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'Hey, I like animals.' Clarissa said defensively, 'I do, I just don't feel sorry if I use them to make others feel bad.' Realizing just what she said, Clarissa laughed out loud, 'Oh, gods. I sounded like psycho.' She shook her head and look down on Pudding, 'Don't worry, i'm not into hurting animals. I just like to use them as leverage.' The dog just looked at her lazily and he shifted his head. 'Wow, you three had a rough night.' She chuckled under her breath. She stood up and adjusted Sage in her hands. 'Sleep tight, you sappy little girl.' Calling Pudding, Clarissa carried Sage back at the nursery.
Vera chuckled softly and listened to the three of them go upstairs before eventually drifting off to sleep.

It wasn't that long after she had fallen asleep it had been disturbed by getting a cramping feeling in her lower stomach. She opened her eyes, scrunching up her face slightly because of the pain trying to ignore it at first and just go back to sleep but when it didn't go away it became a bit of concern for her.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax before calling for Clarissa. Vera knew once she summoned the girl she couldn't take it back, Clarissa literally over reacting to everything though she was concerned herself so she couldn't really blame Clarissa if she wanted to take her to the hospital. Whenever Clarissa had made it back to Vera she was pale in the face, just seeming stressed out in general by the look in her eye. Vera took another deep breath as she sat up, keeping the blanket on her though to keep warm. "I'm in pain." She said truthfully, her voice being quiet and the look on her face basically said where the pain was without her needing to say anything else about it.
Sage finally fell asleep after minutes of playing with her mom and Pudding. The liln and the little girl played an awful weird game of fetch where Sage just let go of the ball and Pudding will automatically ran after it. The little girl was laughing and shrieking happily every time the lion's nose touch her face.

Clarissa was reading a book, her feet was on Pudding's furry stomach while Sage was sleeping with a tiny smile on her lips when Vera called out. She went down, taking her time. 'What's u-- What the hell?' Clarissa was all smile when she came down but upon seeing Vera, her expression became anxious. Vera admitting pain was new, normally she had to push the girl to say that she felt something different so Clarissa did what she do best, she ran up to Apollo's room and wake him up.

'Hey!' Clarissa said, kicking the foot of the bed, then shaking him up. 'Wake up. You need to take Vera to hospital. Now!' Clarissa growled at him, 'i'm leaving the door open, so if you don't get up Pudding will eat that tiny things you call pet.' Clarissa ran outside, didn't even bothering to sugar coat her threats.

Next thing she did was went to Diamond, 'Vera's in pain. Something's wrong.' She said, shaking her up. Clarissa went towards their armoire and grab herself a coat and her purse. She ran straight to Sage and as much as she hated waking the little girl, she carried her off and transferred her on the carrier.

'Err, sit up ' Clarissa said as soon as she came back to Vera, she place Sage on the table. 'Oh gods, is this from the withdrawal?' She asked at her worriedly.
Vera watched not saying anything as Clarissa went upstairs waking up the rest of the house because of her.

Upon Clarissa kicking the bed and shaking Apollo, a groan came out of the tired man. He had been up all night and in his mind wanted to sleep all day no matter what. Though he knew Clarissa got her panties in a bunch over something big or small, whatever she wanted needed to get done. He got up lazily after she left the room and grabbed the fruit basket with kittens in it, sitting it ontop of a dresser so Pudding couldn't get to them while he was gone.

Diamond was basically the same way though got up faster hearing what Clarissa had to say, rubbing her eyes and followed the girl back downstairs. She was clearly hung over and tired beyond belief though she had gotten up for Vera's sake.

Vera leaned back into the couch, her heading resting into the cushion trying to relax. She kept her eyes shut as she listened to Clarissa talk. "No, I highly doubt it." She said, her voice being quiet still. "I don't know what's wrong."

The hung over stripper glanced at the stairs as she watched Apollo come down, he seemed more awake and was currently buttoning up his shirt as he came down. "What's wrong..?" He asked, not being directed at anyone of them. Diamond being the one to answer.

"Vera's in pain, shut the fuck up." She said coldly, it was beyond obvious that her mood was shit though given the circumstances she wasn't about to go back to bed.

Apollo narrowed his eyes at the girl. "I only aske-"

"I said shut the fuck up. I swear to god I will stab you with one of my heels jackass." Diamond snapped at him, cutting him off and put him into place. Not a single word came out of Apollo's mouth after that being able to tell the girl was serious. Her threats weren't empty.

"Let her try to relax for a few minutes, Clarissa." Her voice was calmer when she spoke to the girl. "See if it goes away and it's just stress, if it is it's best not to stress her out further by shoving doctors in her face."
'No,' Clarissa said defiantly, 'I know I told you I won't over react next time, well I lied. Hospital, now. Go, get her keys. Hurry up.' Clarissa said sternly, her eyes shifting to Diamond from Vera. The mom was not taking a no for an answer. She tried to compose herself, but she was getting anxious. She saw Vera became pale before but something was way different right now. 'You,' Clarissa barked at Apollo, 'Carry her outside.' She stood up and grab Sage as she walked by the door and opening it widely.
Apollo went over to Vera and picked her up bridal style, it being clear that the girl didn't welcome being held nicely though couldn't do anything about. Mama Clarissa making the order. He walked out the front door to his car and stuck Vera in the backseat, Diamond stood there watching in silence before following Apollo out to his car. She went to the other side of the car and got in the backseat to sit with Vera. Apollo got in the driver seat, letting Clarissa take shot gun. Once she made it to the car like everyone else he pulled out of the driveway and started to head to the hospital. Him being focused on driving and Vera and Diamond weren't saying anything to one another the car being silent.
As soon as Sage and Vera were safely secured at the back, Clarissa made Apollo start the car. She kept looking on the backseat, as if her anxiousness would help them out. Vera was still getting paler by the hour. Thanks to light traffic, within twenty or thirty minutes they were illegally parked outside emergency room. Again.

'Go carry her inside,' Clarissa bark at Apollo, 'I'll park the car properly.' She then look at Diamond and nodded, 'Hold Sage for me please.' She jumped down and watch the others scurry along with her.
Apollo glanced over at Clarissa before getting out of the car, wanting to be home asleep and cuddled up with his kittens. That wasn't gonna happen now though. He grabbed Vera out of the backseat and went into the hospital. Diamond willing took Sage from Clarissa.

When Diamond and Clarisaa finally made it back into the hospital Vera had already been taken back and Apollo was still filling out some paperwork to do with Vera though the hospital probably still had the ones from the other day. It still had to get done though. He finished after a couple minutes and went over to Clarissa. "I suppose we just wait now." He said, sighing quietly having an unreadable expression on his face.
Sage was still asleep in her carrier when they got back in the hospital. The little girl was a heavy sleeper, all those running and moving yet her little eyes were still close or she was just tired due to her fetch game with their dog. Clarissa fished out her phone and started typing,

Hey babe, guess where we are! yes. 100% correct. Dr.Chase says hi btw. Love you.

Hoping that her boytoy would understand she hit the send button and tossed her phone back on her purse. They waited outside the emergency room where series of plastic chairs were neatly arranged in rows. Clarissa placed Sage's carrier on one chair and sat on the other. Another gruesome waiting. "I thought that all those drugs were flushed out of her," Clarissa said quietly, "What the hell happened."
Apollo shrugged, staring off at nothing in silence. Diamond was silent too, clearly worried and hungover. Working all night was tiring.

A nurse eventually went over to Clarissa and the gang, knowing them already. The only one she didn't recongize was Vera. "The doctor wants to talk to you Clarissa." She said directly to her, glancing over at Apollo and Diamond. "Only Clarissa for the time being." She added, Diamond seemed a bit upset by not knowing what was going on with her bae though she knew Clarissa would tell her when she returned.

"You can leave Sage here if you want, I'll watch her." She said to the girl so she wouldn't have to worry about watching her daughter while she talked to the doctor. Apollo on the other hand seemed emotionless on the manner, still staring off distantly into nothing.
Clarissa was rocking the carrier lightly to kept Sage asleep when one of the faniliar nurses walked up to them. Clarissa gave a tiny smile as a recognition. She's glad in having new friends and acquaintances and all, but the circumstances that how the Nurse and Clarissa met isn't exactly a lovely one.

She nodded gratefully at Diamond for volunteering on looking out for Sage. Weird enough, she trusted the stripper to look after her kid than the brother of the father. Pigs will fly first if she let him watch over her. Giving Diamond an encouraging smile, Clarissa followed the nurse to Vera's room.
Vera was currently asleep when the nurse brought back Clarissa, the doctor already being in there. He gave her a slight smile as a hello. "Well, I'm going to get straight to the point." He said calmly, glancing at the sleeping girl. "She should be fine, we gave her some medicine for the pain. The thing is we found traces in her vagina of a pill thats used for abortions, I asked her about it and she completely denied it, saying she never took it. I mean I know it didn't magically appear there so after asking her a couple things she said Apollo might've done it, that being the only other person she's been around like that in the last 24 hours." He voice was quiet, clearly a little bit puzzled and mixed emotions on the situation. "So basically what I'm saying is Apollo snuck that into her when they were having sex most likely without her knowing about it. The thing is she hasn't had any bleeding yet and he didn't give her a high enough dosage to actually bring on a miscarrage. It will still be in her system though so for the time being we have to keep her hear to make sure she doesn't have a miscarriage or premature labor." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I have to report this to the police and I already have a nurse contacting the sheriffs office nearby considering this is a crime and they'll have to invesagate on. After she leaves the hospital though, if some change Apollo does not get arrested I would highly suggest keeping the two away from each other. Anyone else who is abusive, keep her stress free and she will most likely have to see her OBGYN more often now because if she does not miscarry, the children has a likely hood of being born with birth defects. The risk is just increased I'm not saying that for certain, but I'll leave that up to talk to her doctor."
Clarissa smiled politely as she went inside and saw the doctor. She stood beside Vera's bed as the doctor told her what was the cause of her pain. After Clarissa heard abortion, pills and Apollo, her mind became blank. Yes, she knew she was still looking at the doctor, and she was nodding in acknowledgement, but she didn't actually hear a damn thing after that.

She believed Vera. Clarissa knows that the girl won't do that to herself, and she can believe Apollo being capable of doing that. Sly monster. Her mind immediately jumped back to the memory where she and Apollo were talking about his plans for the twins. She remembered how he easily dismiss the subject of future and babies.

She thought that maybe that's why he was all stoic and non chalant about what was happening, he gave her the pills and he was just waiting for a reaction. Of course he couldn't careless either since Vera was in pain and if he didn't gave the pills, pain still means bad in early times of pregnancy. Bad mean high chance of no babies.

'Yes, of course.' Clarissa nodded absentmindedly, 'We'll do that don't worry. We'll take care of them. Excuse me.' Smiling politely, she went back outside. Her face was blank as she grab the nearest thing she could on top of a tray. It was two stainless kidney dish, she felt a bit bad. She wanted to go back and rummage through it, hoping to find a scalpel, or a syringe or even just a forceps. But her mind was hardwired in walking back to the waiting area.

She immediately saw Diamond with Sage and of course, Apollo with his why-the-fuck-am-i-here look. Already furious, she unexpectedly flung the kidney dish straight to Apollo's head that created a thudding sound upon contact. 'You...fucking monster.' She hissed at him, when she was close enough she used the other kidney dish to hit him hard everywhere. No aim, as long as it made a contact on his body. 'You fucking twat. How could you do that to her?!!' She screeched at him as she continues to pound him with the dish. 'They're your babies, you fucking screw up! How could you try to kill such innocent babies?!' People from the emergency room were looking at them but she didn't care. 'Fucking monster.' Clarissa hissed as she pound him still with the stainless dish.
The doctor watched blankly as he seen Clarissa take the dish out of the room and didn't know what to do though. He hadn't been working in a hospital setting long so he hadn't seen everything yet so he was still fairly new at this. He just watched in silence as the girl left the room.

Apollo seemed to be in a daze after getting in the head by the random flying object. Upon hearing Clarissa angry's voice he basically put two and two together, the doctor telling Clarissa what actually happened. He seemed to take the hits from Clarissa fairly well and stopped her mid swing by grabbing onto the dish and stood up, yanking it out the girls hand so he wouldn't continue to be beaten by his brothers girlfriend. "I don't want kids Clarissa." He said coldly, the fact he was getting attacked so suddenly and he didn't want to even be there was getting hard for him to control hiding his anger that was starting to arise. "I know damn well she didn't want them originally too, mind your damn business for once." He knew he shouldn't hit the girl but at the moment he didn't care, he raised the kidney dish to Clarissa about to hit her right in the head which would defiantly hurt considering he was Apollo. His sexy abs basically showed how strong he was.

Before the dish actually made contact with the girl, Clarissa was knocked back Diamond suddenly without warning. There was the sound of the pan hitting the girls shoulder, she was taller than Clarissa so she didn't get hit in the head luckily. "I will fucking kill you sick bastard." Diamond spat harshly at the man, she narrowed her eyes at him. Diamond didn't need to know what he did directly she had enough of Apollos abusive behaviour and certainly put up with it far too long. "I should have beat your ass the first time you hit my girl. I generally have no tolerance for these types of things and I don't know why the fuck Vera convinced me not to do this sooner." Diamond said before punching Apollo in the throat, she purposely didn't do it hard enough to kill him or anything. She wasn't like Clarissa and didn't need a weapon, she knocked it out of his hand onto the ground just so he didn't have a weapon.

Apollo coughed, more like wheezed it sounding like it just hurt in general. It was clear he wasn't like Adrian and his pain tolerance wasn't through the roof, that of a normal human. Diamond pushed him back into the wall and held him there she took off one of her heels and without any hesitation, the heel of her shoe was shoved into Apollos upper arm. Both of her hands reached up, grabbing his hair and threw him onto the floor, landing so she was on his back and the sound of his skull hitting the cold hard hospital floor was loud. Sage was awake by now and crying, her being such the happy innocent baby couldn't begin to comprehend what was going on.

The babys tears did nothing to get Apollo and Diamond to stop, Apollo managing to knock her off and hit her head against the floor as well. By now security had been called and thank the gods they got there, knowing Diamond she would've fought till she couldn't have anymore. Apollo had everyone against him in this situation, he already had the police coming for him cause of Vera. Apollo was dragged away by two clearly strong men and another kneeled down, seeming more interested in knowing if Diamond was okay. "Are yo-"

Diamond basically knowing the question cut the man off who was just trying to do his job and be nice. "I'm fine." She said coldly, sitting up and held her head. It was clear she was fine though she would have a pretty terrible headache because of it.
Clarissa honestly thought that she's going to get the taste of her own medicine, meaning to be the end of pounding from the kidney dish she stole. She knew at some point Apollo will retaliate but her awesome judgement was way way clouded, it was just like when Dedrich attack her for the first time. What she did was from the borderline of bravery and stupidity, yet she didn't care. Again. No Adrian will protect her.

Good thing that Diamond was there, she fell down and saw the other girl took the blow for her. It took some few moments to realize what was happening. Apollo was completely off guard as Diamond attacked him. It took Sage's voice to rouse her up. Clarissa immediately ran to her side and picked her up while two of her companions were wrestling, if not to the death.

She knew Apollo could easily overpower Diamond, he had this trainings and all, but who knew, maybe that was just Adrian who retain those training and shit. Sage finally quiet down, and securities were all over the place. They drag Apollo away while Diamond sat on one of the chairs. As soon as everything quiet down, Clarissa walked towards Diamond. The little girl was smiling and shrieking again. 'Hey,' Clarissa said quietly, 'Are you okay? And don't say i'm fine. I'm a mom, humor me.' The little girl reached out and grab Diamond's sleeves. 'Thank you by the way.'
Diamond took a deep breath and looked over at Sage, finding humor in the girl was all giggley and happy after what just happened her head felt too all over the place to laugh. She just gave a small smile instead. "I'm better now actually, it felt good to beat the living shit out of him." Diamond said, leaning back into the chair closing her eyes pushing the pain from the blow as far back as she could. "I get to deal with the police now though."

The nurse who came out not that long ago had already came back out, going over to the two of them. "She's awake now if you'd like to talk to her." She said, glancing down at the kidney dish before picking it up. She just went back behind the doors that sectioned off the hospital and waiting area, Clarissa knowing where the room was so she didn't need to show her to Veras room.
'You'll have that head of yours check.' Clarissa said at her as she saw her winced. She did remember that it wasn't Apollo who felt the ground with their head. 'Don't cross or Sage will drool on you. Right babe?' Clarissa chuckled as she raised the baby, and kissed her chubby cheeks. The little girl was all toothless smiles, enough to make her forget a bit.

She mouthed sorry when she saw the nurse came back with a news. The kidney dish she stole was somewhere on the ground and totally forgotten, well not by the nurse. Clarissa picked up the carrier and handed it on Diamond as she walked over towards Vera's room.

Clarissa smiled as she open the door, waiting for Diamond to enter. She just smiled at Vera and stood at the foot of the bed.
Diamond followed closely behind Clarissa, once they made it into the girls room she climbed into the hospital bed with Vera and wrapped her arms around the girl. She didn't say a word to her and honestly looked like she was ready just to go to sleep there.

Vera frowned and let the girl hug her, knowing if she pushed the girl away at a time like this she'd only crawl back to where she was now. "I heard what happened from the doctor when I woke up." Vera said, Diamond nodded her head slightly in response as 'it's true.' "Do you know if Apollo is being arrested or does a judge snd jourey have to decide that?" She asked, it being easy to tell girl the felt awkward just discussing the circumstances. She was like Adrian, not wanting anyone in her buisness and it wasn't anything personal. She just liked to deal with things on her own.
'Honestly, i'm not sure.' Clarissa shrugged at her, 'And I really don't care. Only Adrian and Nicolas can answer that, and seeing my boytoy haven't responded yet, I have no idea.' Clarissa move Sage and let her sat on the bed, a tiny bear from the carrier was on her hand. 'Don't worry, i'll keep you posted. Though i'm pretty sure, he'll get off. Don't stress about it though, doctor's orders. And i'll make it certain that he doesn't come near you.'
Vera nodded. "Alright." She sighed, shutting her eyes for a moment before looking at Sage, wishing she could have as much innocence as the little girl right now. "All I want to do at this point is go home and cuddle with Pudding." She laughed quietly, though she was serious. It was still pretty earlier on and she already just wished for it to be over.
'Too bad, we can't always get what we want.' Said Clarissa sternly, 'you have to stay, i'm afraid this isn't something that can be over in just one night.' Clarissa reached over and tap Diamond by the leg, 'I need you to go to the doctor. Get that head checked out, I don't want you puking blood because of a concussion all of a sudden.' She knew that this will be a fight but again, Clarissa won't take a bloody no. 'He said that I should keep all the stress away from her, and I assume you dying is stressful for her. Go then you can go back to sleep.' Clarissa paused a bit, still looking at the girl who had probably no intention of following her, 'You'll see a doctor, either the easy way or the hard way. So I suggest you better move.' Clarissa added in a sing song voice.
Vera sighed and opened her eyes, looking over at Diamond. "Go on and do what she said, I don't want you dying. We're in a damn hospital for gods sake." She laughed quietly, watching Diamond sit up.

"Alright fine, I'll be back." She said before leaving the room, wanting have the whole doctor thing done and over with. Vera watched her as she left.

"Just you and me." Vera sighed as she sat up in the bed, her back resting against the back of the bed. "I bet Apollo is only thinking about his cats right now." She said jokingly.
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'Wow, I honestly thought that it'll be harder than that.' Clarissa said in wonder, 'You got her whip, though she did needed to get checked. You should've seen them,' she added, highly amused at what had happened earlier. If Vera wasn't in pain, or if the twins weren't in danger, she'd probably cheer on one of them. 'Alright. Truth be told? Cats were the only thing in Apollo's mind. I bet those sweet moments you had was just a ruse to get him under your pants. Sorry.' Clarissa frowned, 'I thought you hated him, I mean he was abusive. How come you'd agree to have sex with him?!'
"He paid me." She said in all honesty. "That piece of me still there, sex for money." She laughed quietly, moving so she was laying back down on the bed. "I've seen Diamond fight before, I know how ruff she can get believe me." She added.
'I know how hard it is to turn away from something that you got used to. But come on, he abused her. He beat you up and you jus---' Clarissa suddenly held her tongue back. It was a feat. But stress isn't what Vera needed, and Clarissa don't want to nag anymore. 'Nevermind, I guess what you need to do now is ask Diamond about your plan about riding a unicorn in the sunset.'
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