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"She's a cute plant." She joked around playfully, smiling as she watched Sage play around with Clarissa. "I don't know of any boy names really.." She trailed off trying to think of some but none came to mind. "I'll think of some eventually. I'm sure you'll change your mind someday, most people I know of that say they just wanted one end up with another. I'm stuck with two from the start," Vera laughed.

"On a more serious note, after I have my kids am I still going to be living with you? I know I'm basically letting you adopt them without the paperwork and everything but I'd still like to be around." She paused, shrugging her shoulder. "I'd like to live on my own with them but I know that won't happen most likely."
'A very pudgy poop producing plant.' Clarissa cooed at her baby, Sage was all kicking and laughing like she got the joke. It was really contangious, that even Pudding got all curious with what was the shrieking noise. He stood up and went towards Sage and Clarissa. As they were sitting on the ground, the bear dog was towering them. Sage was reaching for Pudding, her clammy hands were stretching to touch the giant furball. Pudding came closer and sniffed Sage. The wet nose of the dog made Sage shriek with laughter. 'Asseids, Pudding.' Clarissa commanded in french as the dog sat down. Sage hands was combing the brown mane of the dog. 'No. I'm sure i'm happy with just one.' Clarissa smiled at her.

'We're not gonna adopt your kids.' Clarissa smiled at her, 'you'll raise them alright. We'll still help, don't worry. Everything you need we'll provide. House, check up and stuff. Though I would appreaciate if after you gave birth, you won't be going back to the strip club. I know i'm asking much, but the my job offer still stands.' she added with a sheepish smile on her face. 'I know there's nothing wrong with being a stripper, but think about your kids.'
"I don't want you to have to provide for me all the time." She paused for a moment, thinking about stuff. "Yeah you can get me a job as a nurse if you'd like. Do you need my resume and everything else?" Vera asked somewhat happy that now she'd probably be able to make decent money without stripping. "Also I don't want to go back. I'm still collected with that place but I probably always will be. I don't know, can't really explain it."
Sage continued to play with Pudding but Clarissa was on the look out. The baby was so used of putting her hands in her mouth, Clarissa tried to hold it still but Sage starts to wail whenever she can't get her clammy paws on Pudding. 'Hm, I guess for formality sake you could give all the papers.' Clarissa shrugged at her, 'Diamond too, if she's interested.' She added as she grimaced at Sage. The baby was so stubborn to taste Pudding's mane. 'Also I need another favor. I need you to take one of the rooms. When I was pregnant, it's very annoying when my bed isn't soft but I don't actually want a soft bed. I can tell that the couch is taking a toll on your sleep and you're having twins. So please just sleep on one of the rooms tonight, if you don't like it you could always go back on the couch.'
"I'll her next time her I see her." She smiled at the girl, trying not to laugh at the fact her daughter was insisting on eating the dogs fur. "I'll sleep in a bedroom tonight I suppose, I need sleep. I probably get about 3 or 4 each night. Y'know the pressure on my back, just pain in general. Them moving is annoying too. You are alright with me working while I'm pregnant right? I don't have an issue with it. Once I get so far along I'll take maternity leave."
'Yikes.' Clarissa shivered, 'Yeah. I know how you feel, when Sage was still inside, it felt like I have an aquarium in my belly. Thus Swooshy.' She grinned as she looked at Vera, Sage was finally tired of fighting against much stronger than her. Clarissa managed to wiped Sage's hand with a baby wipes. But the baby was still insisting on reaching for Pudding even though the bear moved away from the abusive baby. 'I guess that feels like sharks inside. I was getting nauseous when I first felt it.' Clarissa called obn the dog and made him stand close enough so that Sage wouldn't scream out lf frustration. 'As for work, I guess we'll see what will the doctor whill tell you after check up. If she gave you a go signal, then expect to have a job as a nurse.' Clarissa giggled at her.
"Woo, I'm glad to actually use my college education for work. It was damn expensive." She laughed. "At least it's being useful now." Vera smiled, leaning over and rubbed Puddings side softly. "Nurses are always pregnant too, I don't know why but have you noticed that? A lot of the nurses I know end up pregnant. Probably how I got the luck of getting knocked up." She took a moment to stand up, it visibly being difficult for the girl but she managed.
'Damn right, it's expensive. Time consuming too.' Clarissa grimaced at her. She quite envy the other girl at this matter. At least when Vera got knocked up she already earn a degree, while she was on a middle of doing a premed course. So much for being a doctor. 'I'm not sure for the pregnant nurses thing though, I know quite a few who aren't.' she chuckled quietly. 'Apollo was just persistent and you forgotten the pill, that happens. Our life in a nutshell, right Sage?' Clarissa added as she poked the little girl's tummy lightly. The girl shriek with delight.
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"Well not that I forgot, I just didn't ever take it." She shrugged staring down at Clarissa and the small child in her lap. "I told him that, he didn't care so. It happens." Vera laughed softly, Pudding walking over to her and stood as close as he could Vera reached down in response to pet the needy lion. "Which bedroom are you wanting me to sleep in?"
'Wow.' Clarissa looked up, 'you're not scared of skipping pills during your work days? What if it wasn't Apollo who had you for the night. You'll still end up getting pregnant.' She pouted at the girl in confusion. 'Anywhere you want. As long as it is vacant you can sleep wherever you want.' Clarissa chimed quietly.
"Apollo was the only one who I was sleeping with at the time.. Well Diamond too but I don't think she's the father." She laughed quietly. "Also, okay. Whatever you say mama Clarissa."
'Exactly my point.' Clarissa giggled at the other girl, 'Uncle Apollo is one of the sleaziest bastard that we know, Diamond too honestly.' With that Clarissa laughed a bit louder. She was surprise when Sage wailed with delight. 'See, even Sage agrees.' She added smugly as she tried to teach her three month old how to high five. Clarissa can't stop herself from giggling when she heard Vera say 'Mama Clarissa.' She silently wondered what will Adrian's reaction would be, his hatred for parent kink.
Vera laughed when Sage squealed happily, she couldn't help but not laugh when she did. It was just so cute and innocent. "I swear she will be the death of me." She joked quietly while still laughing. "Watch Apollo get another girl pregnant while I'm pregnant. We certaintly don't sleep together anymore, I'm sure he still has someone."
Sage was waving her pudgy hands and kicking her feet covered in pink cottn overalls. Her toothless smile was too contagious. 'I can't wait for the twins!' Clarissa squeeled at Vera, 'think of how adorable they could be with matching outfits.' She held Sage's hands and made her push her cheeks inwardly. 'Don't think about that jerk. I'm sure that that's not going to happen. Nicolas already cut off his balls.' Clarissa laughed heartily, the baby shriek with her as she played with her hair. 'Ohmy gods, Sage. Do you understand what I said?' Clarissa joked lightly as she kiss her chubby cheek. The baby laughed loudly at that.
"With this family, I wouldn't be too surprised if she already understands Apollo." She laughed again, Sage was such a happy baby it was just too much for not to laugh. At the mention of the twins inside of her a hand went to her stomach sort of on instinct. "I'm sure they'll be adorable, a handful, but an adorable handful."
'Achers are complicated.' Clarissa mumbled quietly at her. Sage stopped laughing and was staring at her with her father's eyes. Seeing it made Clarissa missed Adrian bad. 'Babies are always adorable, well exept when they cy and pooped.' She said with a grin at her. 'I'm pretty sure Diamond would help you with that.'
"I'm pretty sure Diamond will be at work at asleep. That girl can sleep through anything." She laughed quietly. "Though I'm sure I can get it out of her one way or another. Oh yeah, doesn't Apollo have a brother? He mentioned Dedreich the other day when I was talking to him I don't remember specifically what he said."
'Oh trust me, with you needing help, Diamond won't stand a chance.' Clarissa giggled quietly at her. But then her happy expression turned into a frown, well not exactly just frown but with additional disgust and hatred. 'He's a lunatic. A bad news.' She said sternly, 'Stay away from him, you think Apollo is such a horrible person when he beaten you up? Dedrich is worse. Far worse. Apollo will look like a saint when in match with Dedrich's evilness.' Clarissa added with such contempt. She honestly don't know what happened to that crazy middle child. She doesn't want to know honestly.
She pouted not expecting anything like that to come from the girl about Dedrich. "Oh.. I don't think I want to know, so. I'll just take heed to your warning." She paused, glancing at Pudding who was just standing there enjoying being in the room with the three girls. "Welp. I'ma leave like I always do now. Later tater." She giggled quietly as she walked out the room, where she went was still a mystery to Clarissa. "If you need anything you got my phone number." She called back to her as she grabbed her car keys which were downstairs before leaving before Clarissa could do anything about it.

Adrian got home the same time he always did, getting off work at about 4 and made it home by 5. He was a couple minutes there before four as he walked through the door, Pudding doing what the giant dog did and ran up to him forcing Adrian to pet and give the dog affection. It was rather cute how close the two were. "I'm home." He called, not able to go upstairs at the moment because of the dog that was attacking him with love.
Clarissa just waved at the girl goodbye. All those times that Vera was going out, Clarissa never bothered to ask. It was her private life after all. But she was curious though.

After Vera left, Clarissa went to the living room and pulled out her yoga mat. It was her only means of exercise apart from treadmill. She left Sage on her crib. For fifteen minutes all was quiet but the little girl doesn't like to be ignored anymore. She wailed and cried, no tears though, until Clarissa picked her up. Her little actress. She played with her, the bear did help too. He kept Sage occupied when she grab herself some brunch.

When Adrian came home that afternoon, the two were in their room. Sage was asleep on their bed surrounded by fluffy pillows on the side. The room was filled with classical music. Clarissa was in front of the computer wearing her reading glasses, not knowing that her fiance already arrived. Her notes were strewn in front of her as she tried to understand a topic from her psych class.
The dog eventually calmed down and he went upstairs, Pudding following still wanting to be noticed. Adrian went over to Clarissa and noticed the girl was completely out of reality being so into her studies. He quietly went up behind her and instead of being cute and nice he suddenly put a hand over her mouth as if he was trying to muffle her screams as he abudcted her. Instead of Clarissa being attacked like she expected she was meant with Adrian leaning down kissing her cheek before removing her headphones. "Gotcha."
Clarissa was interested in reading the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. She clearly uses the term interchangeably. It was very hard to tell, the difference between the two, from what she understood, sociopaths were milder than psychopaths. Like that clear things up. Her brain suddenly jumped to Dedrich. Vera mentioning it and her class was about psycho was an unhappy coincidence. Dedrich was indeed a full blown psycho, that she's convinced.

Clarissa was about to turn a page on her notes when suddenly someone grab her from behind! It was clearly a man's hand. Her eyes widened with fear but her screams were muffled by the hand in her mouth. Her thoughts were immediately went to Dedrich. Clarissa eyes drifted to the bed were Sage was lying comfortably. Her thoughts jump to Adrian, and glad that he wasn't home or else Dedrich might succeeded on his plan.

Her fingernails buried into the man's arm as she tried to fight him off. Then something unexpected happened, she heard Adrian's voice as he kissed her on the cheek.

Clarissa elbowed Adrian, she didn't care if it did hurt. Her face was red with anger and annoyance. 'You... fucking idiot!' She hissed at him angrily as she swatted his firm chest. 'What the hell is your fucking problem?!' She asked furiously.
Adrian clearly didn't mind being attacked lightly by his spouse. He laughed quietly as he kissed her cheek again. "I love you, you know I do." It was easy to tell he wasn't concerned with how upset she was, too amused by the situation actually. "I'm in the doghouse yes I know. I'd sleep on the couch but Vera sleeps there."
'Well good thing she agreed on sleeping on one of the rooms.' Clarissa sneered at him. Her face was a bit flush as she pushed pass Adrian to check on Sage. Good. She said to herself as the little girl still dozing off by the bed. Completely oblivious to how her father was a jerk.

She marched back on her seat while muttering some words between good loooking and a moron. Clarissa knew that her boyfriend can be a freakin' jerk sometimes. She popped her headphones back and opened her notes. 'I made lasagna earlier, if you're hungry, go grab some.' she said quietly as she unpaused her lesson and music.
Adrian pouted and just went downstairs to go get food and be alone on the couch. He didn't force himself onto Clarissa anymore, letting her study knowing it was imporant to her. He only went back into the bedroom to change and to say goodnight.

At some odd hour of the night, Adrian had went back upstairs and shook the sleeping girl gently. It wasn't because of Sage crying or anything, it being silent from the baby monitor meaning she was peacefully asleep. "Go help Vera." He said to her. "I'd do it but your closer to her," he paused for a moment removing his hand from the girls shoulder. "She just got home and woke me up when she opened the front door, I can tell she did some type of drug. She's out of it." He felt like the girls dad but it kind of comes with the package of letting someone live with you. "She's laying in the guest room, she might be going to sleep but I'd linger around her some just to be sure. It isn't hard to tell she's depressed most of the time." He said before walking out of the room to leave Clarissa to get around to helping her, Adrian was able to see through Vera considering he had been there before.

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