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Diamond opened her eyes and giggled quietly at Clarissa's question. "No she isn't, never done with it her. Thanks for the idea though." She said rolling so she was facing the door where Clarissa was standing. "Apollo is still awake, Vera fell asleep a while ago."
'That's weird... But thanks for the answer.' Clarissa rolled her eyes at her. 'Go to sleep Diamond, and please don't throw up on the bed, i'm saving my request for Adrian to kill someone on somebody else.' She chuckled lightly as she closed the door behind her.

Clarissa went straight towards the nursery, and Sage was wide awake but was playing with her foot. 'Hey Swooshy.' Clarissa cooed at her as she picked her up. 'You're a good girl today.' She added as she kissed her cheeks. She fed her her breakfast. Once done, Clarissa carried the little girl downstairs and place her on the walker at her playpen. Pudding came too, sniffing Sage's feet and sat in front of the pen. The dog was really the one who was looking for trouble, Sage found him and she tried all her might to reach for the dog's ear. All the while Clarissa hunted for breakfast on the kitchen. She came back with a bowl of cereal on hand. She jumped on the couch flipping the television on.
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"Will do Captain!" Diamond called out laughing quietly as she left the room, just going to sleep.

It wasn't long after Clarissa had sat down to watch televison that had Apollo had walk by, just in pants and a belt that were actually done up for once. Just no shirt. He was carrying little ragdoll kittens, both of them being small enough that he could carry them in one hand. He didn't say anything. He went into the kitchen for a moment before coming back, sitting down on the other side of the couch.

Apollo sat the two kittens down in front of him and shook the bottle he had made it persumably being some formula he had bought for the two kittens. One of them was solid white and the other was solid black, they were scrawny little things unlike Pudding who was huge when he was a puppy. He picked back up the white one and held it with one hand, starting to feed it the formula. "Good morning, Diamond was bugging me so I sent her to you." He snickered quietly, the black kitten just laying there were Apollo had sat it. They were both still young enough that they hadn't even opened their eyes.
Clarissa was watching some random show. She didn't know what it was but from what she gathers, it was about the Queen of Scot and King of France. Sappy sappy romance but very very compelling so she ended up finishing it. Apollo came along, she fought herself not to scowl at him. 'Mmn. Morning.' She mumbled as she took a other spoonful of cereal. They became soggy but that's how she like it.

She then noticed the cat, it was probably what Diamond was pertaining about she thought. 'Better keep those away from Pudding. He maybe sweet but those were still cats. I can't stop him from using them as chew toys.' She said as she looked at the two different colored kittens on his hands. 'Well yeah, you're an asshole.' Clarissa said quietly like she didn't exactly care about it. Looking back at the tv, she tried to focus on what she was watching.
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Apollo nodded and glanced over at Pudding. "I figured as much." He chuckled quietly. "I'm also very aware of how much of an asshole I am." He was going to make another comment but kept it to himself knowing how hotheaded she could get. The little black kitten letting out a meow and squirmed around a little bit, it still not being able to walk around propely. It probably have about two more weeks, Apollo basically getting two newborn kittens.
For the first time in a long time Clarissa beamed up at Apollo. 'Are you sick?' She asked at him, 'You? Admitting you're an asshole?' Clarissa chuckled quietly. Pudding's ears suddenly perk up upon hearing a tiny meow, like a dog he really started padded his way towards Apollo. 'Pudding.' Clarissa called out, distracting the dog from the tiny kitties. The bear obeyed, jumping towards her seat and on her lap. 'Good bear.' She groaned as the dog stepped on her lap. 'You do know that kitties can't stay here. Does that mean Vera's going to live with you?' Clarissa asked.
"Yeah I know they can't stay here, that dog could eat me even if it really wanted too I'm sure." He snickered quietly, watching the black kitten squirm around a bit on the couch cushion. He reached over and grabbed the kitten sitting in his lap just to make sure Pudding didn't randomly eat it. "Do you have any smaller blankets I can use for the time being? I can't really wrap a baby kitten up in a quilt."
'Oh that could be arrange. Adrian has been training him to attack intentionally.' Clarissa smirked at him as she petted the bear. Pudding's snout was on her lap. 'I can look for Sage's spare blanket.' She said dismissively with a wave of hand. It was weird how a guy like Apollo looked so happy with kitties in hand. 'You haven't answered my question Apollo, what's your plan with Vera?' Clarissa asked adamantly this time.
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"It's up to her what she wants to do, she can live with me if she wants. Dedrich can just get over it." He said with the shrug of his shoulder, finish feeding the white kitten and switching to the black one the white one not seeming very happy about no longer being held and squirmed around meowing loudly over and over again, Apollo just watching him and chuckled not having enough hands to hold the white one while he was feeding the black one.
'Oh shoot.' Clarissa grimaced 'I forgotten Dedrich again. When you and Nicolas are at work, who's with your psycho brother?' She inquired. She can't just throw Vera with some poisonous animal. Clarissa figured that Vera's attitude was somehow close to Adrian. If Dedrich can affect him badly, and that's to say he's a fighter and Vera is a submissive one, who can't say no, she can't imagine how much damage the second born can inflict upon the girl.

'Look at you, you cared more for those kitties in the first few hours you got them than entire Vera's stay here.' Clarissa said as calmly as possibly she can.
Apollo snorted at her comment and snickered quietly. "Oh shush, at least I'm not being a dick right now. Besides if I ignore the kittens while their this you they'll get cold and die. I'm not that mean."

He paused for a minute thinking about her question. "Right now I think he's home alone, unless my father didn't go into work. Knowing him he's probably still asleep."
'You can't be a dick around cats.' Clarissa shrugged at him, 'You love them more than you love girls in emotional sense.' She added, placing her bowl on top of Pudding's head so she can finish her breakfast, 'you're afraid that they might die, then you should've never take them from their mother in the first place.' Clarissa added with a smirk. She hated to admit it, but Apollo looks adorable with those cats in hand.

She only nodded when Apollo mentioned the middle child alone in the house. 'What if Vera decided to stay? What will you do then?' She immediately asked, 'you can't left her alone with Dedrich.'
"Eh I dunno I'll figure something out." He said with a shrug of his shoulders dismissviley. He clearly wasn't too worried about Dedrich. "Dedrich never leaves him room anymore, when he does he just gets food or leaves to somewhere I honestly haven't talk to him in a while."

The black kitten stopped sucking on the bottle and he sat the bottle down on the table beside the couch. He then picked up the white kitten who was still squirming around in his lap. "Their mother abandoned them, Some guy I know just texted me the other day and said he couldn't take care of them so I took 'em. I would prefer to let their mother raise them believe me, also I know I'm more bonded with cats then woman." He said, laughing lightly. "I'm more attracted to men then women, but eh I'll go both ways."
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'Okay. Listen here hotshot.' Clarissa said, placing her bowl on the table but one hand was on Pudding's collar. She's not sure whether the bear is going to attack Apollo and his newborn kitties but just to be safe. 'Vera is pregnant. She's vulnerable not to mention a person who can't say no.' She explained to him sternly, 'Dedrich is a monster. I don't care if Dedrich barely goes out of his room. Look what he did to Adrian, and to think that Adrian is a stubborn bonehead. Now, I want you to think hard about what are you going to do with Vera because you can't just abandon her when things gets rough on you.'
He frowned basically right when she started her speech, hearing hotshot and just her tone in voice in general knowing that she was seeious and pissed. "I'm not excatly the best emotional support type of person, to anyone really." He said, the kittens meowing every once in a while and squirming around in his hand didn't match the mood of their conversation at all. "I don't know I can try, Dedrich is different now by the way. You're not around him so you wouldn't know but he hasn't really done anything shitty like he used to all the time. She has Diamond too, and you. I'm pretty sure Adrian would help her out too if she needed it."
'Well, you're capable of caring. That's for sure. I've seen it first hand and those furballs are feeling it right now.' Clarissa said, a small smile was on her lips. 'You just have to extend it to her. She may have Diamond and us but we're not the father of those twins inside her now, are we?' Her eyebrow is raised as she muttered. 'And I don't care if Dedrich is a changed man, hell I don't care if he became a nun. I still hated his guts and I still want him dead.' Clarissa easily shrugged at the subject. She's a vindictive little thing that way.
Apollo simplely nodded his head, knowing better than to disagree with Clarissa on the matter at hand. "Alright, Dedrichs my brother so I still have some consideration for him but it isn't that much. I hate him too you know, I'm sure Adrian feels the same way." He moved his hand that was holding the kittens closer to him, trying to make sure they stayed nice and warm. "I took her shopping yesterday and I got her a kitten so I suppose that's what you want." He said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Pregnancy isn't my forte and I'm not overly protective like Adrian is with you. I'm not really protective at all."
'Okay, that's a start.' Clarissa shrugged. She did know that he can't change himself overnight. 'Shopping and stuff. But try to be there for her emotionally. Just try. You're not exactly Tinman, more of a Catwoman, really.' She chuckled, standing up, she took the bowl and Pudding along with her on the kitchen. 'Oh, right. Her kittens. Those can't stay here. Sorry.' Clarissa called out. 'Are those it? Or was it just another part of your clowder?'
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"The white one is her's the black one is mine." He said watching her get up and walk into the kitchen, being more focused on pudding not really trusting the dog around the small little babies in his hand that were starting to go to sleep. "I know they can't stay here, I don't trust Pudding that much." He snorted, laughing quietly. "For the time being it's fine though, I can keep an eye on them. I'm doing it anyway."
'Aww.' Clarissa pouted at him, 'Look at you, his and her cat. See. Baby steps into how to be a couple.' She laughed quietly. With Pudding in hand, she walked in front of a cabinet and reached out for his doggie treats. The bear munched them with so much enthusiasm. 'Don't mind the bad Catwoman, Pudding.' She leaned down and kissed the bear's head. Clarissa went back to the couch, still tugging Pudding by the collar. 'Does Vera knows your uh. . . . preference?' She asked quietly, as she busied herself feeding the dog.
He nodded his head. "She knows my prefence, I know hers. At least I think she's into girls more than guys, or maybe it's just that way with Diamond I have no idea." He said, shrugging his shoulder, petting the kittens softly with the hand he wasn't holding them with. He watched pudding eat the treats she fed him. "I know how to be in a relationship with someone, I was never expecting her and I to be in one when I started seeing her."
'Diamond is more gay,' Clarissa shrugged. 'But there you go, you can talk it out.' She smiled at him as if it was an easy thing to do. 'Wait, what?' She asked, suddenly perplexed. 'You and relationship? I thought you're the boy wonder of one night stand?'
"I'm like 31 Clarissa, I've been in relationships." He snickered, contiuning to pet the sleeping kittens. "She'll probably end up taking one of the kids with Diamond and I'll probably end up taking one, raising it with some random guy or something. Bless these kids hearts." He said laughing again. "I doubt we'd actually do that calm down."
'Nope. No.' Clarissa said, shaking her head. Clearly the topic was hard for her to comprehend. It was Apollo afterall, though granted that she only knew him for a year or so. 'What's the longest time you were in a relationship? A month?' She chuckled at him. Clarissa absentmindedly petted the dog on her couch beside her. But then her expression changed when he mentioned the separation of the babies. 'Yeah, you might pull off the parent trap thing.' She said sarcastically at him. 'They're not like kittens, you know.'
"I know they're not, I'm not expecting to treat them like they are either." He sighed quietly, glancing down at the two little kittens in his hand who were sleeping soundly, cuddled up with one another and Apollos chest for warmth. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. She will probably just go along with whatever I say knowing her."

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