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Apollo didn't say anything back to Clarissa, just listening to what she said. Adrian looked back at Clarissa and laughed quietly. "You're more of her father than I am." He said rolling his eyes and starting to walk back to his car, carrying Sage who was over at Clarissa.
'Yeah. Maybe because I have your balls.' Clarissa chuckled as she squeezed Adrian's ass out in the public. 'I suddenly have another girl to worry about,' Clarissa grimaced at him. 'Thanks to your idiot brother. Why can't he keep that thing on his pants to himself.' She added but now she was a bit fuming. 'Do you know that he still physically hurt her? I swear if she came back with a just a bruise, i'll starved Pudding and set it on him.'
He frowned and shook his head. "No, I didn't. I thought he got over that a long time ago." Adrian used his free hand that was wasn't holding Sage to shoo Clarissa's hand away. "Christ you have no self control, it's suppose to be the other way around." He laughed quietly, Sage laughing again in response.
'Well, he still does.' She said quietly. 'That's one of the reason why she did what she did last night, I think, apart from being stressed out. Apollo is still a giant twat towards her. And I thought Nicolas did something about your brother.' Clarissa pouted as she inconspicuously slide her hand that Adrian removed on his back pocket, and rest it there. 'See? Sage is okay with what i'm doing.' She added with a tiny smile when she heard the baby laughed like she understood what was going on. 'Plus you're holding her, so deal with it.' Clarissa added as she slap his back lightly and place her hand back on his pocket.
Adrian rolled his eyes, just letting Clarissa do whatever she wanted at that point. "Whatever you want princess. Anyway, do you think it's okay for her to spend the night over there? It doesn't take a rocket scientest to know he's going to sleep with her. I can call my dad and have him make sure they don't get too close. Vera doesn't cross me as the type to be able to say no to someone, especially Apollo. Probably why she considers Diamond her pimp, or used too, I don't know what goes on between the two."
'Like Nicolas can stop them from having sex.' Clarissa said quietly as she rolled her eyes. She knew that those two, no matter what happens will ended up having sex. Even if it was just an angry sex. 'Do you think we should take her home instead?' She suddenly became anxious, she never thought of Apollo being a dick when she saw his somehow concerned expression from the girl earlier. 'And Diamond is her pimp, and they're sleeping together. Trust me on that.' Clarissa added with a tight smile.

She suddenly became quiet as she thought of Apollo and his God carved abs. She was used to be smitten about it too but things changed. If Vera fell for it though, and if she got hurt, it was on Clarissa since she insisted on him to take her home. She absently rubbed her neck out of worry, but she knew that she needed to give them a chance.
"I don't know, they need the time together. I just don't know how that would happen without Apollo either making it sexual or abusive. She is pregnant with his kids after all." He reached into his pocket, unlocking his car and put Sage in her car seat before getting into the drivers seat pulling out of the parking lot when Clarissa was in the car.
'Well, i'm certain about what I said to him earlier.' Clarissa said defiantly as she buckled her seatbelt. The baby was safe at the back of the car. 'I'll kill him or i'll call the police this time. I don't care if Nicolas gets pissed at me. But Apollo has got to stop.'
"Yeah, I really don't want to see him go to jail but I agree with you. My father probably doesn't want to deal with another kid ending up in jail too. Dedrich then Apollo," he laughed quietly. "I'm next."
'Poor Nicolas,' she shook her head slightly, 'he's so healthy for his age but his sons are going to be the death of him.' Clarissa looked at him, a smirk was on her face. 'Yeah? And what reason do you think you're going to jail?'
"Probably beating the shit out of someone. Most likely Dedrich or Apollo." He snickered. "It isn't that hard to picture me going to jail because of that, I can't think of anything else I'd be put in jail for."
'Well, they both deserve a good beating, but I do hope you won't end up in jail.' Clarissa pouted at him. 'You did beat up Apollo, remember? Besides, if the likes of Dedrich can get out of prison, i'm sure you could too.' She said quietly. 'Oh crap. Dedrich!' She suddenly exclaimed. 'He's back, isn't he?'
He nodded his head, glancing over at her. "Did you forget? He got out a while ago. I guess Vera is going to meet Dedrich today too." Adrian let out a sigh, there was so many reasons why Vera shouldn't be over there let alone spending the night. "I can call Nicolas and have him bring her home."
'Sorry. The thing slipped in my mind.' Clarissa shook her head, how could she forget the monster was already home. 'Look, Vera is strong. And let's give her a chance with Apollo. But yeah, call Nicolas for a look out please.' Clarissa grimaced, if something really happened to her, it was on Clarissa. 'I did told her to stay from him though, but just to be sure. Let Nicolas know.'
"He will probably do it anyway. He wouldn't let Dedrich out of his sight around a guest I'm sure. Let alone Vera, he still wants more grand kids knowing him." He snickered quietly, pulling into their driveway and got out of the car, getting Sage before going into the house
Clarissa nodded knowing that Nicolas can be one overprotective mother hen. 'Well good he's got three already.' She said, chuckling. 'He should pray that Vera might get pregnant again with Apollo's kid, or Apollo might knock someone up again. Because he'll only get one from you.' Clarissa grinned as she stepped out of the car and followed Adrian back on the house. 'But if you knocked someone else up.... Hmm. No. He'll still get only three, because i'll kill the girl and gouge your eyes out then frame the murder on you.' She joked at him lightly, she close the doors behind her, while setting back the alarms of the house. Rhe silence was eerie. 'Look at that, another reason why you'll go to jail.'
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"Oh god I hope Apollo isn't stupid enough to knock Vera up again. He should be smart enough to at least wear a condom." He laughed quietly, sitting Sage down in her play pen in the living room giving her a couple toys so she wouldn't lose her cool. He went over to Clarissa and kissed her forehead gently. "Don't worry, I don't have any desires to sleep with anyone else. If I get someone else pregnant I'll be shocked." He laughed quietly, loosening his tie.
'So you prefer Apollo get someone else pregnant rather than Vera?' Clarissa asked confusedly. She removed her shoe and place it on the rack near the book shelves and took out a fluffy pair of white slippers. She wrapped her arms around him as he walk towards her and kissed her forehead. 'Yes, because you're smart enough to wear a condom. That's my boy.' She giggled as she pushed him away lightly. A happy sigh escape from her lips as she watch Adrian loosen his tie. Apart from him being shirtless all the time, this was one of her favorite look on him. He was downright handsome devil.
"I love how much you swoon over of me, it's honestly pretty comical." He laughed quietly, taking off the jacket part of his suit throwing it over the back of the couch completely taking off his tie, sitting it next to his jacket and undid several buttons at the top of his white collared dress shirt. "You can't even control yourself in public."
'Just be glad it's you i'm swooning on.' Clarissa said with a smile on her face, 'Mmkay?' She walk towards where he was sitting and kissed him lightly on the cheeks. 'Besides, you like what i'm doing.' She shrugged at him, the smile was still on lips 'And as if you care about what others think.'
"Yeah you do have a point, I don't care." He snickered, reaching over and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her so she was sitting down on his lap. "Who else would you swoon over? I don't see you swooning over Apollo anymore and if you ever swoon over Nicolas or Dedrich I'll be concerned."
Clarissa giggled as Adrian pulled her. She move so she was snuggled on his lap. Her head was leaning on his shoulders as she nuzzled his neck. 'Yeah, Apollo's done. I promise you that.' She said with a serious tone, she paused for a bit before she continued. 'I'll have you know, I maybe not swooning over Nicolas, but he is good looking for his age. Strong even.' Clarissa chuckled as she popped few more buttons open in his shirt. ' and Dedrich is an asshole and I want him dead and gone but I can't deny the fact that he was just as good looking as you guys. But i've never seen his body so meh. Seeing that she and I are always cooped up in the house, I barely see anyone. Don't worry if Sage is old enough to walk on her own, i'll stalk some guys down by the park.' She chuckled, joking lightly.
"Yeah my father did age well. I bet a bunch of old people want to look like him." He laughed quietly and watched her as she undid a couple more buttons on his shirt before, undoing the rest of them himself. "Are you and Sage just going to stalk a bunch of the young dads? You do realize with the way you act she's going to grow up to be quiet the player. I won't even have to do anything to keep boys from hurting her. I'm glad you haven't seen Dedrich's body by the way, I don't know when or why you would have."
'It's a good thing too, I mean that Nicolas is healthy, someone can handle Dedrich's shit and issues.' Clarissa said quietly, as she enjoyed looking Adrian's abs, 'I don't know. Young dads, cute tutors, yoga instructors. The potentials are vast.' She added with a laughed. 'I'll teach Sage the trades, how to beat up a guy to keep them away from you, you know the works.' Clarissa said as she trail a finger on his chest. She was really enjoying it. 'And just so you know, I only saw Apollo's body because he was practically naked when I first saw him. As for yours, I acidentally saw it, remember?! I'm not exactly a pervert.' Clarissa looked at him with a pout, 'well, with you i'm a perv but sue me. You like it.' She shrugged against his chest.
He chuckled quietly and looked over at Sage who was wrapped up playing with one of her toys not even noticing Adrian. "Boys is something we won't have to worry about for a while. I can tell." He said going quiet listening to Pudding finally realize they were home, the sound of him running upstairs was loud and got Sages attention. The dog ran downstairs and jumped up into Adrians lap forcing himself to fit along side Clarissa.

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