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One of the downside of being pregnant was sensitivity to everything, particularly to the smell of food. When Clarissa was suffering before, everytime Apollo or Adrian cooks and there was such a strong aroma, it feels like they have a direct line to her stomach and quesiness. And now, not exactly glad because it was Vera who was suffering the same fate, she was thankful that for her it is over. The garlic being sautèd in a butter was one of the most nauseating smell to her before. To eat the food with such strong aroma, she needed to stay outside. Or Adrian will have to buy her a different food just so she could eat..

'I'm not sure if Vera is a picky eater,' Clarissa called out at Diamond, 'but you can still try to feed her what you're cooking. Or if I were you, go outside to buy something she could eat. I only brought pancakes and bacon with me, so i'm not sure it is counted for lunch or even dinner.'
"I'll ask her what she wants in a little bit, I'm not going to make her sickness worse right now. I'll let her calm down." Diamond sighed as she went into the living room sitting down on the love seat waiting for Vera to return. It taking a couple minutes but the girl eventually came out of the bathroom sitting down next to Diamond.

Diamond reached over and pulled the girl closer to her gently, rubbing her back while she held her. "Can you eat sometime soon?" She asked Vera who just shook her head, probably after vomitting up nothing but stomach acid it seemed resonable she didn't have an appetite anymore. It made sense though the girl still needed to eat.
A small smile formed on Clarissa's lips as she watched the two, friends with benefits or not, clearly they were affactionate about each other. She thought how hard their job could be. Thinking that the other is sleeping with some random old geezer, or sometimes even a hot sleaze named Apollo, but still. Clarissa wondered how they could not be jealous. Shaking her head, she shifted so her back was laying on the couch again. She picked up the magazine and started reading some random article.
Diamond just kept the subject matter at that letting the girl rest, Vera seemed to fall asleep rather quickly like she just hadn't just woken up.

The girl who was still awake directed her attention over to Clarissa. "So like, I haven't been pregnant before amazingly how can I make her eat without her getting sick?" She asked, Vera having fallen asleep against the girl.
Clarissa eyes never left the pages of the magazine, eventhough it was one year ago, the topic was really a page turner. 'I told you, go buy other food than you cooked. It worked for me. Or use less flavorful ingredients? I'm not sure how Apollo and Adrian cooked stuff but it has a less horrible smell. Granted that they add some seasoning on their plate but it really helped.' She glance for a bit at Diamond, then returned her gaze back to the magazine.

'You have to force her or talk her into it, you've been together for like years now. You're the onlu one who can make her dl things. Plus the food isn't just for the baby. It's for her too.'
"I get that." She pouted, playing with Veras hair softly while she slept. "I'll try that then, hopefully that wont make her sick." She paused. "She's always been iffy about eating, you know? Bulimia and anorexia, that stuff, so food has always been issue. I'm just not good at force feeding her considering I'm just a softy."
'Oh,' Clarissa finally put the magazine down for a bit as she glance back the worried girl, 'well, you have to put your foot down. if she really felt bad about losing her first child, then she really has no choice but to make up for it by taking care of herself. At least you can tell her that.' She added a tiny smile, 'how long have you known each other anyways?'
"We've known each other for about 3 years now, maybe a little bit less." She said, Vera moving in her sleep so her face was in Diamonds chest basically laying ontop of the girl at this point. Diamond just let the girl, probably not caring and was used to it at this point.
'And you guys met on the strip club?' Clarissa sat up, clearly getting interested. 'I'm sorry, you guys were the first stripper I met.' She flashed her a sheepish smile, 'and as you know my mouth doesn't have any breaks, so I was just curious. . . why Diamond?' Clarissa asked with a silly grin on her face. 'And why doesn't Vera have one?'
"Oh, I picked Diamond because it's stereotypical and funny." She laughed quietly being sure not to disturb the lady asleep on top of her. "Vera doesn't have one because I guess she doesn't care if people know her real name." She shrugged. "I suppose it doesn't really matter if you have a nickname or not, just what I went with."
'Right,' Clarissa giggled. 'Sorry for the random questions. I just got curious especially about the nicknames.' She plopped herself back on the couch, but the magazine was on the table. 'Where are you from? Did you know Vera's parents? Or some relative that we may need to inform? ' But before Diamond answered Clarissa rolled her eyes playfully, 'I know this is a bit weird, but seeing that Vera is still sleeping and we both have nothing to do, I apologize for my rapid fire questions.'
"No you're fine, I don't mind. I'm from here, nothing special. Vera is from Russia, and I don't know her parents. I think they live in Russia though I can't say for certain. I do know they aren't the nicest people, she was drowning in bills from college and whatnot. That's how she got out here on the streets and the strip club. She's a registered nurse, why she can't get a job is beyond me because I know she doesn't like sleazing around. I'm out here because well, I can be. It's easy money."
'Oh, wow.' Clarissa said, she didn't even bother to hide the surprise in her voice. 'That's great! I mean her being a nurse, you're not gonna have a hard time feeding her, she knows what will happen to a pregnant woman who don't want to eat healthy stuff. I can help her find a decent job as a well paid nurse if she wants,' Clarissa looked at Diamond and added earnestly, 'though i'm pretty sure she'll refuse. She said a while back you guys were her family.'
Diamond nodded. "That's easier said then done, All of us girls who work at that club are close so I understand that. I'm sure she'll eventually grow tired of it. We all can't work there forever." Her hand wrapped around Vera and played with the ends of her hair while she talked to Clarissa. "She also knows what her eatings habits do to her body to begin with, she still doesn't like to eat."
'Then that settles it!' Clarissa said, 'if you guys decided that you don't want to work there anymore, just give me a call. I can help you find a decent job.' She said confidently, knowing that her parents knew couple of people, finding them a job would be a piece of cake. 'Hmm, if you can't make her eat, I have to tell Nicolas, he's Apollo's dad. I dunno, but that guy can force anyone into thing.' She shrugged. 'I meant that in a good way.' Clarissa hastily added when what she said finally sink in her pretty little head.
"I'll make her eat, I'd prefer myself to do it than Apollos father." It was understandable, Diamond didn't know Nicolas at all and only knew of his son Apollo. "Also, I only ever finished highschool, and my grades were shit. You'd probably be able to get Vera a job at a hospital or something else along those lines. I'm a different story."
'Yeah, that's preferable.' Nicolas' appearance was still keeping her on edge. She could still feel his hatred or annoyance maybe to her. She didn't know if she's being paranoid, but she knew there's a truth in there somewhere. 'Oh please. If you wanted a different job, I can provide one.' Clarissa said with more confidence, she hated it but she knew connections are the secret of finding a good job, 'You're a hard worker, and seeing that you're not in jail, you're very patient.'
"I'll consider it, Vera will probablt take you up on that offer after she gets tired of leeching off you. She isn't the type to cling to people for money or anything. She just doesn't like being in debt to people, it's understandable." She shrugged. "Or Apollo can just provide for her like he should, at least while she's pregnant and can't work at the club."
'She's not leeching,' Clarissa grimaced at her term, it sounded so harsh. 'I'm helping her. And that douche Apollo is still in his denial stage. But once he accept things, if he will, he can be a very responsible guy.' She shrugged at her. 'I don't need anything in return anyways, i'll be glad if she can and will keep the baby healthy, though .' Clarissa added with a tiny smile on her face. 'And about the job, that offer will forever stand. So no worries.'
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"I'll talk to Vera about stuff, I'm sure she still has to come to terms with everything herself. She'll put her child first, I know that much. She just won't keep herself healthy mentally and psychically unless you constantly stand over her. Right now she's doing pretty good but her eating disorder will come and go, if she's going to be living with you till she has her baby just make sure she eats and she doesn't vomit it up afterwards?" She spoke like she was handing off her child to Clarissa to babysit, which in a way she was because Diamond couldn't be around all the time and Apollo hadn't got with it yet. "Getting her to eat is easy, getting her not to run to the bathroom and vomit is the hard part. I'm dead serious if you give her the chance to let her puke by letting her to go the bathroom right after she eats or something, she will. I learned that the hard way. She knows what her throwing up all the time does to her." She paused for a moment like she was thinking. "That's saying if it doesn't repeat itself as far as I know right now, it isn't an issue."
'We can send her to a shrink if you want?' Clarissa shrugged. Eating disorder is a disgusting but pretty dangerous thing. She knew someone in her school before who suffered bulemia. Her throat got scratched because of her incessant and forceful throwing up. 'But I think she won't want it. And I can feel you don't want it either.' She grimaced at her. 'Look, morning sickness doesn't last the whole nine months of pregnancy, it's just for like three or four months then it'll eventually stopped. Though if the cause of her throwing up would be the strong aroma of food, I highly suggest, cook outside or buy.' Clarissa said softly. 'Now if she doing it on purpose, we can't strap her up after she eats. You have to talk her out of it. She needs to be responsible too, she needs to be healthy. Vera isn't eating just for herself now.'
"I know she isn't just taking care of herself now, right now I'm more bonded to her than the child inside of her so I just worry." She frowned, her attention turning the blissful sleeping girl on top of her for a moment before it went back to Clarissa. "I'll figure out how to make her eat, I'll try what you said. I just worry, her health and everything else. I can't be around all the time and because you'll be around her too I'm just letting you know."
'Damn it,' Clarissa pouted at her, 'you guys are so sweet. I miss my Adrian and Sage already.' She laughed quietly at her. 'But don't worry, I promised Vera I would help her, and when it comes to food, i'll try to give what she wants. Though i'm not a very patient woman, if she becomes too peckish, I swear i'll tie her up and placed an NGT on her just so she could eat.' She joked lightly.
"Thank you." She laughed quietly. "I don't an NGT is nesscary but," she shrugged. "You never know, just force feed her. It'll work out." She joked, Vera moved around a bit on top of her before waking up.

The girl stretched out and opened her eyes staring up at Diamond not saying anything before shutting her eyes to go back to sleep. Diamond just stared back at her with a slight smile.
'Hmm. Alright.' She laughed quietly. It was so nice and she's the one who's feeling a bit giddy at how Diamond shows her affection to the other girl. Her hand flew to her mouth when Vera woke up suddenly, but then she went back to sleep again. The way she looked at Diamond, she didn't know if she's just sleepy or she was dewey eyed too at her partner. 'Ugh.' Clarissa's expression scrunched up abit, fighting herself not to smile, 'if she was awake I was going to say just get a room you two.' She grinned at Diamond. 'Too much sweetness.' She added as pretended to gag.

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