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Clarissa texted Adrian while waiting for Vera to finished preparing. Her text was not exactly and ended up just fiddling with her phone. Looking for the houses for sale next town or over. There were lots of beautiful houses, she liked the Tudor like-Collegiate gothic style house but she had lots to consider. Sage for one and Pudding for the other. Adrian is not going to be a problem, if she likes it, Adrian rolls with it.

When Vera was done, she looked so different. Smoking eye embossed her brown eyes. She wore a long black coat but Clarissa figured that her outfit was underneath. And her hair! It looks prettier and suited her more. 'Wow. You style your hair yourself? That's amazing.'
"Yes I do." She smiled over at her taking her food out of the microwave. "I can't afford a stylist so I taught myself. Thank you though. I have to look the whole 9 yards." She said going back to finishing her dinner before they left.
'Oh. Right.' Clarissa mumbled still looking at her hair. 'I envy you a bit, all I could do with my hair is braid it and pull it on a pony tail.' She chortled. 'Oh, a bun. I could put it on a bun.' She said as crossed her legs on the couch.
"I can do your hair for you sometime, probably not tonight but yeah. I have a lot of hair dyes upstairs." She quickly finished her food before throwing away the empty box and put the fork in the dishwasher. "I'm ready to leave if you are. Are you wanting to drive or walk? If we're driving and you're going home soon you can take your car and I'll take mine. It's only about a ten minute walk though."
'Yeah. Probably sometime.' Clarissa smiled at her. 'Sorry, let's take the cars. I'm not really comfortable walking around here even if it was only a ten minute walk.' She stood up and walked by the door. 'I meant that in no offense. Sorry!'
She shook her head and grabbed her house and car keys before heading to the front door, her heels were at least 8 or 9 inches and how she even walked in them let alone danced in them was a mystery. "No I completely understand, my neighborhood isn't the best." She laughed going outside and locked her front door after Clarissa made it outside, heading to her car. "Just pull out so I can get out, then you can follow me there."
Clarissa followed Vera out. She was surprised that the girl can still walk in those killer boots. She even considering to walk for about ten minutes. Unbelievable. During their descent, Clarissa could feel her breast getting sensitive and tender. It was uncomfortable. Her last pump was earlier that day, she didn't exactly thought that she'll be spending her whole day out.

She climb inside the car, and check the backseat. She was actually hoping that some of Sage's things were still there along with the breast pump but she knew Adrian don't want his car to be littered. She tried adjusting her bra, but then she felt uncomfortable still. She started the car, and just like what Vera said, she back up a bit so that her car could get out.

Her bra suddenly felt damp and as soon as she looked down, a stain on her chest part is visible. 'Crap.' Clarissa mumbled quietly, she can't hide it with her hair, and she didn't brought any jacket with her. She looks problematic as she followed Vera's car to the club.
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Vera got in her old white car and drove to the club, it didn't take that long just a few minutes. The parking lot which was off to the side of the club, it was just a little while before they opened about 20 minutes or so, so there wasn't too many cars.

She got out of her car after she parked it, watching Clarissa park next to where she had going over to her car waiting for the girl to get out so they could go in.
Clarissa parked carefully beside Vera. She killed the engine and got out of the car. Her face looked troubled and in pain, her arms were crossed on her chest, covering the stain. She walked by the other girl and said. 'Do you have spare clothes in there?' Clarissa grimaced. 'My milk leaked, I don't have spare clothes in the car, even Adrian doesn't have one. It stained my shirt.' She said while letting her see her chest.
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She nodded, trying not to laugh the situation was funny no matter what Clarissa tried to say. "Yes I do, I've got a few outfits in my locker." She took off the jacket she had on and handed to Clarissa before heading to the front door of the club. She didn't seem cold or anything despite for being fairly close to being naked, a lot of her skin exposed. "Wear that for now."

There wasn't a bouncer at the front door considering it wasn't time for them to open for the night yet, when they stepped inside there was a hallway that lead to the actual club off to the side was a place to pay to enter. She went down the hall a bit and went into one of the rooms, it being a locker room. They were the only one in there. From Clarissa could see the actual club and the locker room were welly lit, the lights would probably dim after they opened. Vera went to her locker and opened it up for Clarissa. "There's a little bit of everything in there, so if you need anything else let me know and I can find one of the other girls." She smiled before leaving the locker room leaving Clarissa to change in peace.
'Don't you dare laugh,' inspite of what she said, she's the one who's smiling. 'My last pump was last morning.' She added as she shrugged Vera's jacket. The other girl wasn't exactly wearing a clothes. It was more of a piece of clothe covering the parts.

Vera led her to the backroom where the lockers are. The room was well lit and bright for a rolm inside a nightclub. But then she saw the neon lights that were off. Vera opened her own closet and showed various clothes. 'Vera..' Clarissa called out. 'Again no offense and i'm grateful but don't you have . .. I don't know. A shirt? Like normal ones?' Clarissa picked up a shirt that wasn't look like a shirt because of the skin it was showing. There was also a dress but very flimsy and see through.
"Well no, I don't. I'm a stripper, I have those change of clothes in case something on my outfit breaks. Just wear whatever you want and that jacket, if you need me to I can go home and get a change of clothes that's actual clothes." She laughed quietly, looking down at her own outfit. She had her belly button pierced it being just two black balls for the jewelry itself, now visible because she didn't have on that jacket. "Just wear something skimpy as hell and have fun, no one needs to know."
'No, it's fine. I'm sorry!' Clarissa said as she dig under the closet for something else. Finally, she found a short black dress with a plunging neckline, the back was a see through but as Vera suggested, the coat would provided a cover. She immediately changed into it, pulling her pants and shirt off.

She checked herself in the mirror, it was good. The dress may be flirty but it was the less flirty there is. The dress matched her black snickers, which was good. Holding her jacket she went to find Vera.
When Clarissa finished changing Vera was in the actual club area, as far Clarissa could see they were the only two there. Vera was climbed up one of the poles that was in the center of the stage holding a white rag wiping the pole down from the top to bottom. In the center of the actual club was the main stage, one pole in the center where Vera was climbed up and two others off to either side of the stage. There was a smaller stage to the far left of the club, lights that where switched off surrounding the stage. At the far back was a stair case that lead to the upstairs probably were people got private dances or something else along that line.

Vera looked down at Clarissa and waved. "You look nice, don't sell yourself." She said jokingly, laughing softly to herself as slide down a bit continuing to wipe it down thoroughly before the other dances got there. "If you're strong enough to club you can help me wipe down some of these poles. I'll get you a rag in just a minute."
'Shut up.' Clarissa said playfully as she pulled down the dress. 'Its so tight, it feels like a second skin.' She really felt uncomfortable so she donned the coat provided by Vera. 'Fine. But I have to go as soon as the . . . . party? Or whatever it is starts.'
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"I get off at 5 in the morning." She said as she finished with that pole, going behind the bar that was the very right of the room and went behind the counter grabbing a rag for Clarissa. She handed it to her before climbing up at the pole to the right of the center of stage with ease, starting to wipe that one down. "A lot of my clothes fit like that, well work clothes at least. It took at least five minutes to get these boots and shorts on. Leather doesn't stretch very much."
'Just swing by the hotel after your shift is done.' Clarissa said as she started to wipe the poles on the stage. Even without people, she got dizzy out of stage fright. 'Silly.' She whispered to herself. She's not equipped at stage. She gave up her mother's dream for her to be a professional ballet dancer because of her anxiety.
"Alright, I will." She said sliding down that pole to the ground and paused, the lights switching off and the few neon purple lights around the stages switched on. Someone else in another room controlling the lights, there were lights on that ceiling that were small blue beads of sorts that went everywhere in no set pattern.

She just climbed down off that stage and went over to the other smaller one, a girl coming down from upstairs. They were unphased by the random change in lights, it probably being time for them to open shortly. The other girl didn't notice Clarissa at first and just went over to Vera who was working on cleaning down the other poles over there. "I heard you're quitting?" The girl asked, she was dressed just as skimpy as Vera was. "Even when you have just a few more days you take other peoples jobs." She laughed, she seemed nice enough. "Most of the other girls are upstairs, we're opening about 15 minutes or so." She spoke before running back upstairs before Vera could even talk back to her.

"That's one of the other girls that works here, she goes by Diamond while she's at work. I call her Aminta though, that's her real name." She said, going over to the other pole on that stage there being only two on that stage so it didn't take that long. As soon as she finished the song my chick bad came on and the girl who came down just a few moments ago came back. She ran over to Vera stuffing however much money into one of her bra straps.

"That's enough for a dance, dance for me." She giggled, sitting down at one of the tables that were close to the stage, finally noticing Clarissa just waving over at her. "You can dance for me too if you'd like." She said, still laughing while Vera just stared at Diamond like she was crazy.
'Seriously, Diamond?' She whispered Vera with a smile, 'So what are you? Amethyst?' Her smile became a grin as she jump off the stage. She put the rag on one of the stools in the bar. And waited for Vera when suddenly, the girl name Diamond came back. At first she thought that she was adjusting whatever there is to adjust at Vera's costume, but then she saw the straps have a couple of money and her expression was was indescribable. She didn't know if Diamond was drunk, but Clarissa just stood there. Her brows were raised as she looked at the girl. 'I'm sorry. No.' She said quietly.
Vera pulled the money out from her bra strap and counted it, probably making sure she owned the girl an actual dance before doing it, sure enough it was and stuffed it back under her bra strap. She shrugged to herself slightly to herself, basically saying it 'fuck it' mentally before starting to pole dance for the girl who just sat there grinning. Surprisingly Vera wasn't trashy at dancing on a pole, it actually being hard and intense looking to try and attempt. She did say she worked there so her getting good at pole dancing wasn't too shocking, the girl just sat there watching her with a grin.

Diamond glanced over at Clarissa and laughed quietly at how she embarrassed. "I don't bite." It was easy to tell all the girls who worked there for a while where easy going, there boundary's where low. It was off putting but welcoming at the same time.
Clarissa watched Vera moved her way up and down the pole. She thought she was actually good, Clarissa even read from somewhere that pole dancing as a good way of exercise. She's got to learn that, but definitely not in the strip club.

Diamond talk to her again, she was grinning as if she was content with herself as she taunted Clarissa, 'Yeah. Thanks but no thanks.' She just smiled strainly and she crossed her arms and continued to watch Vera.
"I meant for you just to sit with me but suite yourself." She shrugged, crossing her legs turning her attention back to the dance she paid for.

Vera did stuff on that pole that looked like she was barely holding on, it dawning on Clarissa on just how strong Vera was. She did this all night on and off most nights, she was also carrying Apollos child inside of her even if it didn't look like it yet. Apollo picked a decent girl to sleep with regularly.

Diamond stood up in the middle of Vera's dance and went onto the stage, Vera paused hanging upside just holding onto the pole with her thighs. "What are you doing?" She asked the girl, her just giggled quietly moving closer to Vera before unhooking her bra and pulled it off, holding it for her. Her free hand undoing the girls leather shorts, before going back to her chair.

"You can get back to what you were doing now." She smiled, stilling holding onto her bra. Vera scowled at her for a moment before going over to Diamond sitting down on her lap, snatching her bra back putting on not seeming flustered or anything; just pissed. "Oh, did I push my luck pregnant princess?" She said wrapping her arms around Veras waist.

That comment clearly didn't rub her the right way. One of her hands raising and slapped Diamond right across her face, they seemed like a couple but at the same time didn't. "Yes you fucking did, I'll sit here for the next five minutes of your face. I suddenly feel too pregnant dance." She scoffed, Diamond just laughing at her. She was probably drunk already.
The way how Vera cling to the pole was downright amazing. The energy and power it takes just to support the whole body using only her arms and hands was a downright kick ass. Clarissa wanted to clap when Vera went upside down, she needs to learn how to pole dance, but again not in a strip club. She could see the muscles on her arms.

It reminded her that they were in a strip club when the seemingly drunk Diamond stood up, and strip Vera's indecent clothing. Vera finally had enough since she went down and struck Diamond at her face. The way Vera hndle herself, it feels like it was a common thing that is happening in the club.

Clarissa just watched Vera as she sat in Diamond's lap. Can't stop herself, she blurted out. 'Oh my gods, that's amazing!!' She added while clapping her hands like a little girl. 'I mean the pole dancing, not the stripping. . . .' She blushed but good thing the lights were dimmer, it hid her ignorance. 'No offense again.'
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Vera sat there in the girls lap, leaning back into her slightly. "I have to work sober tonight, don't push my buttons before we even open." She said, pouting a bit.

"Oh yeah that's right you can't drink anymore." She smiled at her, resting her head on Veras shoulder. "You've got tonight and tomorrow I hear, you'll make it out alive."

"Easy for you to say you're already drunk, I can smell it on your breathe."

"Keep being attractive and you're going to taste it." She laughed. "If tonight gets too stressful for you, I'll see about getting one the girls who aren't working tonight to take you place."
She looked at Diamond and all Clarissa could see was Apollo. The was she carried herself, the way she act and talk around girls, well for this instant Vera, was like she's all ready to take action right here and there. Not exactly caring if there are people around.

Clarissa suddenly smirked, thinking that maybe Vera has a type after all.

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