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"It's not that I'm angry at Apollo, I just.. Don't like him? I mean, the situation much be a lot more easier if he wasn't so abusive. I don't know what his issue is," she said as she let out a sigh, rubbing her stomach gently. "I have to deal with him now for years to come and as far as I can tell he isn't going to stop being such an asshole."
'Alright,' Clarissa said quietly, 'i'll talk to Adrian and tell him to talk to that idiot because if I did the talking I might accidentally punch him on the face. . . .' Clarissa pause for a second before something dawned on her, 'Wait, what? Apollo is still being abusive? Like physically? I thought that git is fine with what's happening...'
"He doesnt get physcial all that often, but yes. He still does it." She said, frowning. "I thought you knew. He's mainly just a dick about everything but sometimes he's just.. yeah. I don't know."
'No, I don't.' Clarissa said quietly, 'I thought that that twat calmed down already. I know that he's not exactly into touchy feely when it comes to your babies, but I never thought that he's still like that. Why didn't you say so? Have you talk to Nicolas about him?'
'I'm sorry.' Clarissa said, almost in a hushed voice. Earlier she was a bit famished but Vera's demise made her a bit queasy. 'I'll. . . have Adrian talk to Apollo. Maybe he can force some sense in him.' She paused for a bit, thinking of something that could help the girl. 'We could file a restraining order if you like?' She said but even she were uncertain that Vera would agree with it.
"No that won't help very much.. It'd probably make things harder. He will probably still want to see his kids even if he doesn't act like it." She said as she sighed softly. "There isn't much I can do to make him stop being so bitchy, if what I hear about Nicolas is true then Nicolas is worse than Adrian."
'Yes, Nicolas is way worse than Adrian but it's worth a try.' Clarissa said. 'Apollo can't always treat you like that. He suffers mood swing way worse than you. Besides, him being like that is bad for you. Look at what happened last night! Apollo being a prick will be the death of you and your babies, and i'm not exaggerating.' She said calmly but her face were a bit flushed with anger
Vera frowned at her anger but she knew that Clarissa was right. "What am I suppose to do? I don't really want him to be thrown in jail." They contiuned to rub their stomach, staring off at nothing while they thought about what to do. "I just try to avoid him most of the time, though I do have to see him every so often."
'I don't want that to happen either,' Clarissa reasoned out, 'But if he continues that behavior you'll either end up killing yourself because you can't stand him or him hurting you bad and it'll continue until he realizes that what he's doing is all sorts of wrong.' She place the bowl on the table and pushed it a bit farther away from her. 'Don't worry. I'll be the one telling him this stuff. That's why I helped you in the first place, I don't want him abusing you. Does Diamond know about this?'
"Yeah, Diamond knows." Vera watched as Clarissa pushed her bowl of cereal away from here, finally realizing that the subject matter had ruined the girl's appetite. There wasn't too much she could do about it considering Clarissa was the one who brought up the subject and she wasn't going to get out of the conversation at this point. "I wouldn't kill myself while I'm pregnant.. At least not this far along. I'm not that cold-hearted."
'Oh,' Clarissa said quietly. She thought that if Diamond knows, the other girl would throw a fuss just so she could help Vera out. But then she remembered Vera telling her that Diamond was just her pimp, though Clarissa knew that their relationship was way beyond that. 'Well, you took some drugs. Its like, slowly killing the twins.' She shrugged at her. 'Oh, crap. Sorry.' Clarissa suddenly apologized when she heard what she said. It sounded right in her head but seemed rude in other people's ears. 'What. . . what did you took anyways?'
"I took morphine and vicodin.." She spoke quietly before shifting her weight around uncomfortably, moving so she laying on her side facing Clarissa. "It's fine, I know what I did. It was a one time thing though. I should be fine." Vera smiled faintly as she shut her eyes, her head resting against the arm of the couch. Her face seemed to scrunch up in pain for a moment though she didn't seem too freaked out by it, just shutting her eyes as she tried to relax. She just assumed it was stress after all, she had way more of it than she needed.
'Perks of being a nurse,' Clarissa grimaced at her, 'you know what to mix perfectly. How on earth did you score those? It's not like you were prescripted by it before, right?' She leaned on the back rest of the chair, her arms were crossed as if to think what's gping to do with the girl in front of her. But then Vera laid back down on the couch, her eyes were close, a hint of pain in her face.'Holy sh. . . ' Clarissa suddenly sat up straight, 'Hey are you alright?'she asked the girl as calmly as possible, but knowing what she took made her panic a bit.
Vera opened her eyes starring at Clarissa who didn't do a good job at hiding her panic. "I'm fine. Calm down." She said quietly, frowning a bit knowing that Clarissa was defiantly not going to let it go. "I'll be fine, just a little bit of pain is all." She didn't know if that would cross that as good as bad with her, though she knew she couldn't just hide the fact she was in a pain. It wasn't anything too drastic but she got the feeling that Clarissa thought she might as well gone into labor.
'Holy crap.' Clarissa suddenly stood up as she ran her hand in her hair. 'Vicodin and morphine, Vera!' She stood up clearly forgetting her cereal. She ran upstairs towards the car and grab herself some coat, she took some for Sage too. She ran towards the guest room where Vera was staying and grab her coat that was hanging at the back of the door.

'The car...' Clarissa mumbled. 'Crap. Adrian has the car!' She added frantically when she went down and faced Vera again. There was a panic in her eyes. She's not exactly quipped at doing this worrying thing during pregnancy. It was all Adrian who took care for her when she's in pain. 'Should we call an ambulance? 911? Crap. Crap. Crap.' She mumbled, clearly frustrated as she fumbled her phone from her purse.
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The girl frowned more as she realized Clarissa was only going to contiune freaking out. She stood up when Clarissa came back downstairs, when the girl had took her phone out she took that from her. "Calm down, please. You don't need to call anyone, espically not a hospital." She sighed, handing her phone back to her before getting her own car keys. "We have my car if we really need to go anywhere.. But please calm down. I doubt I'm in pain because of the pills, it's probably stress."
'No,' Clarissa said defiantly like a spoiled child. 'I'm sorry, but it's better safe than sorry. I won't calm down, not until I know you three,' she said as she pointed her finger at Vera and her tummy, 'are safe.' She handed her her coat and grab the car keys from her hands. Clarissa walked towards Sage and put her tiny coat on. All the while mumbling about herself that she's no better than Apollo if she disregard the pain. And drugs are the freakin' bane of her existence. 'Let's go.' Clarissa said as she collected the keys of the house and her purse, she was still panicking a bit. She honestly felt that their lives is in her hands for some weird matter.
Vera let out a sigh as the girl wasn't going to let this go. She put on her coat as she watched Clarissa dress Sage. "I can feel the twins moving every so often so they're fine. Can we just see a doctor? Rather than a hospital." She said trying to reason with her. "If I was going to have something wrong with my babies it would've been while I was actually high." Vera followed Clarissa, resting one of her hands on her belly.
Clarissa looked back, a pout was on her face. 'Please, please.' She practically begged at the other girl, 'Bear with me. Hospital or i'll definitely go crazy worrying about you, tweedledee and tweedledum. I promise I won't call on Nicolas if we go to the hospital?'
She took a deep breath, finding the girl a little bit too stressed out but Vera could see where she was coming from. "Fine." She said quietly, she didn't want to go anywhere but she could tell that if she didn't give Clarissa this Clarissa wouldn't calm down. Her face scrunched up again from pain, mentally cursing herself knowing that it would only cause Clarissa to panic more.
'Thanks.' Clarissa said with a tight smile as she carried Sage and put her on a baby carrier. She walked by the garage, after closing the front door behind them. She opened the backseat door and looked at Vera, 'Sorry, can you please carry Sage? She can't sit alone at the back.' Clarissa asked quietly. The baby seat was still actually in Adrian's car. Clarissa was actually fidgety and that wasn't normal for her. Well, pregnant women in pain with unknown cause who chugged heavy opiods because they're stress isn't actually on her day to day routine.
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Vera nodded and got in the back seat of her car. She reached up and took Sage from Clarissa, holding the small human in her arms. "It's okay. I don't mind." She said as she moved around a bit to get comfortable. "I wish we could just stay here but ya know." She laughed quietly as she shrugged. She just wanted to lay around and relax but that wasn't going to happen.
'I'm sorry.' Clarissa grimaced as she looked at her from the rearview mirror. 'After this I won't annoy you.' When Vera was all safe at the back, Clarissa back the car away from the drive way. It wasn't anything like Adrian's car, but Clarissa managed to keep her mouth shut. She knew that Vera couldn't careless for other car. But she did miss driving it. It was smooth and easy to drive, the soft purr of Adrian's car seems like a taunt to her driving capabilities whilst Vera's automobile, wheezes under her foot.

It didn't took long, they arrived at the hospital. Clarissa purposely drive in the ER knowing that pregnant women has a special treatment. She experienced it first hand. She went down on the car and opened the backseat for Vera. Clarissa picked up Sage and called out a nurse to assist them.
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The nurse took Vera back after she Vera explained the situation leaving Clarissa and Sage behind. There wasn't much doctors could do considering she wasn't high this very moment and the drugs were out of her system. They just made sure everything was fine with the babies and Vera, keeping them there for the time being to make sure everything would be alright.

After about an hour a nurse brought Clarissa back to Vera's room, she was just laying there in one of the hospital gowns hooked up a heart motor and IV that just had water running through it.

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