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'You're a mom, alright.' Clarissa scoffed as she moved on his back and grab his stomach. She pinch it lightly, just almost she could grab some excess skin. 'Look at that flabs, babe! If feels like you were the one who delivered a baby.' Clarissa joked lightly. Before, everytime she harrasses Adrian by groping his stomach just because she can, she was always greeted by his well toned and hard abs.

Now, he wasn't exactly fat per se. Nor flabby like she said. It was still taut, yes, but the hard lined and prominent pack is almost gone. Her second favorite body part in her boytoy is disappearing under her hands. 'Babe, I know dad bod is in season. I didn't know you go with the trend.' Clarissa kissed Adrian's back and laugh. Her arms were still wrapped around him.
Adrian rolled his eyes and just took it, knowing that there was no stopping Clarissa. "Oh shush, I can't work out all the time like I used too. I work in a office for gods sake. Believe me I won't get fat or anything. My dad would say something about that." He snickered quietly, looking back at her. "If you really want I can try to find to work out, princess."
'Yeah, yeah. Always the golden boy.' Clarissa tapped his tummy and smiled, 'That would be lovely though, just don't strain yourself.' She tiptoed to give Adrian a quick peck on the lips. 'But I don't want to have two Puddings in the house, we have to many couches too.' The girl continued teasing.
Adrian scoffed, laughing under his breath. "If anything I haven't gained weight I've lost it, muscle weighs more than fat. I don't think I'm going to get big like Pudding." He poked Clarissa's stomach, slightly grinning. "Where's your six pack, cupcake?"
'Yeah, whatever gets you through the night, love.' Clarissa smiled, still holding his boy toy in her arms. Teasing Adrian was the next big thing after teasing Vera. Clarissa laughed like a little girl when Adrian poked her taut stomach. 'Nice, Acher.' She grinned, 'I don't have one, but I don't have that flaps of yours. I still have my figure.' The girl added with a pout.
"Oh yeah I know, I'm just a fat pig." He joked, laughing quietly. "How can I even live with myself anymore? Just letting myself go like that." He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and moved them so she was sitting in his lap. Diamond having falling asleep along with Vera and the triplets. "Vera made cute kids. Do you want me to sleep in a hotel until they're a month or so old? I'm sure Diamond and Vera will need your help. I know Apollo won't do it. I would tell Pudding to help them out but he doesn't have thumbs."
"Flabby, but you're still mine." Clarissa giggled. She rested her head in his shoulder. Sage was sitting beside her, doing and failing at raspberry. "What the... Are you serious? I love them both, and those three babies but, you're gonna leave me with them? Thank you. And I thought we're a team." Clarissa looked at him sternly, "No, Daddy. You'll be helping too."
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"I have to just get up and go work every morning around 6 or so. I enjoy my sleep." He said kissing Clarissa's cheek gently. "I'd be around every other time, just not during the nights. Someone has to pay for those three and because I hate my brother I'll make sure he pays child support. I don't mind providing for Vera and those three but Apollo needs some sense beat into him one way or another. My father is stressed out beyond belief constantly having to take care of Dedrich and Apollo, making sure their in line because he loves all his kids despite the shit they've done." He sighed quietly, wrapping his arms around her and hugged her gently. The little boy in the hospital crib starting to cry the loud noise causing the two other babies to cry. Diamond somehow managing to sleep through that while Vera was woken up. Vera pouted and rubbed the babies she was holding back gently, staring over at Austin knowing he was causing everyone to freak out.

"Can you bring me Austin? I can't walk right now." Vera sighed as she sat up in the bed taking the time now to go ahead and feed all of them again to try and get them on the same schedule.
"Point me to a person who doesn't enjoy sleep." Clarissa grimaced "I dare you, Adrian. Then i'll let you watch as I slit their throat and bleed them alive. Their blood must worth something...' She can see his reason, yes, but she was just stubborn on letting him off the hook just like that. Taking care of a baby is no picnic, taking care of three new born and one adorable but can be stubborn 11 month old was like a hiking in Mouth Everest. The difference is you can give up in hiking but not with the babies.

"Fine. Alright." Clarissa conceeded after hearing him out. The poor guy did need some sleep. "Sleep in a hotel if you must, golden boy. No side trips, though. If I caught you cheating, i'll kill that person and frame the murder on you."

Her head darted towards Vera upon hearing Austin's cry. "No, i'll handle this. You just fed him right? Go to sleep." Clarissa said to the girl quietly. She sauntered by the crib and picked up tiny Austin. He was lighter than Sage when she was born. It didn't took long, Austin stopped crying but Clarissa still held him in her arms. "I want a baby boy too." She pouted as she sat beside Adrian.
Adrian snickered quietly and watched as Clarissa basically adopted the baby boy as her own. "You're the one who doesn't want anymore kids, you say Sage is enough so don't complain about it." He laughed quietly.

Vera fed the two little baby girls, Diamond staying passed out being a heavy sleeper. She laid back down holding both of her little babies on her chest rubbing their backs gently trying to put them to sleep before she actually fell asleep herself.
Clarissa looked at him, pouting at his reaction. True it was her who decided that little Sage is enough, but seeing the boy in her arms made her want one too."If you could promise me a baby boy right now, i'll be putting this kid back to the crib along with Sage and pull you inside of the hospital's broom closet." She chuckled whilr leaning in and giving her boytoy a quick smack on the lips.

Clarissa then look back at the boy in his arms. He looks cute but it was way too early for her to see on who will he look like. Either parent of the kid was good looking so it doesn't really matter. She just hoped that he will not inherit his father's attitude.
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After about a week Vera was about to go back home with her three little babies, naming one of the little girls Verena and the other Sapphire, Diamond having picked that name and Vera didn't have any other ideas so she just went along with it.

Adrian would sleep at home on the weekends, the week days he would check into a hotel because he had to work after about a month that came to end though as the kids starting to typically sleep through the night. He just couldn't go to work half dead because of four kids crying during the night. Diamond worked and typically paid for mostly everything the kids needed though kept living with Adrian and Clarissa, Diamonds home not having enough room for three kids and Vera couldn't take care of those three kids by herself during the night or day. Nicolas would stop by and help them out whenever he could practiually to see all four of his grand kids.

Diamond was a stressed out busy bee after Vera had those kids. She focused on Vera and the kids along with working at nights. Vera after having the kids went back to her shitty eating habits Diamond had meantioned in the past, Diamond typically having to force feed Vera so she'd have enough food in her to make milk for her kids, after they were out of her something with Vera just no longer clicked that she was still being a vessel for her kids health and Diamond couldn't make milk for the three either so it was a day to day hassel for Vera to eat as much as Diamond seen was "needed" though she still needed to eat a lot more to be considered healthy. With how little she ate she was always tired and depressed, the baby weight she had was losing it a lot faster than Clarissa had which wasn't healthy either.

Adrian laid in bed next to Clarrisa, Diamond was up getting ready for work though wouldn't bother them. Vera and all the other kids were asleep, Vera if she could would honestly sleep more than her new born infants. "How was today with Vera and the four kids we have in this house?" He asked, upon clarissas request he started to work out again, slowly starting to gain his abs back. He was away at work everyday week day and made it home for dinner time then took care of Sage and the other three if need be when he came home. "I'm not around this chaos everyday so its interesting to hear stories." He laughed quietly, his head resting on Clarissa's shoulder. "Its weird to think about a year or so ago we didn't even have any kids around and now we have four. And two roommates which constantly seem to fight nowadays." He states, referring to Diamond constantly trying to force feed Vera which sometimes honestly turn into a heated argument that would stir the whole house up. The argument was always in Diamonds favour, Vera did need to eat after all.

Pudding was laying at the foot of there bed, now being completely full sized and still adorable just the size of a lion. He had his head resting on the bed staring at the wall starting to drift off as Clarissa and Adrian talked.
Their quiet house turned into a pandemonim within a week. But more fun in ways. Four babies, add five since the mother of the triplets, Vera, decided to be a baby too by not eating and having Diamond 'babied' her just so she would eat.

The triplets are fun to play with but they discovered something, one cries, everybody followed suit. They discovered it when Sage suddenly fell of the couch and landed on the carpeted floor, they were all watching TV in the living room and Clarissa didn't anticipate the wriggling of her nearly one year old baby. Sage wasn't hurt though but Clarissa being who she is, fussed over her little baby like a mother hen. From shocked because Clarissa screamed her name, the baby stared at her mother for a while but then realized the she was fucked because she heard her mother, screamed. It wasn't normal for her to cry. Sage is a quiet kid, that's why when she cried it was like multiplied.

The triplets were asleep on one of Sage's cribs, when they suddenly woke up. It was Verena who cried first... Then Sapphire and last but not the least Colonel Sander's kid, Austin. The three adults panic, Clarissa grab Sage and headed up, followed by Pudding. Within a couple of minutes, the crying subsides, with Pudding's help. Sage's face was buried in his thick fur and his ears were on the mercy of Sage's tiny pudgy baby hands. "Thanks love," Clarissa petted Pudding. "Blame your daddy, don't look at me. You have to take one for the team." Clarissa shrugged at the dog when it whined and looked at her, feeling defeated because Sage was almost on him, practically riding him and everytime Pudding moves away, Sage cries.

After Sage, she ran back to help the new parents by taking the chicken baby, Austin. It was always like that. Her next priority was the little boy. Austin is a fun kid. And Sage doesn't mind him as long as she had Pudding.

They were having their quiet time that night, Adrian was at home, on their bed, relaxing with Clarissa as the triplets were being all quite in the nursery. Sage was on the crib beside their bed, sleeping. "Well, apart from knowing that the four kids were like a domino, one cries and the others would fall behind. Everything is a peach." Clarissa said quietly her hands were on Adrian's stomach and a book. To her delight and incessant calling him Pudding the second, he was starting to have his lovely abs back. It was their deal, that's why she agreed to him staying in a hotel. If he wasn't taking care of a baby after a day's work then he should work out. But when he came back at the house, his work outs continued. Clarissa knew that she will love him no matter what, with or without abs, but him having firm and sweet looking body is better. She knew he had his butt she can grope but she wanted something she could feel when she wanted to display an affection in the public.

Clarissa chuckled out loud. Kissing his hair before going back to her reading, "Well, now you won't request another girl or a kid. Don't worry, i'm happy with Austin so me wanting a baby boy will be put on hold. The kids slept most of the days anyways. Sage starts to say a few things, all gibberish but I heard her say 'Mama'. Been teaching her to call you 'Adrian', don't worry about that." Clarissa laughed quietly, patting his lovely stomach. She noticed something different too with Sage but decided to put it on hold in telling him
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"Why Adrian?" He asked, looking at Pudding tempted to yank him up inbetween him and Clarissa the dog wouldn't care at all. Adrian seeing that giant bear as their giant baby that had a temper at a few select times. "Also I'm glad you don't want anymore kids. The four is enough for now and probably in the future too. We don't have to worry about Vera anymore because as far I'm aware she just sleeps with Diamond, Diamond I'm sure she wouldn't let herself get pregnant. That's a horrifying thought. More kids in this household."
"A joke, babe." Clarissa grimaced at him. "Seriously, where's your humor these days?" She let go of him and flipped the book to the next page. "Make it five... Oh wait, well, Vera is Diamond's problem. So yeah, four." Clarissa put the book down and placed it on her chest, "I wanted two, two kids, our own babies... I'm not complaining, I wanted to help Vera and the triplets. I like helping them, but it is different when you have your own. I don't want to be a babysitter to other people's babies forever..." She picked up her book and started reading again, she did chuckle at what he said, imagining Diamond getting pregnant. "Yeah, that is pretty horrible. She'll be more demanding and crazier than Vera. But yeah, I agree. Vera will be smart enough not to have another set of kids. She can barely take care of the three, let alone adding more." Clarissa sighed.
"I'm sure her and Apollo didn't try to purposely to have three kids let alone one. You seen how much he hates them he'd never agree to something like that." Adrian paused, laughing quietly. "I thought Sage was the only onr you wanted? Getting her out of you was hard enough. If you want another one I'm fine with it, it just can't be while Vera and Diamond are living here. It's already stressful and chaoitc enough. We don't need more to add to that mix. Knowing Vera though she'll probably move out when she can work, which might be a while considering she can't take care of herself anymore. I can't really blame her for getting so depressed sfter she had those kids Apollo did literally try to kill them and if she didn't have Diamond she'd be stuck with raising them alone basically. I know she'd have us but having a lover in equation probably just makes her feel better. If that makes sense."
"Seeing Austin made me want a boy." Clarissa shrugged at him, "as simple as that. Don't you want a boy? I mean most guys do, don't you want to teach your kid to play... I don't know, some ball and catch? Wait, do you play ball?" Clarissa put down the book on the bedside table and turn to her side, pulling Adrian closer to her. "I'm sure Pudding does play, but i'm starting to pity the bear. Sage bullies the dog, especially his ears." She chuckled quietly, "And yeah, I agree. Don't worry Vera will adjust. Diamond is helping her."
"Pudding will live, he's a lion." He chuckled looking at Pudding and moved his feet so they were resting ontop of the dog. Pudding getting up right away and laid down right ontop of Adrian. He let out a breath as he was crushed by the giant dog who seemed content with laying ontop of Clarissas boyfriend. "Nicolas would be all over that kid too, he's all over any of his grand kids."
"Holy crap, that dog is heavy..." She pulled away just to not get crushed by the giant bear. Chuckling, Clarissa resolve in reading again knowing that the dog would be cozying up with him. "Austin is actually the most quiet of the three, he won't cry not unless he heard his sisters cry. Anyways, having kids in the house would be good for Sage. The triplets were like siblings to her if they grew up together." she added quietly knowing the feeling of being an only child, though she had everything she wished for while growing up, she did love the idea of having a brother or a sister to play with and share stuff.
Adrian just accepted that Pudding was on him, he wasnt gonna hurt him and the giant bear just wanted love. "He is heavy believe me I know." He said, messing with the fur on his side gently not being like Sage who would tug on it. "Sage can still hang around those 3 if and when Vera moves out with Diamond or whatever she does. I'm sure we'd see them all very much. If you want kids of your own again it probably would have to happen."
Clarissa scowled at the two, she long accepted that Pudding was their first born ever since Adrian fell in love with it as soon as he brought the big pup home. "Yeah, of course they should hang out! Siblings should do that." Clarissa smiled, happy at the thought of Sage not growing up alone. "Hey, what do you mean?! Don't you want more kids? Or at least one more?" she pouted, looking at Adrian but only saw brown tufts of asthma trigger. "Fine then. I would look for someone and probably sleep with them just so I could have another kid if you don't want." Clarissa joked lightly.
Adrian rolled his eyes and stopped layint with puddings fur to pat clarissas stomach supportively. "Oh calm down literally if you wanted more kids right now bad enough you know I'd let you have them." He snickered quietly, leaning over giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Im pretty sure I've never told you no so calm down princess."
Clarissa stuck her tongue out. "You do love playing hard to get, Acher." She placed a hand against his cheek and patted them, "Continue to do that and i'll be force to tie you up and make sure that everything is going to be easy once I wanted a kid." Clarissa giggled and kissed him in his forehead. "But seriously though, don't you want a kid?"
"Yes I'd like another kid when Sage is a bit older and we don't have a bunch of kids already in the house." He forced Pudding to move off of him, the dog not being happy about it all but accepted it. Adrian pulled the blanket over him and clarissa, pulling her closer letting her be a little spoon. "As I've told you a bunch of times now theres nothing I can think of that I would tell you no too. I'd also like to get married first, we have been putting that off for a while." He laughed softly, kissing the side of her neck.
"Okay, good. At least we are in a same page." Clarissa chuckled as she moved in and snuggled closer at him. "You can think of something that you would tell no to, huh. I like that." Smirking, she laced her fingers against his and planted soft kisses. "It's not our fault that we can't get married. Your brother is an asshole. Maybe you should blame him." Clarissa growled, but then she smiled and raise her hand where her engagement ring is placed. "You don't have to worry though, i'm already yours."

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