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He was silent for a minute, trying to think of what to say to her. "I'm pretty sure I was beyond drunk last night." He shrugged. "I can't fix anything, what happened is what happened," He said stating an obvious fact. "I think I got pissed over something she said, that's why I beat the shit out of her. I can't really remember." He shrugged, admitting he didn't beat the crap out of her just for her being pregnant. He looked like he was going to continue but Vera had woke up and came downstairs. All the noises in her small home probably woke her up, she probably wasn't able to get into a deep sleep considering she had been beaten and was in discomfort.

Vera looked at Clarissa tiredly and stretched her arms out. "Hai, Good morning.. or afternoon.." She shrugged taking a seat in the loveseat she had sitting aside from the couch, not wanting to sit next to Apollo. The two just looked at each other for a minute before both looking at Clarissa. "What are you doing here?" She asked she had gotten dressed before coming downstairs. She was wearing an oversized shirt and just some plain gray sweatpants. Her makeup was smeared slightly from all the eyeshadow and eyeliner she couldn't get off before going to bed, whenever that was. If she was in pain from what happened, which she probably was. She didn't show it.
Clarissa wanted to scream at him, he beaten her up because she said something that pissed him was not exactly a reason for doing the crime. It was way wrong to beat up someone, let alone a girl and a pregnant one too. She was really practicing her self control, it wasn't her battle to fight but it feels like she was getting suck into it.

She was about to reply when suddenly Vera came into view. 'It's morning.' She said softly at the girl. Vera's hair was still disheveled and unkept, her face was smeared with make up. Her bruises were covered with a large gray shirt. Remembering it makes Clarissa cringe, she wasn't exactly punished physically as a child so her threshold was in a minimun. She admired Vera because her looks doesn't give away anything except non chalance. 'Oh and I brought food.' Clarissa pointing out the paper bag she brought.
"Oh.. I'm not really hungry right now. I'll eat later." She smiled faintly, She was like Clarissa and had morning sickness though she didn't have anything in her to vomit. So, she just had that lingering feeling of nausea. It was probably why she didn't look any bigger than skinny yet either, considering she never ate. Apollo just watched the two in silence, hating the fact he was about to be killed by his father in a few minutes whenever he got there.
'Okay, yeah sure...' Clarissa said quietly as she stared at Vera. 'Are you alright? Want me to take you to the hospital?' She knew it was a stupid question. And Vera most probably won't agree. A tough girl in a tough crowd. Clarissa knew that Vera might suffer morning sickness anytime soon.

Her eyes darted back towards Apollo's, she noticed that it was bit brooding with a tiny hint of anger, Clarissa wanted to smirk but she can't make herself. Nicolas was coming anytime soon and she had an idea on what might happen, but it was his fault anyway. 'You made your bed, you have to lie on it.' Clarissa said quietly while looking at him. Her expression was vacant, her eyes were dead serious.
Apollo scowled at the comment but didn't say anything about it. He didn't even look Clarissa in the eye. Vera blinked, not knowing that Clarissa knew about the night before but could piece two and two together. "No no.. I'm fine." They sighed, talking just as quietly as Clarissa had. "I'm just a bit sore. I'll live."
Clarissa made a face but that's all she did. She wanted to say that she should stopped pretending that everything was alright. That everything was fine even if she was just beaten up by the wayward moron in front of them. But she only kept her mouth shut and just nodded with a smile, as if acknowledging her submissiveness.

Clarissa could see Apollo somehow a bit scared, she is too. She's the one who call the much needed cavalry to impose the punishment but her heart was having second thoughts. Maybe Nicolas was too much. She did call Adrian, the another person who could straighten up his older brother. But he can't come and he's the one who actually told their father. Clarissa guessed that Apollo's hell will come raining as soon as Papa Acher steps foot inside the house.
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It was silent for not that long, the door bell ringing and Apollo silently wondered if it was too late make a run for it. Yeah, Nicolas could run too. It was too late to run for it. Vera got up from the chair and answered the door before Clarissa could. Apollo wasn't about to do it. She opened the front door staring up at Nicolas who just smiled back at the girl. "Did he really hit you my dear?" He asked, glancing into the house at Apollo who didn't even acknowledge his father. "Well.. I'm assuming your lip is from him, yes?" Vera just nodded not knowing Nicolas like Clarissa did to her he was just a giant dude who was their child's grandfather.

"He also hit my back quite a bit.." She trailed off, the lip was enough for Nicolas to punish his son to death. Apollo glanced at his father, Nicolas gave a look to Apollo that was harsher than anyone Clarissa could give him. Vera noticed the look and slowly stepped aside for Nicolas to come in, being able to tell he was going to do it either way. Instead of attacking Apollo like his son thought he just stepped into the home and stood next to Vera, watching her shut the door behind him. "U-Um.." Vera stuttered being able to sense the tension between father and son. "Would you like some coffee..?" She asked, not knowing how to handle the man or the situation at all.

"No thank you, can I speak with you upstairs for a few minutes? Somewhere private at least." Vera just nodded and lead the man upstairs leaving Apollo alone with Clarissa, Apollo just stared at Clarissa look confused. Nicolas wasn't about to beat the shit out of his son in front of the girl who had enough stress on her plate, he much different and more mature than his sons. He knew how to handle situations and didn't act on impulse. He was probably upstairs apologizing to Vera about his son and his actions before leaving with Apollo.
Air turnd cold when Nicolas stepped inside. Even Clarissa was all tensed and nervous even though she didn't exactly did anything. Now she was scared for Apollo, their dad is the only one who could tame their psycho brother. Who wouldn't be scared of that. Clarissa was frozen in her chair, waiting for Nicolas to blow up the beautiful face of his son but then . . . sudden turn of events happened. Nicolas didn't do anything except to talk to Vera. But Clarissa could see that he as scary calm. The worst type of calm there is, its like they were just heading to the eye of the storm.

When they were out of the view, Clarissa and Apollo's eyes met. Both look confused and a bit shaken. 'It's either he'll flay you alive or he'll burn you at the stake.' Clarissa said quietly, her voice was uncertain but she looked confuse all the same.
Apollo scrunched up his face and sighed, not saying anything back trying to be quiet to see if he could hear any thing from Vera and his father. He couldn't hear anything, they'd probably shut the door while they talked. Well Nicolas did.

It took only about ten minutes before Nicolas came back downstairs alone, Vera still being in her room. He looked at Clarissa while he spoke. "She seems stressed out, stay with her and make sure she doesn't freak out or anything.. Also, don't bring Sage around her. If you can't stay here for very long call me and I'll back to look after her for the time being." His eyes moved, staring at Apollo harshly. "You better hope to god I let you live after this. Fucking twice now you've laid hands on that girl." He spat, walking out of the house. Apollo just followed slowky knowing if he didn't Nicolas would probably carry him out.
Clarissa only nodded at Nicolas, she's not gonna leave Vera alone after what happen, but her plan was to take her back to the hotel and rent another room for her. But she's not gonna cross Nicolas, not right now. She didn't know why Sage got involved but she bet a child crying can be stressful, specially if it was in the morning if she's gonna stay at Vera's place.

She jumped a bit when Nicolas darted his dagger looks at his first born, so far, she only saw that look that he gave was for Dedrich and Apollo only. Hopefully, Adrian won't get the same. She watch Nicolas went out and Apollo followed hesitantly.

Clarissa locked the door gingerly when the Acher's were out. Vera wasn't out, so Clarissa went to her, knocking at her door, 'Hey, Vera. How're you doing?' She said quietly as she opened the door.
Vera was laying on her bed curled back up under the blankets, openinf her eyes so she was looking at Clarissa. "I'm doing good." She smiled faintly at girl, whatever Nicolas did he got the girl back into bed. She looked at Clarissa like she was going to something else but decided against it. "I'ma go back to bed, I heard Nicolas say he was going to make you stay here. Well not make you. Y'know." She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "You can do whatever you want while I'm asleep."
'Of course, I understood.' Clarissa said quietly. 'Sleep all you want. And yeah, he asked me to, maybe it was all for the best right now.' She didn't know if Apollo and Nicolas will visit Adrian at the hotel, but she knew that she doesn't want to be around or anywhere near the Achers right now. 'I'll probably crash on the couch or read. I dunno' Clarissa walked away from the bed and at the door, 'You have to sleep but you have to eat later. I'll wake you up when it's lunch time already.' She closed the door behind her quietly and went back on the couch. Thank the gods because she found some magazines underneathe the center table. Grabbing one, she laid her back on the couch, the magazine is from last years issue but having none is worse so she read it all the same.
Clarissa disturbed from the quiet of her reading by the sound of the front door being unlocked. It was Diamond apparently she had keys to the house. She waved at Clarissa, looking more awake than Vera did. She probably got off work earlier and had a much easier night. "Hai." She said to the girl laying on the couch, going upstairs waving again. "Bai." She laughed quietly, going into Veras room. Not saying anything else to Clarissa.
She was lazying on the couch, reading an outdated magazine when she heard the rattling of the knob. She immediately sat up, thinking that it was Apollo and Nicolas gping back because they've forgotten something, but then the door suddenly opened. It was the sleazy Apollo like girl, Diamond. She was greeted by her, and Clarissa could do was waved at her, her expression was purely confused. Diamond waved back and headed upstairs. She presumed that she was going to Vera's room.

It took a few moments for it to sink in to Clarissa but then she jumped out of the couch and followed Diamond upstairs. The door was already closed and Clarissa opened the door gingerly as possible, 'Hey, she needs rest.' Clarissa chided.
When Clarissa opened the door Diamond and Vera were snuggled up with one another. Vera was rolled over so she was facing the other stripper, her face being buried in the girls chest not responding when Clarissa opened the door.

Diamond had her arms wrapped around the girl who was either asleep or close to it. Her eyes were shut but when she she heard the door open, she opened them. "She's resting." The girl chuckled. "Are you wanting to join us now? Not stopping you hun." She joked. The two were cute together in all honesty, Diamond not snuggling with her to get in her pants just letting her sleep instead.
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Clarissa was surprised at what she saw. Vera was still sleeping which was good and Diamond was cuddling her. It was either the two were best friends or clearly they have a relationship. Either way, Clarissa won't argue. The pregnant lady was sleeping or probably resting soundly, comforted by the other stripper. It was the nicest thing that happened to Vera this day, to Clarissa point of view. 'Thanks but no thanks,' Clarissa smirked at her, 'three is company.' She added, chortling. 'Thanks for being there for her. . .' she said quietly, she found what Diamond was doing very sweet. Vera needed that. 'Oh, if you got hungry. There's a food outside.' Clarissa said before she quietly closed the door behind her.

She went downstairs and back on the couch, her thoughts were at Apollo and his punishments and how he really deserve it for being such a jerk to the girl he impregnated.
Vera had woken up on her own a little bit past lunch time, Diamond falling asleep at some point while snuggling with the girl. Vera debated on waking her up or not eventually deciding on doing it and sat up. She shook her gently, "Wakkeeee upppp~" She said, the girl moved around before waking up.

"I'm up." Diamond said stretching out before sitting up getting out of the bed. "Go eat." Diamond being in the same boat as Clarissa and was intent on taking care of the girl. Vera just nodded knowing she'd either do it willingly or be force fed heading downstairs to go get food, Diamond following behind.
Clarissa's head was leaning against the arm of the couch, she was laying sideways and her hand almost touched the floor, the magazine fell on the ground when she fell asleep. After she left Vera's room, she received a call from her mother back at New York. Her mother asked if when they're gonna visit them again. Obviously the grandmother was craving to see her beautiful granddaughter in person not just in pictures she sent via e-mail. She told her about their upcoming trip, and her mum was beyond ecstatic. But see, apart from that there was another reason why her mum called her. Clarissa learned that her childhood friend, Charles, was looking for her.

She can feel that her mum on the other line was very happy. He was the one that her mother originally wanted her to marry. But things get sidetracked. She didn't went to Harvard like they plan instead she went to some other university far from it. Clarissa purposedly didn't contact the guy just to stir clear. And meeting Adrian clearly set thing in other motion. She was more than happy it happened but she could feel her mum had a tiny part in her believe that it still could happen. After all she was just engage. Clarissa told her mum specifically that never brought the topic again before she hang up. The additional stress wasn't exactly welcome right now, Clarissa believe.

Her eyes fluttered open but she remained in position when the two girl arrived downstairs. She wasn't exactly tired but she refused to moved. 'Oh good. You're awake.' She mumbled at them 'I was planning that if you were still asleep by dinner time, i'll barge in and tossed a bucket of ice water just to wake you up.' Clarissa grinned against the arm rest as she stared at the two.
Vera's face scrunched up at that comment and pouted staring at the girl who had made home on her couch. "I'd much rather you didn't do that, thank you." She laughed, taking a seat on the love seat like she had before Diamond looking at the girl meaning for her to eat. "You can cook for me." She laughed.

Diamond just pouted knowing she wasn't going to get out of cooking for the girl if she wanted to eat now and went into her kitchen digging through her cabinets trying to figure out something she could make for her. "Brat."
'I have a question. Not judging or anything. . . .' Clarissa said as she sat up abruptly, crossing her legs on the couch. 'We're you guys were ever a couple? Or a . . . couple still?' Asked Clarissa. She knew that Vera already know her tactlessness. Her inability to stop her mouth before asking questions. She watched how Diamond moved and cared around Vera. It was too much for a friend. 'Or, i'm just reading too much?' Clarissa said with a grin.
"We're a couple, you could say? Neither of us are very loyal." Vera shrugged, glancing at Diamond who didn't pay any mind to the conversation. "Our jobs in all, you could say friends with benefits better. She's more gay than I am, by a long shot." She said, a laugh coming from Diamond at hearing 'she's more gay than I am' "It's hard for strippers to be in relationship and she's not very happy with me being pregnant. We can't really do much about it. I never see Apollo and us becoming lovey dovey parents like you and Adrian? I think that's his name. So, the status 'couple' could work."
'A very open relationship then,' Clarissa chortled. 'Oh well, as long as she's there to care for you then . . . it doesn't really matter right?' she added quietly, that's what matters for her. To be loved and cared for, no matter what the status is. 'And just so you know, at first I never thought of us really having a kid. But I was too stupid to forget a pill and Adrian got lucky. But seeing the actual baby or even feeling it changes everything. . . ' Clarissa said with a warm smile.
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Vera nodded, grabbing a blanket that was laying around and covered herself up. "You do realize I have to forgive him for beating the shit out of me?" She asked staring over at Clarissa. It being the first time she mentioned about anything she actually wanted. "I have to deal with the trauma of knowing I lost a kid just because I couldn't get a better job, you know, memories and all." She shrugged, sighing quietly.
'I don't know about forgiveness, i'm a spiteful little thing. I'm vengeful,' Clarissa shrugged at her, 'but Apollo can be caring and responsible once he was way pass this rebel denial phase of his. He still believes that the kid wasn't his, you have to understand how can he say that. And I know it's never a reason to beat someone, I actually don't know why he beaten you up . . . he said he can't remember when I asked him but know this, he's already paying to what he did to you.' Clarissa said quietly while she fidgets on the couch. 'And maybe that baby in you can be the closure of what happened to you in the first time. It could be your new life, a fresh start. You have no help before, but now i'm willing to help. And I bet my life, Nicolas will do too.' She added with a reassuring smile.
Vera nodded, not saying anything to Clarissa. She looked away from her shutting her eyes looking like she was trying to fall back asleep as Diamond contiuned to cook for the girl the color seemed to drain from her face. Vera tried to ignore the feeling of nausea she got just from the smell of cooking food but eventually couldn't take it anymore getting up suddenly and went into the bathroom, vomitting up just stomach acid considering that was all that was in her. Diamond turned off the stove knowing she wouldn't get the girl to eat anymore, opening up the window in the kitchen to try and get rid of the smell.

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