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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier looked over at Aaron again, not entirely convinced. "Okay.. I guess I'm hearing things." He said, unsure but turned back to Rose. He fed her again, though he was paying closer attention to her babbles now. He wasn't sure he was hearing things. Once the solid food was gone, he lifted Rose up, wiped her mouth clean of the baby food before grabbing the bottle. He heard the babbles again and there was that mixed in sound. Hmm. He proceeded to hold her, mostly because he wanted too and because she was still getting a hang of holding the bottle with her own hands, and he would help hold it for her.
“Probably,” chuckled Aaron, casually brushing it aside. “They’re only ten months old,” he said. In two months, in June, they would be turning one years old. Logan clapped his hands as Aaron continued to feed him, causing him to smile. Logan always seemed to clap his hands together when he was happy with whatever was going on. Eventually, there was nothing left in the bowl and Logan was all fed. Aaron used a napkin to wipe remaining residue off of Logan’s mouth and then picked the baby boy up, burping him.
Xavier was not so sure still. He continued feeding Rose and once she was done, he burped her gently. He set Rose in her high chair after and she slapped her little hands on the table and then clear as day, he heard. “Daadaa” in the cutest little voice. Xavier looked at her then at Aaron and then back to Rose. “Told you! I knew I wasn’t hearing things” He said. “Oh good job angel.” He said kissing her head gently as she giggled.
Aaron was gently rubbing Logan’s back as he held the baby boy, sitting in a chair near Xavier and Rose in her high chair. Then, he unmistakably heard it- Rose had said “dada.” Aaron immediately turned around and widened his eyes. Her first words! Aaron looked a bit stunned. “Bloody hell, you were right!” he said. “Good job Rosie! Good job!” he said in a sweet voice, smiling over at the baby girl. Logan put his thumb in his mouth and began to suck it. Perhaps he’d be a late bloomer, thought Aaron. “Maybe Logan’s first words will come soon,” he said with a shrug. He didn’t care when it would be, he’d love him just the same. But he was certainly very proud of Rose.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a proud smile. Rose was sitting there, clapping her hands and every now and then she’d say “dada” again, getting a kick out of the reaction from her dads. “That’s our little girl.” Xaie said before walking over towards Logan and Aaron. “Maybe he’ll be right behind her? They always seem to do things minutes apart.” Xavier said, gently rubbing the back of Logan’s head. He was proud of Rose and he’d be proud of Logan too.
“They do tend to do that,” chuckled Aaron, “It may be a twin thing.” He then brought Logan onto his lap and the baby boy took his thumb out of his mouth. “Ok Logan, can you say papa?” Aaron asked him. “Paaaa paaa?” said Aaron, making sure to annunciate the sound slowly so that Logan could process it. Logan just looked back at his papa, blinking with those beautiful brown eyes of his. “Perhaps not…” said Aaron softly with a slight frown.
He watched as Aaron shifted Logan onto his lap. Xavier listened as Aaron tried to see if Logan would say something too. The attempt was unsuccessful as Logan seemed to either not want to talk or just didn’t quite know how yet. Xavier saw the slight frown on Aaron’s face. “Come on buddy, look at papa. Can you say that? Paa paa?” He asked slowly, much like Aaron drawing about the sounds.
“Come on little guy, just like Rosie!” Aaron said encouragingly. Logan clearly was listening with those cute small ears of his, Aaron could see it, or at least sense it. Logan looked directly over at Xavier as he too tried to get him to say “papa.” Logan then looked over at his sister as if going to get approval before smiling and looking at Aaron. “Papa!” Logan said in an adorable little voice. Aaron’s heart melted. “Oh how precious!” he said. “Good job! You’re such a big boy Logan daddy and papa are so proud of you!” Aaron said with overwhelming joy swelling in his heart. “Papa!” Logan said again, giggling and clapping his hands.
Xavier could sense Logan was thinking and it was the cutest thing ever, as he looked at Xavier then at Rose who’d clapped her hands and said “Dada” and then turned his attention to Aaron. His heart melted again, hearing the little voice say Papa. “Good job buddy!” Xavier said with a proud smile. Rose echoed her brother “Dada” she said again, this time slapping the table. Xavier was proud of both of them, they really were growing up.
“I’m so proud of them,” said Aaron with a soft smile as he looked over at Xavier. He gently bounced Logan on his leg and the baby boy smiled, giggling as he heard his sister say her first word again too. “We’ve got two little talkers,” laughed Aaron. “Papa!” Logan said once more, smiling as he banged his hand against Aaron, which didn’t hurt much since the little baby boy didn’t have much force behind him.
Xavier set a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “So am I.” He said with a smile, watching the two of them before another “dada!” Came from Rose. He laughed, walking over and picking her up. “Yes my little angel. Did you wanna be held to?” He asked, bouncing her gently in his arms as he held her. She giggled, clapping her hands together. “Yes, we now have two talkers. Now they can stop growing” Xavier said tickling Rose’s belly as she giggled, banging her little hands against Xaie’s.
“If only,” chuckled Aaron, “I don’t think I can handle them growing up anymore,” he said. Aaron stopped bouncing Logan up and down on his knee temporarily and the baby boy began to bang his little tiny fists against Aaron’s chest. “Papa go!” Logan yelled. Aaron laughed, “Ok little buddy,” he replied as he began to bounce his leg that the little boy was sitting on up and down again. The baby laughed and smiled, pleased that his daddy had continued doing what he wanted.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a laugh. “I know. Our babies just keep growing.” He said softly, before he smiled, watching Logan ask Aaron to keep bouncing him on his leg. “He’s already got you wrapped around his finger there love.” Xaie laughed. Rose was busy giggling as Xavier continued his tickling of her stomach. He could listen to that all day long. “Dada. Stop” She said in her little voice. Xavier smiled, and stopped. Yeah, she had him wrapped around her finger. He didn’t care though.
“That’s not true!” Aaron said defensively, knowing it was absolutely true. Xavier continued to tickle Rose’s tummy but he couldn’t help but find it adorable when the baby girl told him to stop, using her words. “Oh stop that. They’re growing up too fast,” said Aaron, feigning a very sad frown. “Too cute!” he said.
Xavier had laughed, hearing Aaron trying to defend himself. They both knew that the twins had them wrapped around their fingers. Xavier and Aaron spent the day with the babies, celebrating their first words. He now had their first birthday to plan. One of many birthdays he couldn’t wait to celebrate with their kids and Aaron.

Two months passed by, the kids were slowly picking up words and making small sentences out of one, two or three words. Xavier had gotten everything he needed, invited their parents and when June 13th came around, he was up early as always, and was working on getting their breakfast ready. Once the kids were fed, he’d put them in their playpens and begin decorating the dining room with all the cute first birthday banners.
Two months had passed and now, it was June 13th, 2005, a very special date. Today was very special because it would be the twins’ first birthday. Since April, both Rose and Logan had been adding more words to their vocabulary and saying them. They could both say “dada” and “papa,” and knew to associate “dada” or “daddy” with Xavier, and “papa” with Aaron. It was fun watching the babies learn new words and put them to use. Logan’s favorite words seemed to be “food” and toy” now. Both dads were up early this morning to feed the babies and Xavier and Aaron had put them in their play pens. Xavier was off in another room but Aaron decided to supervise the birthday babies as they played. He couldn’t help but smile fondly as he watched both Logan and Rose play with their toys. Logan particularly liked a little red car toy. He laid on his side and pushed it back and forth, smiling to himself as he had some fun. Aaron was so proud of how far his two new one year olds had come.
Xavier set to work decorating the dining room. Aaron was busy watching the two birthday babies and so he was able to get the banners hung, two balloons were brought out, one on each high chair. A pink one with the number 1 on it for Rose and a blue one with the number 1 on it for Logan. He had two small cakes for the babies, and a medium sized one for the adults. He had a beef roast in the oven with roasted potatoes cooking. Their parents would be here in an hour.

Xavier was happy with the decorations and made his way to the other room, sitting beside Aaron. “All done in there. Our parents should be here in an hour. I’ve got dinner cooking for everyone, and then we can do cake.” Xavier said. He looked over at the two babies. Rose was sitting her play pen, messing with her favorite toy, a pink ball. She would sit and roll it all over the pen.
“You’re the best, Xaie, you know that?” Aaron said with a smile as he continued to watch Logan play with his car and Rose roll around her pink ball. They had invited their parents to come and celebrate Logan and Rose’s first birthday. “Smells delicious by the way,” added Aaron.
Xavier looked at Aaron with smile. He laid his head on Aaron’s shoulder with a happy sigh. “I know, that’s why you married me.” Xavier said with a laugh. He watched the two babies playing with their toys and smiled. “Thanks. I try my best.” He said. His heart was full watching them and sitting beside his husband.
“Exactly my dear!” Aaron laughed. He continued to looked at the babies playing. “I love them too bloody much,” he said softly. Aaron was a very proud father. He deeply loved his two children both so very much.
Xaie had never thought he’d get to experience this. Being married to an amazing man and raising two beautiful children with him. “I’m right there with you babe. I just can’t get over how perfect they are. Our beautiful babies.” He said with a happy sigh. He was proud of his babies, and loved them so much.
The two spent some time watching over their babies in the play pen. In around an hour, both sets of parents had arrived, ringing the doorbell, causing both Aaron and Logan to perk up. “I’ll get it!” Aaron said as he rushed to the door and opened it to greet their parents. “Mum! Dad! Come on in!” he said, referring to both couples. He pretty much considered Xavier’s mother and father to be his own family at this point.
Xavier laughed lightly as the doorbell rang, both Aaron and Logan had perked up. Rose was focused on trying to get her ball out of the corner of the pen. Xaie stayed in the room while Aaron rushed out to answer the door. Cora and James walked in just behind Mary and Andrew. “Hello Aaron” Cora said, giving him a hug. “Now, where are my two adorable grandbabies?” She asked. Xavier heard his mum and chuckled. “We’re in here mum!” He called out. “Are you two ready to see your grandparents?” Xavier asked them. Rose looked up, “ball” She said, looking at the ball still stuck in the corner. Xavier smiled, standing up, leaning over the pen and rolled the ball towards her. Rose laughed as she got her ball back.
Aaron greeted both sets of parents with a smile and some hugs. Cora then asked where they could find their grandchildren but before he could answer, he heard Xavier’s voice from the other room. Aaron then guided all of the grandparents to the play room. “Here they are!” he said with a grin. Logan stopped playing with his toy car and perked up. He smiled upon seeing his grandparents, who were thrilled to see their grandbabies. “Oh is it play time?” Mary asked. “Yup! They’re both playing with their favorite toys,” Aaron told them. “Rose loves that little pink ball and Logan is a big fan of the red car.”
Xavier moved from where he’d been leaning on the play pen when their parents walked in. “Hello mum, dad.” He also referenced both sets of parents. “Hello Xavier” He gave all four of them hugs before stepping back. Cora stepped over to see Rose, rolling her ball around the pen with her. Rose was happy to play ball with her grandmother. “Ball roll” She said with a giggle as Cora rolled the ball to her. “They’re talking already?!” Cora said with a smile, looking at her granddaughter with love in her eyes. “Yes they are, and they pick up new words all the time.” Xaie said with a laugh.

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