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"I know you are. It should sray that way." He laughed quietly, grabbing ahold of her hand. He watched as Pudding got off the bed and walked out of the room persumably to go keep Vera company while Diamond was at work. "We could always go to Vegas and get married, take longer to get there and back than it would for us to actually be married."
"Stay that way?" Clarissa asked with nonchalance, "I don't know... if you can't keep that abs I might have to look for some college dude." She chuckled quietly, kissing his hand. Clarissa grimaced and turn her head to look at him, "I love that idea, trust me but my mom would kill me, then will slit your throat. She's been looking forward for a wedding ever since I showed her the ring."
"Oh shush you know more than likely when I'm my fathers age I'll be looking like him the amount I have to work out to maintan my abs for you. Lord only knows how he managed to age so well." He shut his eyes as he stayed snuggled up to her. "We could always bring your mama with us. Pudding can be my best man and Sage if shes old enough can be the ring bearer." He laughed quietly as he imagined that dog standing next to him as they got married.
"Honestly, love? Nicolas' body looks better than yours." Clarissa laughed. "I don't know how he kept his body that way. But yeah I agree, that's why i'm not exactly worried if we grow old." She added with a smirk. Clarissa was honest to goodness close into thinking that maybe Nicolas is some kind of vampire. "I can't imagine my mom standing in some church in Vegas." She continued to giggle. The image of her mom, petite, regal and sophisticated former ballerina, in a Hard Rock tshirt popped into her mind and it was weird. But I like the idea of Pudding be the ring bearer. He can't be your best man."
"Pudding is an interesting dog. I trained him well, the fact he's so big is a plus when Sage gets older she can just ride him to school." He paused, one of the kids waking up and starting to cry eventually the rest starting to cry too as usual. "We're going to go deaf by the time all these kids are two years old." He climbed out of the bed and came back a few minutes later with Austin and Sage knowing Clarissa would want to be the one to comfort him, shutting the door behind him. Sage was still asleep but he didn't want to her wake up and start crying as well so he just took her as far away from the noise as possible.

"Here's your son." He joked as he sat back down knowing it'd take Vera forever to get all three calmed down at once, two being more tolerable. "I still can't believe she had three kids, and the fact that these little demons are all related to Apollo."
The idea of Sage riding a giant ass brown beardog is a badass in Clarissa's head. "I think Sage will love that. We should buy a saddle for them." Clarissa giggled. "We could design it with glitters and bedazzled the leather." She was all getting excited about the idea and was really hoping that Adrian would agree but then a chorus of babies' crying wailed in the house. "Thank heavens that Sage isn't a cry baby when she was small." Clarissa sighed as she watch Adrian climed down from the bed and weny outside. She didn't suffer much of waking in late nights or in the dead of morning because Adrian was alert when it comes to his daughter.

"Hey, love." Clarissa cooed at the little boy that was handed to her. He was all tiny and cute. Clarissa kissed his tiny head and adjusted him in her arms. "Well, Apollo is good at that apparently. His genes..." She giggled, kissing Austin at his head once more. "Who's my cute little boy?" She cooed, in an instant the little boy stopped crying.
Adrian sat next to Clarissa, sitting sage down beside him on the bed letting the little girl lay on her stomach sleep peacefully, pulling the blanket over her slightly so she wouldn't get cold. "I'm surprised he hasn't had kids before Vera, he probably only slept with men so that might explain it." He laughed quietly, looking at Austin in Clarissas arms. "He's a cutie, all of Vera's kids are cute. They have both good looking parents so I'm sure as they get older they'll get just better looking." He laughed softly, laying down on the bed again and pulled sage a bit closer to him so she wouldn't roll off the bed. The little girl just sleeping like a rock.

A couple minutes later Vera came into the room, having left both her kids in their cribs while she went to go talk to Clarissa knowing Austin was in there and didn't want to upset him again. "Would you happen to have any formula..? You know that powder stuff you mix with water. I don't have any milk to feed them so I have no idea what to do." She said, standing in the doorway. Pudding having followed her and just sat down next to her feet. "I would've bought some if I knew I was going to need it so quickly but yeah." She sighed knowing that the fact she didn't eat enough was more than likely the reason she couldn't feed her kids.
"I thought he was into an orgy before, you know men and women alike." Clarissa hissed, still upset and pissed at him. Thinking him of sleeping with random people made Clarissa furious about herself. Her stupidity nearly caused Adrian and she still hated herself for that. Looking at Austin, she would definitely make sure he will not be like his dad. "Hey, Sage isn't that bad. She'll definitely be a heart breaker but no boys or I will set Pudding on them." She looked at Adrian before smiling at her sleeping princess, brushing Sage's blonde hair with her free hand.

Clarissa was surprised seeing Vera. A sad smile was on her face seeing Vera's frail and thin body. "You should eat. Damn it, Vera. This isn't healthy anymore." She frowned at the new mother of three. "You have three babies, sweetie. Eat or i'll agree with Diamond to tie you up just so you could eat." Clarissa sighed, "I have formulas on Sage's room. Spare bottles as well." She patted Adrian and glance at him, "Will you help out Vera? Or carry Austin?"
Vera ignored the comment that Clarissa made about her eating habits. "No it's fine, I can find it. Thank you for calming Austin down for me." She said before shutting the door leaving them alone in there to go and feed her kids Pudding following her deciding to stay with Vera.

Adrian sighed and looked at Clarissa, Sage's head resting against his side. "After she gets done eating make her eat something, whatever she wants if it is anything. If she doesn't want something specific go and just warm up left overs or something. She needs to eat and I don't want to deal with her becoming to weak to even take care of any of her kids. If you don't do it I will and you know I'll be more harsh about it than you would. She likes you more anyway I'm sure. I do not mind at all if you force feed her, it's probably what I would do if I have to make sure she eats."
"Diamond can't make her eat, what makes you think I can?" Clarissa scowled, her voice turned into a hush, afraid of waking the babies. "I was thinking of calling Nicolas, maybe he can straighten her out. But if you want to give it a try and be successful in doing so, then by all means. Be harsh, just make her eat."
"From what I've seen with Diamond she'll break before Vera will. I think it's just because she's her lover, I mean I would have problems holding you down and forcing you to eat if you starting to have problems like that. Diamond is probably being too gentle on her, besides the sooner she stops these habits the better, it hasn't been that long since she started to do this so hopefully her health isn't too damaged." He paused, staring at Austin while he spoke. "My father would be worse than me when it comes to Vera. If you want Nicolas to try first I'm fine with that I could probably get him to come over now, you know him if the kids are involed any way shape or form he'll rush right over."
"Guess you are right," Clarissa said quietly. "And for the record, I will not hesitate to tie you down and put a tube down your throat if you stopped eating. I love you but I will do it, Acher." She raise an eyebrow but there was a smile on her face. "Well, I don't want Nicolas to go on full throttle on Vera, so you can try first. She's not gonna hate you, I think. If she still won't eat, then let's call on Nicolas."
"Alright." He snickered quietly at the thought of a tube shoved down his throat. "I have to eat enough to maintan my abs so you won't leave me. So you dont have to worry about me not eating for some reason." He kissed her cheek, resting his head on Clarissas shoulder staring Austin who was drifting back into sleep. "He really is adorable. He was the kernals child you put it."

After a moment or two the other little girls were quiet and hushed, Adrian sat up in the bed. He was careful with Sage and made sure she wouldn't get woken up. "I'll go ahead and force her to eat now. How much do you want me to try and feed her? Just a normal sized portion or what, I've never helped an anorexic person before."
"The way you say that I would leave you if you can't maintain that abs, you make me sound so mean and harsh." Clarissa pouted, she tuned her head and kissed her sweet boyfriend's hair. "If someone can hear, they'll probably think i'm only after your body, babe. That was only half true." Clarissa chuckled, shaking Austin lightly in her arms. She quickly shut her mouth after the boy squirmed.

After a couple of minutes, the whole house was quiet and at peace. The girls were probably stuffed with formula. "Just a normal serving." Clarissa looked at him, "Now i'm getting all scared at you, Adrian." She looked at him, her amber eyes were wary and anxious.
"Alright." He laughed quietly at her nervousness. "I'll be back in a bit hopefully it wont take too long." He said as he left the room, shutting the door behind him off to go force Vera.

He came back a couple hours later, being gone for a good while Vera putting up a fight most likely. "I got her to eat." He said not knowing if Clarissa was awake or not.
Trusting Adrian on not doing anything stupid, Clarissa laid down on they bed, she adjusted Sage horizontally and placed Austin beside her while she was on their side. The kids stirred fron sleep as she moved them but they quickly fell asleep. Not knowing how long Adrian will bully Vera into eating, she just closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

"How did you manage to get her to eat?" Clarissa yawned, her eyes were close but her head is up and was facing Adrian.
"I wouldn't let her sleep or leave the kitchen till she did. She eventually just gave out after I told her I was tired and was ready to force feed her. That got her to eat." He said picking up Sage leaving the room and put her back into his crib. He came back just as quickly as he left. "Do you Austin back in his crib or are you enjoying his cuddling?"
"Diamond tried doing that, how come she'd agree in eating when you did it?" Clarissa sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her voice was half amaze and half annoyed at the same time. She just stared at Adrian when he took out Sage back to her room. Little Austin was sleeping peacefully. Can't stop herself, she leant in and kissed him on his tiny head.

"I'll cuddle with him more when he is awake tomorrow." Clarissa giggled, kissing him again on his tiny cheek. She picked him up and handed the baby to Adrian. "Besides I want to cuddle with you... Maybe you could share a few tips on how to make Vera eat or Diamond will go crazy first." She chortled at him.
"I'm pretty sure she just didn't want to be force fed by the brother of the asshole she had kids with." He took Austin from her, putting him back into his crib before returning. He laid down next to Clarissa, taking off his shirt his abs not being defined as they used to be but was better than nothing. "I don't know I'll figure out something she wants and I'll give that to her as long as she promises to eat. That might make things easier on Diamond. I'll think of something I'm sure."
Clarissa just shook her head, chuckling at Adrian's remarks. She knew that Vera would think that Clarissa is a psychopath before thinking that Adrian can be an asshole like his brother.

When Adrian came back, Clarissa was already in bed, covers drawn. When Adrian pull off his shirt, Clarissa smile became wide. His stomach weren't the same as before but she gladly pulled Adrian closer to her. Her one hand is resting against his face, while to other is on his stomach. "We've done that." Clarissa scowled, "Well, Diamond did. The girl almost cried because Vera can't figure out what she wanted to eat. Diamond was already cracking, I tell you." She caressed his cheek with her thumb, "We can't just pull you out from work every lunch. Do you think we should call Nicolas?"
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"Well yes Nicolas would work, I'd call him if you need him. Get Dedrich stuck into a room with her and he's not allowed to leave till she eats. She'll eat believe me or she'd end up being killed. That isn't a good idea never mind." He shrugged, letting Clarissa caress his cheek while he spoke."I'm not around when Diamond tries to feed her and when I am I try to drown them out personally. If you call my father to help her you know he'll be way tougher and harsher than me and Diamond combined. Might be a good thing, might be a bad thing. I'd try it once and see how it goes though. Don't let Diamond try to feed her KFC or something that is clearly unhealthy, I'm sure feeding her fruits and vegetables will be a lot easier than that. I also doubt she's doing this just to be skinny, she's probably stressed over something which probably has to do with Apollo, her kids, or money even though we provide for her. You know how she is."
"Dedrich and Vera? In one room?" Clarissa said incredulously, "that's actually not a bad idea. I'm not sure who'll die first though." She continued to chuckle. Dedrich could stare Vera to death but the girl can give zero fucks about him. Plus Diamond might storm inside and slit Dedrich throat if he lay a hand on Vera. Still, it was a win win.

"Adrian, we know what to feed her." Clarissa scowled at him, "I did have a daughter, you know. I was a nursing mom before so I know what's good for her. The only problem is how to feed her. I don't know... I don't want to annoy Nicolas, he is working too." Clarissa said quietly as she snuggled closer to him, laying her head on his chest. "How can you say that she's stressing out because of Apollo? She haven't seen that prick since ages ago. What? Are you saying we should move them in Apollo's house? Because if that's what it is, then you'll have to go through me first." Clarissa said in warning.
"No I'm not saying that but did she ever fucking let her stress out once during her pregnancy about Apollo? If she did I don't remember it. That man literally tried to kill her kids and I don't think she ever dealt with it. I remember Diamond stuffing her face with KFC but that was about it stress relief wise." He sighed quietly, playing with Clarissa's hair gently. "She's probably off throwing up what I just forced her to eat, just realized that. Do you want me to go sit with her throughout the night or do you wanna watch her? Believe me Nicolas won't get annoyed, he's worked his whole life getting off for a while won't bother him."
"Screw Apollo for being a dickwad." Clarissa hissed. "Freakin' moron, knocking up someone and he can't even look out for them. Damn him." Anger was starting to boil in her gut and she knee that if she let on, it's either she's gonna storm in Apollo's house and have him beaten almost to death or she'll be snapping at Adrian, directing her anger towards her sweet and loving baby daddy. Sighing, she let go of the thought and looked up, kissing Adrian lightly on his lips before resting her head back on his chest. And just like that, anger and annoyance suddenly dissipates inside her. "I don't want to hover." Clarissa said quietly when she was asked. "Give her time, atleast you got her something to eat. At some point something stayed inside and was absorbed in her body. Call Nicolas in the morning, maybe it's time to be high handed in Vera. It's not herself that she jeopardizes. The kids as well."
Adrian nodded and shut his eyes. "Alright I will. Goodnight Clarissa." He said as pulled her closer drifting off to sleep pretty fast considering how late it was.

Around 6 or so in the morning around the time Adrian should be getting up for work, Diamond walked into their room smelling strongly of liquor as she always did when she came home from working in the club. She grabbed Adrian by his hair without warning yanking him up not caring if Clarissa was asleep on top of him or not. "What the actual hell did you do to Vera?" She asked harshly, knowing Diamond she didn't give a shit about anyone else when it came to her girl.

When Adrian was woken up so suddenly he surprisingly didn't snap on Diamond right there and then. He just moved so his hair wouldnt be ripped out of his head. "Nothing, I made her eat. Let go of me before I break your hand. So help me god I will throw you down the fucking steps and break your spine what the actual hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh shut up you won't do shit to me. She's a fucking wreck and won't go to bed. Do you seriously think I would believe just making her eat would do that to her?" Adrian didn't answer her question and pried her hand off his hair, climbing off the bed and knocked Diamond onto the floor in the process. He turned and faced the clock that was on his bed side time.

"It's time for me to get to work, you fix Vera. She's your problem not mine. Do not fucking attack me while I give you both shelter. I have no reason to fucking take you in, I'm being kind. If you want a fight I'll give you a fight and you won't win I promise you. You're lucky I don't fucking hurt you right now and how badly I want to. Thank you for being my alarm clock today but I prefer loud noises not viole-"

"Shut the fuck up." She growled at him, getting off the floor and was about to punch him in the face when Adrian just grabbed her hand and smashed it the sound of her bones cracking filled the room making Diamond hiss in pain taking it pretty well considering what he was doing. "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME." She screamed at him, her logic clearly being off.

"Get out of my house, take Vera and the triplets and go. I'm not putting up with you come back whenever you learn how to handle being drunk or you stop being a whore." He let go of her hand, Diamond holding it closer to her.

"I am not a whore, sorry it's better than nothing jackass. Sorry but I'd prefer to stay here I can't afford to take care of those four and work."

"You should've thought about that before you fucking woke me up like that and tried to attack me. Now g-"

"No I will not." She hissed still craddling her hand, Adrian grabbing the girl by her hair and dragged her out of the room presumably to get all their stuff together and out of his house. Diamond kicking in screaming in the process. All the noise the two were making having woken up Pudding and he ran into their bedroom, sitting down next to Clarissa not knowing how to handle the situation since it was Diamond and he knew her. He just sat there assuming he needed to protect Clarissa, all the noise also waking up all four of the kids the house just being a total wreck at this point.

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