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'I wish we would never have to worry about it.' Clarissa said quietly as she looked at Sage on her walker inside the pen. She was quite busy biting a stuffed bear's hard nose. 'Holy Christ.' Clarissa yelped as their other bear came plummeting from the stairs. He climbed on Adrian's lap, licking him in the process. Being jumped by Pudding is like being hit by a small car. 'Okay, cuddle time is over.' Clarissa smiled as she stood up from Adrian's lap. She patted Pudding's fluffy mane and kiss Adrian in the head. 'You take Sage, I need to finish atleast one topic tonight.' She said as she went upstairs in their room leaving the three to do whatever they wanted.
Adrian nodded and watched Clarissa go back upstairs, waving goodbye before turning his attention to Pudding who seemed demanding of love and attention like always.

Clarissa was disturbed of her studies by Adrian coming into the bedroom about an hour and half later. He went over to her and took out her headphones not attacking her again luckily. "Hai, I made dinner. It's downstairs whenever you wanna eat or I can bring you a plate." He smiled faintly. "Anyway on a more serious note I called Nicolas like you wanted and the two never made it back to the house. I called the hospital and she was discharged not long after we left." He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe I'm just worrying too much but you know, she is with Apollo of all people."
Clarissa can't focused. As soon as she showered and changed into much comfortable shirt, the words from her books and computers were floating in the midair as if she was dyslexic. Even with her classical music blaring in her ear, it didn't help. She was distracted and tired. Distracted because of Vera and Apollo, not to mention Dedrich was on the picture. She was tired because she spent all her afternoon worrying about a pregnant girl she promised she'll help. Clarissa now wasn't sure if she bit more than she can chew with Apollo and Vera's case. But she tried and tried to focus herself, thinking about Sage, helped. If she thought about Adrian, she'll go crazy thinking about his abs.

When she was back on track, Adrian suddenly came barging in, pulling out her earphones. "No, i'm not hungry." she shook her head lightly at his food offer. Clarissa ran her hand on her hair, frustration was drawn on her face when she heard the news. "Maybe they went back to Vera's place? Though i'm not sure if she's still keeping it." Shutting her computer down, she stood up and plopped herself on the bed. Her arms and legs were stretched out. "I'll text Vera, if they weren't back or if she haven't replied by tomorrow, I swear Acher. Wrath will rain down on your brother if he hurt her." Clarissa said, her voice was muffled by the bed but her intentions were clear. Pushing herself to study wasn't exactly a good thing, she could feel her brain was throbbing.
Adrian watched the girl get up and move onto the bed, figuring studying wasn't working out for her right now so he didn't see the harm in staying in the room with her anyway. "Yeah I know. I'll probably do the same. I don't have a tolerance for abuse and stuff like that." He said as he took a seat on the bed next to her, playing with a strand piece of her hair gently. "I'm sure she'll come back fine or come back with Diamond. She always seems to be around her, plus I'm sure Diamond is more protective of her than either of us." Adrian laughed quietly at the two's relationship though it was true. "Do you want to cuddle with the big fluffy dog to make you feel better?"
'I honestly hope that she's with Diamond.' Clarissa said quietly. Her fingers were pinching the bridge of her nose. 'At least she didn't meet Dedrich, so that's something.' She mumbled at him. Not meeting the horrible brother was a win for Clarissa, Vera didn't need anymore stress from the middle child. The oldest was too much for her anyways. 'Thanks but no thanks.' Clarissa said with a sweet smile at Adrian, 'Let him guard Sage. Though make sure she won't put his tail on her mouth. For some reason she's too fond of doing it.'
"Babies put everything in their mouth, right now she's asleep in her crib and I left Pudding in there. Pudding will either get bored and come looking for either one of us or just go to sleep too." Adrian laid down on the bed, laying his head close to her shoulder but not on it. "I can get ahold of Diamond and see if she's with them if you'd like. I swear I feel like Vera's parents a little more each day."
'I know, but Pudding is too fond of his tail too. Thank the gods Sage doesn't have teeth yet or Pudding will be in hell.' Clarissa giggled, she could imaginr Sage running around the house chasing the bear. 'Yeah call her later.' Clarissa moved her head so that it was resting on his stomach. 'I know what you mean. I know parenting can be stressful but I was hoping we can deal with it after twenty years. But man, your brother has to screw up.' She sighed.
"I don't know what Apollo's deal is. I could faintly understand at first being a little dickish at first about getting a stripper pregnant on accident, now he's just being an asshole." He sighed, staring at her in the corner of his eye. "Vera just accepts it too which I don't think helps it, she should probably start standing up for herself."
Clarissa sighed as she reached out and brush his hair, 'thank you for not being like him.' She said quietly, a small smile was on her face, 'I know you could be jerk sometimes but you're tolerable.' She added while pinching his nose lightly, 'That's what makes it harder. How could you help someone when she's not exactly helping herself. Don't get me wrong, she's trying her best but when she's with Apollo she's so . . . . i don't know, submissive?'
"Yeah I suppose submissive is the right word for it. She's not hot headed like you at all. I guess that's why she has Diamond because she's more of a dominant type of person than she is." He pushed her hand away lightly and chuckled quietly. "Maybe she's into abusive relationship." He said jokingly.
'So what?' Clarissa sat up and grinned at him, 'You think that me being hot headed is a good thing.' She chuckled quietly as she cross her legs. 'No.' Clarissa said quietly when he said someyhing about Vera was a sub. 'No, she can't be.' She shook her head. But even she somehow doubt herself. 'Well if she's into that, then all the things that I told her are useless.' Clarissa said quietly as she put her head back on his stomach, she was facing him. 'Still, if Apollo brought her back with bruises and stuff, that's still a deal breaker.'
"I'm sure she's smart enough to realize what they're doing isn't roleplay, he's actually beating her." He sighed quietly, staring back at her, not minding that she was using him as a pillow. "I'm not into that type of thing but I'm pretty sure it's meant to be safe and whatnot, not actual beatings. I doubt it's actually abusive relationships."
'See. That's the problem, if you're a sub you don't care. That's the idea of the whole submissive thing.' Clarissa said quietly. She could hear his stomach, churning. 'I don't care if that was safe. You have to talk to Vera about it. Or Apollo, because i'll never ask them that.'
"Okay fine, I'll ask about it. If she is into that even, she might not even be. I don't know." He said, reaching down and played with her hair gently. "Maybe they're just stuck in traffic or something, I have no idea. I don't know if it's better she didn't meet Dedrich is alone with Apollo or if they would've made it back to the house."
'Gods. That'll be awkward.' Clarissa said quietly. 'Asking your brother about his sex life. But who knew, boys.' She added with a smirk. 'I can't actually imagine Apollo in th-- no, nope I can imagine him just fine.' She said nodding with certainty. 'Alright alright. We'll know it tomorrow. Let's not bother them.'
He nodded and laughed quietly. "Apollo is kind of a sleaze if you haven't known since day one. I'm pretty sure if me and you didn't become a couple he would've got with you. Well he did anyway, but more often."
'Seriously?' Clarissa swatted his chest. 'Are we going down that road? Me and Apollo? Careful, Acher.' She said quietly. That was a sour topic for her, especially Apollo and Adrian. It still gives her a nightmare. The moaning was worse. 'And even if that actually happens, once is enough. Geez. I do know how to handle one night stand.' She rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh shush, I know it happened. It's not like I rub it in your face or anything." He rolled his eyes and stopped playing with her hair, putting his hands underneath his head. "I'm just glad we didn't break up cause of it. I like how we ended up even if it is a little fucked up. It's better than us both being alone and depressing college students."
'I told you I don't remember any of it but that doesn't make it right.' Clarissa said in almost a whisper. 'Another reason I love you, i'm not sure if you're way passed that, but you never brought it up. Especially if i'm pissing you out. Which is quite often.' She said, looking at him as she used her arms to prompt herself up. She moved closer and placed her chin on her hand at his chest. A tiny smile was on her lips. 'I'm not sure if that was sweet or something, but you seriously think that you're going to be alone and depressed when we didn't end up together?'
"Most likely, I was pretty suicidal back then. I don't even know what was wrong with me back then, I just know dedrich got to me a lot of the time and it just pushed me over edge." He said quietly, shrugging his shoulders.

The two just laid there talking for a while, Sage eventually disturbing by her waking up and crying. Adrian had ended up bringing her back into the bedroom for Clarissa to feed her, and night rolled around Adrian just going to bed fairly early considering last night his sleep was disturbed. Adrian leaving for work like always letting Clarissa sleep.

It wasn't long after Adrian had left for work, maybe thirty minutes when Clarissa was woken up by Diamond basically climbing ontop of her and just held the girl. It being easy to smell the liquor on her breath, by her outfit she had just gotten off work. "I'ma be a single pringle Clarissa fix it." She whined like a child taking no consideration for boundaries, too drunk to. "He got her kittens. Oh good god." It was assumed that she was talking about Vera most likely, though how she even got in was a mystery. The alarms not going off of or anything.
The next morning, it wasn't Sage who interrupted her sleep. Clarissa was actually surprise that she haven't heard anything from the baby monitor. Her sleep was undisturbed until someone crawled on their bed. She thought it was Adrian but then it was already late, and she knew he was on his way to work. Plus she smelled strong scent of alcohol and cigarette enough that she can be heady too. When Clarissa opened her eyes she was more than surprise seeing Diamond on top of her.

'What the hell.' Clarissa hissed at the drunken girl. 'How the hell did you get in?!' she added as she tried to push her off her.
She pouted and rolled off Clarissa onto the bed, just laying there. "I came in with Vera and Apollo awhile ago. Apollo told me to go leave him the fuck alone so I came in here." She said with a shrug of her shoulders, getting under the blankets with Clarissa it being apparent the girl was defiantly clingy when she was drunk. "Good morning sunshine the earth says hello."
'You smelled like a distillery.' Clarissa grimaced at the girl. A scowl was on her face as she sat up from the bed. Great. She thought. Vera was her sole problem, but then Apollo and the other girl was there. 'Where on earth have you three been, anyways?'
"Well I was at work and I got too drunk to drive home so I had Vera come get me, Apollo was with her and yeah." She laughed quietly, closing her eyes looking like she was about to go asleep without a second thought.

"I figured I smelled something like that." She said as she laughed again, curling up into a ball basically. "Vera and Apollo are in the guest room, well Vera's room now I guess."
Clarissa nodded, hearing that Diamond's first complaint was something else and not Vera hurt, she figured it was all good. She stood up, grabbing a pair of slippers under her bed to go get her daughter, she was by the door when suddenly she stopped on her tracks and turned around. 'Hey Diamond I have a question. Is Vera into you know . . . being a sub. Like bondage thing during sex?' She knew that it was less awkward if she learned it from the pimp. Plus even if she answer her question or not, It was still a win win. .

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