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Vera stared at her for a moment but nodded her head. "Alright. I can eat as slowly as I want though." She pouted slightly, taking another bite of food. She laughed quietly at he thought of something. "I wonder if I talked in Russian to Apollo he'd actually enjoy his kids. I can probably teach those kids Russian and flee back to Russia with Diamond. We'd be free though I don't want to see my parents again."
"I thought you don't want to see Apollo again?!" Clarissa grimaced at her, "Don't adjust yourself for him. If he doesn't want to talk to you in plain english, then don't bother speaking to him in russian." Clarissa suggested as she took a piece of bacon and popped it inside her mouth. The juicyness of the strip is really mouthwatering. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea. But I can't help you when you are that far away." Clarissa added quietly. "What's up with your parents though?"
"My parents were just all around assholes. The term "tiger mom" which is used for asian parents but that was my mother just the russian form. My father was a heavy drinker and a violent drunk when he was around." She shrugged her shoulders, sighing quietly. "That's my childhood summed up until I moved out and came here." Vera focused on her food for a few minutes, eating most of it but there was still a few bites left. "Is this good? I'm not that hungry to begin with considering I had to eat late last night and its pretty early in the morning."
"That's an awesome childhood." Clarissa said quietly, not exactly knowing whether to sympathize or be angry at Vera's parents. Clarissa really felt grateful for having such an awesome and amazing mom and dad. "You know that they were like that, yet the thought of going back home is still in your mind? You know you don't have to, Diamond will only agree because that's what you like but deep down, she'll hate it. If your dad is still the same towards you, Diamond won't just sit there and watch, you know she'll fight him off? Look at what happened to her and Adrian? and I'm pretty sure if something like that happens, Diamond will not be in a good shape afterwards." Clarissa sighed, she spoke out of her connotations towards Russians and nothing else. "But who knows, maybe they changed." Clarissa just nibbled some more bacon, preventing a scowl on her face as she watched Vera stopped eating. "Yeah, that's all good. You still have to eat later though."
"My father last time I seen him, which he probably still, a fat bear. He's no where near in shape and honestly Diamond probably couldn't fight him just because she weighs no near as much as him. He isn't that strong, he could probably just crush her is all. I don't want to go back it just came up. I'm sure he isn't what you're imaging. My mother used to be somewhat violent and she was like me right now, she never ate and lef-" She paused for a minute, stopping that sentence just to not get Clarissa on her again. "Anyway my father was a fatass and my mother was a tiny woman. Odd couple, I didn't think they fit together." She stood up putting her plate away and sat back down in her chair. "If my kids are 3/4ths russian and 1/4th german and yours are a mix of german, russian, and french I think it is where you said you're from? They're all going to be drinkers." She laughed quietly at the thought of putting vodka in their bottles instead of formula.
"Love is weird." Clarissa shrugged when Vera said something about her parents being an unlikely couple. "So all those years? You never went back home? I know they are not exactly parent of the year but, don't you miss them?" She asked out of curiousity. Clarissa stepped away for a moment, grabbing a mug from the rack, she poured herself some coffee. But unlike her weird baby daddy, she put some cream and sugar in it. Chuckling, she went back on Vera's side. "Yeah, mom's french." Clarissa said, "i'm not sure if Sage is going to be a drinker though, Adrian isn't that fond of alcohol. Last time he got drunk... Well let's just say it was a tragic thing." Clarissa hids her grimace. "And I too, swore off, i'm happy with just a glass or two of a good wine." She mumbled, not wanting to go through specifics. "Hey, my dad is half english, maybe they could be tea drinkers instead?" Clarissa added with a hopeful smile.
"If Sage meets him and is around him enough I'm sure. She's around Russians and Germans all day. Then Diamond. Lord knows what that girl is. Her name sounds Greek to me but she swears she's from here, don't why she would lie about it so I believe it. Then I have a last name like Burkova which doesn't sound anything other than Russian or Ukrainian." She laughed quietly. "I used to talk in Russian all the time to Diamond just to piss her off, her having no idea what I was saying would get to her so much. It was honestly hilarious."
"Oh, that little girl is never gonna taste alcohol as long as i'm around." Clarissa said, her mind was on set of never having her baby girl touch liquor. "I'm pretty sure her dad would be on the same boat as I am." She added with a chuckle, imagining what would be Sage's life when she's all grown up. "Just because her name sound like Greek it doesn't mean she is from there. People name their kids weirdly." Clarissa shrugged the idea Diamond being foreign.

"Even if she is from Greek mainland or from someplace else, she is still going to be Diamond. The person who for some reason decided to attack my not so stable boyfriend. Speaking of, don't forget her hand alright?"
"No I won't. I'll wake her up in a bit after Nicolas gets here and I'll drop her off at the hospital then come back and help the kids, then go get her because she won't be able to drive I promise you that. She's beyond drunk." She laughed quietly and got herself a glass of water. "Hopefully the kids will be awake by the time Nicolas gets there."
"If the kids cries all at ones and drove me crazy, don't blame me if I ask Adrian to break Diamond's other hand." Clarissa scowled at her, she didn't actually mind taking care of the triplets. Pudding can handle Sage, she can handle Austin and she would gladly give the girls to their grand pa if all of them cries. "I am really sorry about her hand by the way."
"No it's fine. She's gotten worse done to her for going off on people when it isn't called for. Don't worry about it I'm sure she'll be alright its just her hand." She got up and went to the couch, laying down on it and stared at Clarissa. "Where is Pudding at? I want to cuddle with the beast."
"One of the reasons why you shouldn't go back to Russia." Clarissa chuckled. She started collecting the dirty dishes and placed it all in the dishwasher, too lazy to start it up, she went to sit by the bar stool and drank her coffee. "Eh? Probably with Sage, it's too loud. Jerks were screaming this morning." Clarissa whistled worthy of a New York cab calling, a trick she learned when she was living in the city. In an instant the giant bear came lumbering down the stairs and went towards her. Even sitting in the high stool, Pudding can still reached her. "Not me you fat bear." Clarissa said as she kissed his snout, "There, the princess on by the couch." She pointed at Vera's direction.
Vera giggled quietly and held out her arms for the dog to come over to here, the dog jumping off the stool and literally down on top of Vera. The girl being used to it at this point and just held onto the bear. "Fat bear, I wouldn't call him fat he's just unusually large for a fucking dog." She giggled quietly.

Diamond came down the steps being waken up by the dog running downstairs, holding her hand which was swollen and looked bruised in a various numbers of spaces Adrian not fucking around when he said and meant he would break her hand. "My hand fucking hurts." She groaned and took at seat on a chair in the living room across from Vera, Pudding suddenly barking and growling at the girl making Vera frown and Diamond not even flinched just staring right back at the lion of a dog. Vera rubbed in between his ears gently, hushing him but the dog clearly wasn't happy with Diamond being there at all. "Let him attack me at this point I'm too drunk and high to give a shit. Not like I can hurt him back Adrian broke my dominant hand."

Vera pouted and threw a spare pillow at Diamond, hitting the girl in the face. "Fucking hell Diamond stop working there and stop doing drunks." Vera's mood seeming to shift from happy to unpleasant and annoyed like a switch still being hormonal from having three kids just a month ago. "No more cheating on me and I'll get a job at a hospital whenever I can. The kids will have to be slightly older and I won't be breast feeding them."

"Oh shut the fuck up last night you told me you stopped making milk because youre too concerned on being fucking skinny to take care of your kids." She glared at her and huffed quietly, pulling her knees up to her chest while still holding her hand it clearly hurting like a bitch. "If you can do that I can sell my body."

"Fine then, guess I'm single now." Vera shrugged, glaring right back at Diamond.

"Guess you are fat bitch. Your loss." She said Vera saying nothing in return knowing it was the drugs talking but it was apparent the comment cracked something she had built up.
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"Gods, you're like Adrian." Clarissa rolled her eyes at her direction playfully. "You do know that I named that bear right?" She added, chuckling. "Pudding knows I love him. That's my true first born." Finally having the strength not to be a lazy bum, Clarissa stood up and walked by the dishwasher.

When Diamond walked in, Clarissa was back on the kitchen island, drinking her second cup of coffee that morning. For some lovely reasons, the kids were still fast asleep. Clarissa relished the moments of not hearing someone crying.

"Breakfast is in here." Clarissa called out upon seeing Diamond walking by. She was clutching her hand and Clarissa felt a sudden sense of guilt. Adrian really didn't held back against her. She could see that she was in a bad mood, who would be though, she was drunk as hell. Apart from swollen hands, she probably has a bad headache. "And coffee." Clarissa added.

But then Diamond lashed out again, apparently her fits weren't done and the swollen hand is not a reminder. Clarissa wanted to tell Diamond that even with her dominant hand being okay, Pudding can still bite off her ass but she kept her mouth shut. "Pudding." She called out a warning upon hearing the bear growled against the new comer.

The two were never like that before and Clarissa doesn't know what to do. She wanted to go back upstairs to their room, but truth be told she was too lazy to move and the coffee is really really good. It really must be fate that she met Adrian who gives her what she wanted without actually doing anything apart from saying.

In their fight, Diamond had a point but she was saying things very differently and rudely to her partner. Harsh too. In short she was being a bitch. Clarissa's eyes went wide as she heard the two, she wasn't sure if they broke up or what. "Okay, kids. Tone it down. There are people sleeping upstairs." Clarissa butted in advance, afraid that they might start yelling and the kids will wake up.
Vera remained silent not even looking at Clarissas and Diamond glanced at her before resuming her bitching. "You really do need to get over yourself, you're so greedy all you do is take from me." She expected Vera to say something but she didn't, she just laid there keeping her attention on Pudding rather than Diamond. "You care more about that fucking dog than me. No wonder you dump me so fucking easily and you don't even give a shit too!" She said as she heard the front door open, Nicolas finally arriving to join the show along with Clarissa.

Diamond stood up and went over to Vera, with her good hand grabbed her face roughly forcing her to make eye contact with her. "Look at me when I'm talking you, I'm uncultured. I own you, I'm the only reason you surivied in that club you hate so much now. I bet you think you're better than me too huh?" She huffed, Vera's silence and emotionless expression pissing Diamond off more. Diamond let go of the girls face and back handed her without warning.

Nicolas without knowing what was going on but had seen enough and had heard enough, going over to Diamond was going to force to stop nicely but she just moved away and gave him a look he very much didn't appreciate. He grabbed by both her wrists not carrying about the fact one was broken, pushing her down onto the floor before he stood up. The pain from that just being enough to stop. Vera looked up at him, her face being red slightly where she was hit and sat something to him in Russian. Nicolas not knowing she could speak russian at all but accepted, Vera just figuring he could because of his wife.

"I won't, she back handed you though. I don't care if she drugged up she has no right. If she keeps at it I'll break her arm more." He sighed, Vera just nodded and rolled onto her side so she was facing the couch. Pudding moved slightly so he was still able to remain ontop of her being her guard dog at the moment while he stared down at Diamond clearly upset with the other girl after attacking Adrian now Vera.
Everything escalated quickly. First, the two were just talking. Not exactly that civil but they were still talking. But then Diamond became rougher, accusations were thrown, heavy insults and mockeries. Adding to the excitement, Nicolas came, ditching his work to help with Vera's dilemma.

Everything became worse when Diamond laid a hand on Vera, and Nicolas saw it too. It wasn't Diamond's day when Papa Acher grabs her by the arm. She heard Vera spout some russian gibberish and it changes something on Nicolas' expression. Not exactly knowing what to do, Clarissa just sat by her chair and waited for the judgement to pass.
Nicolas who looked at diamond who was on the floor and had no intention of getting up just yet. "Do you want me to take to the hospital now? She can sober up there and get her armed fixed." He glanced at Vera. "The two should be away from each other." He said, Vera nodding in agreement in response.
Not wanting Diamond to be in much more trouble, Clarissa stepped up. "Hey Nicolas, I can take her." She said as she walks by the couch. She was hoping that Vera would eventually open up to Nicolas and Papa Acher will learn about her eating habits. The two needed to talk and then maybe he could convince her. "You just got here, i'm pretty sure Sage misses her grand pa." Clarissa said, adding up his kryptonite, which was his grand kids.
"If you'd like to take her, that's fine too I suppose." He spoke, staring at Diamond who was literally just laying there not doing anything else. He reached down and picked the girl up from underneath her arms, forcing her to stand back up. Diamond jusr glared at him, holding her hand close to her chest again ans glanced down at Vera who was just cuddling with Pudding minding her own buisness at this point.
"Yeah. Hang on." Clarissa dashed upstairs to change and to grab her coat and purse before going back on Sage's nursery. The baby girl was still sleeping peacefull when she gave her a kiss and left the room. She even ran towards Vera's room to fished out the coat that was on the floor.

"Breakfast is here, the coffee is new." Clarissa said when she came down to Nicolas. "Take care of Sage, alright?" She added looking at Vera before looking at Diamond who had a permanent scowl on her face. She handed her her jacket, "Let's go."
Diamond nodded and went outside with Clarissa, slipping on her jacket and sighed staring at her. "I can drive myself, I drive with one hand all the time. You can stay here with the princess." She said referring to Vera. "She needs you more than I do, I can get by on my own."
"Just get in the car, Diamond." Clarissa sighed and opened the door. She jumped in the driver's seat and started the engine while still waiting for the wounded hooker. If she was snarky, Clarissa knew she can match the bitchiness she has if it was needed.
Diamond sighed and got in the passenger seat, shutting the door as soon as she got in. "Do you think she'll take me back when I'm sober? Typically what happens I just don't make remarks like that and if I do it's not as bad as what I just said to her." She sighed having enough sense in her to know she was out of it and she didn't mean the things that she had told Vera. "She probably will knowing her, she's cling- well maybe not anymore I have no idea."
"You two will have to talk." Clarissa said, backing up the driveway for a moment then finally went to the direction of the hospital. "But i'm sure she'll take you back. We're talking about Vera for crying out loud. The girl couldn't hurt a fly. But it would be cool if you stay sober and don't fuck around with Adrian." Clarissa stole a glance for a moment before her eyes went back on the road. "He's not Apollo. He's very different from Apollo. Trust me on that. If you're planning on taking recreational drugs, don't bother on going home."
"I'm sure after this she'll say I have to pick between her and working as a stripper. I've never hit her before and even if she is submissive beyond belief she still won't be happy with me. You'd think with her being Russian and all she'd have a fiery temper and drink all the time, apparently not." She snickered quietly. "I know Adrian is not Apollo, the two are way different."

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