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Diamond rolled her eyes, smiling looking like she was trying not to laugh knowing that she'd probably wake up Vera again. "Oh shush, you'll live. What do suggest I buy for dinner or late lunch whenever she eats? Well I think it's too late for even that at this point."
'I don't know.' Clarissa said with a grin, 'if she wakes up we could just ask her what does she wants but I think anything will do. As you said, she's not entirely peckish.' she added quietly, then her eyes darted back at Diamond. 'Are you going back to work tonight?'
"I might or might not, If she doesn't go into work I'll stay here with her. It's just whatever Vera does. I'd prefer it if she just didn't go in tonight." She shrugged. "Right now I'm more focused on her than anyone, I can get by missing a night at work."
'She's not going to work, I think.' Clarissa said as she laid back on the couch. 'I actually force her, I told her it's not good for her and the baby. Stress and everythjng. She did agree with me though. That's why i'm here. She works to pay the bills, right? I can help her with that.'
"I heard she was moving in with you all together." She shrugged. "Whatever you deem you've gotta help her with. I'm just as broke as she is so I can't really help out."
Time moved on and Apollo eventually adjusted to the idea that he was going to have a baby. That wasn't the only time that he hit Vera though so upon Vera, Nicolas, and Diamonds request Adrian and Clarissa continued to provide for Vera; shelter, food, doctors anything else she needed. Apollo would float around every once in a while and he was very bipolar about the subject of her pregnancy, there were days he seemed supportive like Adrian was towards Clarissa and other days when he would downright abusive to the girl either mentally or physically.

As Diamond said Vera was very against being in debt to people and she'd cover mostly anything she could for herself but it didn't last for very long because she had barely any money in savings so her bank account eventually ran dry. Diamond would help out with the girl's bills considering she was closer to her than Clarissa was and was easier for her to accept the help. Vera also was hard-headed about getting her own job on her own, doing volunteer work in some hospital in the area to try and get hired there eventually but that stopped, at least, she had something else to add to her resume.

After her first doctors appointment, they came to find out she was going to have twins. That ticked Apollo off, he would still bitch about it every once and a while too. Vera just accepted everything, she never really complained about Apollos bipolar behaviour or anything else. When Adrian and Clarissa moved out of the hotel they were staying in for a while she refused for them to give her a room of her own, there was plenty of space in the home for her but she insisted on sleeping the couch which probably wasn't very comfortable but she dealt with it. She also wouldn't linger around the house very much, she'd get in her car and just leave for most of the day to where she never said just out. She didn't want to give off the vibe of being a depressed pregnant woman who lived on their couch and didn't give back to them. When she was around she'd help out with Sage, Sage taking to the woman well actually, not being a fussy baby to begin with. Adrian got a job with the government so they had money coming in and he made more than enough considering how much they had in savings.

Adrian had already left work that morning and Vera was up in the kitchen fixing herself breakfast. Food with her wasn't an issue once she adjusted to actually eating more than instant noodles, that didn't take very long. The girl struggled to eat enough a lot of the time but it wasn't her eating disorder, it was her insides being smashed by two growing children so there wasn't much room for food though she managed. By now she was very close to being five months pregnant. She was disturbed from her eating her breakfast when Sage started to cry meaning the little demon was awake for the day. She stuck a strawberry in her mouth and went upstairs into her nursery getting the little girl out of her crib holding the baby so her head was on her shoulder, standing there just holding the child while she had a strawberry in her mouth. She was a bit off with her guessing how far along she was being closer to 2 months when she met Clarissa meaning Sage was three months now.
Clarissa was still on the bed when she heard Sage crying at the baby monitor in their bedroom. Her eyes refused to open. She slept late due to her confusing lesson that she tried to study last night. Clarissa started taking online classes for the subjects that she needed to be credited in case she wanted to go back to school. She had every inclination of going back though it was still on hold since Adrian got himself a job and she doesn't trust a nanny to take care of Sage.

Clarissa was thankful of Adrian's new job. Instead of going away to those traumatic navy mission, he's just working in a government office. Just like what Nicolas promised before. It was mundane yes, but safe as a normal job could be.

Papers were all over the computer table, her notes and books were opened along with it. She didn't bother to keep them in order since she'll need it again later. Clarissa rolled off the bed, it took a least a minute before she processed that Adrian already left for work.

Clarissa drag herself to the nursery next door. As soon as she opened it Vera was already there, carrying Sage. 'So sorry,' Clarissa stifled a yawn as she walked inside, 'I told you before, you can sleep in one of the rooms. It's too early, you should still be resting.' she said at the other girl. She was thankful to Vera. The girl was a lot of help to them ever since they moved to their new home. Vera was very good at taking care of their little Swooshy but she can't always be there since the twins inside is starting to have a toll in her health.
Vera ate the strawberry that was in her mouth before speaking. "It's fine, I'll live." She smiled faintly, she was tired yes but was she was living with Clarissa and Adrian for free so she couldn't complain. Sage still having issues sleeping through the night so there was that too though it wasn't nearly as bad when she was first born. She contiuned to hold Sage the infants cries eventually stopping, resting her head against Veras shoulder lazily. "I was up before Sage started crying anyway."
Clarissa walked besides Vera. Smiling as she played with her baby. 'You're good with babies.' Clarissa mumbled as she lightly poked Sage chubby cheeks. 'Well, I only saw you with Sage, but you're doing great! Ooh! I hope your twins would be boy and girl! That would be so cute.' Clarissa squealed excitedly as she kissed Sage's cheek. She's more excited than Vera about her twins though she's still a bit concern for the girl, especially when Apollo was around. Clarissa was afraid that he might be turning into Dedrich, a person who loathes a kid.
Vera nodded and sat down in a chair that was in the nursery, moving Sage slightly so Clarissa's daughter was basically using her rounded stomach to sit on. "I'm hoping for identical twins so the chances of it being a boy and girl are slim." She laughed softly. "Though boy and girl would be cute too right now I'm more on focused on just getting through my pregnancy without exploding." Vera joked, though she was pretty big and was only going to get bigger.
'Oh please,' Clarissa said dismissively. 'You'll do fine. The doctor says that everything is okay during last check up, right?' She sat on the floor in front of Vera and rest her back against the wall. Clarissa yawned and stretced like a cat. Clearly still tired but she needs to be up, 'When is your next check up anyways? We could go shopping afterwards!' Clarissa said excitedly. 'You can't use my old dresses, you're getting a bit bigger than I am.' She added with a grin.
"In a week or two." She laughed quietly at the comment about the comment on being than Clarissa. "I've been pregnant before and I have two inside of me not one. It only makes sense that I'm a 'bit' bigger than you got." Vera stared at the girl who seemed so excited for her child like Clarissa was the father of this body though she didn't complain. "The doctor said everything is fine so far, I think my next appointment I get to find out the gender of the two of them." She said Sage starting to cry, Vera pouted and looked at the crying baby before leaning forward slightly holding out Sage to Clarissa. "You probably need to feed her." She laughed at her own struggle to lean forward, her stomach being an issue a lot of the time nowadays.
'Come here my beautiful Swooshy.' Clarissa chimed as she stood up and reached for her little girl. She was wearing Adrian's shirt as always so it hung loosely. She was starting to do yoga again, and a little bit of work out to burn the excess fats she gained when she had Swooshy. Clarissa adjusted her bra and shirt to let Sage eat with ease. The baby stopped crying as soon as she was sucking out of Clarissa, 'Will that douche Apollo accompany you?' She asked in a surly manner as she adjusted Sage in her arms.
"Probably not, I don't like him and don't want anything to do with him in all honesty.." She trailed off letting out a sigh, her justifcation for hating Apollo was appropriate. He was bipolar and abusive towards her, it was only natural for her too hate him. "I'm kind of stuck to deal with him because of his kids in me but you know." Shrugged. "What do you do am I right?" She laughed softly on a lighter note, never really talking or complaining too much about Apollo himself.
'Oh you don't need that jerk. You have Diamond.' Clarissa at grinned at her. She could see how Vera's mood shifts when Diamond is there visiting her. Vera's inner spoiled ass princess comes out whenever she wants something and the stripper was there to provide whatever the hell it is. She actually can't say anything about it since she was like that everyday with Adrian. 'Oh gods, I remember Adrian beating Apollo up.' Clarissa giggled but then stopped when Swooshh squirmed in her arms. 'He actually sent him to a hospital. If you want I could ask Adrian if he could do it again.' Clarissa joked lightly.
"I think Nicolas will do a far better job if I wanted it." She laughed, leaning back into the chair trying to get comfortable as she could. "I'm pretty sure he already does beat the shit out of him." She said just sitting right back up again, moving around not helping the pressure on her back. She watched in silence as she watched the lion sized dog run into the room licking all over Clarissas face before sniffing Sage knowing better than to lick the baby and turned its attention to Vera the dog being used to her by now, jumping up into lap basically crushing the poor girl as it did its best to be a cute puppy. Pudding was still cute just not a puppy anymore.

When Pudding jumped up onto the girls lap, its two front paws standing against her shoulders if the wall wasn't behind her the chair would've fell backwards. She let out a noise that sounded like an 'oof' as the dog put its weight onto her, it only meaning well and wanting affection. Vera wrapped her arms around the beast and pat its back gently. "You're adorable yes but christ you need to be more gentle."
'I want him hospitalize, not dead.' Clarissa rolled her eyes playfully at Vera. 'I'm not that cruel.' she added with a laugh. But then suddenly a bear like dog came running around the room. Crashing everything in its path. Pudding stoppd in front of Clarissa and licked her face, 'Pudding,' she chided as she looked the other way. Clarissa was thankful that the bear didn't pounced on her. Suffice to say, Sage saved her life. Adrian trained Pudding to behaved and be gentle around Sage.

'Pudding, behaved.' Clarissa laughed as Adrian's dog pounced on Vera. Putting its heavy paw on her stomach. 'Geez. You're not so tiny anymore, you pudgy dog.'
Vera laughed softly as the dog nuzzled her, having the force the dog out of her lap and stood up sitting down on the floor before letting the dog attack her with love. She was afraid the giant dog would knock over the chair or smash her not wanting either of those two things so she sat on the floor to keep the giant dog happy. "Don't kill me dog." She laughed again as she was nuzzled to death enjoying the animals warmth. "This dog is huge why didn't you get a smaller dog? Nothing wrong or against Pudding, most people just don't own a lion."
Clearly there was no stopping the bear. If he wants cuddle and petting, he needs to get it. Or you die because he'll crush you under his big paws as he try to be more cuter. 'It was Adrian's fault. I honestly thought that he already brought a dog in the house and not a pup when that pudgy bear arrived.' Clarissa laughed under her breath, Sage was playing with her loose hair. 'though i'm not sure if he told me that he wanted a big pup and I agreed because he was always shirtless. I can't comprehend everything when he's like that.' she added with a sly grin on her face. 'Besides, when he brought Pudding home, he was like a kid. He was very happy. And when Adrian is shirtless and happy, I didn't have a choice.'
She snickered quietly at the fact Adrian could probably get whatever he wanted out of Clarissa as long as he stayed in shape and took off his shirt. "You guys are cute." She smiled at the girl the dog eventually getting all the dog it desired out of Vera before laying down next to her. Vera looked over at the bear of a dog and giggled. "You're lucky I'm too pregnant to get up." She said while laughing, rubbing behind one of its ears softly.
'What can I say, it's my kryptonite.' Clarissa giggled. Sage stopped drinking her breakfast and was just reaching anything in her pudgy hands. Clarrisa adjusted her shirt and the little girl as she pull up her knees and she place her there. Sage is a healthy pudgy baby. There were fat folds in her arms. It was maybe too early to tell, but the little girl somehow looked liked Clarissa when she was a baby. Her mom sent pictures for a proof. But instead of having amber eyes, Sage had hazel greens like her dad.

'Oh please, you were like that when it comes to Diamond.' Clarissa pouted as she played with her daughter. Sage's hand was wet with her drool as she laugh. Sensing the baby, Pudding's head lifted up and glance at their direction.
Vera kept scratching Puddings ear softly as the dog stared at the baby with interest, she sat with her legs crossed facing Clarissa. "She's so cute." She laughed softly as the child giggled, babies laughter being contagious. "You guys made an adorable baby." She said her laughter becoming a yawn. She never really slept well anymore, the couch wasn't comfortable on her back and just wasn't comfortable to begin with. Sleeping on actual bed might help but she didn't bother knowing it just came with the package of having a baby, two at once even. "Yeah I am all over Diamond. Nothing wrong with it though."
'The most adorable baby,.' Clarissa cooed as she kissed her tiny nose. Sage reached out to her face and ger drool got on her cheeks. 'She'll break hearts when she grow up,' she said with a grin as she wiped her face with her sleeves. 'Or her father will break legs and necks.'

Clarissa held Sage's tiny hands and place it on the baby's cheeks forming a cute o shape as she pressed her chubby cheeks together. 'Oh! Have you already picked the name of your babies?'
She shook her head. "No I haven't, I was waiting till I knew what gender they are. I could always name them something like Amethyst or something after Diamond," Vera laughed softly. "Nah I'm joking, though I'm sure Diamond would get a kick out that. Adrian probably hopes she doesn't get any bigger than that." She smiled. "I can see him being way too over protecting espically sense as far as I know you guys aren't planning on having anymore."
'I will beg, if you promised not to name them that,' Clarissa grimaced at her, but then she pouted, 'Oh well, i'm not the one to talk. I named this pretty kid after a plant.' She sudddenly giggled at the little girl as she reached for her mother's nose. Her little hands were still wet. 'Hell yes, I don't want to be on that pain anymore.' She said quietly, though granted her labor was a very eventfull night. Lots of running, killing and gunshot. She wondered if she'll ever tell it to Sage once she's all grown up. 'Sage will be an only child and I have to be careful in my birthcontrol pills from now on. Right, Swooshy?' She cooed at her baby. 'Oh come on, at least you have some names in your mind. What if the two were boys?'

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