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Vera rolled her eyes and took the piece of chicken from Diamond before hitting her across the face with it. Diamond just pouted and took it back. "Meanie. Now my face is greasy."

"Your face was always greasy." Vera said, making Adrian chuckle and Diamond just pout more.
'Hey, no playing with foods!' Clarissa chided very motherly at the two. Instincts of a mom really does kick in once baby's out. 'Eat it or don't, but don't play with it, missy.' Clarissa added sternly at them.
Diamond and Clarissa both stopped what they were doing, saying at the same time. "Yes, mama Clarissa." They both laughed quietly before Diamond suddenly took the piece of food back and ripped off a piece of it, sticking it into Vera's mouth forcing the girl to eat at this point again.

Adrian rolled his eyes at 'mama Clarissa,' "As long as that isn't sexual, I don't care. They can call you whatever they want but I swear to god if I walk in on you three having some weird kinky sex calling each other mother and daughter I'm breaking a lamp." Nicolas just gave his son a weird look, not saying anything though. There was nothing for him to say to that anyway.
'I told you he had this thing with Mama and Papa stuff.' Clarissa grinned at Vera before looking at her boytoy and laughed out loud, disturbing Sage in the process. 'Thanks for the trust, babe. Don't worry, i'll text you if we're gonna do it, so you won't have to hear them calling me mama.' Clarissa said, trying to keep her face straight, 'We'll do it while you're at work. Though you have to take Sage with you, Vera doesn't want her around if we're about to do it. Right, babies?' Clarissa looked at the two girls and winked.
Adrian rubbed Sage's back gently, kissing her cheek gently. "It's okay. I know mama's crazy, you don't need to tell me." He said with a grin towards Clarissa, Diamond giggled quietly making sure to keep Vera's mouth full of food.

"Not in front of the kids, that's one of my standards too. My few, few standards." Diamond said giggling quietly. When she about to put more food in Vera's mouth again Vera moved away slightly making her pout.

"I'm full Diamond you can stop now." She said seriously enough, finally having enough food stuck into her.

Diamond pouted and forced another piece of food into her mouth anyway. "Bitch you eating for two others too, I know for a fact you haven't ate anything in the past 24 hours besides this. Eat it." Nicolas seeming to smirk slightly as he watched the two, seeing himself as Diamond when it came to keep his grandbabies healthy even when they were still in the womb.
After getting out of the hospital, Diamond made sure that the girl was well taking care of and even on her own will stopped going into work. She lived with Vera and the engaged couple.

Vera was fine herself and from what the doctors could tell as time went along salt and pepper were fine as well, developing normally. Apollo was kept out of contact with Vera by Nicolas and Adrian. The two were the same page about him and Vera, they strongly wanted to keep the two apart. Vera didn't need the extra stress of trying to work something out with him after what he had done. Even if she didn't act like she was too shaken up what he did, Adrian and Nicolas still thought she was on the inside. They didn't force her to talk about it though, they let her deal with it in her own way.

Rather than the twins being born early at around 5 months because of Apollo, Vera had actually managed to go past her due date the doctor had set for her. With them being twins it was odd, but the doctor didn't see the need to induce labor as she was only two days past it. If she somehow managed to stay pregnant for too much longer he'd do it but for the time being he didn't. Vera wanted her body to naturally go into labor anyway. She just felt that it was better that way.

Once Vera got so far along in her pregnancy she very willingly spent all of her time on the couch or in bed. She was naturally drained from just everything, pregnancy, Diamond, anything really. Diamond made sure she ate plenty though, of course.

Vera sat curled up on the couch watching whatever on the TV, having a blanket over her and her eyes were half open as if she was starting to fall asleep or at least getting drowsy. She didn't seem too focused on the show, just staring at it blankly. Diamond had already gone to bed not too long ago and Clarissa was studying, Adrian off with Sage so she had no one to talk to so she just stayed there. Adrian would always float around Vera when he could as her due date got closer, not wanting the girl to be alone in his home when she went into labor. Diamond would always ask too if she was alright.
After Vera got discharge from the hospital, everything was all back to normal. Diamond's occational visit turned to everyday up to the point that she moved in with them just so she could take care of her beau. She even stopped working just so she could tend to Vera's everyday needs.

That was better for Clarissa, before she had to balance Sage, Adrian, Vera and study. Vera may be a grown woman but her delicate situation made Clarissa on high alert. But now, she just focused herself to her beautiful baby, hot fiancé and her study. Pudding helps with Sage, so it was way easier.

Months passed, as the twins developed inside Vera, so does Sage. And just like what she expected, once the little girl learned how to crawl, she became a trouble maker. If Clarissa left her beside Pudding for just a while to get some food for them, after she came back Pudding and Sage were always gone. The bear was really helpful since he barks whenever Clarissa called out, and he never leaves Sage's side when she was exploring the house. The stairs and doors were barred with railings that Clarissa asked for Adrian to set up so she doesn't have any problem with her going someplace else.

Clarissa's study became an everyday routine too. She managed to submit every papers and exams that was needed for the online course. If she finally manages to finished the entire course and module, she won't be having any problems when it comes to taking all her premed majors. Yes she maybe overwhelmed, but that's the risk she got to take.

She was on her desk one night, earphones on and Chopin was blaring out of it as she tries to study. Clarissa's head was filled with words that she started not to recognize anymore. Everything seems to be a humming and eventhough not dyslexic, words float around her book. She had enoigh in one day. She pulled out the earphones and swivel her chair so that it was facing the bed. She saw that Adrian was reading some bed time stories to Sage by the bed. Clarissa still find Adrian holding a pink disney princess book sexy. She can't do anything about him since Sage was still awake on his chest so Clarissa gave them quick kisses and headed downstairs to watch TV instead.

'Why are you still up?' Clarissa asked when she found Vera on the couch. Clarissa was holding a glass half full of wine, she didn't have problems in drinking anymore since the little girl changed to formula. 'Where's Diamond?' She asked again as she took the remote, and sat on the opposite side of the pregnant girl.
Vera opened her eyes once hearing Clarissa speak to her, seeming much more awake now than she was a few moments ago. "Diamond went to bed and I couldn't sleep so I'm just laying around." She smiled faintly, moving so it was easier to face Clarissa. "It's hard to sleep or get comfortable anymore, I'm so fucking big." The girl laughed quietly, not being as senstitive about her weight as Clarissa was though she still had her moments. There was times were she was just fine with being joked about and others where she would just snap. Diamond was the one who mainly took that though.

It was notable she generally more moody most of the time, she tried to keep it to herself but sometimes her hormones and lack of sleep got to the best of her. "I'm surpised she still isn't awake, knowing her she's typically awake if I am."
'Yeah, you are fucking big.' Clarissa grinned at her, 'you're carrying two giant ass babies and a chick that belong to Colonel Sanders. So it's way better that you're big.'

Clarissa found some random movie as she flicked through the tv, she'd seen it before. It was about a freakish motel where the owners tries to kill the customers and have it on tape. Those tapes were on the rooms where it happened so the next customers could watch it before it could happen to them. Yeah. It was twisted. Just how Clarissa liked it.

'If you wanted more pillows, there are a couple more inside a cabinet where we kepp our spare linens. Do you want me to get you more?'
She shook her head, resting it against the pillow she already had underneath her head. "No I'm just fine, I think I'm fine in the position I'm in." She rested one of her hands on top of her swollen stomach. "Two giant babies is a pain, literally. Pain 24/7 that's all I'm in now." She laughed quietly, though she was serious. "I'm just ready for them to get the fuck out at this point, they've baked long enough."
'Don't forget the chick. I think that was in the KFC recipe, they needed to be over baked.' Clarissa joked lightly at her. Though she is really worried. Vera was too big that sometimes Clarissa was scared that an alien was growing inside her and suddenly will just come out, claw first, bursting into Vera's tummy. If not for the ultrasound, Clarissa was convinced it was a baby alien. 'Don't worry, those babies will be out in no time. How many days are you over due?'
"Just a few, if I make it to tomorrow that'll be three days past my due date. I've heard of women doing weird things to bring on labor," She laughed quietly into hand. "Drinking hot sauce, nipple stimulation, sex. Hey Clarissa, do you wanna rub my nipples?" She asked jokingly not being serious in the slightest, struggling not to laugh again. "The only one out of those three I'm comfortable with you doing is you feeding me hot sauce, which sounds disgusting."
'What? Just rub your nipples?' Clarissa asked sarcastically, she looked at her, brows were creased at what she heard. 'I thought you're gonna offer sex. Man. No deal.' She chuckled quietly and went to watch the movie again. She did heard such things to induce labor, pregnant women really tends to do crazy stuff just to get the baby size of a watermelon out of them. Well, in her friend's case, two watermelons (she still thinks Alien, like Ripley had) and a chick.

'Sorry, i'm not drunk enough and I highly doubt that i'll be, 'tis baby feels like grape juice.' Clarissa said to her, before taking a sip. 'Bring out vodka and let's see what will happen.' she added lightly.
"I think I'm good, sorry. I don't want to deal with someone who's drunk off there ass right now." Vera laughed quietly, shifting her weight around trying to get comfortable. She shut her eyes trying to relax

Diamond came down the steps as quietly as she could, making sure she didn't make a sound. The girl went beside the couch where Vera was, knowing she was awake. She suddenly jumped, making a loud squealing noise freaking Vera out beyond belief who was just trying to relax.

In return to Diamonds squealing, Vera screamed and upon instinct hit the girl. It just sounding like it was pretty hard, she gave Diamond a death glare and buried her face in a pillow swearing into it quietly. The two girls screaming got Puddings attention, the dog running downstairs and barked at Diamond before sitting down beside Clarissa.
'You don't know what you're missing.' Clarissa chuckled as she drifted her eyes lazily back on the TV.

It was the part of the movie when the couple finale found out about the tapes and they were freaking out. They tried to look for an escape but couldn't find one. The movie wasn't fit for a movie night especially if you are alone and easy tp be scared, but Clarissa was all up for it. The woman in the movie tried to peak in the curtains... Now, as an audience, it was the part where you anticipated that someone might jump on the other side of the glass, but that wasn't the thing that made Clarissa jump that time.

Diamond creeped out of the couch and tried to surprise Vera, it worked perfectly since the pregnant girl screeched back and threw curses at the other girl.

'Jackass,' But even Clarissa can't stop laughing, it was funny how Vera freaked out. 'Good thing that my wineglass is empty or I swear you'll end up scrubbing the carpet.'
Diamond tried not to laugh but failed, bursting into laughter. Clarissa laughing only made it worse too. "I'm sorry but you can't deny anything, that was great. I love you, Vera. You know I do." Diamond said her laughter finally calming down, leaning over the back of the couch giving the girl a kiss on her cheek, it honestly fairly adorable. The two were cute together in general. "Tried to scare the little creatures out of ya." She said laughing again quietly.

"You did asshole." Vera said seriously, she kept her face buried in the pillow but spoke loud enough that her voice wasn't muffled.

"Hm?" Diamond asked, she still leaning over the back of the couch. Her face was close to Vera's. She didn't think the girl was serious or anything.

"My water broke or I just pissed myself. Whichever the two after I get cleaned up I'm fucking killing you." She huffed as she sat up, pushing Diamonds face away from hers as she went upstairs to go change her pants without another word.

Once the girl had said that she didn't care about Vera pushing her away. She had a blank look on her, almost shocked. "Um.." She laughed nervously, facing Clarissa. "Now what?"
Clarissa's eyes found the TV again. It was way better because she knew that the two would probably make out. She'd rather watch someone getting killed, skewered and murder on the TV than watch the two made their peace in their own way.

She easily blocked them out, it was her somehow special talent. Clarissa can zone people out when she's into something. It helps in studying. It actually helped her when she was in highschool and her classmates kept on babbling about something she couldn't care any less. Clarissa can focus into something if she willed herself to be.

'Ohmygods, those two??' Clarissa looked at them with horror and amazement in her eyes while pointing at the television, 'Those two are going to die!.. Wh--what the hell is wrong with you?'

She watched how Vera stormed off, her pants were wet. 'Did she peed her pants?' But then she saw the expression on Diamond's face and the couch. 'Holy shit.' Clarissa tossed the wineglass on Diamond's lap and ran towards Vera upstairs.

'Hey Mrs. Sanders, you alright?' Clarissa called out against the door. 'Tell me that was just a pee.' She was already getting panicky.
Diamond picked up the wineglass from her lap and watched Clarissa run upstairs after Vera. She was in too much shock that actually worked to follow and help out if it was needed. She knew the shock would leave her in a few minutes and if it really was a drastic situation she knew Clarissa would snap her out of it.

It took a few moments before Vera answered the door, tossing her dirty pants in a hamper she had where she kept her dirty clothes. "I doubt it, I get scared easily but I don't think I peed myself. I have more control that." She let out a half laugh and sat down on her and Diamonds bed, staring at Clarissa. "I'm not in pain right now so there's no point in going to the hospital, they'll just send us back. They'll only admit you after your so far along into labor, I'll let you know if we need to go. Don't worry and don't fucking let Diamond scare me again Jesus christ." She paused for a moment before continuing, she was clearly much more calmer than Clarissa or Diamond. "I think my contractions need to be like 5 or so minutes apart before they'll actually let me have a room and whatnot. At that point I'll be in active labor, they'll take care of me then." Her medical training meant she knew more about that stuff than Clarissa did, knowing Clarissa she'd want to run to the hospital as soon as she could. Vera just wanting to stay on that bed or on the couch and relax for as long as she could, not wanting doctors in her face, asking her questions, nurses running out. At the moment that wasn't what she wanted.
Wide eyed, she listened at Vera talked and talked. Clarissa was amazed with how calm she is. She just shook her and glared at her. 'Shut up. Grab your jacket. We're going.' She walked away and went to their room. Adrian was still awake with little Sage in his chest.

'You, go get dressed. Vera's water broke. No questions ask.' She picked up little Sage and grab some coat on the armoire. 'Grab your keys and help Vera out. Now. Acher, move!'

Clarissa went downstairs with Sage in her arms, Diamond was still there and just like what she did with Adrian, she was about to yell at her, but the pimp was in daze. Clarissa had to snap her fingers in front of Diamond's face. 'Get dress. Grab the baby bag. Now.' Mama Clarissa was on the roll.
Vera sighed quietly as she watched Clarissa storm off to get the whole house up and out the door because of her. A small piece of her just wanted to put her foot down and say they could wait, she wasn't in a hurry and she knew the hospital for a fact wouldn't shit once they got there so she didn't see the point. She wasn't in the mood to start a fight with the girl, considering she hadn't even had any contractions yet so whatever the hurry was a bit odd in her mind.

She grabbed her jacket as she went downstairs, slipping it on looking at Diamond who was snapped out of it by Clarissa snapping her fingers in her face. The pregnant girl went over to Diamond and grabbed her by her arm, pulling her back upstairs which Diamond followed very willingly. Diamond and Vera coming back down when Diamond had got done getting dressed. Adrian had already made it back downstairs and was getting his car keys at that point.

Diamond went over to Clarissa and smiled faintly at her. "We don't need to leave in such a rush you know." The two while they were upstairs, Vera probably talking to her and explaining the situation to Diamond. Diamond had much more of a crueler and meaner side to her so simply telling Clarissa to slow and calm down wasn't that big of deal to her, to Vera she would've been dragged to the hospital without a complainant, maybe a couple but wouldn't tell the girl no. "She hasn't had any contractions yet so just calm down, I'm not trying to be mean or anything but just let Vera relax. Even if she trained as a nurse she isn't the biggest fan of stressful situations that revolve around her. I believe her when she says they won't do anything for her at this point, it kind of makes sense in all honesty." Diamond sighed, she didn't like being mean to the girl that was letting them live there for free and she knew the girl was hot headed but for Vera's sake she was fine with it. "I get your concerned, believe me, I am too. I know Vera she wouldn't be stupid and keep us here while she's in the middle of pushing out a kid so I trust her on this. If she isn't ready to go, please respect that. I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to be mean to you, it's just what she wants and I know she's too afraid to ever stand up for herself. Hell, I'm pretty sure she can't even order food properly she's so shy." She laughed quietly though she was serious.

Adrian and Vera just watched the two, listening to their conversation. Adrian actually being kind of surprised somebody was actually telling Clarissa no for once. Vera just seemed kind of awkward just standing there, wanting to stay there though to make sure Diamond didn't suddenly get pissed off. She doubted it but Diamond was in her mind still kind of her pimp.
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'Alright, her call.' Clarissa said, surprisingly calm as she considered the options. 'Just know that what I only wanted is for her to be in the hospital once the contraction starts. And not here in the house where we have to bring her out once it started, hopefully after the next 12 hours or so while trying to look as calm as possible when she's feeling a different kind of ripping and tugging pain in her body at the back of the car while you hold her and coax some encouraging things to ease the pain for a bit. Yes, you guys were used to pain but this pain is much different. I just want her to be in a controlled environment, and not just with us who knows squat about delivering babies. That's all.'

Sitting down with Sage still in her arms, Clarissa looked at the TV and the crazy thriller movie was still on, the couple in the movie was in some kind of underground shaft filled with rats while crawling away from their killers. The movie was freakin' suspense indeed. She even managed to jumped a bit when the killer found the couple in the movie lurking underneath.
Diamond nodded. "I trust Vera that we won't have to deliever the small humans inside your home." She laughed quietly, it was a funny thought having to deliever the twins there instead of the hospital but she doubted that would happen.

The pimp went back upstairs with Vera, Vera just following her silently. Adrian went over to Clarissa, kissing her forehead gently. "I'm going to go to bed, I feel like tonight is gonna be a long night. Just wake me up whenever Vera wants to leave." He said with a slight smile, kissing baby Sage's cheek before going back upstairs to go to bed.

It was several hours later before Diamond set off to find Clarissa so that they could leave. She assumed the girl was asleep by now and went into Adrians and her's bedroom, going over to the sleeping girl and shook her gently to wake her up. "Hey Mama Clarissa.." She said quietly, not being a fan of waking her up but she knew it had to be done. "Vera's ready to go to the hospital now, if you wanna go."
After everyone went to bed, Clarissa and Sage were the only one left out in the living room. Clarissa finished her movie after all, an upside of not going to the hospital, but she wasn't able to watch the good part of the movie because of what happened. When Sage finally slept, she brought her to Adrian's side and not her nursery. Clarissa went back on the living room with another glass of wine, to watch another movie.

She drank half the bottle before retiring to bed. The adult grape juice did help in making her sleep.

She didn't knew what time it was when she was being woken up. It took a while for her to respond, not exactly fond of being waken up. 'What time is it?' She slurred and check their bedside table for the time. 'Still the dead of the night. Wow. Why didn't we do this again when we're all wide awake again?' She didn't mean to snap at her, but the bitch inside the cage woke up as soon as she did, too sleepy to tame.

Carefully not waking up Sage, she leaned in and kissed Adrian's by the head. 'Babe, Vera wants to go now. You need to drive them.' Vera was calm so Clarissa trusted her being calm about everything, she ended up leaning her head while eyes closed on Adrian's head, calm with what's happening and definitely more sleepy but she was fighting it off.

'Acher. Wake up.' Clarissa made herself sat up, with droopy eyes, she tried to look at Diamond. 'Okay, you guys go. Sage and I will go there in the morning. We can't do anything yet for her. The little girl needed sleep. I'll call the hospital and tell them that you guys were on the way.'
Adrian sat up, going to get dressed before leaving. He was just as asleep as Clarissa so he didn't say anything.

Diamond nodded at Clarissa before going upstairs and came downstairs, carrying Vera bridal style in her arms which was honestly fairly impressive because she didn't look that strong. "Alright, we'll see you later." Diamond smiled at her before going to the car with Vera who seemed to be in pain. She probably was.

Adrian came downstairs, kissing Clarissas forehead. "I'll see you later dear. I love you. I'll call you if we need anything." He said before leaving with Diamond and Vera.

Whenever Clarissa made it the hospital Vera was still in labor, Adrian and Diamond where sitting in her room, Adrian was asleep while Diamond and Vera were awake. Diamond sitting beside the girls bed, resting her against the edge of it she seemed tired but knowing the girl she wouldn't sleep while Vera was in pain.
Clarissa just smiled at them sleepily as they went out, just like what she said, she called the hospital. The poor nurse took the end of Clarissa's bitchiness but in the end she said she was sorry that she was cranky. She didn't know what happened in the hospital, though she was sure that there's hell to pay if Vera doesn't get any attention once they set foot inside the emergency room.

She was still asleep when Sage crawled on her tummy and the little girl slap her on the face while flashing her gummy smile. 'I know, love. We'll go to see if Salt and Pepper is already out.' Clarissa laughed at her little girl. She rolled out of the bed, had breakfast and had a quick shower with Sage. After an hour or two she was already up and called the cab.

They arrived in the hospital and when she got in the admin, the nurse manning it knew Clarissa and was more than happy to oblige to point at her where Vera's room was.

Clarissa greeted Adrian with a light kiss on his lips before she went at the foot of Vera's bed. 'Hey, pain's a bitch right?' Clarissa smirk playfully at her.

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