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Nicolas followed Clarissa out very willingly, Diamond stayed snuggle up with Vera the two were silent as they left. Nicolas shut the door to her room behind him. "I'm going to try and get ahold of your boyfriend for you and see why the fuck he isn't here yet. I'm pretty sure he should be off work by now though I don't know his schedule. I'll be back though." He said giving Clarissa a slight smile before walking off back into the waiting area. It was clear that Nicolas wasn't in a talkative happy mood, still accepting that his eldest son was crazy too.

Diamond came back out Vera's hospital room after about 30 minutes and found Clarissa, forcing Clarissa to let her hug her. Diamond was clingy 24/7 not just when she was drunk, her being stressed too wasn't helping. "Can I kill him? I really want to." She said, pouting slightly. "Her pain keeps on getting worse and she's to bleed a decent amount.. I got the doctor and they're trying to figure crap out now. I haven't been through medical school but I still don't think blood and pain is good. I don't want her to have to through losing two more kids, she was depressed enough after losing one and I'm pretty sure even if she doesn't act like those kids inside of her now have grown on her so much to a point she actually wants to raise them and be their mother. At least with her first kid she didn't have to deliver a dead baby, if she goes into labor now she's far enough along she gets to give birth to two dead corposes. To be honest with you mama Clarissa I kinda want to meet those infants when they're fully baked, not now. I'm not exactly the father figure but christ those are still my girlfriends babies."
Clarissa just nodded at Nicolas as he went away. She stayed at the front of the room, still holding Sage. For a healthy baby, the little girl sure spends a lot of time in a hospital, Clarissa wasn't even sure if that was safe for the girl. She checked her own phone and found no text from his boy toy. 'Where on earth is your father, little girl?' She asked at him, Sage just grab her hair amd played with it in response.

'O-oh.' Clarissa mumbled when Diamond suddenly attack her with a hug. They've been waiting half an hour and Clarissa was sitting in the waiting room. 'You don't know how tempting your offer sounds, but no, you can't kill the bastard. I want him to see what he's going to miss when those babies were all healthy and out of Vera.' Diamond's news was indeed grim and tragic. If Vera won't stop bleeding at this rate, miscarriage is indeed highly possible. 'We all do want to see them, so let's hope for the best.' Clarissa reached out and patted her arm, though she did cringed a bit when she was called Mama Clarissa, now she felt old. She did wonder though what will Adrian will say when the stripper call him Daddy. 'Holy crap, your girlfriend? I thought you were just her pimp.' She joked lightly at her.
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"Yeah I'm her pimp and her girlfriend." She smiled faintly, wanting to laugh but felt now wasn't the time. "Apollo hurt my little worker, he got hurt as well. I did my job." She sighed quietly, letting go of her as she stood up. "I'm going to go back there with her again. I'm sure she wants to see you too, you guys are friends after all." She said as she walked off back into Vera's room. Vera was laying there on her hospital bed looking pale, clammy and just stressed out in general. She was awake though, in too much pain to sleep.
Clarissa just sighed and followed the girl half heartedly. Seeing Vera pale and hurting was enough for Clarissa to feel the same way. She guessed it was because she knew how stressful pregnancy is, and not to mention she's been through stressful times because of some jerk. But the difference is, when that happened to her, Sage was all complete and ready to face the world as to Vera's condition, she's not just only few months away from her due date, someone purposely tried to kill the growing babies inside of her.

Clarissa walked at the foot of the bed like what she did earlier, tiny Sage was in her arms. 'You want that KFC now?' Clarissa asked softly, a tiny smile was on her face as she looked down on the girl at the bed.
"To be honest, yes I do." She smiled faintly at Clarissa, she was hungry but not at the same time because of the stress of everything and the pain. Diamond was sitting in chair by the girls bed, one of her hands reaches up holding it gently rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb. Diamond laughed softly at the girls unhealthy food choices.

"You'll get fat." She joked lightly, making the best out of a dim situation. Vera pouted and shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh shut up, I'm pretty sure I already am fat." She said, pointing towards her stomach. "I can't control it though so get over it, cupcake."
Clarissa shook her head, smiling at Vera's enthusiasm. At least the girl is strong enough to exchange some witty banters. She fished out her phone and started dialing the number of the fast food chain. Clarissa couldn't help but to grimaced when she heard what Diamond said. She was still touchy about sizes even though her figure was back to normal and it wasn't her that was being teased.

'Geez. You're like Adrian. Bullying pregnant woman because of their size and weight.' Clarissa pouted at her, 'She needs to be healthy for the babies, stop making fun of her.' She was about to add some more heartfelt chiding when a man from the other line answered her. Clarissa turned her back and talked to the man on the phone.
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Diamond giggled quietly and moved so she was laying down next to Vera, snuggling up next to her. "She know's I'm only joking with her, I don't care how much she weighs." She giggled softly, she moved her head so it was resting on Vera's chest using her boobs as a pillow. Vera just laid there, accepting it awkwardly though she wouldn't lie her hormones made it so she did care about Diamond's comments. Plus with history of eating disorders it didn't mix very well.
'....okay. Half an hour. Got it. Thanks!' Clarissa said as she hung up and place her phone back on her pocket. She turned her at the sappy couple by the bed. 'Alright, your greasy chicken is on the way, princess.' She just gave Vera a shrugged with a tight smile seeing the pimp's clinginess. 'Wait. So you're turned on by her weight?' Clarissa joked lightly at them. She adjusted the baby on her arms, Sage was geting heavier which was good since she is a growing baby.
Diamond giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "Sometimes, curvier women are hotter to me. Her being pregnant? That really isn't a fetish for me, I've heard of it though." She said, Vera was just laying there at the ceiling having a look in her of 'pls help me jesus.'

Adrian came back into the room, Nicolas following behind and looked at Diamond and Vera who were basically on top of each other. "I'm home." He snorted, going over to Sage and taking his daughter from Clarissa. "The hospital is basically our second home at this point."
'Atleast now we know she won't cheat on you.' Clarissa winked at Vera, 'though you have to keep that figure.' She added with a laugh seeing Vera's defeated expression. Clearly she already accepted the fate that her partner is a one crazy girl.

'Hey,' Clarissa smiled at her boytoy upon arrival. She gladly gave the baby to him. 'No shit. Sage will grow up knowing a lot of nurses and doctors if this continues.' She chortled at him.
"I can feed her." Diamond giggled softly, moving and kissed Vera's cheek. She just pouted more in response, Diamond was clearly enjoying this converstation more than she was.

Adrian held Sage so her head was resting on his shoudler. "What are you guys even talking about?" He asked, not being there for the whole thing so he had no idea.
'She can stop herself from eating,' Clarissa grinned, 'We ought to tie her up so that she won't budge.' She crossed her arms on her chest and laughed. Clarissa cracked up more when Adrian ask what were they talking about. 'Diamond's fetish and sex life.' Clarissa nudge at him playfully. 'Care to add something?'
Adrian shook his head and rolled his eyes. "No I think I'm going to stay out of this this one. Sorry." He snickered quietly.

Diamond giggled quietly and poked Vera's nose, finding her silence in this converstation amusing. Vera just shooed the girls hand away. "I could tie her up, that's always a thing." She joked lightly.
'Oh my god, please don't.' Clarissa tried to act disgusted but Vera's face and expression was too funny to not to notice and not to make fun of. 'Don't use cuffs though, might cause bruises. We can't have that.' She just said it to make things worse to the pregnant woman.

'How 'bout you?' Clarissa patted Adrian's back, 'Want me to tie you up later?' she said lightly at him with a wink.
Adrian scrunched up his face and shook his head. "No I think I'm good, thank you for the offer, though. We all know I'm the top in this relationship if anyone would be tied up it would be you." He snickered quietly.

Vera frowned and stared at Clarissa. "This conversation has taken a weird turn." Diamond just giggled in response, playing with Vera's hair gently. "Be thankful Sage has no idea what we're talking about, she's going to grow up and be a kinky heart breaker."
'Aww.' Clarissa pouted at her boytoy. 'But I can be very persuasive.' She said, slapping his ass in the process. 'You did like playing hard to get.' Shaking her head, she looked at Vera and grinned. 'Yeah, definitely heart breaker alright, I just hope she wasn't as kinky as her father.' Clarissa chortled, poking little Sage's nose lightly.
Adrian pouted and moved so he was sitting down in one of the chairs in Vera's hospital room so Clarissa couldn't slap his ass anymore. "Jesus christ in front of the kids too." He snickered, looking over at his father who was just accepting this conversation probably being on Vera's side and just wondering how it even began.
'I did something worse than that.' Clarissa glared at him. Her voice was a bit higher than usual. She then look back at the two, and grinned widely, 'I did something worse than that.' Clarissa nodded at them reassuringly. 'And just so you know, these kids did something way worse than that, so don't act so shy type all of a sudden.' She climbed and sat at the space near the foot of Vera's bed. 'Normally, he wasn't that shy.' Clarissa giggled at them. 'He actually doesn't care if I slap him out in the public.'
"I care somewhat, like if you ever met my boss at work and slapped my ass in front of him. I would care then." He rolled his eyes again, leaning back into the chair trying to make Sage to sleep. "I could always file a sexual harassment charge." Adrian joked lightly, trying not to laugh. "Don't worry I won't do anything like that."
'Geez. You're such a prude.' Clarissa looked at him and chuckled, 'Thank the gods then, that we're not officemate or else you'll get grope all the time in the breakroom.' The girl winked at her boyfriend. 'I should focus on my studies, working in an office sounds fun.' Clarissa giggled.
"Good god." Adrian rolled his eyes and rubbed Sage's back softly with the hand he wasn't using to hold the little girl. Vera sat up in the bed, Diamond laid there with an upset look on face no longer able to use the girls chest a pillow.

"Meanie." Diamond said, grabbing on Vera's arm playfully trying to make her lay back down. Vera clearly didn't want that and wanted to sit up for whatever reason, Diamond gave up after a minute and rolled onto her stomach her face being buried in the pillow on Vera's hospital bed.

"My tits are not pillows, you'll live."
'I love you.' Clarissa said at Adrian with a laugh, teasing the guy was just as fun as teasing the pregnant girl on the bed. 'The princess doesn't want you to use her tits as a pillow. Behave yourself Diamond,' Clarissa smirked at them jokingly. 'Behave or you can't have your dinner.'
Diamond giggled softly and turned her head so she wasn't breathing into the pillow. "Oh shush we'll all get dinner." She said, poking Veras side gently making the girl pout in response.

Adrian laughed as he watched the two. "I love you too, Clarissa."
'Do you want me to tie Diamond up and gag her so that she can't bully you anymore?' Clarissa grinned at Vera. The pregnant girl was clearly unamused and a bit annoyed at the teaming up between the pimp and Clarissa. 'She won't go down without a fight but I think you can manage to tame her first?' She chortled.

As if on cue, a nurse knocked at the door and upon opening, the delivery guy was with them. 'Oh, hang on.' Clarissa said as she jumped down the bed and grab her purse from the table. The delivery guy was placing their food on the table gingerly, the smell of greasy chicken and mash wafted in the air.

'Here, you go.' Clarissa beamed at the delivery guy and paid him with extra obviously happy with the payment for the service. 'That was fast,' Clarissa smirked and looked at Vera, 'Do you want to eat now?' She added as she sat beside Adrian and Sage. 'How 'bout you? Are you hungry?' She looked at her boyfriend and patted his leg. 'I can take Sage while you eat.'
"Yes I'd like to eat now, I've been ready to eat since I asked hours ago." She laughed quietly, at least she wasn't like Clarissa and her cravings shifted. Once she decided she wanted something her mind was stuck with it. Diamond got up from the hospital bed and grabbed a piece of chicken, ripping off a piece of it and stuck it in Vera's mouth.

Adrian watched Diamond and laughed, handing Sage to Clarissa before getting some food. "You're a mother again."

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