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'Oh, so now my daughter is your night night bear?' Clarissa scoffed but a smile was on her face. 'Just don't let her wake up, if that little thing gets cranky then i'l-- no wait, Adrian will arrived by then. His turn with the kid.' Chuckling, she jumped down from the bed and raise the side railings. 'Go sleep, i'll be outside. I thought I saw some hot nurse somewhere.' Clarissa patted Vera's leg and headed outside towards the waiting area.
Rather than Adrian being the one to make it to the hospital it was actually Nicolas, Nicolas probably hearing what was going on because Apollo called him or Adrian got a call from Apollo and told his father. Either way Nicolas wouldn't miss something like this, he'd leave work just to make sure that girl was alright and if it ever need be it was more than likely he'd take care of her like how he did with Clarissa.

Nicolas went over to the girl in the waiting area and didn't sit down next to her, being in more of a standing mood. "What the actual fuck happened?" He asked, the man clearly hadn't been told everything. "I get a random ass call from my eldest son that he's in the police station for reasons he won't tell me and sent me here? Why? He said it had to do with Vera."
Online shopping always made her worries go away, so Clarissa whip up her phone and started swiping anything she likes. It was mostly dresses for her and Sage, but she did bought some books. The nurse who greeted them came by just to say hello. Somehow they became acquaintances, she was one of the nurses who did some rounds on the duration of their stay. From time to time Clarissa would go and check if the two were still sleeping in the room, so far, the morning drama drained both Vera and Sage.

Clarissa was searching for something on her phone when suddenly a looming figure towered in front of her. It was Papa Acher, pissed Papa Acher. The nurse took a glance at her, as if asking her if everything was alright, sure thing Papa Acher is one intimidating grandpa, Clarissa just smiled at her and waved to dismiss her.

Clarissa didn't do anything but her heart was pounding like hell as she tried to explain, switching her phone off, she started 'Uh... that basta-- Apollo,' Clarissa cut herself off, she's maybe angry at him but she didn't want to match Nicolas' wrath. 'He slipped some pills in Vera, it was for abortion. But the doctor said the dose isn't that strong for it to take effect. Though the doctor said that the twins might have some defects, still early for us to know entirely but there's a possibility. Vera's okay now, she's sleeping with Sage.' Clarissa sighed, pausing for a bit, 'And there was a fight, Apollo got drag away by the security.'
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Nicolas didn't say anything as Clarissa explained what his eldest son had did to the girl who was carrying his children. He took a seat next to Clarissa knowing now he was staying for sure. "Alright then, and my youngest is still at work?" He asked, he knew where the middle child was and that was at home asleep. For once he was thanking the gods for Dedrich. He couldn't decide if Apollo or Dedrich was worse at this point. "Vera shouldn't have a miscarriage, right? I don't see her all that much but I still would like to have more grandkids, and for her not to have to lose two kids because I can't raise my kids properly." It was amazing to think those three brothers all came from Nicolas.
'Yeah,' Clarissa nodded, 'Adrian is still at work.' It took everything not to scowl nor grimaced at him when Clarissa heard that Nicolas wanted to have more grankids. He's only getting one from Adrian and her, of course he'll have more if she and his son got separated but she wasn't thinking about that. Clarissa badly wanted to ask if he'll settle for three grandkids, but she was even afraid to start about that. 'Yes, no miscarriage. That's what the doctor said. But she needs to have a stress free environment.' Clarrisa said with a smile, she really did adore how Nicolas worries about the mother of his grandkids. 'Don't worry, it's not your fault. Apollo wasn't just ready and it was him who made the decision. I think you did your best in taking care of your sons.'
"That's good." He said referring to the fact Vera wouldn't have a miscarriage. He sighed quietly as he stared at Clarissa, he had long gotten over her and Adrians relationship. How needy she was and everything, there was nothing he could or would do about it. "I dont know what's wrong with Apollo at this point. He needs his ass beat."
'Well. You did beat him up already.' Clarissa said with a rueful smile. She wanted to smile when she remembered how Nicolas punished Apollo the first time they met Vera in their hotel room. But then again, the moment wasn't apt. 'What you could do is keep Apollo away from Vera. The doctor said no stress and he is the biggest stress in her life right now. What he did can be very traumatic to Vera, she did already lost her child once.'
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Diamond came out from behind the doors to the hospital, she was fine clearly and caring a sleeping Sage. She went over to them and handed Sage to Clarissa. "Vera's in pain right now and the doctor didn't want her in there." She said quietly, it was clear Diamond was more than worried about Vera right now. After apollo and now this. She took the seat at the other side of Clarissa, looking over at Nicolas never really meeting the man. Nicolas was just silent for a moment.

"Is she going to be alright?" He asked the girl, Diamond just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know but if she goes into labor there isn't much they can do at that point."
'Hey, love.' Clarissa cooed at her little sleeping girl. She wanted to place her back on the carrier but don't want to risk her waking up. 'She can't go into labor. It's too early. Way too early.' Clarissa said worriedly. Danger was still upon the three. If something like that happened, such as labor, there was a high chance that miscarriage might happen.
Diamond sighed and looked away from Nicolas, staring off at nothing at this point. "I know it's way too early, you can thank Apollo if she does." She said as she slouched back into her chair. "I'll go back in there with her after she's done with the doctor and nurses."
Clarissa stopped herself from fidgeting. One, because it won't help and would cause more panic to her and two, Sage was sleeping happily against her arms. She owe the little girl some sleep, seeing that she almost woke her up when she carried her to the car earlier. Poor kid, she's still don't know anything yet she was being dragged on to this mess. Of course Sage isn't the only innocent child that was affected by this, the twins are too. And it was really sad that it was their father who put them in such mess. Looking at Nicolas, now she was slightly concerned about Apollo, but thibking of what he's done, those concern easily vanished and she would love to have a front seat when Nicolas beat the crap out of him.

'We'll just have to wait and pray that eveything is going to be alright.' She mumbled quietly and held on Sage. Silently thanking that Adrian wasn't an asshole like his big brother.
Diamond nodded, sighing again as she continued to stare off at nothing silently hoping that everything would be in favor of Vera and not the asshole Apollo. She blamed herself in a way for not dealing with him sooner but she knew what was done was done, there was no going back. "Hopefully Vera is okay, right now I'm more worried about her than the twins at the moment. Yes I don't want them to both die or anything but still, Vera is the one who has to go through all of this."
'Right, of course.' Clarissa patted Diamond's lap reassuringly, 'She'll be fine. She's strong and stubborn.' She said with a chuckle, but still there was an edge on it. What she said was to reassure her more than Diamond, even that wasn't working.
Diamond nodded, glancing down at Clarissa's hand in her lap. There was a decent amount of time before the nurse came back and told Diamond and them that were able to go see the girl again. Diamond shot up without a second thought and left the three of them behind, going to Vera's room without a second thought. Nicolas glanced over at Clarissa, he seemed amused by the girl. "She reminds me of Adrian. In all honesty she might be worse in the stressing herself out department." He said, laughing under his breath.

When they made it back to Vera's room Diamond was already cuddled up with Vera, clinging to the girl and not letting go at this point being away from her long enough. Vera was awake now, probably haven gotten up a while ago having to talk to doctors and nurses. She was still clearly pregnant so that was good, and didn't seem to be in too much pain. "Sorry about Sage, I would've left her next to me but the doctor didn't want her to wake up and start crying or something else along those lines."
Clarissa just smiled at Nicolas' remarks. Yes, Diamond was like Adrian in some ways. She said to herself. The caring and the loving part. And admittedly, Diamond is pretty awesome too. She's still giddy about Diamond saying that Vera was her girl. It was pretty sweet and cute.

Clarissa followed the anxious stripper towards Vera's room and to her relief, Vera was still all good and fine. 'No, it's fine. She's still sleeping, thank the gods.' She grinned as she walk at the foot of her bed when Vera greeted her. 'So, what's the verdict? Are Salt and Pepper alright?'
"Mhm yeah, they're okay. I guess if the pills he literally stuck up my vagina were going to do anything they would have by now." She let out a huff, finding Apollo at this point just ridiculous. "I'll live and hopefully, they'll be fine. I just worry that now they'll come out with some defects, but hopefully that doesn't happen." She said, glancing over at Diamond who was just staring at her and started to play with the girls hair. Nicolas was watching the two in silence, there was nothing for him to say considering he was as close to Vera as he was with Adrian and Clarissa.
'Don't worry, if there's a chance that we could prevent those things from happening, we'll do it.' Clarissa said with a tiny smile, 'We'll pump you with multivitamins and whatever that's needed.' Her eyes drifted back to Diamond, who was at ease beside the pregnant girl, 'Right, almost forgot. How's the head? What did they say? Are they gonna admit you too at psych ward?' Clarissa joked lightly.
Diamond chuckled lightly and turned her head slightly so she could see Clarissa. "I'm sure I could be sent there even without a head injury," She said laughing again, continuing to play with the girls hair. Vera didn't seem to mind at all. "They said I don't have anything too serious, just don't go beating my head against things and take Tylenol."
'That's actually one of my worries, I thought they won't let you out.' Clarissa chuckled, 'Figuring that they might have a new case of psychopath.' Sage squirmed in her arms when she laughed lightly. It took a while before Clarissa managed to settle her down. 'Is KFC for dinner good for you? Our little princess here want it.'
Diamond laughed quietly, it took her a moment before she realized little princess wasn't Sage but Vera. She was going to ask how the hell Clarissa knew Sage wanted KFC for dinner and when she had even had KFC in the past. That was a funny thought. "Yes that's fine, if that's really what she wants. I thought you meant Sage at first by little princess. Oh my god."

Vera rolled her eyes and poked Diamonds face. "Oh shut the fuck up, don't judge me. I can't control my cravings."
'Don't worry, Sage will not mind sharing the title.' Clarissa chuckled quietly then whispered at the sleeping innocent girl, 'Right, love?' The poor little girl had no idea what craziness was happening. 'Alright, i'll order later. And stop bullying her Diamond, Pregnant woman really can't control what they like.' She reprimanded at the stripper with a straight face, 'Got your back, Princess.' Clarissa finally cracked up as she patted Vera's leg.
Vera rolled her eyes and laughed quietly. "That's good mama Clarissa." Diamond just laughed as well.

"I won't bully her too much. That's not saying I won't at all." She joked lightly, making Vera pout. Diamond just laughed again, poking Vera's nose. "Don't worry I'm not too mean so calm down."
'Oh my goodness, in case you're forgetting, you're not alone in the room.' Clarissa grimaced, squinting her nose. The little girl reached for her hair and just like that, she's already awake and all smiles. 'Sage is here, you want us to give you privacy for like fifteen minutes?' She laughed as she place Sage on a sitting position at the foot of the bed, for some reason the girl was shrieking in delight.
Vera laughed softly, rolling her eyes before she shook her head staring at Clarissa. "No, I think you guys are fine. I don't think me and Diamond are any worse than you and Adrian." She said smiling faintly before her face scrunched up in pain and whined quietly for a moment. Diamond frowned and kept hugging the girl but loosened her grip, not wanting to hurt the girl by hugging her or anything.

"Are you alright..?" Diamond asked, not liking seeing the girl in pain but she knew there was nothing she could do. Vera just nodded in response closing her eyes.
'Your are worse than us.' Clarissa cjortled at them, then she looked down at the little girl playing at the bed, 'They are worse than mommy and daddy, babe.' She whispered at the little girl who were completely unaware of whag was happening. Like always the girl was all smile and drool.

'Okay, okay.' Clarissa said worriedly, picking up Sage in her arms again, she pointed at Vera, 'You, rest or sleep. Don't strain your self.' then she looked at Diamond, 'Don't stress her out. You can stay but no stressing her out. We'll be outside.' Clarissa nodded at Nicolas, she knew that wherever they are it won't affect the situation but Clarissa knew that if she stay there and watch her cringe more, she might ask Diamond to kill Apollo for what he did. Thus, tugging Nicolas along with him, she thought that if he saw what was happening to Vera, he might share the same idea as Clarissa's. Better safe than sorry.

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