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Their fight was actually fairly quiet and Nicolas never actually having to do anything. Diamond came upstairs after around 45 minutes and walked right into Clarissas room, laying down on Adrians side of the bed. "I have officially fucked up." She pouted, when she was upset or really even she never did have any respect for privacy or boundaries. "So, she kinda just like said she was done after I told her I wouldn't leave, took the kids and some of her stuff with her and left. I don't know where the fuck she's going so it's not like I can chance her down. I fucking doubt she's going into the heart of russia though." She pouted, moving her head so it was the pillow she was moving on just groaning into it loudly.
Sage was busy tormenting Pudding again. They were on the bed and Sage was leaning on the giant bear, hugging him tightly. The dog looked at Clarissa with his defeated eyes but every time she tries to pull Sage away, she ends up crying. The only way to make her quiet was putting her back on Pudding. "Sorry, pal." Clarissa just shrugged and let her little girl squeal with delight and giggle as she kisses Pudding.

Her brows went arched, seeing Diamond stormed inside the room. She knew she wasn't drunk nor high anymore that is why she is shocked seeing her inside but then she remembered that she did it already before. Pudding growled when Diamond went on Adrian's spot but Sage put her little head on his neck, giggling because she was happy the dog was vibrating and in an instant, Pudding stopped.

She listened to Diamond whine and complained, apparently the two underestimated Vera and she was really playing a hard to get. "And it's my problem because?" she looked at her and raised an eyebrow, her tone were stern. The stripper whined some more. She then learned that Vera is being a drama queen. "Vera's not cruel." Clarissa sighed. "She'll crash into some place. Seeing that she doesn't have an apartment anymore, she'll probably crash into one of your friends." Clarissa said, not exactly knowing what to call their fellow stripper. Workmates? Comrades? "Or she'll be stupid and do a stupid thing. Ask Nicolas if he ca --- no, i'll ask Adrian to call Apollo. Vera might go there."
Diamond pouted and just laid, there not minding Sage and Pudding being adorable just wanting Vera to forgive her and they can be happy again. "I highly doubt she'd go to Apollos, I really doubt that." She sighed quietly. "You can try that if you want though, I seriously don't know where she's going. I just want her to come back is all, I mean I told her I'd do whatever she wanted me to but she just didn't accept that. She got pissed and just left."
"Well, you're the fucking idiot who hit her." Clarissa groaned as she stared down on her. "You know she's stressing out and yet you do drugs, you got drunk and made her worry." Clarissa heaved a deep sigh, "Honestly, if Adrian hits me too. I'll probably walked out, leave him begging and shit." Finally done venting her anger at her, Clarissa calmed down. "You fucked up this time, just make sure it won't happen again. Vera loves you, she's just being a hormonal drama queen."
Diamond shook her head and moved so she was facing Clarissa. "I wouldn't call her a drama queen, we've had fights about my work and drugs before. A lot actually, and I guess me hitting her drew the line. I wouldn't blame her. I mean she trusts me so much for gods sake just broke her poor russian heart."
"I told you, you knew her well." Clarissa shrugged, "If she wasn't over reacting then you are fucking screwed. Look for her now, or don't let Adrian kicked you out again for what you did. I'll call him and try to help you out. Fix this mess, if you knew her well then you'll know where she'll go Diamond. "
"But where would she go?! For gods sake none of the other girls would accept her along with three kids and I doubt Apollo is even an option. She has three kids with her gods sake it's not like she has many choices." She groaned into the pillow loudly and thought for a moment, shaking her head. "I can only guess she got a hotel room. Which hotel? I don't know."
"Does she have money?" Clarissa asked, reaching for her phone on the bedside table. "I mean, Vera would be smart enough to not to waste it in a hotel room. I told you, start calling your friends it is worth a shot, sweetie." She patted her head, obviously the girl was really frustrated. She badly wanted to make fun of her but then it seemed cruel. Clarissa fiddled with her phone for a while then she looked at her again. "There, I texted Adrian. I already asked if he could call Apollo and asked if Vera was there."
Diamond nodded and went back into her and Vera's bedrooming, calling anyone that she might've gone to. She came back after a while and just curled right back up on the bed. "No one's seen her. I'm not surprised. She hasn't been around those girls in ages. Also she might have money, I'm not too sure we have different bank accounts."
"Adrian haven't responded as well." Clarissa said, now sitting up. Clearly she was as a little anxious on what was happening. "Vera is a freakin' drama queen." she growled at Diamond. "She said she has none, I mean she said she can't pay her apartment if she stopped working, unless you were giving her some money or if Apollo starts of supporting his kids financially, then that's the only way she can have one." She was all getting frustrated. "We can call all the hotel within the area, but if she plans on staying on a motel or used a fake name then we can't find her."
Diamond sighed and just laid there for a moment, thinking. "Just let her do what she wants, if she wants to leave for the night or however long just let her. Dragging her back here or talking to her isn't what she wants." She said as she sat up and just left the room, looking like she was about to cry.
She felt bad for Diamond, groaning she looked at Sage who fell asleep on top of the dog. Pudding was unmoving, as if he knew better to disturb the giddy little girl. "Stay," Clarissa whispered at Pudding, patting gis snout she went to follow the stripper. "Hey," she managed to reached her, Clarissa grabbed her good hand and pulled the girl into a hug. "We'll give her a night. If she doesn't come back tomorrow, we'll file a police report if you want." She mumbled, patting the stripper's hair.
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Diamond sighed, glancing at Clarissa not really in the mood for eye contact or anything of the sorts. "She's a grown woman, they can't do anything. We know she isn't missing. I seen her walk out the front door. She has to come back she can't afford formula and as far as I know she can't breastfeed at the moment. Hopefully she just left to cool down, I really can see why she's so pissed at me."
"Alright." Clarissa let go. "But I thought you said she had money? Anyways, your call. She's your ex." She sighed and stepped back. "Just call if me if something happens of if she contacted you." With a nod, she went back into their room and picked up Sage, not wanting to burden Pudding anymore. It was hard, considering she was fisting his fur. Poor bear. Eventually, Clarissa managed to get her little girl and she laid beside her.
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Pudding laid down at the end of the bed, laying down and closed his eyes eventually falling asleep being up with the rest of house and it was assumable they were all tired.

About an hour later, Vera had came back. Just going out for a breather and Diamond just panicking when she left without saying were she was going. Once Diamond heard the front door open, she went downstairs to go talk to the girl. "Where did you go?" She asked the girl, Nicolas was still just sitting the couch knowing he'd be here for the rest of the day and considering no one was talking to him he just sat there finally having some form of amusement or something to take his mind off whatever he was thinking about.

"None of your business." Vera said flatly, all three of her kids being asleep still.

"Yes it is my business." Diamond pouted, crossing her arms watching as Vera sat the three cribs down on the couch and what little space was left Vera sat there.

"It really isn't anymore. You're like everyone else and I've had enough of it."

"Everyone else?" She frowned, sort of confused by that statement but had an idea what she meant.

The ex-stripper, took a deep breath and stood up. She stared at Diamond for a moment but suddenly slapping the girl across the face. "YOU FAT FUCKING TRAMP." She screamed at her, throwing both Diamond and Nicolas off guard. Her three kiddies waking up because of it and at that moment she didn't seem to be too focused on her kids, knowing they were okay just scared or tired. Diamond tried to take a step back from the girl knowing better than to fight her back right now but was yanked right back to where she was. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Vera hissed.

Diamond frowned, shaking her head. "I know you're ang-"

"DO NOT TALK BACK TO ME." She paused for a moment before letting go of the girl. "Drug addicted slut what makes you think I want tolerate you? I'm done with you. Really if you want I suppose we can go back to you beating me every night for not making enough money." Vera sat down on the couch again, starting to rock Verena to try and make her calm down.

"Oh come on Vera that was before-"

"Before what, Pimp Cossu?"

Diamond took a deep breath and said nothing for a moment, clearly frustrated. "Go back to Apollo then octo-mom. Apparently no one is good enough for you."

"Oh no my standards are pretty low, I just don't want beat." She said sitting Verena down, about to go get their pacifiers. Diamond watched as she was about to walk upstairs and yanked the girl by the back of hair.

"Do not call me a tramp." Diamond said harshly, keeping a hold of her hair. Her anger finally snapping from being tired and beaten once already this morning. "Do NOT tell me what to do. Do NOT tell me you control this relationship." Nicolas went over the two and pretty easily got Diamond to let go of the girls hair and kept Diamond away from Vera even though Diamond wasn't fighting back.

"You do know Vera only pushed your buttons Diamond to see if you'd hurt her again." He sighed, being good at reading people so it wasn't that to tell what Vera was doing to her ex-pimp. "I personally will step in between your relationship now, Cossu." He said making Diamond furrow her brows just staring up at the much taller man who was pissing her off but she knew better than to struggle with him. "She is part of my family, only reason why I let her hit you like that and talk like that was because I was curious myself. Go to anger management classes or date my son Dedrich instead. I'm sure he sexual desires at some point." He scoffed. "I have no tolerance for you at this point, if you loved that girl you would not hit her even when you are drugged. You are sober and you'll still hurt her. I will personally see to it you do not hurt again." Vera just stood there watching the two. "You are no better than Apollo to her at this point now, you've showed her how much you care so get over the fact that I won't let you two see each other anymore and I'm sure Vera doesn't even want you to see you anymore."
Clarissa was reading a book, her feet was on Pudding, brushing his mane continuosly. The dog didn't seem to mind it for he stayed there. She transferred Sage back on her side, the little girl slept peacefully until they heard screaming downstairs. Sage jolted up and started to cry, Pudding's head perked up and glance by the open door.

"Stay, Pudding." Clarissa warned the bear. Sage cried, annoyed that she was woken up so Clarissa picked her and cradled her in her arms. Hushing the vexed baby back to sleep. With the intensity and loudness of their voice, she didn't need to go downstairs to know what was happening.

Apparently, Diamond laid a hand on Vera again. In their duration of stay, this was the worst fight they've ever been in and Clarissa don't know what to do. Clearly Vera was fed off from Diamond's pimp alter ego, among other things.

"Oh crap." Clarissa sighed, hearing Nicolas' stern voice. "Remind me to thank you dad when he gets home." Clarissa whispered at the little girl. "Calling Nicolas is the right call."
Nicolas let go of Diamond, watching her as she went upstairs without a weird. Vera just stood there awkwardly before going over picking up Sapphire and Austin rocking them both in her arms starting to make them hush up. Nicolas picked up Verena out of her car seat and sat down on the other end of the couch from Vera knowing Diamond wasn't going to help and Clarissa had her own kid. He didn't mind helping with his grandkids anyway to begin with. The two were silent though, Vera probably not knowing what to say and Nicolas didn't have anything else left to say.
She felt like an eavesdropper but Clarissa did it anyways. She stood by the door and tried to listen if everyone was still shouting and all but everything was quiet. She did heard though a crashing of door somewhere, she just assumed it was Diamond. The girl was really having a tough day. Not knowing else what to do, she stayed by the bed with Sage, hoping for Adrian to arrive and lessen the awkwardness the fight the other couple caused.
It was all basically silent until Adrian walked through the fromt door, coming home early after the text he got from Clarissa not wanting to go to work today anyway. He stared at Vera for a moment, not expecting the girl to be there and glanced at his father. He went upstairs and looked at Clarissa all confused. "What the actual fuck is going on?"
Bored to her wits, Clarissa started to annoy Pudding by tickling his ear with his tail. Annoying the dog was probably a hereditary trait. She tried reading a book but the words just swam in her head. She wanted to go out of the roon but she didn't exactly know who to comfort thus Playing with Pudding while Sage was awake was the only option.

As soon as Adrian stepped inside, Pudding jumped down from the bed and went to his side, tired of Clarissa's and Sage's weird treatment of him. Pudding nudge Adrian as if he was telling the things that was done to him.

Pouting, Clarissa went back laying on the bed. "Err... Pretty much what happened since Diamond started things. Vera lashed out, we still don't know where she went. And they were still broken up. Diamond tried to hit Vera or she did actually hurt her and Nicolas saw it... I...uh, didn't go down. Pretty much heard it all from here." She mumbled quietly.
Adrian nodded, sitting down on the bed next to Clarissa letting Pudding climb on top of him and love him to death; enjoying the fuzzyness of the huge beast. "Well that sounds like a lovely day." He commented jokingly He thought for a moment before laying down, Pudding just following in response. "Can we get another dog? One that isn't as big. I still want to keep Pudding I just want more animals, humans are too loud and bitchy. I can't train Diamond and Vera to grow the fuck up."
"Oh you have no idea," Clarissa groaned, it wrong to complain but she's got tired of a lot of shouting. "I thought the reason why we move to a different house is to get away from Apollo's issue. Your brother is fucking dickhead." she mumbled quietly, patting Pudding's furry behind at the same time. The beardog moved closer to his father, obviously not knowing that he can bury Adrian under his fur... "I'm sorry Acher, but no." Clarissa said firmly, still patting Pudding's behind. "We need to settle this issue first before you bring some other mutated animal back in the house.
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Adrian pouted, right now not wanting to put with anyone or anything. He muttered something into the dogs fur muffling his voice before peeking his head out from underneath that huge dog. "Tell them all to move out, I don't want to put up with anyone else anymore. They're not my problem. Send 'em away with my father and he can get Apollo to fix them." He pouted, not wanting to deal with them today at all. "Go make them be adults."
It was pretty unusual for Adrian to be like that but his pout was endearing and so damn cute that Clarissa giggled had to leant down and gave him a light kiss. "Sorry," it was a struggle to compose her face from laughing. "We can't kick them out. I won't. They are our friends no matter how bitchy and loud they could be. They are just going into a rough patch, babe." The struggle not to laugh and giggle was real for Adrian was still pouting and acting like a child. She moved over his head and had to pull Adrian's head underneath Pudding just so she could put it on her lap. "Don't worry, they will settle this and everything will go back to normal." She leant again and gave him a kiss, wiping her mouth afterwards for she could feel Pudding's fur on her lips.
Adrian just let Clarissa move him around, being at mercy of her and the giant beast on top of him. "Still, go make them be adults because I don't want to be putting up with that shit. I'll stay in here with Pudding and become more best friends with this beast. You can go be more best friends with Vera, Diamond and my Dad."

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