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As Clarissa anxiously waited outside for the news of Vera, she texted Adrian where they were. She didn't knew how long are they going to spend the time in the hospital, but hopefully they won't take long. Sage was sleeping in the baby carrier, thank the gods that she's behaving and going along with the moment. Clarissa was already stress as it is. It was like she was pregnant again..... no this was worse. It was as if she was the overprotective father of the child! She shouldn't worry about things but it was hard not being concern about Vera. She clearly doesn't have anyone in her life right now and the one who knocked her up was a stupid abusive twat. She considered her her friend. Clarissa knew that no matter how stress she is, she doesn't have any heart to abandon her just like that.

The nurse called out her name after a couple of hours. She took Sage by the carrier and followed her towards Vera's room. The nurse just smiled at her as she opened the door and walked away. "Hey," Clarissa said with a small smile as she entered the room, Sage was still asleep. "What's the verdict? Did I overreact?" she added as she place the carrier beside Vera on the bed.
"Eh yeah kind of." She smiled at the two of them, finally happy not to have doctors and nurses around her. It being funny considering she was a nurse but she hated all the tests she had to go through with them just making sure she was alright. "I'm okay, they just made sure I'm fine and I was told the pain was most likely stress related. It's gone now."
"That's good." Clarissa sighed with relief. "I mean the pain is not because of what you took. I just hope you won't stress yourself that much." She said as she moved the carrier so that she could sit by the bed too. "Though, I know it would be hard. Considering all the things that was happening." She paused for a bit, as she adjusted Sage inside. "Do I have to worry about another drug use? Because I can promise you i'll be worse than this if you try it again. I'll be like a full blown mom, fussing over a stubborn kid."
She shook her head and chuckled quietly for a moment. "No I don't think I'm going to do drugs again. Atleast not while I'm pregnant. After they're out of me I can't promise anything." She said jokingly. "I'll try not to get too stressed out, but you know. I'm going to end up getting stressed out anyway."
'Alright.' Clarissa surrendered. She knew she can't exactly control the girl. She can do whatever she wants, she's a grown up, just like what she told Adrian before. Her plans still involves the twins, no matter what she does now. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Clarissa said to herself as she force a tiny smile. 'So, when can you get home? Or do I need to ask Adrian to pick up Sage here?'
"In a little bit, I don't even know what time it is. There isn't a clock in here and I left my phone at the house. They're just making sure I'm fine at the moment hopefully, I can leave soon." She sighed as she pulled the blanket on the bed over her. "I wish you could've just taken me to a doctor for like a check up rather than the hospital. Would've been a lot less stressful and not such a big ordeal."
'It was morphine and vicodin.' Clarissa reminded at her cooly. 'It's not exactly flintstones you know. If you don't want me to fret and force you to some hospital, don't do that again or you'll be grounded, young lady.' She chortled at her. Clarissa fished out her phone from her purse and checked the time. 'Oh, it's almost three, you hungry? Sage and I already ate while waiting. Anything you want?'
"Sure, just whatever is fine with me. Food completely slipped my mind." She said being too wrapped up in the tests they did and talking to nurses and doctors about how she felt, completely forgetting about food. "You know if they keep me here for so long you can just go home with Sage, I don't mind staying here by myself."
'I'll be right back.' Clarissa smiled at her as she stood up from the bed. 'Look out for Sage, will yah.' She walked out of the room and into the cafeteria. It took only a couple of minutes when Clarissa came back. A paperbag was in her hands. She pulled out the table from the side and took out the contents of the bag.

'Here.' She said as she pull out some container with pasta on it. 'They look good. I've got breads and cheesecakes too. Sorry. A bit peckish.' She added with a grin as she took out another box of strawberry cheesecakes. Clarissa tasted the cake and almost gagged. 'Ugh. Adrian's cake is way better than this.' She grimaced as she pulled out a napkin.
Vera sat up and took the box of pasta, chuckling quietly at the girls hunger. "I haven't tried Adrians cooking before, as far as I know your always the one to make dinner and food in general." She said, opening up the box and starting to eat it. "I'm guessing he used to cook for you before?"
'Yes, my very own servant.' Clarissa giggled. She remembered she used to love watching Adrian cook for her. As always he doesn't wear any shirt, he just wore an apron and his signature boxer short combo. She honestly wanted him to remove the apron but safety first of course. She may love to see his perfect stomach but she doesn't want it marred with splotches of cooking oil. Besides it was way sexier. 'Honestly, Apollo is not a bad cook either. When we're still living in his house, he used to cook for us. He's actually good, better than Adrian even but Adrian had his moments.' She smiled at Vera.
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"I couldn't imagine Apollo cooking for me." She chuckled quietly. "I can barely hold a converstation with that man let alone have him do something nice for me. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, I'm sure he will want to see his kids? Maybe. I don't know. I still half think he thinks their someone elses."
Clarissa sighed as she rock the baby carriage when Sage squirmed in her sleep. 'He may be a dickbag right now, but once he see that those kids were look like him, maybe he'll change his mind. All we have to do is wait. I know, it's a big maybe and if, but that's all we have.' She smiled meekly at the other girl. 'And if that time comes when he's not a douchebag to you, please promise me that you'll ask him to cook the most complicated dish you can think of.' Clarissa laughed quietly. 'Payment for being a bitch.'
"I'll think of something I'm sure, I have plenty of time." Vera finished eating her pasta before laying back on the bed, glancing up at the heart monitor listening to every time it went off just because her heart beat. "Hopefully, they look like him, less like me. That'll make things a lot easier. Is their nursery going to be in my room or are they going to have their own? I would say just stick them in the same one as Sage but I don't think 3 cribs would fit in there. I don't see myself moving out anytime soon considering I don't have any money in savings anymore and I don't have a job. I don't think you'll let me work while pregnant either anymore not after this."
'Even if those kids look like you, we can order those one of DNA test and slap the result in Apollo's face then shove it on his throat if he still doesn't think that those kids aren't his.' Clarissa rolled her eyes playfully. If Apollo is going to be stubborn, Clarissa would happily do all those things she said.

'Well, there's another guest room. We can build a nursery there.' She said absentmindedly when Vera asked about the room for the babies. 'Also, it's up to you if you want to have your bed inside the nursery.'
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"Oh yeah, there is that. Better than going on Jerry Springer or Maury. You are the father." She joked, laughing quietly. "Hopefully, after the kids are born he lightens up and maybe I could even live with him so you and Adrian don't have to keep dealing with me and three kids during the night. Adrian won't ever get any sleep, well none of us will."
'Oh! Oh! Do the Jerry Springer thing!' Clarissa said excitedly. 'That'll be a good laugh.' Sage suddenly yawned and open her tiny round eyes. She was on the verge of crying but then her eyes landed on her mother. 'Swooshy.' Clarissa cooed as she took Sage out of the carrier. She put it down as she adjusted the baby in her arms. 'Oh, I hope that'll happen.' Clarissa smiled ruefully. 'Not that I don't want you staying in our house, i like having a company. Besides, you won't hear Adrian complain if you decided to stay. As you can see, he's not exactly a whiner.'
"I don't ever hear Adrian complain. It must be nice, Nicolas raised him right. From what I hear about Apollo he used to be nice, well he still is, just not to me. Maybe he really hates kids secretly I have no idea." She laughed softly, watching Sage being picked out of the carrier and lifted into her mother's arms. "Jerry Springer would be interesting, though that isn't my forte. At least watching it I can handle but actually being on it? Nuh uh."

Vera looked over at the door to her room hearing a nurse open it, Apollo and Adrian just walking in. She could understand why Adrian was there but not Apollo. Adrian went over to Clarissa, leaning down and kissing her cheek softly. "I didn't know what was going on so I just came here. I brought Apollo along because well, he be a supportive father or something. Nicolas made him it wasn't really me. I'm not against the idea though." He said, glancing at Apollo who was just standing there in silence not having anything to say. He mainly just stared at Vera with a blank expression. She just seemed to accept it focusing more of her attention on Adrian and Clarissa. Adrian probably telling Nicolas what was going on with Vera, that spreading to Apollo. Nowing Nicolas it was a surprise he didn't show up himself.
'Oh trust me, Adrian can be a bitch whenever he has this one of his moods.' Clarissa said quietly, 'but that is a super and very rare moment, so yeah, we're a lucky girls!' She chuckled quietly as she kissed Sage by the hair.

And as if like Beetlejuice, the nurse opened the door and her boytoy along with his hot but a twat brother, Apollo entered the room. Clarissa beamed at her fiance as she was kissed in the cheeks. A silly grin was on her face as she gawked at him. She find him more sexier now in his suit, especially if his tie was loose and a few buttons were undone. The little girl on her arms cried so she handed her to Adrian. 'She's your daughter now.' She pouted at the little girl. Clarissa only nodded at Apollo as Adrian explained why on earth was he there. But like the usual, his face was all stoic and brooding. Clarissa just gave Vera an apologetic smile as she shrugged at her about Apollo.
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Adrian took Sage from her and held the little girl close to him, her head resting on his shoulder eventually getting her cries to shush. "She was and still is my daughter." He laughed quietly, turning his attention to Apollo mainly to see if he had anything at all to say to the woman who was carrying his kin. There was a silence in the room for a couple moments that seemed like forever before Apollo finally said something.

"So when are you getting out of here?" He asked awkwardly, sensing that basically all eyes were on him to step up and be somewhat supportive.

"In a little bit, right now their just making sure I'm alright." Vera answered, the awkwardness clearly not affecting her. She didn't act like it at least. Apollo just nodded his head, taking a seat in the other side of the girls hospital bed. His expression seemed not as blank and a little bit softer which was a good sign.
The silence was very painful for Clarissa, not to mention the awkwardness between the four, well five of them. But she knew that Sage was not going to care. Then Apollo suddenly speak up. It was more awkward for Clarissa than Vera but she kept her mouth shut as she busied herself playing Sage's foot. She stopped herself from giggling when she looked at Apollo's somehow concerned look about the other girl.
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There was nothing else that came out of Apollo, Vera shutting her eyes looking like she was just relaxing or going to sleep. One of her hands rested on her stomach while she just laid there, Adrian looking over at Clarissa. "I'm assuming we're all going home when she finally can leave." There wasn't anywhere for him to sit so instead he just sat down on Clarissas lap like it was nothing.
'Dude, you're like heavy.' Clarissa laughed but she hugged Adrian from behind innocently touching his abs , she silently thank the hospital bed for helping her carry the weight. 'Well yes, if the doctor has a say so, we ought to . . . oh holy cra-- you're heavy.' She grunted as she pushed Adrian lighty. Clarissa jumped down from the bed and stood beside him. 'As I was saying, we can take Vera home if the doctor has a say so.' She said as she tried to place her arm on Adrian's shoulder. It seemed silly, it was actually silly since Adrian was much taller than her. But that didn't stop her, a silly grin was on her face as she try to do it. 'But, I don't know. . . if Apollo, you know.' She shrugged as she said at everyone, 'wanted to take Vera home. To his house. . . . ' Clarissa glance at Apollo with an innocent look on her face.
Adrian laughed at Clarissa's struggle of dealing with his weight on top of her. "I'm not that fat." He said jokingly, the laughter coming from him making Sage laugh even though she had no idea what was going on. It was rather cute, the two of them, father and daughter. Vera kept her eyes closed while she listened to what Clarissa had suggested.

"I'm fine with it." She said she seemed tired which was understandable. Apollo seemed to smile at Sage's giggles. She seemed to lighten up the mood that was in the air.

"I suppose it's fine. She can spend the night too because I don't feel like driving back to your house in the middle of the night." He said with a shrug of his shoulders, his attention was mainly focused on Vera.
Clarissa beamed at the two of them. 'Well that settles it!' She actually clapped her hands in delight. 'Apollo, you stay here. We're going home.' She smiled brightly at him. She kissed Vera on the cheek as a good bye and pushed Adrian out while holding the baby carrier on her hand. 'See you guys tomorrow. . . or whenever.' The three was outside when suddenly Clarissa remembered something. 'Hey Apollo,' she called out as she peered her head in the door. 'Hurt her, and I swear i'll cut your balls and feed it on Pudding. If... If he eats it.' A bright smile was on her face as she waved at them good bye. She clung on Adrian's arms as they walk on the hallway.

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