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"I don't know what she'll say, you know her best." said Clarissa, "But if... If by chance she asked you that, what would you choose?" Clarissa scowled, the car in front of them was driving way too slow for her that she had to nudge the accelerator just to overtake. It was pretty early in the morning, less cars too that she had bo trouble flooring the pedal a bit more. "Of course you knew yet you woke my baby daddy, screeching like a fucking banshee. Be glad that's the only thing he broke."
"He did threaten to throw me down the steps." She pouted slightly, shutting her eyes still being tired from working all night and then breaking her hand from Adrian. "I'd pick her, I'm not that cruel. I still love her and all that even if I did hit her when it wasn't called for."
"Be glad he didn't do it." Clarissa said grimly. Another thing she hated about Adrian is he can be very capricious. A scary and annoying trait. "Well, let's just say you are very stupid today. Getting drunk and doing drugs. And oh, hitting Vera in the face when the scary grand dad of the kids is there." She flashed her a sarcastic broad smile. "If you think Adrian is worse, hit Vera again later in front of Nicolas."
"I haven't really ever met Nicolas but from what I hear he's the worse to piss off. I didn't really even realize he was there. I don't even know why I hit her in the first place she really didn't do anything wrong and if she did I didn't need to hit her." She glanced over at her, not appreciating this conversation very much but it was better than getting the shit beat out of her.
"Yeah he is worse. And you were on drugs." Clarissa shrugged. "But that didn't justify what you did, idiot. Never lay a hand on her again, I don't care if you are drunk or still high but I will personally kick you out of the house. Trust me on that." Her mother instincts dominates her bitchiness again. "Adrian too, what he did was wrong but he was annoyed. I'm apologizing on his behalf." But Clarissa knew that Adrian didn't regret anything he did or said at the stripper.
"I won't." She sighed quietly, not saying anything else wanting to leave the conversation at that. There was nothing else she could say either. She just waited in silence to get to the hospital.
Clarissa just nodded, contented at their talk as she drove their way to the hospital. It took them only half an hour pr less before Clarissa stopped the car in front of the emergency room. She parked on the nearest spot and turned off the engine. "Let's see what damaged Adrian did, shall we?" Clarissa looked at Diamond before jumping off the car.
Diamond nodded, hopping out of the car it being rather awkward with just one hand available but she made it work. "I feel like he really fucked up my hand, believe me it hurts more than you'd think." She said as she walked into the hospital with Clarissa.
"Payment for being stupid." Clarissa said as they made they way inside the room. The usual cases of emergency room patients greeted them. There was a patient who had a bloodied hand, there's even a man who had a blood soak towel on his head. The two went straight towards the counter and Clarissa greeted the nurse with a smile. She was about to introduce Diamond when suddenly someone called them from behind. "Clarissa! I was hoping I would never see you in the ER again." It was a nurse that they befriended. A proof that they spent way too much time in this hospital. "Hey," She smiled back at her, "Long time. I have a quota of ER worthy happenings." She chuckled. "Hope you could help us?"

"Yeah, sure." The nurse smiled at them and pulled a chart, just filled these up, you know the normal things." She shrugged as she handed Clarissa the clipboard. "Be back in a jiffy."

Clarissa looked at Vera and pulled the stripper on the bench. "You said that's the dominant right?" She asked at her. "Fine then, i'll write. Okay. Patient's name?"
She was about to open her mouth and tell her that her name was Diamond but realized that wasn't what she wanted. "Aminta Cossu." She said, looking over at Clarissa like 'don't ever call me that.' She pouted slightly, not really liking her real name but accepted it. She had no idea what Clarissa had that nurse before in the past but she was sure the nurse knew about her and Vera's relationship pretty well.
"Aminta Cossu?" Clarissa repeated. "Sounds like Italian. Are you italian?" She asked, still not looking at her as she scribbled her name. "Age and birthdate. Oh and allergies that they should know about?"
"No allergies. I'm 27 and January 14, 1989." She answered the nurse before answering Clarissa. "And no I'm not Italian. Why I don't go by that name."
"Hey, chill Aminta." Clarissa teased at her, "I'm just a scribe. I didn't make up this questions." The girl giggled before answering the others. Clarissa asked question at her when she needed to know something. They did it for like fifteen minutes minutes before Clarissa called out the nurse. "Hey, Miss Cossu here is done." Clarissa beamed as she handed her the clipboard.
Diamond rolled her eyes as she watch Clarissa call her 'Ms. Cossu' finding it ridiculous. "When we get home go back to calling me Diamond please. Really, do not like my first name or my last. First name is more tolerable though."
"You bet I will, Aminta." Clarissa winked playfully at her. Delighted to tease the stripper. "Just go and be done with your check up, Cossu." Clarissa pushed her away. "Be good to the nurses alright?"
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Diamond nodded, sighing as she had to go deal with doctors and nurses. She got taken back by a nurse and came back about two hours later with a cast on her arm. She went over to Clarissa looking ready to go home at this point and talk to Vera having plenty of time to adsorb what she did to her lover and how uncalled for it was just because she was drugged up. "Are you ready to go home now? I've had enough of doctors for a while now."
For her time being alone, Clarissa managed to call her parents. They were more than happy to talk to her and like always, they ask for Sage. When she mentioned that she was in a hospital, her mom started talking in a worried rapid french. It took sometime to calm her down and when she mentioned that it wasn't her nor Adrian or Sage, she heard her mom sighed with relief. Clarissa told it was Diamond but she never mentioned anything about why or who did that to her.

Her mom then asked the next question she always has: When will the wedding be. Clarissa tried to stall and reasoned out. She then realizes that maybe she was actually putting the wedding off. No, she convinced herself. They were just busy, that's all. It took almost an hour before Clarissa's mom said goodbye for she had some business to attend to.

"Hey," Clarissa greeted upon seeing Aminta all patch up. "I take that you won't be working tonight? Or can you still grab a pole woth that?" She stood up and lead Diamond outside.
"No I'm not going to work. Vera would just get more pissed at me and I don't want to fuck up my hand anymore." She said, it clear she was sobor was basically close it no longer pissy and snappy like she was earlier. She went outside with Clarissa and got into the car, shutting the passenger door as she got in.
"Good." Clarissa mumbled as she went inside the car. "At least now you know what the hell are you doing." She looked at him briefly before turning on the engine of the car. Once the way is clear, she pulled out and went on their way back.

Just like when they went out, going home was faster with Clarissa driving with no traffic. She pulls up the driveway and turn off the engine. "Are you good?" Clarissa turned at her and ask.
"Yeah I'm just fine. Why wouldn't I be? My arm is going to take a while to heal if that's what you're asking. He broke a couple bones in my hand and almost completely snapped the bone in my forearm." She said as she opened the door and took off her seat belt. "I'm mentally preparing myself for getting my ass yelled at by Vera."
"Stupid Acher." Clarissa hissed angrily at what her capricious boyfriend did at her. She just shook her head and pulled the keys out of the ignition. "Again, we are talking about Vera, it is out of her character to yell at you. Though if you could be less irritating and sweet at her later, everything will be okay."
Diamond nodded and went inside, Nicolas and Vera sitting in the living room. Nicolas was holding baby Austin and Vera was holding Sapphire and Verena. Sage was playing with Pudding in the middle of the living room floor. Diamond ran upstairs and changed into more appropriate clothes before going back downstairs, sat down next to Vera and laid down basically on top of Vera, her head resting on stomach. "Forgive me?"

Vera looked down at her and moved her leg so Diamond was forced to get off of her. "No." She said flatly, making Diamond frown and pout slightly. "I'm done with you being bitchy towards me when your high or drunk and you working in a club despite I've told you before not to do it."

"I promise I'll stop working there and I'll stay sober.. Please?" She asked, seeming like she was begging the girl. Vera just shook her head.
As soon as the door opens and Clarissa stepped in, Pudding's ear perked up. Her little girl was busy playing with the mutt eventually saw her came in. Sage shrieked and giggled, reaching her hand towards her mother and Clarissa gladly picked her up. Kissing her on her chubby little cheeks and head. "Hello, love." She whispered. Sage learned a trick from Clarissa, she taught Sage how to kiss but Sages mouth were open everytime and instead of her lips, saliva greeted their faces when the little girl decides to give them a smooch. She taught Sage how to do it to Adrian but this time, the little girl did it to her. "Sage," Clarissa groaned, pushing Sage away a bit to wipe her cheek. "Traitor." Clarissa giggled, the little girl shrieked with delight too. Clarissa sat on the ground and Pudding came to them, he rested his head on his paw and looked at the other way round.

She was busy with Sage that it took sometine for her to notice about what was happening at the two girls. She could sense Vera was being honest but Clarissa was sensing that she was only being hard to get. She knew she had feelings for her and at some point, Vera would eventually forgive her pimp.
Vera moved back to the way she was and managed to pulled a blanket up over her despite holding two kids. Diamond just staring at her, moving to the end of the couch not to bug the princess though she didnt stop staring at her. "Could you stop please?" She asked as she looked back at diamond.

"No I can't Russian Princess."

"Whatever you say Ms. Whore."

"You worked there too don't act like you didn't."

"At least I can choose my kids and ex over that place. I've never hit a lover and intend to keep it that way. If I wanted someone to hit me and yell at me I have Apollo for that." She spoke harshly, Nicolas seeming to rather interested in the twos fight but said nothing.
Apparently the two had really so much to talk about and it was getting all awkward for Clarissa hearing them fight like that, or hearing Vera deny her knowing that she will eventually crack up and take the stripper back.

"Okay." Picking up Sage, Clarissa stood up. She just smiled at Nicolas and went upstairs back in their room. Knowing that if something happens or fight broke off, Nicolas can easily separate the two.

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