
Xavier kept watch on the kids, his eyes moving from Logan to Rose, and then to his husband. He shook his head with a smile seeing Aaron looking like he was ready to fall asleep. Rose moved her hand from the mesh and clapped her hands together when she saw her brother look at her. She turned her attention back to the mesh, trying to figure something out, even if she didn’t know what exactly.
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Logan continued to peer over at his sister, curious as to what she was trying to do. Aaron on the other hand was on the verge of falling asleep.
Xavier looked at Aaron, before turning to look at the two kids. Rose grabbed onto the mesh, pulling it before letting it go. She looked over at her brother before grabbing the mesh again, pulling it again. Rose didn't quite understand how to do what she wanted, but she was trying to figure it out.

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