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Diamond gave a small smile at the little girl, ruffling her hair. "I'm sorry dearie but I'm not a very talkative mood today. Me and your mother are both dealing with relationship problems." She said picking her up and gave her hug, being like Vera when she was sad and just wanted to cuddle with someone no matter how old probably even getting that trait from her as well. "I don't know how you can leave Adrian so easily.. You guys even have a kid together for gods sake."
She left Sage in Diamond's bed and plopped herself on the other. "Wow. I would get down at that high horse of yours." Clarissa laughed bitterly. "Saying those things when you just hit your girlfriend under the influence of drugs." She pulled herself up and cross her legs on the bed. "I'm not like Diamond who's willing to be pushed around like that. If he's going to be a dick, threatening to kick me out because he is annoyed, wanting someone to hit me just to prove a point then piss off, I'd rather raise my kid than to deal with his abusive bullshit. And we are not breaking up, not yet anyways. As much as he is a prick, I do love Adrian. I'm just giving him space to deal with his drama."
Diamond very gently sat Sage down on the bed, her face faltering when the comments diracted at her came. "God I feel fucking horrible for it and nobody seems to give a shit." She said, standing and slipped her shoes on. As she walked out of the room it was very clear that girl was leaving to go cry lord knows when she would be back, Clarissa in the room by herself with her daughter.
"It is your fault." She said quietly after Diamond left. She actually felt bad about the girl but she had that coming once she took up that drugs. She gave the stripper some breathing room and decided that she'll apologize once she got back. "Okay little girl, it's you and me again. Aunt Cossu is really upset, your daddy is a jerk, Aunt Vera ran off somewhere, do you think we should run to New York now? Or should we go back to annoy daddy?" She chimed as she picked up busy Sage and went to their side of the bed. Sage cooed and handed her the remote and placed it on her ear. "Man. You are busy. Okay, finish your meeting with Barbie, Miss Sage. Mommy will sleep."
Diamond seemed to just vanish from the hotel, never coming back just leaving Clarissa and Sage alone for a good long while until Nicolas knocked on the door not having a key to their room so he couldn't just enter though Diamond had to have talked to him at some point for him to know where they were.
The little girl finished her meeting and decided to curl on Clarissa's side. They did woke up however when they heard a knock on the door. "Wait there. Stay!" Clarissa warned Sage like how she did on Pudding, and the little girl just smiled at her as she lays on her back. Clarissa was surprised seeing who it was. "Nicolas? Hey." She open the door widely for him to enter, and when the little girl saw his grand father, the Pudding spell wore off as she went on her stomach and started shrieking with delight. Clarissa ran by the bed and took her before she even made a move. "What are you doing here? Is Vera okay?" Clarissa asked quietly. Sage still had her remote and her tiny arms were reaching for him.
"Vera's fine. My son isn't." He said bitterly, clearly upset over Adrian pressumbly as he did go to Clarissa. "You can keep Pudding." He said walking away and just quickly as he left Vera was hurrying up to catch up with him but stopped at the hotel door, having carried the two little dogs Adrian had just got and had Pudding on a leash. She went into the room without saying anything to her at first and shut the door for Clarissa. She sat the two little dogs on the bed and just took off Puddings leash sitting on the ground as she hugged the giant bear. "So uh.. I know Nicolas most likely didn't tell you he didn't act like he was when we were coming here at least." She sighed quietly, petting Pudding gently as she stared up at Clarissa. "Anyway what Adrian did at some time really late at night he called Dedrich, and Dedrich in return told Nicolas was Adrian was doing. Summed up of what Nicolas told me is that he told Dedrich is that you hated him and he didn't know what to do, that he was done with everyone and everything.." She trailed off clearly trying to find the right words. "Uh.. I'll be just say it flat out. Adrian killed himself, Nicolas tried getting ahold of him after Dedrich told him that, he wouldn't answer his phone.. So he went over there and Adrian was already dead.. Nicolas thinks he overdosed and drank a lot of boos and did it before he even called Dedrich. He's fucking pissed at you Clarissa I'm warning you about trying to talk to him. He's pissed I had to get a hold of Diamond to find out where you two even fucking where while he did all that shit."
Clarissa never thought in a million years that she'll hear that news. For some reason she manage to find the bed and sit on it. It was just ringing in her ears first.She was completely unaware of her surroundings before her world shattered. Her heart constricted and every breath she took was painful as hell. Her knees became limp but her arms became tight and protective around Sage. That was it. It was all over. No warnings calls, no vomiting and searching, no life supports to bring him back. To bring Adrian back to her. Their future. Their life. Over.

The ring on her hand felt heavier but she didn't removed them. It like a pronise, after all.

"Really I do love you, even if Apollo seems to think I'm into him. I want to be yours and yours alone. I'm just curious if you feel the same way towards me, forever."

His words, clear as fucking daylight. It was as if he just said it yesterday, all nervous and anxious. She tried closing her eyes and imagine just the two of them, back in his car, imagining them just to hold back reality but reality is a bitch and a force of nature. It was like a wrecking ball shattering and smashing everything she holds dear.

"Get out." Clarissa said, almost a whisper when she found her voice. "GET THE FUCK OUT, WHORE." Clarissa bellowed at her. "WE WERE HAPPY, FUCKING HAPPY. ENGAGE EVEN. THEN YOU STUPIDLY GOT KNOCK UP. WE HAVE TO TAKE YOU AND YOUR UNGRATEFUL PIMP IN. AND BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING PUSH OVER, AND FUCKING DRAMA QUEEN WHO DOESN'T EAT EVEN THOUGH SHE MUST, I ASK AD–ADRIAN FOR HELP." Her voice almost broke in mentioning his name but Mama Clarissa was on a roll. "WE FOUGHT BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE!" Clarissa laughed bitterly, her eyes were glaring at her. "YOUR PIMP GOT OVER PROTECTIVE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT." She put Sage down who was on the verge of crying herself. Pudding jump on the bed and curled around tiny Sage. The little girl got distracted and hold on his fur. She grabbed Vera's arm and drag the girl towards the door. Her hands gripped her tight, taking no prisoners, and honestly doesn't even care if she hurt Vera or if Vera hurts her. There's no pain that can match what she was feeling right now. Maybe a good bout will do her good? Who knows.

"GET THE FUCK OUT." Clarissa pushed the girl out of her hotel room with her new found adrenaline and shut the door behind her. Locking all the possible locks as if that will help in stopping the inevitable. She ran back on the bed and took Sage by her arms. Tears fell like waterfalls but she held back her sobbing by biting in her knuckles. She doesn't want to Sage to cry and be alarmed. It was a good thing that she was too young to know and feel what destruction and heartbreak is.
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Vera was completely silent and just took what Clarissa just did with her, understand it on a weird level but did not apprecitate it in the slightest. She picked herself up off the hotel floor and went to go find Nicolas, knowing that he was going to need to talk to Clarissa sooner or later.

With all the screaming Clarissa was doing and the negative mood in the room they both started to make noise like they were crying. They didn't snuggle up with Pudding or Clarissa though just staying close to each other. Adrian being the onle one they somewhat knew but he wasn't there so they just decided to panic amungst themselves.
Clarissa woke up with a jolt. There she was back in her hotel room, in the middle of the night, with Sage but no Pudding and no two little mutts that is wrinkly and spotty. Sage was hugging the remote and was on her side, sleeping. Diamond wasn't back yet from her outburst. Clarissa held back a sob, It was a dream. A fucking nightmare. She said to herself. She stood up and felt a tear rolled down from her cheek.

She called on the reception, asking them to call a cab, the reception even asked her if she was alright for her voice was in near breaking. Clarissa assured that she was fine. Minutes later she was downstairs. A note to be handed to Diamond if she ever comes back along with Vera's carkeys. She settled the bill, handed a note to the reception and checked out.

After half an hour or so, the cabbie drop them off to their driveway. The man also helped them drop their bags. She paid the cabbie handsomely for the trouble and off he goes. Clarissa gingerly opened the door, with Pudding greeting them happily. She wanted to pet the bear but there are far more important matter. Clarissa headed upstairs in the nursery, everything was quiet. Her heartbeat went faster remembering her stupid dream. As soon as Sage was slumbering on her crib, Clarissa almost ran back towards their room.

Her heart was still stubbornly beating faster as she climbed on the bed, pushing the two mutts away from her baby daddy. Clarissa, didn't bother and ignored the fact that Adrian was sleeping, climbed on top of him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she buried her face on his chest. Clarissa's heart was beating hard and fast against her chest. She felt stupid but she started crying and can't stop. Adrian was there, alive and probably annoyed at what she was doing but she didn't care. She was still scared at her nightmares that she felt that if she let go, Adrian would be gone.
Adrian woke up pretty quickly just feeling the girl climb on top of him, not expecting to see her tonight or tomorrow even. He was still shirtless and dressed the way he was when Clarissa left. "What are you doing..?" He asked, sitting up in the bed and did it in a manner so Clarissa was able to sit in his lap and didn't have to let go of him. He smelled like liquor and clearly was drinking just by the smell of it, whether or not he had taken pills was a mystery, her dream possibly being like a that's so raven vision. The two little pups were being noisy from being woken up and weren't happy about it; both of them were little whiny things. "I thought you left for the night."
"Gods, you reek." She said quietly but not minding the smell of alcohol in his breath. Clarissa pulled him closer, not wanting to let go. She was secretly happy that he was drunk, it was probably for the best so he won't ask why the fuck she was bawling her eyes out in the middle of the night while clinging to him like a baby koala. "I'm here, just shut up and go back to sleep." Clarissa's voice broke midsentence as she tried to muffle her cries against his neck.
He sighed quietly and rubbed the girls back gently, even when he was drunk he still cared about the girl. "Tell me what's wrong, I can't really sleep when you're sobbing into my chest and neck Clarissa." He picked up the two little pups and sat them so stuffed in between the two of them. "Whatevers wrong small animals will fix it so you'll be okay. They're cute. I got the fat one because it reminded me of when Pudding was a pup."
"I'll try to be quiet." Clarissa said in between her sobs. "Just go back to sleep." She wanted to argue but chose to ignore what he said. No amount of small animals, well except if it was a unicorn then the annoying girl on his lap would be happy as hell again, that can pacify her anxious heart. "And Pudding is one and only. That fat one looked like a loaf of bread with spots. While the other one looked like weird brains, with all their folds." Clarissa managed to blurt out as she wiped her eyes with her hands.
Adrian laughed, moving the dogs out from in between the two of them. He moved suddenly so Clarissa was back on the bed and Adrian was ontop of him about to kiss her when Pudding ran into the room forcing Adrian to lay on top of Clarissa while Pudding laid on top of him. Pudding clearly not being upset the pups, not knowing how to feel about them. "This isn't what I wanted." Adrian pouted, rolling off Clarissa so the girl wouldn't be smashed and Pudding in return laid down across the two of them barking once happily, freaking the two little whiny dogs out.
"Move over, you big lump." Clarissa growled at Pudding, not in the mood for being picked over Pudding as of the moment. She climbed back on top of Adrian and not willing to let go of him. "Go, eat those dough and weird brains." She mumbled against his neck, pushing the dogbear with her foot towards the tiny puppies.
Adrian rolled his eyes and pulled Clarissa closer, watching Pudding whine for a moment before laying down next to them; assuming he had done something wrong and just left the room sadly to just lay in Sage's nursery. "Can I keep those dogs? If you really don't like them I can give those back and get different ones. There bulldog pups that's why theyre so wrinkly. I was hoping to raise them so they would be the little assholes of the family. They seem pretty whiney though."
"You really want to have a new dog, huh." Clarissa said quietly, nuzzling his neck. She already stopped crying but she was still heaving a little. "Why the hell do you want two? Can't you just get one and be happy with it?" Clarissa knew that she wasn't going to win, or she had to let him win, he's like a lkttle boy throwing a fit. He might change the puppies but they're still getting one, one way or the other. "If you want someone having an attitude in this house, I can teach Sage. It'll be a piece of cake trust me."
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"Oh god no, not here. Dog sassiness and female sass is not the same thing, trust me I put up with both." He joked lightly though he was serious, kissing her cheek gently. "I don't know I just got two because I thought you'd like the fat one and I liked the color of the wrinkly one so, yeah. I want a new dog because I'm not getting a knew kid out of you anytime soon and don't really want to deal with your ho- I don't want to deal with planning and making room for another one. A dog I can just get and the only thing I have to do is feed the damn thing." He said, almost saying hormones but knew better than to start that fight with Clarissa.
"Then why on earth did we have Sage when we could have a dog?" Clarissa pouted but soon gave in to his whim. It is better than bulldogs, Clarissa was afraid that if she let him change them, he would bring much bigger. "Fine, we'll keep them. Dough and Wrinkly. Happy? Train them like how Pudding is or i'll toss them out in the driveway." Clarissa mumbled like a child. "Can you stay home tomorrow? Ditch work, I mean." She tried to ask him but it came put as a plea, she was still shock and scared at her dream.
"Yeah I can.. I never really miss work so I have plenty of sick and leave days I can take. Why though? You still won't tell me whats wrong." He sat up and grabbed the two pups, moving them closer to them. "Learn to love them, I'm sure they'll be sweet. I just worry about Sage killing them or getting bit. They are puppies and not trained yet so please don't let her do to them what she does to Pudding for a good while. We also had Sage because my father wanted a grand kid and you seemed to mess up on your birth control." He snickered quietly, remembering her denial over the whole thing. "I wasn't planning on Apollo having fucking triplets in the near future, I was almost completely sure he was gay."
Clarissa just shook her head, not actually planning on telling him what is her problem. "Yeah, maybe tomorrow." Clarissa wanted to push the pup away but instead she hide her face on his neck. He really is like a little boy playing with his new toy, if not for her stupid nightmare, she'll find him cute and downright adorable. "I'm not sure if I can stop Sage giving her love to that lumps. But i'll try to stop her killing them." Clarissa did feel a little anxious having new pups around, Adrian was right, Sage's hands were like vises against the puppies' soft lumps. Her anxiousness was still way over her head that she didn't even smile at his own little joke. "I had different priorities back then and you had to visit me on the worst possible time." Clarissa said defensively. "But yeah, you were the perfect distraction, so i'm not complaining." When he mentioned the triplets, Clarissa felt a little guilty to Vera, even in dreams, she never wanted to screeched and drag her like that. "He's still a dickwad. I don't care if he's not completely gay." Clarissa pouted again, remembering Apollo taking Adrian from her.
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Adrian smiled faintly at the comments at his brother. "Even if he was completely gay I wouldn't care, he'd probably turn abusive to his boyfriend too." He watched her snuggle the little animal finding both her and the animal cute. "If you want instead of dogs we can always try for a son and get rid of the dogs." He shrugged, actually being fine for either. "But please for the love of god do not have three pop out, two isn't even okay. Just one. Oh my god." He gave an awkward laugh at the thought of them having triplets like Vera did. "Actually we'll just keep the dogs I'm not risking it, you can decide whenever you want another kid because I can't handle those choices."
"I don't give a fuck whatever the hell he is." Clarissa said indifferently, but he did appreciate the distraction in their topic, though it wasn't enough to serve its purpose, she was still tense and scared. "I do want a son, I told you that." Clarissa looked up and pouted at him, "You're seriously trading a possible second born for dogs? For real!?" Clarissa snuggled back on his neck. "If Sage is already say three or four, don't you dare get drunk or else I'll take advantage of you. Next thing you know I may be pregnant, four girls if possible."
Adrian groaned, hitting her playfully. The alcohol he consumed clearly lightened his mood not make it worse. "Please don't" He said honestly. "It probably wouldn't be taking advantage of me.. just the kids isn't what I would want. One at a time if could." He laughed again though he was serious. "Right now dogs, a son later, or another daughter.. if we luck out. I don't know to control gender and I don't think theres anyway to."

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