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Vera opened her eyes and pouted. "Yes, it is." It was easy to tell the girl had been up all night and wasn't going to sleep any time soon because of the pain.

Diamond turned her head so she was facing Clarissa, she didn't seem as tired but was close to it. She probably got a few seconds of rest here and there. "She refuses to get an epidural so I get to deal with her crying out in pain every so often."

Vera pouted more and shut her eyes again. "I don't want a needle shoved into my back." Was all she said, Adrian still being sound asleep when Clarissa kissed him.
'Hey. her call, remember?' Clarissa lightly chided at Diamond. 'If she doesn't want any needles, then no needles. She's the one in pain, not us.' Then she looked at Vera with a grimaced. 'Though i'm not sure if that was wise. If you want pain, Diamond can beat you up, or if she won't I will. You don't need to have this whole child birth package, pain included deal.' Clarissa sighed loudly, a small smile was in her lips. 'But if you really are up to it, then so be it. Pain, you want, pain you'll get. Just don't be so fucking shy to ask if you can't handle it anymore. We won't judge you.' She added lightly.
Vera nodded her head slightly, her eyes remaining shut. "Don't worry, I think I'll be fine. I get bragging rights after this is over though. I pushed out two babies without pain killers." A small smile on her face, too tired to laugh.

Diamond stared at Clarissa, shrugging her shoulders. "I respect it but I don't approve. I'm pretty sure you'll still have bragging rights even if you do it with pain killers." She said, starting to rub the back of Vera's

hand with her thumb.

"True true, I'll be okay." She said before she tensed up, smashing Diamonds hand in pain but wasn't like Clarissa who was nosiey and a mess. She seemed to be handling it better, at least the best she could but it still seemed painful from the look on her face.
Clarissa just rolled her eyes playfully at them and smiled encouragingly at Vera, who seems to be handling the situation really well.

She went to sit beside her sleeping boytoy. Seeing him sleeping was endearing but she knew at some point, he'll wake up with an achy neck and back. And just like the masochist pregnant lady by the bed, Adrian would prefer to swallow the inconvenience than whine because of it.

'Babe, wake up.' Clarissa rubbed Adrian's arm. She placed Sage by his lap and let the little girl do the rest. 'Sage, go wake him up.' The little girl tugged his buttons and tried to stand on his lap, cooing and shrieking at the same time. 'Hey, Adrian. Go home, call in sick or whatever in your office.' Clarissa whispered at her sleeping fiancé.
Adrian stirred slightly in his sleep before waking up, holding onto Sage so she wouldn't fall. "I'll call in a little bit." He said, leaning back into his chair making sure Sage wouldn't fall off.

Diamond and Vera just laid there in silence, letting the other family do their thing. They were both tired anyway and werent in the most talkative mood.
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'Wow, someone is grumpy.' Clarissa said quietly. 'Gimme that kid. Then sleep.' She took Sage from his arms and stood up. All the people inside the room were exhausted, Vera the most, of course and Clarissa can't do anything about it but with fhe other girl she could do something about.

'Guys, Sage and I are going to get you something to drink and eat.' Clarissa smiled, 'Hang on, baby.' She waved at Vera and went outside the room.
Vera opened her eyes and waved goodnye to the girl. Food was something she didn't think about in a time like this but that's why she had Mama Clarissa. "Thank you." She said to the girl as she left.

When Clarissa returned Diamond and Adrian were both out cold, Vera had switched positions so she was sitting up, her back resting against the wall where her bed met one of her hands resting on top of her stomach just giving off the vibe she was uncomfortable in general. She just seemed ready to give birth to the little creatures already.
Clarissa took her time in selecting things. The hospital cafeteria did changed their menu in things. She found some good muffins for the grown ups and gave Sage some banana that she did enjoyed so much up to the point of lathering the chewed food on her face. Feeding a baby is a messy ordeal but Sage seemed to enjoy it.

When she came back, she had a baby carrier strapped in front of her, Sage was all cleaned up, while holding 4 cups of coffee and a pack of muffins. Adtian was still asleep, so as Diamond but the pregnant woman was up.

'Coffee?' Clarissa smiled at her. 'Muffin? Sage had a banan, but the girl finished it off.'
"I'll have a muffin, no coffee though. I'm not really in the mood for food but I know it'll be best if I at least eat something." She said, taking one of the muffins from Clarissa, holding it in her hand. "Sage is a lucky little thing, she doesn't have to go through this. At least not for a while." She took a small bite out of the muffin before sitting it down on the table beside her bed.

Vera cried out in pain, forcing herself not so much noise not wanting to wake up Diamond or Adrian. The two were heavy sleepers though, Diamond just stiredd slightly in her sleep. "I just want to get these things out of me already. That'll be lovely."
'Sage will go through with this hell after say... twenty four to twenty six year later.' Clarissa laughed quietly. 'I'll make sure of it.' She look at the little girl in front of her and kissed her dearly on her little head.

As if on reflex, when Vera cried, Clarissa cringed with her. It was as if she still could feel the pain. 'Gods. Your labor... it's been hours.' Clarissa took a bite out of her muffin, not exactly hingry but just for the sake of nibbling. 'Thank the gods when I had Sage, it wasn't that long. I mean, it was a pretty long scary stressful night, i'm almost in and out of it. Adrian was all bloody and stuff.... seeing him like that... I'm a bit thankful for the stress that time actually. It took matters fast..' There were the occational nightmares, but at least she could handle that. Clarissa's lips formed a small curve, 'If you want stress, just tell me. I can drag Apollo here to stress you out.' She added lightly.
"Please don't," The girl sighed as she shook her head. Even if Clarissa was joking Apollo was something she never wanted to deal with again. "Believe me I'm stressed out enough. Last time a doctor checked me I was like 8 cm so I'm close, hopefully but now I'm far enough along otherwise I'll throw myself off a bridge." She said jokingly though it had some seriousness to it.

She moved slightly so she was in a more of a laying down position rather than sitting upright. She buried her hands in her face and groaned, it being hard to tell if she was crying or not but the way her breathing was it seemed like it. She was clearly more freaked out then what she was putting out, not being like Adrian who kept up that wall she hadn't been through as much violence and hardships like that he had. She had to deal with her own shit though so it helped with that wall though it wasn't perfect.
'Don't worry. Apollo won't come near you within a 20 foot pole.' Clarissa smiled at her, 'Adrian and Nicolas will make sure of that. And Diamond too. Just focus on delivering those babies and chick then we'll go home. Oh, just to remind you. We'll be spending a few months in a hotel room while the babies are in their annoying crying phase. Good news, you get the whole house yourselves.' She added, laughing.
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She wiped her eyes and laughed quietly, putting her hands down in her lap. "I can live with Diamond for that time period if you want, I wouldn't run you guys out of your home because me and Apollos babies. We'll come and visit." She said smiling faintly, pushing her anxiety to the back of her mind. "Will you go get a doctor for me to see if I'm finally ready to give birth? I don't want to move right now."
'Let see. I have too see those cats first.' Clarissa beamed at her, 'I have my first pick on the litter alright? 'As if I would allow you to move out.' The girl said with disbelief, then she continued. 'You need every help you could get and Diamond seemed tough and everything, but taking care of a new born is way harder than pole dancing.'

Clarissa, still grinning, stood up upon the pregnant lady's request and fetch the doctor for Vera. Within a few minutes, the doctor came out from her office and went to Vera's room with her.
The doctor came in and took a look at Vera, telling her that she was ready to give birth. Vera waking up Diamond and a nurse came in, taking them to a delivery room. Diamond was still half asleep as she walked off with the nurse and Vera.

It was a good while before anyone came looking for Adrian or Clarissa, at least a couple hours. Diamond came back into the actual room were Vera was staying holding one baby who was wrapped up in a blue blanket and beanie. He had already stoppes crying and was sound asleep. A nurse brought Vera back into her hospital room, she was asleep holding two other babies on her chest that were also asleep. Vera probably being beyond tired and exhausted.

Diamond looked at the two babies and the one she was holding before Clarissa. "Where did it come from?" She asked, clearly confused. "Like, I seen it come out of her I know that but I thought she was only having twins for gods sake. What the fuck did Apollo do? Jesus christ where are we gonna put all of them. She's never getting pregnant knowing her luck christ she'll have four next time just watch. No wonder she got so big. I hate doctors."
She hated waiting, but Clarissa managed because Sage was being adorably cute. She tried teaching the girl how to do a raspberry but only ending up on playing with her drool. It was okay though, Adrian was holding Sage and he was the one wiping the little girl's face.

Hours later, the little girl got tired so as her mother. Clarissa ended up sleeping while leaning on Adrian's shoulder. He also had tiny sleeping Sage in his arms when someone called them out and brought them to Vera's room.

Clarissa was expecting two babies but then Diamond seemed to be holding other one. 'Ohmygod.' Clarissa cooed. 'Triplets! I knew you are fucking Vera, I just knew it.' She took the little boy out of Diamond's hands and smiled at the little thing. 'Can we keep this boy? Please?' Clarissa asked as if it was a kitten that can be easily replace. She was pouting at the little kid in her arms as she stood beside Adrian. 'Look babe, a boy.' She beamed at him. 'Adorable.'
Adrian held Sage while staring at the baby Clarissa was holding. "Has she named them yet?" He asked Diamond, the girl shaking her head.

"No she hasn't she fed them then basically passed out she was so tired. I can't really blame her." She smiled faintly and sat down next to Vera's hospital bed, grabbing one of the little babies off her chest making sure not to wake it up. "They're all adorable."

The male baby had black hair and the female babies had a light brown that looked almost ginger wasn't vibrate like a gingers hair color. They hadn't opened their eyes yet so their eye color was a mystery though the two females seemed like identical twins while the boy wasn't.
'This baby dude is Austin,' Clarissa cooed at the baby. Then she looked at everyone. 'Try to change his name, i'll bite your heads off. Good.' She held Baby Austin and went towards Vera's side to check the other kids. 'I have no idea on what to name these babies but please I beg of you. Salt is a very bad named.' Clarissa chuckled quietly and leaned in to kiss Vera's forehead. 'You were amazing. Slightly weird. But you've made it.'
Vera opened her eyes when Clarissa kissed her forehead, she wasn't in a deep sleep surprisingly. "I don't think I'm that weird, sorry." She smiled faintly, she was still in a lot of pain but she knew the worse was over now. She didn't have to push anymore kids out of her. Vera moved the baby girl on her chest so she was facing Clarissa. "Isn't she cute? And to think Apollo almost fucking killed these three." She pouted slightly, it being clear that Vera being able to see her kids only upped her maternal instinct of protection. "We only bought two cribs too, where is the third one gonna sleep?"
'You are weird, love. Ask Diamond. ' Clarissa teased at her. 'I'm not sure if the doctors here are that incompetent. I mean seriously, how can not they see another kid?' She looked at her with a confused expression but it softened up when she saw the baby in Vera's arms. 'Of course they're cute. They cry a lot so they have to be cute.' Clarissa chuckled. 'You can used the crib on Sage's nursery. She usually sleeps on our bed anyways, Austin can use it. But if you want to shop for another one, then go ahead.'
Vera nodded, staring at the baby on her chest tiredly. "I'm fine with using that one. I'm sure he won't know the difference." She laughed quietly making sure not to disturb the small child. "I don't know how they completely miss a kid for nine months, I mean I did get pretty big but still how the hell was I suppose another one was in there."
'Well, he'll know the difference. When he's, say 8 or 9 years old and he sees his baby pictures.' Clarissa said with a smile. 'He'll probably wonder why pink and not blue. He can use Sage's old clothes too if you want. They were white so no gender issues there.'
"I haven't bought too many clothes so maybe the twins will just use some of Sage's old clothes and I'll buy him some newer ones." She said shutting her eyes, the baby her chest squirming around seeming like it was about to cry. Vera opened her eyes back up and looked at Clarissa. "I just fed it, what's wrong?" She laughed quietly, rubbing the babys back gently. "I'm not really mother materal don't judge me."
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'Alright, i'll bring them tomorrow.' Clarissa smiled at her. She went to the side and placed the sleeping boy in her arms to the hospital crib. Once safely snug inside, she walk back at Adrian's side and wrapped her arm over his waist. 'Just hold her.' Clarrisa chortled upon the question, looking at the new mother. 'And i'm not judging you. Geez.' She added lightly, 'Adrian is a much better mom during Sage's first few weeks. Less panicky. But I got a hang of it. So will you.'
Adrian rolled his eyes and stared at all the small children in the room. "I know I'm a mom." He laughed quietly, when clarissa wrapped her arm around his waist his abs not being as hard as they used to be. Not that he was gaining weight or was lazy he couldn't work out all the time like he used to, keeping abs like he had took a lot of time that he didn't have. Vera nodded at Clarissa shutting her eyes and keeping the baby on her chest, seeming like she had just fallen back asleep. Diamond seemed to be staring at the baby she was holding her arms looking fairly tired as well.

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