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"I'll talk to Diamond about ideas when we're both not in the hospital." She paused for a moment just laying there, then held out her arms towards Clarissa. "Come cuddle with me, we sent Diamond away. Or give me Sage. We can't bring Pudding in here." She laughed quietly.
'Oh my gods, clingy as ever.' Clarissa feigned her disgust. 'Here. Take this pudgy lump of a pretty girl.' She walk towards Vera and place the little girl beside her. 'Watch out the tubes.' Clarissa raise the IV tube out of Sage's prying hands and sat by the edge of the bed. 'How are you feeling?'
"Yeah I having that ripped out would be painful, also how I'm getting my pain killers right now." She laughed quietly, holding Sage so she was laying next to her, snuggling with the little baby settling for it until Diamond returned. "Don't blame for being clingy, I almost lost both of my kids because of their father. I'm stressed out. Also I get to worry about Diamond and her injuries. Right now I'm feeling okay, as good as it's gonna get I suppose."
'Hey don't use that guilt trip on me.' Clarissa pouted, she reached out and patted Vera's tummy. 'I'm sorry about that. I really am. Don't worry, I risked my neck out for the three of you. I started the fight,' she said proudly, 'Good thing Diamond was there too, Apollo was gonna fight back. Forgot he could do that .... Anyway, she had this speech and she called you her girl. How cheesy is that.' Clarissa started grinning, her hand was still rested in Vera's tummy. 'She maybe your pimp, but she's a keeper. A bit sleazy, but hey, at least she's your sleazy keeper.'
Vera glanced at Clarissa's hand, not being used to people actually touching her stomach. Vera and Diamond not being like Adrian and Clarissa, tummy rubs and all that, she wasn't complaining, though. "My sleazy keeper." She rolled her eyes, laughing quietly. "I thank you for fighting him, I honestly would've done it myself but I was busy with doctors and painkillers."
'Damn right she is.' Clarissa chuckled quietly, 'She may be sleazy but at least she is yours. Just like Adrian, he may be a jerk but he's ours, right Sage?' She reached out Sage's little feet and stroke the sole of her onesies. The little girl kick her tiny little feet and waved her hand in delight. 'Because mommy's gping to cut him if he isn't.' Clarissa cooed at the little girl, and the gilr shriek in response. Looking back at Vera, she said, 'Do you think Diamond will stay for the night?'
"Yes." She laughed quietly, watching Sage be the happy adorable little baby she was. "I'm pretty sure Diamond just might be worse than Adrian though after what happened with Apollo and I'm pretty sure she wants to see these kids I'm going to get my own servant."
'At least you can keep away Apollo from you, Salt and Pepper.' Clarissa shrugged in response. 'Wait, so are you gonna ask her to quit being a stripper?'
"Most likely yes, hopefully after this she's willing to at least work with on a compromise. After I have these two little shits I can go to work because I'm sure you and her won't let me work while I'm pregnant, not after this at least. What do you want me to do with those kittens by the way? As much as I'd like to keep them I know pudding would probably get to them at some point."
'Of course, you can't work. No stress remember?' Clarissa shrugged at her. 'What compromise? If she needs work, i'm willing to help her. I told her that by the way. Just so you know that it's still on the table.' Clarissa took a deep breath for a pause, 'Yes, those kitten has to go. I'm sorry. Unless you can confidently say that you can defend them from Pudding. He may look like a sweet little ball of fur but he's still a dog. A giant ass dogs.'
"I don't know, I'll talk with her about stuff." She said, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "I'll see if Diamond wants them, probably not. If Apollo doesn't go to jail I'll just give both of them to him, I'm sure he would come get them anyway. How much he is obsessed over them." She laughed quietly, sitting up and held Sage in her lap, playing with her hair gently.
'Oh trust me. I'm sorry, but I think Apollo can spring out of this one.' Clarissa said grimly. Hell, if Dedrich can get out of prison and he killed someone, why not Apollo, she thought. 'Don't worry, i'll ask Adrian to bring them back to his house. He won't step inside our house anytime soon.' She promised at her.
Vera nodded and laid back down, holding Sage still and cuddled up with the little baby. She was basically silent for a few minutes before the sound of her crying into Sage filled the room, Vera not really being a cryer but with hormones and the stress she was going through it was just too much for her at the moment.
'Hey,' Clarissa moved beside Sage. The little girl was secured in Vera's arms when she lay down beside them and cradle Vera's head. 'Do you want to keep the kittens? I told you, you can if you want but I can't promised protection.' She knows it wasn't exactly the reason why she was crying but she don't know anything else on how to comfort the girl. 'I promise I can keep Apollo away from you.' She added quietly as she patted her hair, 'Do you want me to look for Diamond?'
Vera took a deep breath and sighed, forcing her tears to stop for the time being. "Apollo can keep the kittens, it'd be better for them anyway." She turned so she was facing Clarissa, her eyes were red and puffy because of her tears but there wasn't much she could do. "Knowing Diamond if she could come back, she would. I can just wait for her. I'll live."
'Alright, kittens will be delivered to Apollo right away.' Clarissa sighed. Atleast they were on a same boat regarding the cats. Cats are evil. They don't have any master. They'll go wherever there's food but when it comes to cuddling after, there's a chance that they would scratch you still when you try to pet them, unlike the trusted dogs. She continued to brush Vera's hair. Not exactly knowing what to do. If this was Adrian, she would probably kiss him non stop. She couldn't do that to Vera now, could she? Where was the stripper when you badly needed one. Clarissa asked to herself. 'Suck when hormones acted, right?' She laughed quietly as she brush her hair. 'If you have cravings, you have to wait for Diamond, because i'm not going to run outside for that.' Clarissa added lightly.
"Alright, Nicolas or someone will have to take them to him because I don't want to see him right now." She said, letting out a quiet sigh under her breath. She contiuned to cuddle with Clarissas daughter like she was a teddy bear, settling for it until Diamond could come and comfort her. "Don't worry, I'm not a very demanding creature. I'm just stressed out right now is all."
'No one wants to see him, love. Trust me on that.' Clarissa smirk as she rolled her eyes on her. 'If no one stop the fight earlier, I think they would've killed each other.' She sat up and stared at the two. Sage was getting comfortable in Vera's arms, her eyes were getting all droopy again. 'It's okay. You can demand all you want. You have a pass.' Clarissa added with a tiny smile.
"Honest to god Diamond probably would have to, she isnt the type to back down once she starts. If Diamond wants something badly enough, she gets it herself and it isn't always pretty." She chuckled softly, smiling at the little baby who was starting to fall asleep. "I feel like a mom, anyway later for dinner do you wanna get KFC?" She chuckled again, finding her own request funny. "I swear I don't know what's wrong with me."
'Wow, Diamond is a vision of a disney princess.' Clarissa chuckled. Clearly the stripper is one hell of spunky lass. Her laughter became louder when the other girl mentioned her dinner cravings. 'Girl, you're a mom, that's not a newsflash.' she added, patting lightly her stomach. 'But KFC? Talk about oil. You should eat leaves and meat. But what the hell, we'll order one later, babe.' Clarissa said with a wink. 'Just don't tell Nicolas.'
"Oh shush I'm sure you had cravings too." She laughed quietly, watching Clarissa as she patted her stomach again. "Believe me I know I'm a mom, the amount of pain and stress I go through for these little shits is more than they deserve." She rolled her eyes, playing with Sage's hair softly trying to help her fall asleep.
'Italian footlong with jalapeño. Hmm.' Clarissa sighed dreamily, thinking of that sandwich made her tummy churn. 'Oh right, and Adrian's strawberry shortcakes but that's it. I didn't eat something unhealthy....' She paused a bit, shrugging she added, 'Wait Of course, spicy foods isn't good for pregnant woman but I get what I want and Sage is perfect.' Clarissa chuckled, she's obviously been spoiled during her craving season. She knew that Adrian would rather drive around just to get what she wants than to deal with her incessant whining and pouting. 'And stop calling them shits! Call 'em Salt and Pepper if you still don't know what to name them.'
"Alright, Salt and Pepper it is then. We could keep the kittens and they can be for the twins instead for Apollo. Or that might be a bad idea, it'd be cute for photos but I'm not gonna bother with taking care of two kittens and two babies. Fuck that." She smiled faintly before shutting her eyes being on the same boat as Sage, wanting sleep. "Don't judge my cravings, it's not me. It's Salt and Pepper."
'Salt and Pepper,' Clarissa snickered. 'That's the spirit. Fuck, condiments. You need to change it though, or else the one who'll end up Salt will hate you. Do you know what's the gender of those condiments?' Sage finally fell asleep on Vera's arms. Clarissa patted the little girl's leg. 'And can we gave the twins a cat once they're born? You know it'll be hard nursing two kitties while a dog hounding behind you.'
"I'd rather get puppies than kittens, I think Pudding would like it more too." She smiled faintly but contiuned to keep her eyes closed. "If Diamond returns and I fall asleep you can just have her give Sage to you and have Diamond lay where Sage is. Don't wake me up, I wanna sleep." She said, shifting her weight around slightly.

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