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'Yes, she probably will.' Clarissa said upon Vera's being prone to submission. 'And honestly, that's what scares me. I find you very capricious, not to mention you someti-- no, most of the time acts like a total prick towards her.' She added with total honesty in her voice. By now, Apollo knew how could she be tactless. 'I'm still angry about how you beat her up.'
Apollo nodding, standing up from the couch. "Can you get me Sage's spare blanket now please?" He asked, it was more than clear that Apollo cared for those kittens like he was their mother and it probably would be that way forever. He loved cats probably as much as Adrian loved Pudding if not more. "I wanna go to sleep, I've been up all night and I don't have a heating pad for them to lay on so a blanket will have to do."
'You're such a twat.' Clarissa rolled her eyes, she knew that she can't push the topic anymore. Catwoman was distracted with his kitties. She stood up, Clarissa was actually tempted on setting Pudding on him, but for the sake of the twins, she held unto his collar and drag him away with her.

She came back after a couple of minutes, she left Pudding in their room. 'Here,' Clarissa said tossing two pink fluffy Sage size blankets on his head. 'There's a fruit basket at the basement. You can put those things in it.' She added as she walked passed him and went to get Sage out of the pen. She was still holding a stuffed bear. A drooly smile was on her face as she cooed on her mother. 'Wait, you've been up all night? Where on earth have you been?' Clarissa asked as she adjusted Sage in her arms.
Apollo took the blanket and wrapped up the two kittens, making sure they weren't wrapped up too tightly and their little faces were uncovered so they could breathe and be warm and comfortable. "Alright, I'll get it. Also I was out getting Diamond and getting these kittens, and taking Vera out shopping. That's pretty much it."
Clarissa went behind Apollo on the couch and used Sage's tiny feet to kick him in the head, 'I don't know when was her next checkup for the baby, but I want you to accompany her.' She said quietly as she continued to use Sage, the little girl was laughing, still oblivious but was having fun annoying someone else. 'I don't care if you have a job, ditch it for the day and drive her. Hear me? Or else i'll hunt down those tiny, defenseless kitties when you're at work and set Pudding on them. Trust me on that, Uncle Apollo.'
"Alright alright, I'll go to her doctors appoitment calm down." He said, moving away out of her reach and Sages so he wouldn't be attacked by the angry mother or innocent baby. He kept his kittens curled up close to him, the two kittens having no idea how dangerous Pudding was.

Apollo went downstairs and got the basket Clarissa mentioned for simply heading upstairs into Vera's room, keeping the kittens in the room with him and closed the door.

It was maybe an hour or two till the door opened up again, it being Vera again. Her was pulled back messily and in an oversized shirt that honestly looked fairly comfortable. She went into the kitchen and got some tylenol out of one of the cabinets before taking a seat on the couch. She placed her head in Clarissas lap and pulled a spare blanket over her. "Love me." Vera said quietly, looking a little bit pale though that was probably morning sickness.
'Way to go Sage.' She said quietly as raise her tiny hands, palm up, and gave her a highfive. 'First step of annoying someone, you'll do fine, love.' The little girl shrieked with delight as Clarissa laid her down on the couch. She went back to their bedroom and release Pudding, the dog came running down the stairs, sniffing every place where the catwoman had ever been.

Clarissa stayed at the living room, watching TV as Sage was on her arms, the little girl was playing her hair when suddenly Vera arrived and rested her head on Clarissa's lap. 'Wanna have sex?' She joked lightly as she continued to watch TV.
Vera laughed quietly and stared up at her and Sage. She used one her hands to play around with the little girls feet. "Not in front of the kids." She said jokingly. "I have some standards with the men and women I sleep with."
Clarissa laughed, her eyes never straying from the TV. 'I heard Apollo gave you a cat.' She mumbled, Sage was reaching out for Vera's hair. 'A cat of all things, how sweet is that.' She giggled, adjusting Sage so that she could reach for her. 'Adrian got Pudding when I was few months old pregnant with Sage, maybe that's a start for you.'
"It's a cute little thing." She laughed quietly as Sage grabbed her hair, messing around with it just being thankful the little girl wasn't pulling it. "It's pretty easy to tell that Apollo and Adrian in reality are completely different."
'You do know you can't keep it here, right?' Clarissa said, glancing at her for a while then her eyes drifted back on the television. 'Pudding will be high alert all the time and Adrian is not here to stop the bear if it decided to chew on the poor thing.' The little girl on her hands squirmed a bit, leaning in closer to the girl on her lap. Sage reached out for Vera's hair and was about to put it on her mouth but Clarissa held her pudgy hands out of the way. 'Thank the gods for that.' She exclaimed upon mentioning that the two brothers were different in ways. 'Though Adrian can be dick like Apollo sometimes.' Clarissa chuckled.
Vera watched Sage and giggled quietly when she about to try and eat her hair. "I've never seen Adrian be an ass, though I'm sure he has it in him. Hell even I do and that's saying a lot." She reached one her hands up and booped the little girls nose. "I'm so glad she doesn't cry all the time. Watch me get the luck of having fussy kids."
'Oh trust me he is, he can be such a girl sometimes.' Clarissa said with certainty followed by a cheerful laugh. The baby was all smile, her eyes were almost close as the grin on her tiny lips gets wider. 'I know right, even when she's newborn.' She adjusted Sage and face the girl to her, 'or I just didn't noticed. Honestly, it was Adrian who stayed up late or wakes up whenever she cries at early morning.'
"That sounds nice, knowing my luck I won't get that luxury." She said with a slight smile though it was a stressful thought, she knew that Apollo wouldn't treat his own kids as nicely as he did with the kittens he just got. It was easy to tell that her mood suddenly shifted at thinking about how much stress she would have after pregnancy as well, in her mind and if Apollo didn't change she basically would be a single parent raising two kids with their own schedules and everything. "I think Apollo is more of a girl than Adrian in all reality."
Clarissa fell silent for a moment while thinking of a way how to answer, not really exactly having an idea she started with, 'Well, we all know how Apollo swings, so that's something.' She said, Clarissa adjusted Sage so that she was leaning on her stomach, 'He could be a bitch but I guess that's not exactly what it is. He's just probably not ready for the whole baby thing that's why he's acting out. He's more childish than Adrian, that I could say is true.' Clarissa placed Sage's feet on Vera's forehead. 'Don't worry, he is trying. So I guess give him some more patience and trust though not to the point of him abusing you.'
"Mhm yeah, I understand," She said, nodding her head slightly being sure not to throw Sages little feet off not minding that she was just standing there. Vera reached up and grabbed each of Sage's ankles with her hands chuckling quietly. "Apollo seemed pretty nice last night after we got Diamond though his mood went to shit. She was being annoying. She gets unusually clingy when she's drugged out like that. It's either annoying or cute."
'Oh, she's annoying. Gods. You both are, especially in the morning.' Clarissa said with a pout. 'Your clinginess knows no bounds. She's on our bedroom anyways, if she throws up by the way, you'll clean it. Or else i'll set Pudding on her.' Laughing, her eyes drifted to the whining dog. Pudding ended up staring at the foot of the stairs. Probably thinking if he'll pursue the scent. The bear just sat though, still facing the stairs. 'Is he irritated because Diamond is clinging to you? Or to him?'
"Oh shush I just feel sick and I know better than to turn to Apollo for love. So I have you and Sage." She laughed quietly, playing with the little girls feet. "He was getting pissed because Diamond was just annoying him to death. At least what it seemed like."
'Still having morning sickness?' Clarissa asked, Sage was trying to reach Vera's hand off her feet but the little girl can't reach it. Her hands was on her mouth and Clarissa adjusted her so that she was leveled with Vera. She leaned in and place her wet hands on Vera's face, giggling in the process. 'Drink some OJ, it might lessen the gagging. Or for me, that's how it works.' Clarissa offered at her.
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"It might be morning sickness, I don't know what it is. Probably withdrawals from the drugs I took." She said dismissively, letting go of Sages feet before sitting up and wiping off her face. "Nasty." Vera laughed softly at the little girl, giving her a kiss on her forehead.
'Do you want to visit the hospital again?' Clarissa asked, there's a tint of worry in her voice. 'We can wake up Apollo, if you want.' She tried to stand up and adjusted Sage. 'Here.' She tossed her a bib lying around by the table. 'Don't worry, you'll be wiping a lot worse than that.'
She shook her head slightly. "No, I'd much greatly prefer to stay here. Besides for withdrawals id that is what's wrong with me they can't really do anything." Vera said before using the bib to wipe off the rest of Sage's salvia. "The only thing I'd probably get would be going to rehab and I don't need that and I don't want it."
'Alright, alright.' Clarissa grimaced at her, 'Gods, you're so stubborn like Adrian when it comes to hospital.' She wiped the face of the little girl but she continues to stick her tiny tongue out, as if to annoy her mother more. 'I have to make a threat to break his leg just so he could stay and rest in a hospital.'
"I don't think I'm that bad." She joked lightly, rolling her eyes and stood up. She went upstairs coming back with the little white kitten who was awake now and squirming in her hands, she took a seat next to Clarissa using the bottle of formula that Apollo left on the table starting to feed the kitten. "Look at how small it is. Isn't it adorable?"
'Almost.' Clarissa chimed in. When Vera took off, she put Sage on her lap and laid her there, the baby held her foot in her hands. It was a pretty adorable sight. Vera came down within a couple of minutes and Pudding was following close by. For the reason was she was carrying the tiny cat Apollo was nursing earlier. 'Uh-oh.' Clarissa groaned as she went to the other side of the living room and called out the bear. Pudding looked at Vera but then he went beside Clarissa and Sage. He sat at their foot by his furry face was staring at the tiny creature cuddled in Vera's hand. 'A little warning next time? If that thing gets eaten by Pudding, Apollo will turn into batshit crazy, I swear.' Clarissa grimaced as she held Pudding by the collar and Sage on the hand. 'Sorry, I maybe biased, but this bear is my definition of cute and cuddly.'

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