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Clarissa slept tightly at Adrian's side. Her head was resting on his chest all through the night. It was probably uncomfortable for Adrian but he didn't seem to mind, knowing him, he'd probably let Clarissa stay there for a day even if he was getting uncomfortable. The girl was just as spoiled as her moniker that was given by him.

Clarissa wasn't a morning person, as she felt Adrian moved the next morning, she just adjusfed and coiled herself in their bed. Smelling the pillow that he just laid in. It was the noise that woke her up. Eyes half closed she tried to make sense on what was happening. Adrian was calmly talking. Diamond... screeching like a banshee. Strong smell of liquor is wafting insidr the room. The two was obviously bickering, Clarissa was about to let it slide when she heard a crack and Diamond screaming. "Adrian!" Clarissa immediately sat up, wide eyed as she watch the two continued. Adrian was calm but there was something in him. Something in him that made him far more scary and dangerous compared to Apollo and Dedrich. Base from his past, she knew he could do what she had just said.

Clarissa held Pudding's leash, afraid that he might jump in and protect his father, which will be worse for Diamond. Good thing he was in daze too, confused just as Clarissa is.

Clarissa was in tense and anxious as Adrian pullex and drag Diamond's ass outside. "Adrian, no!" Clarissa hissed. Making Pudding stay in their room, Clarissa half run to follow them. "Stop, Adrian. Please." She finally reached him and held him by his arms, blocking the way. "Let her go," she tried to act calmly as possible but she was shock and scared at him. "Seriously, just calm down. You two will wake up the kids." She made him look at her, as much as he was pissed, he did care about the little ones. "Let go, babe. Calm down, she's drunk." Clarissa looked at him in the eye, one hand was on his face while the other was on the hand that was pulling Diamond. "Please, let her go." Clarissa pleaded.
Adrian held onto Diamonds hair, forcing him to stay with him. He stared at Clarissa clearly annoyed. "I'm kicking them out until they get their shit in order. She fucking woke me up by basically ripping the hair out of my head and trying to punch menin the face because Vera is upset she had to eat food. Vera and the triplets dont have to leave but she does." He said coldly, clearly not in the mood for this.

"I will not leave Vera here without me being here!" She protested wanting to make him let go but she was in too much pain to force him to let go.

"Then take her with you."

"I can't provide for her though!" She whined finally realizing what she had started with the wrong man.

"I forced your girlfriend to fucking eat more than you have done for her so far, get over yourself. You can come back when you're not a whore and you're not drinking every night."


"YOU FUCK MEN FOR MONEY YES YOU FUCKING ARE A WHORE, TRAMP, PROSITUTE, HUZZY, WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL ITS WHAT YOU DO EVERY FUCKING NIGHT HELL YOU EVEN CALL YOURSELF DIAMOND FOR GODS SAKE I DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR REAL NAME." He yelled at her, Diamond just remained silent and in response was let go by Adrian dropping her to the ground. "As I said get the fuck out of my house, come back when youre not all the things I hate. Learn how to take of Vera and get a real job I am not putting up with you getting pregnant too bitch." He spat before going back to the bedroom, laying down in bed not being in the mood for work at the moment.

Vera stepped out of the bedroom and went out into the hall, kneeling down beside of Diamond stroking her back softly Diamonds eyes feeling with tears and moved Vera with her good hand so her face was buried in her chest as she cried. Vera just glancing up at Clarissa having no idea what to do, Diamond never crying before and she herself looked like a mess being tired and just looking weak in general. "Do you want me to take Diamond out of the house today..? We can leave the triplets here and we can come back tonight. Give him time to cool down, I suppose."
And now, Clarissa too, was pissed. Pissed and annoyed but still scared. Adrian was on a roll. His patience was always way over the top, he is understanding but Diamond pushed her luck with him. Adrian was having a moment but she let it slide.

She was the one cringing for Diamond. The girl was in pain, her hand seemed to be broken or sprained and her hair... Clarissa hated Adrian when he did that to her. When he was done, the three was left alone in the hallway.

"No," Clarissa shook her head lightly. "No one is going to leave this goddamned house. As much as I love the triplets, I can't handle all of them at once. I don't care what he said, this is my house too, he's just in a bad mood." She knelt down beside them, slightly pausing to just to hear if the kids woke up because of the ruckus, no one was crying. Good. She thought.

Clarissa patted Diamond's hair. "Take her to your room and let her sober up, i'll bring in some coffee and ice for her hand. Adrian might've sprained them, I hope that's all he did."

She stood up, but before she left, Clarissa flashed Vera a rueful look. "I'm not blaiming you, Vera. But you have to eat. Or else this will happen everyday. Eating is not only good for you but for the kids as well. If you don't start eating, I promise I will call on Nicolas the next time and will let him do the convincing. If Diamond thinks Adrian is stern and bad, Nicolas will be no picnic." Pausing for a moment, she added. "Go, take her to your room. Give me a moment to prepare you guys some breakfast."
Vera hated having her eating habits brought up and just nodded in response, not wanting to talk about it espically all that Adrian did. "Alright sorry.. I just didn't want Adrian to get more pissed off and actuall hurt her. He seems more than able to." She sighed as she slowly stood up with Diamond taking her back to the bedroom and tucked the girl in, taking off her heels for her and laid them on the floor. After Diamond was tucked away in bed and knowing her she just wanted to left alone so she went downstairs with Clarissa, taking a seat on a bar stool and watched the girl cook. "I get stressed out and when I'm stressed out I don't eat, I'll get sick and more stressed out from that. I have three kids, and Diamond to worry about. I was never the best at taking care of my mental health anyway, I don't know whats wrong with me." She sighed.
Clarissa brought out pancake mix, bacon and eggs. There were a lot of screaming that morning and heavy breakfast might ease the mood. She was busy batting up the pancakes when Vera walked in.

"What are you stressing about?" Clarissa asked, her eyes never leaving the bowl that she was stirring. "I told you, I will help you get a decent job. Diamond too, just say so. I'm not telling you to move out, we have lots of supplies for the babies. So what are you worrying about?" She looked at her briefly before turning her back and put the mix on the pan. On the other side, bacon is already sizzling.
Vera shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Diamond doing shit like, it'd be stupid to think she doesn't get into bar fights at work. As Diamond would put 'shes my girl' and I still really dont like her working at that club anymore. Its also stupid for me to think Apollo is out of my life forever."
"Diamond can take care of herself." Clarissa retorted, "You know what I mean," she added with a scowl, thinking of Diamond's early demise with Adrian. "Tell her that you want her to quit the club. She keeps on telling Adrian that she can't provide for you, then we'll find her a decent job. Apollo can be out of your life. You don't need that douche."
"Oh come on you know its stupid to think I'll never see him again. I live with his brother for gods sake." She sighed and rested her head down on the kitchen island ontop of her arms, her face being hiden as he just fell silent and started crying which seemed a bit uncalled for but considering diamond said she was up all night and certainly looked like it she was emotionally drained anyway.
"Have you seen Dedrich around the house? Or Apollo?" Clarissa asked quietly, putting the pancakes on the pan. Last time she saw the oldest Acher was at the hospital where he tried to kill his babies. "Just because you live with Adrian it doesn't mean you'll see Apollo again. He's not fuckin' welcome. If you want we could file a restraining order?"

She took out the bacon and place it on the plates, the smell of the juicy pork is in the air. "Do you–" Clarissa held her tongue when she saw her sobbing, crying quietly. Sighing she went to her side and rubbed her back, "You do know you have an option right? You were just stressing yourself with thing that you don't need to stress about, love. Don't mind Apollo, just think about you and the kids."
Vera took a deep breath, keeping her face in her arms. "I'll live." She sighed heavily, tapping her nails against the counter top. "I'm just being hormonal or something I have no idea. Thinking about myself and the kids is stessful, you do realize I didn't even want kids. As much as I love them one would be so much easier than three."
"I know." Clarissa said quietly. It made Clarissa think about what Vera said not wanting to have kids. She can easily abort them before but she was the one who told her not to. Her conscience can't handle it but Clarissa was thinking that now maybe it was her fault, forcing the girl to carry on just because Clarissa is not tough enough for that. "They're there. We can't just shove them back up." Clarissa joked lightly, putting the utensils down to offer the girl a hug. "That's why we're here. We're helping you out, we just wanted you to help us in return." She gave the girl a light squeeze before letting go, "especially Diamond, eat or she'll stress out too. Don't mind Adrian, he's just PMSing. I told you, he could be a bitch sometimes, but I will suggest that let's keep them apart for now."

She went back to what she was doing and put the platter of eggs, bacon and pancake infront of Vera. "Eat." Clarissa pushed the plate and went towards the coffee maker to make a fresh brew.
Vera glanced at the food and wiped her eyes no longer crying. She sat up and messed around with the food. "Alright." She sighed not wanting to fight over the food, not wanting anymore fights for a while and very willingly started to eat it slowly, it certainly being better than nothing and just refusing. "I don't want them inside of me again, pregnancy got painful really fast."
"Wow, there is no pleasing you, huh." Clarissa said lightly with a chuckle. "Suck it up and eat." She went by the fridge nd grab the fresh milk. She took two glasses and place them both on the kitchen counter top and slide it beside her. "Do you want to go back into your room and eat with Diamond? Hers is almost done. I'm just waiting for the coffee." Clarissa asked, eyeing the pot as it boils..
"Diamond with how out of it she was is probably out cold and is most likely not going to want to eat until she's sober to be honest with you." She laughed quietly, watching as she went around the kitchen doing whatever she needed too. "Would you want to be pregnant with Sage again?"
"You need to check her hand though," Clarissa cringed. "I heard one nasty crack, I don't know what damaged did my baby daddy cause." Finally, she was done with cooking. The smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs and coffee too hovers around the room. "Sage is a special case. I went through all kinds of hell during the labor, so i'm gonna say no." Clarissa grimaced but then her face lit up slightly, "But I do want to have another one. I want a boy too. But I want to have them when Sage is a bit older."
"Told you months ago you'd change your mind and want another one. You just dismissed it." She laughed quietly, taking another bite of food. "I'll check on her hand, I didn't get a good look at it so I have no idea how bad it is." She said, Adrian coming down the steps apparently after a few minutes of laying down of relaxing he got dressed for work and was ready to head out the door whenever he wanted.

"You're probably going to need to take her to the E.R. because I felt the bone in her forearm give out. I'm pretty sure I just didn't break her hand I probably broke or did something at least to her forearm." He said calmly, looking slightly tired in his suite and tie but that being from Diamond waking him up so violently. He glanced at Vera being surprised she was eating so willingly but didn't say anything.
"I want a boy..." Clarissa whined like a little spoiled princess. As is having a baby is just as easy... "That's all I need or Pudding will go crazy with all theses kids in the house." She chuckled, using a fork, she started nibbling some pancakes.

It wasn't surprise seeing Adrian all geared up for work. "Adrian..." Clarissa said chidingly. His nonchalance about Diamond's hand is tad a little annoying. Instead of nagging him some more, Clarissa slide a platter of breakfast in front of him. "Please, eat breakfast before you go." She said.
Adrian nodded, taking his plate from her and sat down at the island a seat away from Vera. "What's Diamonds real name?" He asked Vera just out of curiosity.

"Aminta." She said, eating her bacon by ripping small pieces off at a time. "Why? She never goes by it anymore and I stopped calling her it forever ago."

"Nothing I was just curious, where the hell are you two from? I'm pretty sure Apollo said you were from Russia a while ago."

"Yeah as far as I know I'm full Russian. I gree up in Russia then moved here. Diamond is from here. I don't know why her parents gave her such a fancy name, How she got the name Diamond and why she goes by it around us. At the club she just doesn't want people to know her real name. I have no idea honestly."

Adrian nodded, seeming rather interested in finding out more about the two. Despite the fact they lived there he really didn't know much about either of them. "No wonder Apollo slept with you as often as he did, you probably remind him of our mother which is slightly disturbing in its own way." He snickered, Vera's face scrunching up at the thought that she reminded Apollo of his mama. "You said he slept with you often, from what I knew from his sex life he'd sleep with one person then moved on. Maybe he liked you because you russian."
She walked by the coffee pot and poured Adrian some on a mug. She didn't add anything for he always wanted to it to be black and strong. Clarissa decided to eat some too, the babies were still asleep and she knew she only had a tiny window of oppurtunity in eating at her hearts desire if the kids woke up. She stood beside Adrian who grabbed a stool.

Hearing Diamond's name made Clarissa wonder, why picked a new moniker. Perhaps maybe to have a new life on stage. To make her personal life safely separated on her hooker life but she often uses her hooker name so it was useless.

She did grimaced when Adrian mentioned about their mother. And thinking Apollo had some issues with her. It was really disturbing, the speculations of him sleeping with Vera because she is russian like Mama Acher is cringe worthy. Though Adrian maybe had a point, Apollo is... or was a man whore. He'll sleeps with everyone whenever he wanted. "Wow, who would've thought. The triplets dad's is Norman Bates." Clarissa grimaced at her own joke for it was too disturbing to be real.
Vera shook her head and frowned at Clarissas comment. "Oh fuck no, that isn't right." She pouted having a few standards to men she slept around with and sleeping with psychos was one on that list. Adrian just seemed laughed at Clarissas comment.

"Yeah that's fucked up, he might fit along with Norman Bates though who knows. I'm not going to go ask."
"Cross psycho with mommy issues on your bucket list." Clarissa tried to ease the weirdness of the situation. "Don't worry, we'll make sure he's got a lot of animals to stuff with. He's not gonna bother you." She added with a smile.

Clarissa suddenly realize something, knowing Vera, she might even stress about something that wasn't real. Swatting Adrian's arm, she looked at Vera, "Don't listen to him. And I am joking about Norman Bates. I'm certain that Apollo found something in you, that why he chose you." She tried to reason out.
"Yeah I remind him of his mother, my accent isn't really even there anymore I haven't spoke and been to Russia in so long." She rolled her eyes, laughing quietly. "Do I like your guys mother?" She asked, just wondering.

"Ehhh faintly, when you keep your hair lighter like you do yes. Her eyes were blue not hazel. I don't know if you're really curious ask my father to see a picture of her." He shrugged, Vera nodding in response. "I wouldn't fuck someone that looked or even reminded me of my mother, I can see why you remind Apollo of her though. She had much more of a temper though, you're more submissive much more actually. Apollo has issues we've set that clear I doubt theres any figuring him out."
Clarissa scowled at Adrian once more, as if she was silently saying yes, go scare and stress the anorexic. She just gripped his arm tighter hoping to convey the message. But she can't deny that she wasn't curious about Apollo's issue and even their mother. She too, didn't have any knowledge about her for she and Adrian barely talks about her. Once. That's all she could think of, and she also learned the hard truth about the cause of her death.

"You are not their mother," Clarissa said sternly at Vera, then looked at Adrian, "And you, you are not gonna sleep with other woman or i'll slit your throat. Just so we are clear. I don't care if she looks like your mom or not. Finished that meal then go to work." She added with a scowl.
Adrian rolled his eyes and finished his food for Clarissa just to keep her happy as possible. "I wouldn't sleep with anyone else. I'm just saying princess. I'm not a sleaze like Apollo. I'll call my dad and get him to help you guys out today because Diamond is more than likely going to need to go to the hospital for her hand." He scoffed and put his plate away before kissing Clarissa's cheek before leaving for work.

Vera watched as he left and looked over at Clarissa. "He doesn't cross me as the cheater type so I wouldn't worry about it. He's basically sold his soul to you." She giggled quietly.
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Her eyes were blazing as she looked at Adrian all through his meal. Her eyes only softens up when he finished his food and kissed her on the cheek. "Drive safe." Clarissa said and watched him walked away.

"Oh, I know." Clarissa said to Vera, a smug smile was on her lips. Adrian was already out of the house. "I know he won't cheat, I just wanted him to know what I would do if he did. Just to clarify." Clarissa giggled. Even without Vera's words, she already knew that Adrian was incapable of doing such thing. But then Apollo's accident came knocking in her head again. Though apart from that, Adrian didn't gave her any doubt. "You too, young lady." The scowl was back on her face as she glance down at Vera's plate. "Finish your meal. All of it. Don't wait for Nicolas."

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