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Vera tried to get up off of the other dancers lap but found her arms were wrapped around her tightly. She pouted and stared at her. "You can let go of me now."

Diamond shook her head, giggling quietly keeping her arms around the girl. "How pregnant are you? Like how many months by the way?" The question seemed a bit random but the girl was probably just drunk.

"Um.. I believe somewhere close to threeish months now.. Maybe a little less. Yeah I'm pretty sure." She said, Diamond just giggling quietly.

Diamond moved slightly and buried her face in the girls neck, biting lightly on it making Vera squirm around. "You're going to get chubby soon and I'm going to laugh."

"Oh shut the fuck up I can't help it." The two were cute in their own way but it was hard to tell if Vera was actually into girls like Diamond very clearly was.
Clarissa found what was happening, a bit weird. Her smirk was still on her face as she watxhed the two almost make out. She didn't know if the two had sexual relationship, but seeing that they work in a strip club, Clarissa thought that it was alright and common. She's a bit annoyed at Diamond too, the subjext of being fat and big during pregnancy was still a sore topic to her. Although her body almost came back to the size as it was before. Good thing Vera is not as hot headed as her.

Chuckling at what's happening, she sat at the stool near the bar. She checked her phone and it was nearly time. Clarissa had to head home soon or else she'll need another pair of dress. She could feel the tenderness again and it wasn't a good sign.
Vera forced herself out of the girls lap, Diamond letting her after just a moment of her trying to get away.Vera stood up doing her shorts back up that Diamond had undone a few minutes ago, watching a parade of the rest of the dancers come down from upstairs to the actual club areas. It looked like from 10 to 15 of them, the club wasn't the biggest so it made sense to have less than 20 girls.

Whatever cute thing Diamond and Vera had going on seemed to fade away as quickly as it came to be, Vera watched as a group of older men entered the club. They all seemed like friends and a few had on wedding rings, though it was hard to tell because of the darkness in the dimmly light club. The mood took a dark turn, the lightness Diamond and Vera had put faded away as the club opened.

Diamond and Vera didn't say anything to one another as they got up on the smaller stage that Vera was just dancing on, each of them getting on either pole and started to dance for the older men, it was disgusting even if they never spoke to each other. For the men, even if they were married it was their high to have beautiful young men before them, to pick from like apples on a tree. For the girls it was hell each night filled with misery, alcohol and drugs being the only way the could cope knowing they were filled with such sin. Their pain was painted over with music of fowl sexual nature, and the stares of bouncers who stood around to make sure nothing too intense happened.

One of the girls went behind the bar not saying anything to Clarissa as she fixed a platter of shots, going over to the group of men and sat with them. A few of the other girls who weren't dancing went over and sat close to the older men, one of them talking to a man in the group for a minute before standing up with him. She held his hand walked with him the upstairs, presumably for a private dance. All the girls manipulated everyone they met in the hopes of getting a dance, which gave them money, then moved on. Apollo was the same way in that system presumably, though those two were now stuck together just because the fact Vera was going to have his child.
As soon as the club finally opened, the men milling ouside started to walked in and went into their places as if that was their usual routine. Though for some of them it must be. The girls wearing skimpy costumes sush as Vera scattered all over the area. Some were on the stage, dancing by the pole and some were hunting men, giving them flirty smiles and silent sexual innuendos.

Still on the bar, Clarissa stole a shot glass filled with tequila and drank it with a gulp. She took her phone out of the coat's pocket and check the time. She needed to go home. She stood up and started to look for Vera when suddenly a man holding a beer bottle and reek of cigarette inspite of the the club just recently open block her way.

'Why don't we remove that heavy coat of yours and go talk somewhere quiet?' The man slurred as he leaned in. Clarissa pushed the man away from him with a disgust look on her face. 'Touch me again and i'll smash that bottle in your face.' She said angrily.

'Feisty. I like it.' The man smirked at her as he pulled her close. Clarissa having a bad mood already, held the man by the shoulder and kneed him fast and hard. 'Touch me again and i'll slit your throat.' She left the man on the ground as she hunted for Vera just to say goodbye.

She finally saw her, on the stage. Dancing on a pole again. Knowing that she was busy, she went by the bar and asked the bartender to give Vera a message. It was just her phone number and the hotel they were staying at. She figured that Vera might be so hammered to even remember the number.

With a thanks to the bartender, she went out of the club and in to the car. She tossed the jacket on the shotgun seat as she back away from the parking and she drove back home.
When Clarissa made it back to the hotel room, Adrian was laying on the bed asleep in just his boxers. It was probably better that way for him to be sleeping and not seeing her in the dress she had in, it'd stop questions and concerns. Instead of Sage being asleep in her crib she was asleep next to Adrian, Adrian probably falling asleep by mistake at some point with their daughter and just ended up like that. It was cute.

Despite Clarissa leaving the note for Vera, she never made it back to the hotel. Not to Clarissas knowledge at least, she might've got so drunk she couldn't drive or something else. It made it about half way into the next day, 1 or 2pm and she still didn't make an apperance.
The drive way back was fast. There were a couple of cars but not enough to cause a traffic. Clarissa made it safely back at the hotel. The room was quiet when she entered their room. Quietly, she took Adrian's shirt and boxers on the cabinet and headed straight towards the bathroom.

Clarissa even took the breast pump to relieve the tenderness on her chest. She took a quick bath to remove the scent and residue of the club out of her system.

It was a lovely sight seeing Adrian asleep with her little Swooshy, she was a bit grateful that he didn't stir awake when she got in or else unwanted questions might ask starting from the dress. She carried Swooshy gingerly, she missed the little thing. She gave her a quick kiss as she put her down by her crib.

Clarissa climb on the bed beside Adrian, kissing her baby daddy lightly on his cheek, she retired for the night.
Adrian woke up about late morning to the sound of swooshy crying. He sat up tirdely and picked her up, staring at her still half asleep for a moment before moving her so her head was resting on his shoulder. The child just wanting attention seemed to shut up for the time being, though she was awake still staring off at nothing.

Adrian looked over at Clarissa, not hearing her come in last night and smiled faintly knowing she was okay. That she wasn't out all night sleeping with strange random men.
She thought that she heard someone crying. A shrill of cry that she don't want to ignore but still her eyes won't open and her body won't move. The stupid gravitational pull of their bed was exceptionally strong that time. But then the crying stopped, just like that.

Her brain suddenly became activated that it was her daughter who was probably crying. Rolling out of bed immediately, she prompt her elbows up and glance where the crib was. Even if her eyes were half closed, she could still see Adrian's abs, a perfect sight and start for a great morning.

'Nmm. Morning.' Clarissa mumbled, a sleepy smile was on her face, 'is she hungry?'
"Probably, you can try feeding her if you'd like." He smiled at her. "How was that girl last night?" He asked, he was in the dark from what happened considering he didn't Apollo or Nicolas for answers. To him he was in the dark besides just knowing Apollo got that girl pregnant and she worked at a club.
'Gimme,' Clarissa raised her hands to Adrian as she sat up. 'Hm. She quit her job.' Clarissa mumbled, 'well, I convince her to quit her job. She can't stay up late and stress herself, you know.' Clarissa stifled a yawn. 'Is Apollo still a bitch?'
"As far as I know, yes. At least when he left here last night." He said handing Sage over to Clarissa, Sage squirming around and pout in response. "Are you really wanting to raise my brothers child? I mean he'll come around, I know him. Within several weeks at most. A month pushing it. I'm fully aware her job is probably stressful."
Clarissa adjusted her shirt so that Swooshy can drink properly while her other breast is completely covered. Seconds pass, she was gladly drinking her breakfast. 'As long as Apollo is being a whining bitch, I offered Vera my help.' Clarissa mumbled, 'I told her that if she and Apollo wanted the baby then that's fine. If they don't want to, I can . . . . well, we'll raise the kid. Abortion was in her option so I had to make her a deal.' Clarissa moved closer to the head board and leaned her back. 'He's okay with Sage, what the hell is he whining about with his own?'
"Apollo has always been iffy about his own kids. He is like 30 years old and hasn't had any yet. Now he has one on the way with someone he didn't want that type of relationship with. You were unhappy with us having her at first even, he'll come around or my dad will make him come around." He sighed, sitting down on the edge of their bed watching her feed their daughter. "We won't need to raise her but if you want to help her through her pregnancy go right ahead. Apollo probably won't be nice to her for months." He snickered quietly. "You get to deal with her cravings and hormonalness for him considering you volunteered."
'I'm in my early twenties smart ass,' Clarissa said, 'I was planning on having a kid four or five years from now, but i'm glad that I have her now.' She leaned in and kiss her tiny head. 'Your big bro is thirty. If i'm thirty and I still don't have any baby, i'll probably die alone. He should settle. And i'm sure Nicolas will be ecstatic. Another grandkid on the way.' She laughed quietly. 'And you will deal with her cravings if she ever had one, seeing that I didn't actually crave that much. I'm on moral support duty.' Clarissa smiled at him broadly.
"I'm not saying your thirty." He rolled his eyes, laying back down on the bed. "If it were me Clarissa I wouldn't be helping that girl out as much as you are, you can deal with her cravings." He paused for a minute, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm not really a social, let me help you out, kind of guy."
'Yeah, I guess you're right. You really are not social.' Clarissa pouted as she turned around and looked at him. 'The boy who always sits at the back. I honestly thought you were weird back then, well not that you're not weird.' She chuckled lighly as she adjusted Sage. 'And I think Vera won't be any pain in the ass, she's actually a nice person. And I think if Apollo came to his senses, she can really put him on his toes.'
Adrian nodded. "Not all strippers have sticks up their ass, they're people too." He laughed. "I'm just saying the amount your putting in to help her is probably enough you two could be a couple by the end of it. You'll be marrying her not me." He rolled his eyes.
'Well it was Apollo who picked her,' She smirked at him. 'So i'm not sure what personality she had at first. Sue me.' Clarissa grinned at Adrian's remark on Vera, 'You see, i'm not sure if you're jealous or complaining or you actually believe that what you said could be possible.' She pouted at him, but ended up smiling. 'You do know I don't swing that way.'
He wanted to make a comment about Apollo and Clarissa but wanted to stay alive today so he held it back. "Whatever you say dear." He smiled back at her. "Are you going back over to her place today?"
Clarissa's brow were raised as she rolled her eyes, she wanted to snapped at him but it was still way too early to fight. Plus his abs was there, distracting her. Closing her eyes to gather her wits, she answered upon hi question, 'Err no. Told her to comeback here once her shift was over though, I think she still has to work tonight as her last night.'
"Well, if she started her shift when you texted me I'm pretty sure she's done with work. You do realize she probably got so drunk she can't drive right?" He laughed quietly, making a mental note to himself to be shirtless more than he already is.
'Look at you, memorized the schedule of the stripper.' Clarissa grinned at him. 'Seriously Adrian, I never thought that you went into those kind of place. I honestly thought that it was Apollo's thing, not you.' But then her expression turned grim, 'Have you ever visited a strip club while we started dating? Lie convincingly if you have, or i'll cut you.'
"Not while I was dating you. Before you, yes. Before you I used to sleep around a little bit. Not nearly as bad as my brother though, I'm loyal to you." He smiled at her, laughing quietly at how stressed she was over it. "I just pay attention to details, why I'm assuming she's off work now. Besides it is 10 or 11 in the morning." He shrugged.
'You slut.' Clarissa grinned, but there was a hint of blush across her cheeks. 'That's a sweet lie, Acher.' She placed Sage beside Adrian, she was wide awake but not crying. Silent little girl. Clarissa adjusted her shirt and laid back down beside her baby. 'Maybe she's just asleep. Her house was like ten minute ride from thr club.'
"What's a sweet lie?" He laughed again. "I'm loyal." He said, staring at Sage. His thumb rubbed the bridge of her nose softly trying to make her go back to sleep. "Anyway, I don't know what you've got going on with her so you do you."

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