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'Oh, trust me. I'm always a mom.' Clarissa said quietly as she took the baby from Adrian. 'And sometimes, I feel like Sage isn't the only kid I have.' She added with a chuckle.

'The princess can't eat alone, yes, that's right. Feed her wench.' Clarissa grinned when she saw that the stripper was feeding her. It was sweet. Vera deserved that, she said to herself.
Diamond laughed at the name wench and ripped off another piece, sticking it in Vera's mouth again. "Been a long time since I've heard or even been called a wench. But yes I shall feed her."

Vera rolled her eyes and very willingly let Diamond feed her. "I can feed myself, you know."

"No! I got this." She said sticking another piece of food in her mouth to shut the girl up, cutting off anything she was going to say next.
'Seriously? Medieval foreplay? What? Did you actually wear a dress and a corset?' Clarissa asked curiously. 'Some guys are weird.' She can't help not to laugh, the stripper... no, the wench was really persistent in feeding the pregnant girl. 'Just leave her be.' She said to Vera instead of Diamond, 'we all know you can't win in that '
Vera laughed softly and swallowed the food Diamond stuck in her mouth only to have stick another piece in, not able to talk so she just let it go. "I used to wear corsets at work, I stopped because it's hard to pole dance in them. I have never done medieval foreplay, I'll keep that in mind when me and Vera are alone again." Once she said that both Adrian and Nicolas seemed to chuckle at that, medieval foreplay just sounding funny.
'Oh! Remember what I watching earlier?' Clarissa suddenly became excited, 'The one with a French king and Scot queen? Wenches there wore corsets and dresses, maybe you could pick an idea out of there!' She encourage at them. Their topic really did stray from one thing after the other. 'After that you could use it during Halloween parties, right?' Clarissa grinned excitedly.
"I can use it for a Halloween party, sure. I could also dress up like a pirate." Diamond giggled, letting Vera finish with the food in her mouth each time before sticking more food in it. She seemed content with feeding the pregnant woman and Vera wasn't complaining so no harm done. "If you want I can let you borrow one of my corsets and you can be a medieval queen for the day."
'Thanks but no thanks.' Clarissa laughed at her, 'I do love the corset but i'd rather wear Tinker bell costume.' Thinking of the skimpy little green dress and sparkly wings made her laughed even harder, 'Wait, I did wore a tinker bell costume before. College halloween party.' Booze and weeds filled that party and Clarissa was amaze, she remembered stuff. 'Maybe if I get married, i'll borrow that corset of yours.' She joked lightly.
Adrian rolled his eyes. "We're getting married, so yeah. If you're wanting that corset go all for it. We haven't planned anything though oh my god. Don't go bridzilla on me." He joked lightly, taking a bite out of his food.

Diamond giggled and stared at Clarissa. "Bridzilla, I can see in all honesty. I can see myself becoming bridzilla if me and Vera ever wanted to get married. She'd go along with whatever knowing her."
'Geez, i'm not forcing you to marry me. Calm down.' Clarissa scowled at him, but a smile was still on her face. 'I'm not gonna hound you with marriage plans.' It was true though, unlike most of the girls, Clarissa was happy not tying the knot with her boytoy just yet.

'And thanks for the confidence,' Clarissa looked at Diamond and pouted. 'I am not going to be a self centered bride. But planning with Adrian about the wedding is just like planning by myself. If I wanted a horse for some unknown reason, he'll go along with it. No questions ask. I guarantee you.' Clarissa end up giggling.
"If you gave me a list of people to kill, I'd do it. Even if Apollo was on that list." He said light hearted lightly but the look Nicolas gave him was 'shut the fuck up.' Actually seeming rather annoyed about what his son had just said even if he didn't mean it. "Sorry." Adrian said, Nicolas saying nothing in response but contiuned to give his son a death glare.
Clarissa grimaced at what he said, she's never going to do that. Yes, it was not entirely off the topic since Apollo is the douche of the day but what he said was still weird and dark. And she doesn't like Adrian straying off that road again. Clarissa still has nightmares somenight about the guy Adrian killed in front of her.

She just looked at his man, was about to say something, but saw that there were sudden unspoken message between the father and son. Clarissa, knowing better not to butt in, just looked at Diamond and Vera. Still with a slight frown on her face, 'So, you consider wedding. That's lovely.' The girl tried to sound so upbeat about it but slightly failed.
Diamond glanced at the two before stuffing more food into Vera's mouth and nodded. "Maybe, I don't see being the settle down and have a family but because of the kiddies inside of her, a little bit too late to say no." She poked Vera's stomach, Vera constantly having food stuck into her mouth not being able to talk.
'Hey, easy. Stuff some more and we can harness Vera's liver for foie de gras' Clarissa said, she was the one who gets uncomfortable in what was Diamond doing to the other girl, shoving piece after piece of chicken in her already full mouth. 'I know she needs to be healthy, but careful or she'll choke.' She grinned at her.
Diamond giggled and looked at Vera, taking a bite of food for herself. "She's good, her mouth is bigger than it looks." She said with a grin, Vera giving her a weird look and swallowed all the food in her mouth.

"That's oddly sexual, don't do that you don't have a penis."
'Oh my goodness,' Clarissa said immediately. 'Okay, okay. We're oversharing kids.' A nervous giggle escape from her lips. 'Oversharing. We don't need that, alright? Diamond, stop all the sexual innuendos and Vera, just eat your food.' She just smirked at them, and cradled Sage on ger arms.

'Oh, love. Thank the gods you still don't understand a thing.' Clarissa whispered with a smile as she leant and kissed Sage's hair.
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"Sage is going to either grow up to really successful or take after me and Vera." She giggled quietly, sticking more food in Vera's mouth again clearly not bored of it yet. "Then again me and Vera came from broken homes, I don't think Sage will have that problem. You and Adrian seem close and trusting of each other. She always has Nicolas too."
'Now that's silly.' Clarissa grimaced, 'You guys were just a sleaze, not a bad people. Stop selling yourself short. No pun intended.' she added with a grin on her face. Clarissa would trust Sage's life in both of their hands if need be. And they're right, Papa Acher won't let anything happened to his first grand kid.

Clarissa leant to Adrian and smiled at him, 'That's why I love my boytoy, right here.' She rested her head on his shoulder. Clarissa really is lucky to have him, though sometimes he can PMS like nobody's business.
"Eh, I'm kind of a really shitty person in all honesty." Diamond said, laughing quietly. "Sure I'm nice to you and whatnot but when I'm at work I'm a bitch. Strippers aren't the best people, considering I basically work as a pimp too that's just worse." Vera looked like she was about to say something but Diamond just kept her quiet by shoving more food into her mouth.
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'I'm not hiring you as Sage's pimp, nor ask to teach her about how to be a stripper.' Clarissa said incredulously. 'You say you're basically bad people, but look at what you're doing. Besides over stuffing Vera, you are taking good care of her. And heck, you stood up for her. If that's not a definition of nice, I don't know what is. I think you'd do great with the kids.' That, Clarissa was certain. Unless Diamond started beating her up or abusing her like what Apollo did, Vera was safe and well taken care of by the pimp.
Diamond giggled and watched Vera as she chewed her food that she was being force fed, knowing better than to fight with Diamond on something like that. The girl would win one way or another. "I'm not over feeding her, I'm just making sure she's eating enough." She said as she kissed Vera's cheek gently. "I'll be a great father." Diamond poked Vera's stomach.

Vera swallowed the food in her mouth and nodded. "In her mind she could never over feed me, save me." She said to Clarissa before she laughed quietly, shutting up once more food was stuck into her mouth.
'Over stuffing and feeding are very different thing.' Clarissa shook her head at Diamond. She already surrendered even without trying knowing that the stripper will be unstoppable when it comes to the other girl. 'Sorry, I have Sage. And Diamond can pin me down easily if I fought her off. You're on your own, girl.' Clarissa grinned at her.
"I'll stop when I think she's had enough." Diamond laughed quietly, Adrian and Nicolas were just watching the three ladies silently. Vera accepted Clarissa's response, knowing that Diamond just had to run her course. "I could probably easily beat the shit out of you, you don't cross me as the very active exercise type of person."
'Nope. Yoga and swimming, not exactly helping in self defense.' Clarissa admitted sheepishly. She wanted to try and enroll herself in a Krav Maga course ever since Dedrich sent killers for Adrian. Of course, she knew it will not help them much if it happened again. The middle child has a knack of finding endless supplies of killers to eliminate his brother. She might even be the death of Adrian if he saw her fighting someone off. But the thought of knowing she can handle, or there's an inkling of chance she can fight them was good enough for her. Her plan didn't happened, having Sage and school was enough to fill her plate, oh and adding Vera too.

'Don't worry, if you really needed out, we can always call my Superman to help us.' Clarissa smiled at Vera while nudging at Adrian playfully.
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Adrian laughed quietly, finishing his food and took Sage back from Clarissa. "Yeah, I know I'm superman. I'm sure Diamond won't hurt Vera with a piece of chicken. I'd laugh if Diamond hit her with a piece of chicken." Diamond laughed quietly, and jokingly slapped the piece of chicken she was holding against Vera's arm.

"I love you." Diamond said laughing with Adrian.

"Hit me again and I'll stab you with a piece of chicken."
'Stab her, stab her.' Clarissa goaded like a little kid, clapping encouragingly at the same time once Sage was in Adrian's arms. Diamond really is unstoppable when in comes to Vera, she'll do what she wanted to her but of course, Clarissa knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt Vera. She would annoy her probably but never hurt her.

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