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'You'd better be.' Clarissa chortled as she shifted her position. Her stomach was flat on the bed, but her head was shifted to face Adrian and the baby. 'If Apollo is still a bitch then i'll help her out. Did you know that she lost her first baby because of her job?' She said quietly as she let Sage hold her finger. Pure sadness was in her voice.
He frowned and shook his head. "No I thought this was her first time being pregnant. We all know my father, he'll make Apollo come around." He smiled faintly at her, that being completely true. "For the time being help her out as much as you want I suppose. It won't hurt her."
'I know.' She smiled back at him, 'I just wish that Nicolas already slapped some senses to Apollo.' She reached out for his hand and squeezed it lightly, 'I told her i'll provide lodging since she can't pay the rent if she stopped working and Apollo is still a bitch. She can't stay at Apollo's place. I'm the one scared for her because of Dedrich, eventhough she can't easily be faze, but I don't want to take chances.' Clarissa heaved a sigh, 'do you know when your psychotic brother might be back?'
He shook his head. "No I haven't asked about Dedrich to my father recently, I've been more focused on us moving again and Sage. Now Apollo has that girl pregnant and won't deal with it like a man. I'm assuming she's just going to stay here while we're in New York visiting your parents? Hopefully by then Apollo helps her out but if not." He shrugged. "You know." He paused, laughing quietly. "I feel like she just became our daughter in a way."
Clarissa heaved a sigh, Dedrich really put on her edge. Adrian was nowhere safe near that monster and him getting out makes him more dangerous. But then Clarissa beamed up, 'speaking of house! I found one. It's a Tudor style, very beautiful. Stained glass windows and stuff. It's just an hour ride from here. The price is good . . . err. I honestly didn't saw the price but I don't care about it. I just love the house.' She said sheepishly. 'and I scheduled us for the open house a week after out trip to New york.'

Clarissa wanted the house faraway from the Acher's as possible, but she knew there's a danger in doing so. She was afraid that Dedrich might send someone again and Nicolas or Apollo won't be there to help then.

'Daughter huh.' Clarissa's brow was raised at Adrian's remark. 'I might get jealous of this new daughter of yours.' She added playfully.
"Ew. Oh, Jesus christ no." He scrunched up his face at the comment about her getting jealous. "I hate the daddy kink so many people have for whatever reason. Never call me daddy or dad in a sexual way." He rolled his eyes. "Also that sounds nice, if you like the home I like it. I'm too picky." He smiled softly at her, that being true considering last time they bought a house he just let Clarissa pick it out and he signed the papers.
Clarissa really laughed out loud. It even startled Sage a bit, her face was on the verge of crying but she cradled and hush her baby for abit. Her face was all red and flustered from preventing herself to laughed again. 'I was just joking.' Clarissa giggled like a little girl, 'Geez, Adrian. Just chill. You know i'm not exactly the jealous type. You haven't exactly given me a reason to except . . . ' she paused for a bit. 'Anyways, if you're up for something kinky I promise i'll never call you Daddy.' She added with a grin. Her face was getting lighter in shade.

'Hmm. I know.' Clarissa said with a warm smile, when Adrian agreed on the house that she saw. 'One of the reasons that I love you. You're happy if i'm happy.'
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Adrian struggled not to start laughing at Sage who was startled by her mother's laughing. "Please don't ever call me daddy," He said sitting up in the bed, staring down at Clarissa and his daughter. "You are the jealous type. You are every type of girlfriend." He snickered quietly as he patted Clarissa's shoulder gently. "It's funny, I never thought when we first met I'd be having kids with you. Ever. Not in a bad, just didn't see us getting together." He smiled as he kissed her cheek gently.
'Oh daddy,' Clarissa said with a grin, 'you've never seen me in full blown jealous mode. Becase if I am, I eliminate the source of my jealousy. One way or the other.' She added with a wink. 'I actually never thought having a kid at my age,' she said in as-a-matter-of-fact tone, but her eyes were warm as she glance at the baby cooing beside her. 'I honestly thought i'd be a doctor then my mom would finally convince me to marry my childhood friend.' Clarissa shivered, she never liked the idea ever. 'So I guess I have Dedrich to thank for that.Yikes. can't believe I used Dedrich in a positive way.'
"You sound like a psychopath." He rolled his eyes, snickering under his breath. "I suppose without Dedrich in a way we would never have gotten together." He paused. "Oh well, it worked out happy enough." He glanced over at his phone that started to ring, Sage squirming around at the noise unhappily.

He stared at his phone for a minute before answering it, the faint sound of Apollos voice coming from the speaker. "No, I won't come pick you up. How did you get there anyway?" He said into the phone, staring off at nothing while he talked to his older brother. "She has a car, have her drive you to wherever you w-" He was cut off by Apollos voice going off again. "I'm sorry if you only want to fuck Vera while you're there work something out manwhore. You're worse than she is." From the Adrians end and him talking to his brother she could put Apollo went to see Vera presumably just to sleep with the girl and was stuck there considering Nicolas still has his car keys.

"Again Apollo, I'm not picking you up. Call a cab or some shit, Clarissa was probably going to go over there later if Vera never made it to the hotel; knowing now she isn't here then she probably will defiantly be there sometime today. Where is Vera now, you can just have her come her-?" Apollo cut him off again, apparently he couldn't allow Adrian finish his sentences. "Why?" He asked, his face frowning from Apollos short answer. "You don't know? Your lack of fucking concern for that girl is ridiculous." He sighed, feeling like he was more worried about Vera than Apollo ever would be. Adrian glanced back at Clarissa and Sage knowing if he left they'd have to stay or he'd have to stay with his daughter considering there wasn't a car seat in his car. "Fine I'll have Clarissa come and pick you up, she can figure out what's wrong with Vera while she's there. Sound fair enough?" Apollo just answered assumed presumably yes and then hung up.

Adrian laid back on the bed and sighed, staring at Clarissa. He seemed slightly annoyed from Apollo. "You need to go back to Vera's and get my brother. He would've had Vera take him but he can't wake her up for whatever reason. I doubt he even tried, he probably doesn't want anything to do with her besides fucking her. I'm assuming that's what he's doing there, well what he did last night. I'll stay here with Sage."
'No, I sounded like a typical only child.' Clarissa chortled at him, 'I never have to fight for something that I want before why start now. . . ' She pouted. But then they were interrupted by a sudden phone call.

It was Apollo. As Adrian answered the call from hos abnormally wayward brother, Clarissa played with Sage. Kissing her tiny fat cheeks, cuddling her but she was still listening. Apollo might be angry because she could hear a faint rumble on the other line.

At Adrian's request, she plop herself face down on the bed and gave a muffled scream out of frustration. 'I'm not your brother's little errand girl!' She exclaimed but she already stood up to take a decent shower. Clarissa strip off Adrian's shirt on her way to the bathroom and tossed it on the geound beside the chair. She pump first before taking a bath. She didn't knew if she'll be long but she doesn't want to happen what happened yesterday.

It took her atleast an hour to prepare. But before anything else, she took the dress she was wearing last night and folded it by the bed, 'Give this to the house keeper, it was Vera's and I wore it last night.' She lightly kissd Adrian on the lips and Sage on her tiny little head. With that, she bid them goodbye.

She took the coat of Vera from the couch and head to the parking area. The traffic was not that bad and she made it to Vera's neighborhood unharmed. From the car, she took the coat and paper bag filled with food and head out to ring the doorbell. Waiting outside for Apollo or Vera was creeping her out, although the neighborhood seemed empty.
It took several minutes for Apollo to get to the door. When she got there he looked like he had fallen back asleep while was waiting Clarissa to get there, he was still buttoning up his shirt. His short black hair was a little bit of a mess too, bed head and whatnot. "Hai, can you take me back to my house now?" He asked not even expecting Clarissa to do anything about Vera. He didn't care and he didn't expect her to care either.
Apollo looked cute without trying. If Clarissa saw him like this before she'll definitely blushed and be flustered. But his appeal was all lost. Now she was just half annoyed half amused at him. Not to mention hungry.

Clarissa shoved the paper bag in his chest, 'Yeah yeah, i'll take you home.' She mumbled as she walked passed him. 'I have to check Vera first. Just want to see if you still haven't kill her yet.' Clarissa added jadedly as she walked up the stairs. 'Those food must be on the room Apollo, or I swear i'll leave your ass behind.' She called out to him.
Apollo sighed quietly and sat the paperbag in Veras kitchen, not even opening it to see what was in it. He sat down on Veras couch waiting for Clarissa to get done with Vera.

Vera was laying in her bed, curled up underneath some blankets looking asleep. Clarissa could see her shoulders sticking out from the blanket, cueing she didn't have on any clothes or very little. She also had a busted lip, it could've been from someone at work she got in a fight with or Apollo. He certaintly didn't seem afraid to hit her before, or pull her hair. She looked rather peaceful in a way, not having to be up to deal with anyone or anything. She'd sleep all day if they'd let her.
Clarissa let herself in, seeing that it was Apollo who greeted her, she thought that Vera was still probably sleeping. Pregnant women tends to sleep a lot. Clarissa experienced it first hand. She would sleep for hours and would sleep more if she can. Now, pregnant stripper woman tends to sleep apparently way more than normal pregnant woman. Apart from their night job, they still have to deal with their life.

Clarissa gingerly went into her room. She saw Vera by the bed. She remembered what Adrian said earlier and out of fear she check for pulse. It was steady and clear. Plus she was actually breathing, pulse checking was just to double check. She didn't want to wake Vera up, but then she saw her busted lip. From bitten or from being hit she didn't know. She didn't even wpke her up. Vera deserves a good long sleep.

Clarissa stepped out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her. She went towards where Apollo was, 'What's with her lip?!' She hissed at him angrily.
Apollo stared at her for a moment not saying anything. He could very easily lie to her but if Vera told her the truth he'd have to deal with her again. "I hit her at some point last night." He said truthfully, feeling like a little kid who had to tell his mother what he'd done.

Apollo sighed, not looking Clarissa in the eye while he talked. "I also hit her in her back to a point she could barely move it hurt so bad." He muttered, knowing he was about to get the shit beat out of him from either Clarissa or Nicolas. Either way, Apollo at this point was downright abusive to the girl who hadn't done anything wrong. At least not to him.
Clarissa almost fell on the floor if he wasn't sittes on the stool by the table. Apollo's admission makes Clarissa wanted to cry for Vera's sake. 'You fucking idiot!' Clarissa hissed at him. 'What the hell is your problem with her?! You do know that I can't bring the hospital without actually alerting the police on you, right?!' Her face was all flushed with anger. She wanted to throw something at him but it wasn't her place to thrash. 'You're the reason why she's pregnant, moron! She told you she didn't took the pills yet you wanted to have sex, you sleaze.' Her hands were on her hair, getting all frustrated. 'Why do you hate her so much?! Gods, Apollo.....' Clarissa sighed quietly. If stares could kill, Apollo was already tightly wrapped in blanket with stones, sinking at the bottom of the lake gradually.
"I doubt she needs to go the hospital." He commented on the part about Vera needing to go the hospital. He didn't really know what to say to her to keep her from freaking out more than she was. "She'll be fine I'm sure.." He trailed off.

He stood up from the couch, not risking walking passed her feeling like he wouls get hit if he went anywhere near her. "If you're really concerned I'll go wake her up and see if she's alright." He sighed, he in all honesty didn't care but would act like it to keep Clarissa happy.
'Fucking moron, she's pregnan--- . . .' Clarissa's expression changed from rage to disbelief, 'Did you beat her up just to cause miscarriage?' She didn't wait for an answer as Apollo stood up. She sauntered towards him and pushed him out of the way. He wasn't exactly fighting so it was easy. 'Go back to that couch, sit there and don't move.' Clarissa spat at him, 'don't you dare touch her again, or I sweat i'll hunt down some knife and cut your balls off. I don't care if you were in the navy or some shit,' she stood by Vera's door. Fishing out her phone, she dialed Adrian's number. She knew that the person that she needed to call right now was Nicolas, but she was scared what might Papa Acher do once he found out.
Apollo didn't say anything else knowing nothing he said at this point mattered. He went back to the couch and sat back down just like she said, not about to piss her off further.

Adrian answered his phone after a couple rings. "Yes Clarissa?" He asked, not expecting her to call and just expected her to show up at the hotel whenever she got done with his brother and Vera. "What did Apollo do?" He asked, just knowing he was the reason she was calling.
Clarissa sighed with when Adrian finally answered his phone, 'Apollo beat up Vera.' She said as calmly as possible, it took her everything not to snapped at Adrian himself. She went inside her room, seeing that she was just asleep, she slide the comforter off her. She was naked so Clarissa could easily see the welts and bruises. They weren't exactly that many but it was enough to cause trouble. Apart from busted lip and bruises, she was sleeping just fine. She covered her back up, 'She's sleeping. Seems okay but I can't be sure.' Clarissa stepped out of the room.and closed the door behind her, 'Can you come here or call Nicolas? I don't want to call the police on your brother.' Clarissa said with a pure hint of disgust in her voice as she looked on Apollo. 'I want to, believe me, but i'll let you settle this.'
He was silent while Clarissa talked, not being like Apollo who couldn't stand to let Adrian finish a single sentence. "I can't because I have Sage though my father will probably be there shortly once I call him. If you're really concerned wake her up and ask her. She can always fall back asleep." He paused for a minute. "I'll call my father, I'll text you and let you know if he's coming.. knowing him he will," He said before hanging up.

Apollo sat on the couch staring back at Clarissa still not saying anything, knowing it'd be best to keep his trap shut. Vera didn't even move that much when Clarissa moved the blanket off of her, considering it wasn't off her that long she didn't get too cold but she continued to sleep like a baby. After about five minutes Adrian texted Clarissa letting her know that his father was on the way to come deal with Apollo.
She didn't follow Adrian's instruction. Clarissa decided to let Vera sleep it off. She deserve it that much. She walked back to the stool and positioned it so that she was facing Apollo. She crossed her leg and glared at him. The breakfast she bought left untouched. Her appetite seemed to diminished. 'Your just like Dedrich.' She said quietly at him. 'You blame other people to your misfortune. Beating a girl. . . I thought you were different. Apparently you're just as crazy and monstrous as him.'
"I'm not blaming anyone else, I'm pissed at her because I don't think the kid is mine. Understandable I'm sure." He sighed, staring back at her not seeming pissed at all. "If Dedrich was to be in this situation she'd already be dead." That wasn't a lie, Dedrich probably would kill a stripper that he got pregnant just to avoid having that child. "She'll be fine, she'll live."
'Yeah, I guess that's true.' Clarissa said thoughtfully. 'Though i'm not sure sex and Dedrich . . .nevermind.' Shaking her head, she looked at the Oldest Acher sibling, 'That's not my point, Apollo.' Clarissa's voice was calm and warming up to him a bit. 'Just because you think that the kid isn't yours, that doesn't mean that you can beat the crap out of her. You actually went here to have sex and then beat her up, or whichever came up first. Either way, that is sick and twisted.' She said with a frustrated voice, 'I offered her a deal, just so you know. Told her that i'll help and support her if you're still in denial and refuse to accept the fact that the kid is yours.' Clarissa said, bitter smile was drawn across her face, 'I know, a bit hypocrite isn't it? Denial from pregnancy and it was coming from me, but that doesn't mean that you can hurt her like that and endanger the baby..'
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