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She didn't know if she was clearly being dramatic but her nightmares really took toll on her. She wanted to be happy, to smile and enjoy their time but depression was sucking her dry. Clarissa did however love hearing him talk about future. All their possibilities, all planned out. Sort of. "I'll just get you drunk some other time so you don't have to worry about kids. After all you are succeptible when you're wasted." She tried to smile but ended up sighing. She counted the days and PMS are still not on her schedule so she can't exactly blame hormones. Clarissa tried to think of something, a way to describe what she was feeling but she was coming to one word... traumatize. The pain and fright was too real that even when she woke up earlier she was shaking. If it weren't for Sage, maybe she'll turn hysteric on her way back.
"Whatever you say." He smiled at her, the smile quickly faded and moved the dog away. He sat up on Clarissas lap being the attractive cute drunk beast he was, poking her nose. "Really though, tell me what's wrong. I can't make you feel better until you tell me what's wrong." He pouted a bit, messing with the ends of her hair. It was rather sweet, him worrying about her even while intoxicated being the sweet Adrian he typically way.
Clarissa forced on a smile as she looked at him. He was so damn mercurial and it doesn't help when he has a freakin' suicidal tendencies. He was fighting dirty and he doesn't even know it. It was so hard for her to know if he was in a piss off mood or in plain destructive mood. Clarissa kissed his lips lightly and wrapped her arms on his neck. She curled up in his lap and broke down. Clarissa shook her head, as if trying to answer his question. "Nothing," she answered quietly and blame everything on the one thing he knew to blame whenever she's being weird. "Hormones. PMS. That's all." She sobbed against his chest.
Adrian sighed quietly, making Clarissa look at him by holding up her chin. "I'm not going to hurt you, whatever is wrong I don't know why you think I would. So please tell me what's wrong and if it really is PMS I'll go get you cholocate or make you strawberry short cake like how when you were pregnant." He kissed her gently, resting his forehead against hers. "Please don't be pregnant again if that's what you're not telling me, like.. I'll live with it but I'd prefer to wait have more kids please and thank you."
Her eyes were already raw and puffy from crying but tears were a stubborn and refuses to stop. "N–no, please don't go." Clarissa cried, pulling Adrian closer to her as if she was a little girl who will be left behind. She tried to calm herself md managed to stop crying like a lost little girl. "I'm not pregnant, dumbass." She said quietly, a little horrified if something like that happen when Sage is still little. "Don't mind me. It'll pass. But what if I do want to have another kid right now? What then? Will you go and leave because you don't want one right now?"
"No I wouldn't.. I probably wouldn't be the most happy person ever about it but I'd live with it. You know I do a lot of things for you and really if you wanted another kid badly enough right now I'd learn to accept it. I just don't want one right now. Diamond and Vera are a handful, along with Sage. We got family issues going on now anyway I just think its best if we wait." He hugged her gently, having no idea what was wrong with her in the slightest. "Anyway don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I got you and these little pups to take care of." He laughed quietly, kissing her cheek.
"It's your kid and you're not going to be happy with it? Poor child." Clarissa sighed as she adjusted her head on his chest. His warmth was really comforting but she's far from relax and he still smells like alcohol. "Don't worry. I'm not exactly into getting fat again. I'm contented as of the moment." She looked up and kissed his jaw line. "If Pudding and Sage get jealous with those pups, i'm not reliable on what those two will do." Clarissa forced on a smile as she laced her fingers over his, and kissed them gently one by one...
"I would be happy with it!" He pouted a bit, shaking his head. "We've judt already got enough on our plate as it is for the time being. That's why I want to wait." He said just pouting more and snuggled closer to the girl. He turned his attention to the little puppies roaming around on the bed. "I'll be right back." He said as he stood up, leaving the room for a moment and came back with a box and blanket, sitting the box in the floor and stuck the blanket in the box before sitting the pups in there so they'd be warm. He got back into bed with Clarissa going back to snuggling with her. "I didn't want to have either of us accidentally roll onto one of them that's all."
"I know. I know." Clarissa said quietly. They do need to settle what was happening with Diamond and Vera first, thinking of Diamond, she just hoped she already got the message. When Adrian left her for quite a while, Clarissa poked Dough's fat tummy with her index finger lightly. She had to admit they were cute but she'll be always pro Pudding. She did pout however when she saw Adrian came back with the puppies' makeshift bed. "I'm serious." She said quietly, adjusting herself on his lap once more. Her arms were wrapped around his neck again. "Pudding and Sage will definitely join forces because of how you treat them. You have to orient those two or else those folds will be bitten Sage."
"They're puppies for gods sake and theyre brand new how could you expect me not to love them and treat them so nicely. I treat Pudding the same way basically, I was like this when Pudding was a pup too." He rolled his eyes. "These ones are just smaller and more sensitive, which I'm hoping they'll grow out of soon enough. Pudding is welcome to come in and here to cuddle but you did seem to upset him earlier so he's pouting somewhere."
"They're fat and wrinkly and weird." Clarissa said, nuzzling his neck. "But fine, they're cute. Especially Dough. And yes, his name is Dough. Use it or he's out." She admitted in the end. She'll have a new puppy to play and poke with. "And Pudding is never a puppy. He is a dog when you brought his fat and pudgy behind. And he is furry. Don't worry, i'll apologize to Pudding tomorrow. I promise. But for now..." Clarissa sighed and hugged Adrian closer, she was not getring use in the smell of alcohol in him.
"One of them is fat, the other is normal. That fat one was the fattest one in the litter so I got it. I'm hoping he doesn't stay fat forever. Who's scared of a fat bulldog?" He snickered quietly. "I remember when I lost my abs for a short period of time because I was busy with work and you were all upset. I wasn't fat mind you but I wasn't defined. Keeping up abs is hard work." He said kissing her again. "If I ever lost my abs for good which will probably happen when I get older, I'm not my dad I'll have to prepare myself for your harassment."
"One is pudgy and the other is extra pudgy. Don't argue." Clarissa kissed him lightly before smiling for the first time after she got back. "I'll spoil Dough so he'll be like fat and pudgy forever. Steak and meat for every time he has to eat. No one will be scared but he'll be adorable forever." Clarissa pushed herself up and pull Adrian's chin down so that they were looking eye to eye. "You may not have your abs, I will still love you Acher. Always and forever. Hope you remember that. And harassing is such a strong word but yes, you're right. Maybe I won't stop teasing you but I will love you still, so there's that..." Clarissa smiled again before kissing him in his nose and forehead.
Adrian rolled his eyes and got the two dogs holding them again, handing the fat one to Clarissa just wanting to cuddle with them some more. "That poor dog is going to fat and spoiled rotten if you do something like that but fine, we can have one fat dog and the other one can be a small verison of Pudding." He rolled his eyes, messing with wrinkles of the little pups skins. "That puppy really is fat though it's basically filled out its wrinkles that its suppose to have." He snickered.
"Nope. This is worse." Clarissa chuckled as she climbed off Adrian's lap and laid down on her side while the little loaf looking dog was in her hands. Clarissa stared at it for a while, checking it by tilting it side to side. "Sage will definitely bite this one, babe." She chuckled quietly as she handed back the dog. She moved closer to Adrian but the little boy clearly had his mind on his newest dog. She was in a better mood, still scared but she was better now than earlier. Clarissa whistled and patted the bed, in an instant Pudding padded inside the room and jump on their bed. He still wasn't happy with his new companion, can't do anything about it, he fitted himself in the space at the middle of the two, inching his snout on Adrian's lap.
Adrian laid down the two pups and scratched behind Puddings ears, making sure to give the dog attention. "Lets be honest Clarissa Sage would bite me or you if we let her. She's adorable don't get me wrong me a kick ass kid but jesus christ does she love to shove everything into her little mouth."
"She's a baby, Adrian." Clarissa rolled her eyes at him. "Babies bite and they put anything that their little hands could get inside their mouth. Or was it a trait she learned from Pudding?" She grimaced, suddenly imagining Sage learning how to bark first before talking. She shook her head lightly. No, she thought. Sage is a talkative young girl. The proof was earlier back at the hotel. "Oh shoot, nearly forgot. Err... I'm going home. Next week. With Sage." Clarissa didn't knew that it was the perfect time to tell him but she might forgot if she didn't mention it.
"Alright well, I have work so I'm assuming I'm going to have to stay here? Or are you wanting me to take off work?" He asked, messing with her hair being mildly annoyed that this was random and out of blue probably having to stuck with Diamond Vera while she was gone.
After her freakin' nightmare, thinking of leaving Adrian seems impractical. But then it was just a dream, and he was in a good mood. He just have to be in a good mood for the rest of the week. Clarisaa decided that she'll just have to behave and reel her temper just to be safe. "It'll be only for three day, babe." She cooed at him, rubbing his back lightly. "Plus you can use that time in training those pups without Sage bullying them to death."
Adrian shrugged. "Meh I'm use to being around people all the time, sounds rather lonely." He said, resting his hand over Clarissas eyes for a moment before laying the two small animals on top of her face. "Deal with it Shawty." He laughed quietly, removing his hand from her face. The way he was acting not really seeming drunk, probably taking something else along with liquor just because of the smell he had on him.
She felt the hot belly of the two dogs in her face. They were warm and soft, pudgy like pillows. "What the hell," Clarissa took the two puppies from her face and place it on their side. She sat up and glared at Adrian. "Shawty?!" Clarissa repeated what Adrian just said. "Are you high?!" It was a rhetorical question for she knew that he was drunk. Him slurring and speaking like some kid from the ghetto are some signs of him.being intoxicated. "Take them back. It's getting late. Don't make me wake Sage or else I will and you know she'll not stop once she saw that puppies."
Adrian reached over, grabbing the two pups and stood up. He sat the dogs back into their ghetto bed, and laid back down saying nothing for a moment before reaching over pushing Clarissa off the bed onto the floor. "I told you if you told me what to do you'd be out. So. You can leave." He said sitting up enough to see her on the floor, giving her a dickish charming smile. "I'm keeping them or you can stay in New York and I can return your engagement ring." Pudding just stared at Adrian like he knew exactly what he was saying to Clarissa with the look of 'take it back brother,' trying to be the mans wing man but he couldn't speak.
Clarissa easily broke her promise. "I meant take them back on their box, moron." She snapped at him. "I already agreed in keeping them, dickwad but it is getting late, so I ask you to let them rest so we could too." Clarissa glared at him, furious and slightly hurt at what he said. If he was too drunk, what he said was too much. Giving the charming idiot a chance, she reached out for the lamp on the bedside table and switch it off. "Just go to sleep, Acher." Clarissa pulled the covers and turn her back at him.
"I'm not tired." He said as he was about to leave the room to spend time downstairs but as he was sitting up Pudding stood up on the bed biting his arm just barely breaking skin but it was there. Adrian frowned at Pudding, trying to rip his arm out of the dogs grip but Pudding only tighten his bite on Adrians arm. "Let go of me, Pudding." He said using his other hand to try and pry the dogs mouth open the dog just refusing to let go.

Adrian stared at Pudding for a moment before letting go his mouth for a moment trying to see if the dog would let go but when Pudding didn't Adrian hit him hard enough in the muzzle for Pudding to let go. He was walking out of the room when Pudding starting barking at him, when Adrian didn't stop walking he seemed to get more pissed off; jumping off the bed and bit him by his pant leg rather than his leg, only biting his arm because Adrian didn't have a shirt on. "I swear to fucking god Pudding what's wrong with you?" He asked the dog clearly in no mood to fight with him. Pudding seeming not to care what Adrian did or said, just wanting him to stay upsets in their bedroom.
"Pudding!" Clarissa jumped down from the bed and switch on the lights when she heard the beardog cried after being obviously hit. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Adrian?!" She growled, and clearly not happy with how he was acting. "Pudding, enough. Go to Sage." She ordered calmly at the dog. Pudding hesitated a little for he was scared and angry at the same time at his daddy. Pudding growled before he went out and went inside the nursery.

"You're worse than your typical drunk." Clarissa hissed, swatting his chest hard. "What the hell is going on Adrian? This isn't funny anymore."
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