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Clarissa was thankful for Adrian for not bothering her. She was still half pissed of course. What he did was a bit traumatic considering what happened to them before. That man was really understanding, though can be a prick sometimes. She was able to finish the lesson, Sage slept through it. When she woke up, Clarissa was already done.

She laid beside Sage and let her eat. The little girl eat with such gusto but her eyes were droopy, couple of minutes pass, she was sleeping. She didn't even bother to take her to nursery. Clarissa slept beside her.

Clarissa was in the middle of her REM cycle when Adrian shook her awake. She was still sleepy but she managed to understand a few. Vera and drugs. She closed her eyes for a little bit but when she opened them, Adrian was gone.

Clarissa went downstairs and shook Adrian lightly. 'Go sleep by the bed,' she said quietly as she gave him a kiss on his head. Then she went upstairs towards Vera's room. She opened the door but managed to walk around the room to turn on the lamp. She was sprawled by the bed. Clarissa checked her pulse first as if on instinct. It was a bit faint but still there. She checked her eyes, a bit bloodshot. Sighing deeply, Clarissa slap Vera lightly on her cheeks 'Hey, Vera can you hear me?'
Vera opened her eyes and moved around some as she stared at Clarissa distantly like she was looking right through her. She moved so she was curled up in almost a fetal position on the bed and fixed the blankets tiredly. "Mhm.. What is it..?" She asked, the girl was pale and seemed tired or beyond it if it was possible. Though as Adrian said it would be better to make sure she wss alright for her sake and the twins. "Ugh sorry.. I feel like shit right now." She said as she rubbed her forehead.
'What the hell...' Clarissa said quietly. 'What on earth did you took?' She can't help feeling a bit of annoyed at the other girl right now. Clarissa grabbed the clothes she took from Vera's suit case and started stripping her clothes. 'Seriously Vera, I thought you were responsible enough not to do this?' Clarissa added as she pulled out Vera's shirt gingerly. It was very hard, so unlike Adrian since she doesn't need to mind his stomach.
Vera didn't seem to mind Clarissa taking her clothes and off helping her change. In regards to what she took question, a shrug of her shoulders was all she got. "I wasn't going to come back here.." She started, seeming like she was thinking about what she was doing. "Then I thought meh they won't be awake, I can get my stuff leave." She laughed quietly. "I wasn't really expecting Adrian to be on the couch, Oh well. Shit happens I guess. Apollo isn't very nice when it comes trying to socialize, at least with me. I hate life, I wanna die. I wasn't expecting just to get out of it like this or something I dunno. Honestly I don't." She didn't make very much sense as she didnmt explain anything really besides just lightly touching on things here and there.
'Vera.' Clarissa said quietly as she looked at the girl in front of her. She honestly thought that Vera had figured it all in her life. She looked so strong and independent, like she doesn't give a fuck on what's going to happen the next day on her existence here on earth, no matter how bad or good it is, she'll be thankful for it.

Clarissa just finished changing Vera's clothes. Basing from Adrian's experience, Vera wasn't exactly that out of it. She's still good, though if that's what she's been doing all those times that she's been going out, the long term effect of drugs in her body might affect the twins.

'You can't say such things.' Clarissa said, though knowing that the other girl could be in and out of conciousness, 'Apollo may be a shit head, but Diamond is there to help you out. She's always been there like before, right? Also there's us. We won't give up on you. Plus you have babies to think of now too. You can't just do this shit.'
She laughed softly as Clarissa mentioned Diamond and Apollo. "You do realize why me and Diamond are even a thing is because she's basically my pimp?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah I know right female pimps." She said as she laid back down. "I'm like a leech with you guys, I have nothing to give back to you." Vera closed her eyes while she spoke, she was peobably tired or that was the drugs making her tired, either way. "Heh. I guess shit happens, go back to bed. I'll be gone when tou guys get up tomorrow morning."
'Pimp?' Clarissa asked as she put a blanket over Vera, 'thought she was a stripper just like you? Besides, if at first she was just your pimp, clearly that has been changed. She cares for you. I could see how she looked at you and you looked at her.' Clatissa grimaced, she sounded like some chickflick movie or a disney cartoon, but still it was true. 'That girl is head over heels for you. And what the hell, i'm not asking anything in return. You're not leeching off, I practically offer it to you. All I want is you healthy. That's all.' The girl was out of it, but Clarissa don't know her tolerance. 'Look, sleep then we'll talk when you're up and sober, tomorrow morning. Alright? You're not leaving.' Clarissa stood up and fixed her coverings. When she's happy with it, she ran towards the kitchen to grab some water and placed it on Vera's bedside.

She wasn't proud of it but she checked Vera's clothes if the stash of her drugs were in her pockets, then her bags but sje couldn't fknd one. Clarissa didn't know whom she'll call at this point for Vera's sake. So she walked away from the room, closing it shut behind her and went to ask some advise on someone who got into the same mess with drugs before, her very own fiance.
Adrian was laying in their bed now, curled up next to Sage. It was honestly pretty cute as he just laid snuggling his child. When Clarissa had came into the room he hadn't had fallen asleep yet though he was close to it. He tilted his head and looked back at her. "So, what's going?" He asked, his voice was soft not to wake up Sage. Pudding was laying at the end of the bed basically on top of Adrians feet. The dog was something else.
Clarissa walked on the other side of the bed and crawled on the space at Adrian's back. She wrapped her arms from behind and placed it on his chest as she buried her face on his back. She knew that Sage was as safe as she could be. There were pillows beside her and Adrian would et a bullet first before letting Sage fall on the ground. 'Definitely drugs.' She mumbled quietly. 'Same as you, wanting to die and the works. But she's still coherent though. So that's something.' Clarissa said as she rubbed his chest. 'You know if that was you, and thank the gods it wasn't, I would probably call Nicolas by now. But in Vera's case, I don't know anyone else but Diamond in her life.' she added quietly, Adrian's smell was really soothing. 'She said she was her pimp that's why they had a relationship. So i'm not sure who to call.'
Adrian laid there listening to Clarissa talk, enjoying being so close to the two of them. "I don't know, probably no one. If she's fine like she isn't about to die then keep her out of the hospital. She doesn't want that most likely. As I said earlier I'd probably watch her for a little bit to make she's okay." He shrugged his shoulders slightly.
''You do know that she had twins inside her right?" Clarissa said sternly but quietly. Her fingers were gliding along across his chest. "All those time that she was gone, maybe you think that she's using?' She use her arms as a prompt so that she could peak through Adrian face, 'You're not a drug user right? I'm not gonna have problems with you going all batshit crazy at me and Sage right?' Her voice was somehow between curious, scared and pleading as she watch the shadow of his face. She wasn't exactly sure if Adrian was using occasionally before. But she hoped that all those overdose were his only drug problems.
"No I don't do drugs, I rarely even drink." He said turning more so he could look at her. "She generally doesn't get back at odd hours and is back before dinner time. I think tonight she is just having a bad night." He paused for a moment, he worried about the twins inside of her eyes but those weren't his kids so he didn't have all the worry he would have if Clarissa did something like that.

He sat up in the bed, being sure not to wake Sage he got up and grabbed Pudding making the dog wake up. He didn't seem to like it very much but it was the Adrian he knew and loved so he couldn't be too mad. Adrian lead the dog out of the room and went into Veras, sending Pudding to go curl up with her, leaving the door open this time before going back to Clarissa. "That'll make her feel better." He laughed softly, he didn't have on a shirt and the top button to his pants was undone, he was an attractive bastard even when he did
'Yeah, you don't do drugs and yet you almost die not just once, but twice brcause of drug overdose.' Clarissa whispered as soon as Adrian was out of the room with the bear. That's what she's scared about, Adrian doesn't do drugs and booze but if he did, he take, not just one but the two of them together making it deadly for his health.

Clarissa adjusted the pillow on Sage's side. Making sure it was still a fluff as she waited for his return. She was a bit surprise though when Adrian came back without the bear with him, 'Of course the girl craves animal contact.' Clarissa said sarcastically as she pulled Adrian back on the bed. But what he did was actually kinda good, sometimes when even she was in a bad mood, a cuddle with the bear lion was all it took to cheer her up somehow.

'Do you think she'll be okay? Do you think we should take her to the hospital tomorrow?' Clarissa asked suddenly. 'Or i'm just being a mom?' she suddenly grimaced at her sudden realization as she pulled herself closer to Adrian.
"Well Pudding is better than nothing." He chuckled softly. "In the morning see how she feels, if it's too bad we'll take her. I don't really blame her for taking drugs like that, she has a lot to be stressed about. Not saying she should have done it but I can see why. I'm not really sure on how to help her out."
'Yeah, we shouldn't blame her.' Clarissa said quietly as she trail a finger on Adrian's stomach. 'We should blame your idiot brother. I thought he's going to be responsible for her. Nicolas has clearly no effect on Apollo. Well, he can act like a human sometimes, but still! Your brother is freakin' temperamental when it comes to her.'
"I don't know what's wrong with my brother at this point. Maybe he really hates kids." He shrugged his shoulders again, leaning back and kissed Clarissa's nose. He shut his eyes as he pulled the blanket up over the two of them and Sage. "Just rest, she'll be less out of it in the morning. I have work tomorrow so I won't be around but I'm sure you can figure it out. She generally leaves in the mornings I know as much. Just for tomorrow make sure she doesn't go anywhere."
'That idiot doesn't hate Sage.' Clarissa said as she snuggled closer to Adrian's neck. 'I know she's not his baby, but he did look out for her for a time.' She added as her foot skimmed Adrian's leg. 'And I can't just keep her here. How the hell am I suppose to do that? She's a grown up for crying out loud.' She said panicky.
"Hmm.." He said out loud thinking. "Pretend to have the cold or something and have her help out with taking care of Sage. That might work out. You could also just keep her busy and talking to her so she doesn't end up leaving. I'm sure she won't bite your head off if you just ask her not to leave tomorrow. She doesn't cross me as the type to be too bitchy."
'I don't want to lie.' Clarissa continued to whine. Vera was one of the few people she considered her friend. 'I guess I have be honest then, one way or another.' She sighed quietly. If she wanted to confront the girl, she'd rather not lie. 'Go to sleep, you have work in the morning. I'll deal with it tomorrow.' Clarissa looked up and kiss him on his cheek as a good night, deciding that she can't solve the problem right now might as well sleep on it.
"Alright, Goodnight. I love you." Adrian said as he closed his eyes again before going back to bed curled up with his daughter and Clarissa.

When Clarissa had gotten up in the morning as always Adrian had already left for work. He was always quiet about letting the rest of the house sleep while he had go face the day. Vera was up already, laying downstairs on the couch just messing around on her phone while Pudding laid next to the couch, not being small enough to lay next to her.
When Clarissa woke up finally for the day, her fiancé already left the house. Sage, by some miracle, was already awake too but she was busy minding her feet as she reached for it with her stubby hands. The little girl smiled when Clarissa peeked at her. The infectious laughter Sage has made her fotget about her own little intervention for Vera. She fed her little girl first before going downstairs.

Clarissa went to the kitchen to hunt for her breakfast, still thinking about what she'll say to Vera when she saw her at the living room. Pudding was still with her. She went to get her cereal first befote taking it in one hand and Sage at the other. She placed thr baby inside the crib by the living room and sat in front of Vera. 'Hey,' she started lightly, 'are you alright?' Her eyes were focused on her bowl. Her idea to be light on the topic was somehow not working. The worry on her voice was palpable on her greeting.
"I'm doing alright." She said as she put down her phone knowing a long talk was about to take place. "I thought no one would be downstairs when I came back.. I didn't mean to make a commotion last night." Vera sighed quietly, messing around with a piece of her hair awkwardly. "I wasn't trying to make a big deal or anything."
'Sometimes, Adrian being a jerk is a blessing in disguise.' Clarissa mumbled to herself before she looked at the girl with concern. 'Look, I know you don't exactly want what's happening right now. Between the baby and Apollo, your stress level must be sky high.' she sighed as she look at the girl wearily. 'But if you need someone to talk to, i'm here. I know its a shocker, but I can listen. I'm always here to help, so please if there is something bothering you, if I can . . . . . ease your stress or worry about whatever it is. Tell me. I want to help.' The girl said earnestly, Clarissa was clutching her breakfast with both of her hands.
Vera nodded, thinking for a moment before saying anything. "Thank you. There isn't much for you to do. Last night I just needed a break from everything is all," she let out a sigh. "I just don't want kids yet of my own, it's kind of too late for that." The girl said resting one of her hands on her stomach. "I'm just not ready to be a mother and yeah. It's just a lifetime of work that I'm not ready for."
'I understand, trust me I really do.' Clarissa said with a crooked smile. 'I was so pissed, angry even, at Adrian for knocking me up. To think that he is sweet and very supportive. I was in denial for months because a baby isn't exactly at my bucket list right now. I'm still earning a degree so I could get to med school. That's a dream tucked away in a jar.' A bitter laughed escape from Clarissa's lips. She paused for a bit, playing with her cereal, 'But as soon as I saw Sage and Adrian alive after that day, all that anger, that hatred . . . it was all gone. For months i'm angry at Adrian, being surly and blame it on the hormones, but when I saw my baby. I'm not even sure I felt that way.' She placed her bowl down at the table and glance up at the girl, 'Just give it some time, if you still feel that way when your twins are safely out of you, then we'll make arrangements.'

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