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Fantasy The Underworld


As the male kept eye contact with him, Francis never once pulled his gaze from him until he and the young woman were gone. The room was dark and barely lit. Standing on all fours he moved closer to the window, the girls striking scent of fear was littered all over the area. A frustrated snort escaped him as he moved around the room, rubbing his sides against the walls, attempting to mask her scent. He was just turning back to the window when a figure came darting through at him. Francis snarled as he was thrown against the far wall, hastily he stood up again to look at the older, male vampire who had a smug grin playing on his face "Ah, a Lycan .. Wheres your friend? I smell two of you.. and something else" As his words cut off he glared around the room "Are you hiding a human? You know we run the city at night" Francis pinned his ears and snarled once more "Leave, Now you leech before you regret even coming" The male vampire smirked an crossed his arms "How about a trade?"

Playing along with the game, Francis raised a brow "What sort of trade?" The white brute however wasn't fooled by this vampire as he knew it would probably go against everything he believed in. The pale man moved a step closer an reached out a hand "Give me the human and I'll leave the area, that way everyone wins" Francis smirked to himself an sat down like a dog on his haunches an he tilted his head "Well as fun and organized this all sounds, I'm not about to give your kind a free meal" With that he pushed off his hind legs an leaped toward the man, his large teeth exposed an his jaw wide, latching onto his shoulder, Francis wrenched the man to the ground, although the vampire threw a few kicks to his ribs an he winced slightly before stepping on the vampires chest, moving his jaw to the mans head, trying to tear it off as he growled in frustration. Before he succeeded however, the man was able to give a final blow to Francis' side an he yelped, jumping to the side an the head gave way, although Francis was not without pain.

Tossing the head across the room he let out a heavy breath before perking his ears and leaping out the window, his large frame falling to the alley way below. All four paws landed with a heavy thud, his breathing slightly out of place as he tried to shake the aching pain in his side and ribs. The light blues of his eyes reached out to gaze at the empty street as he neared the end of the alley, his ears perked as he poked his head out to look both ways, making sure no humans or hunters were near by to catch him as he slipped across the street into the park. The park was an open field with play structures and swings for children but at the trees edge there were walking trails. He moved to the tree line an lay on the recently trimmed grass, his back against a large tree trunk as his eyes scanned over the area.

Blake Audric


Blake chuckled. "Yeah scarves would work, or turtlenecks, but I heard those are out of fashion now," he replied with amusement. At her joke about him saving lives, he smiled a little sheepishly. "I wouldn't say a lot, but I try my best," he said modestly. "My hatred for those blood-sucking bastards also help my cause," he added, anger filling up his green eyes just at the thought of vampires.

He sighed in relief to himself as he sensed her fear smell diminishing quickly. They should be safe here for the night. "Nice to meet you Paige. And it's no problem, it's a good thing I came while I did," he responded. "Nah I don't think you're stupid. But you would be stupid if you were still calling that guy your boyfriend," he replied, a little disgusted at what her ex-boyfriend had done. "You could have been killed- and your blood would be on his hand," he added.

Because his building was next to the one that they had fought the vampire in, he could look out the kitchen window and have a good view of the other building. Blake noticed that the other lycan was trying to cover up their scent when another vampire appeared. He was just about to shift back into a wolf and lunge out of the window when he saw that the lycan had teared the creature's head off. He calmed down a little and watched the white wolf leap out of a window, heading towards the local park. He smiled a little, glad that there were other lycans out there who were also helping humans and destroying vampires like him.

He redirected his attention back onto Paige, noticing the way her caramel hair lined her face and her delicate features. "So you probably thought I was going to kill you when you first saw me- wouldn't blame you," he said amusingly. "By the way, do you still have that picture you took of me? Can't really leave any evidence if you know what I mean."

Charlotte Mimieux


The girl nearly kicked Francis when he jumped in front of her, the way he created drama for no reason. She waited until he was out of sight and stepped forward over the pavement until she and the vampires were only a few steps between eachother. A sense of dread washed over her, a fear that greatly outweighed what these fools warranted. Some fear was normal when hunting Vampires. Emotional interference the organization called it, that something about Vampire's magic triggers the same part of the brain that is revolted by a rotting corpse. Charlotte had slain more vampires than were worth counting, but it was from these cowering hermits that she felt the strongest emotional interference. Obviously, they were much more than they pretended to be.

She stepped back as quickly as she approached. She felt her will slipping from her like water from a hose, the gaze of the minions terrifying and alluring at the same time. Charlotte wanted to simply hold still and let them stare at her forever, their dirty faces holding secrets she could only imagine. Sheepishly, she walked forward, growingly transfixed and simultaneously horrified. The Huntress spoke in a whisper, the grip loosening on her stake.

"My name is Charlotte Mimieux..." She trailed off slightly, allowing Kader's minion to begin corrupting her mind. "I'm a... huntress. The organization took me in when I discovered my powers and...but..."

Charlotte's lucidity came back to her. She had let her ego leave, but something about the self analysis seemed to break the bond. What was once transfixion was replaced with anger, that these dirt wads could manipulate her mind like that. She had been groped by Lycan, her body violated and now had her own mind violated by these Vampires. Charlotte felt like she had no control. She was tired of being the victim, at least for the night. She tightened her grip on her stake.

And that's when she lost control. She grabbed one of the minions by the neck and plunged her stake into his heart, wildly stabbing, allowing bloodlust to control her arm. Savoring the familiar feeling of aged flesh parting for her stake, denying the monster his immortality. Then she started running, left the stake behind. Sprinting. Fueled by adrenaline, she ran faster than she ever had in her life and crying more than she ever had in her life. She felt disgusting and betrayed. The Huntress was a mess by the time she spotted "David and Scott''s."

Charlotte leaned her head against the wall of the building and deeply breathed in an attempt to return to her usual mental state. It was a blessing that she wasn't wearing any eyeliner, as it would have coated her entire face by this point. The girl allowed herself one last dry heave and a final tear before entering the bar. She swiftly crossed the bar and entered the (thankfully empty) bathroom . She washed her arm, fixed her hair.The fluorescent light had a way of bringing out the crimson in the blood going down the drain, the mirror had a way of bringing out the dirt in her face.

Satisfied with her cleaning job, she stepped out of the bathroom. The feeling of hygiene helped to lift her spirit, and was even more pleased to see a fellow huntress sitting at the bar. Charlotte didn't know Vara, but Hunters had a way of spotting eachother- usually by the lumps that their tools created in their clothing. Charlotte knew Vara was certainly a huntress when she grabbed at her belt, seemingly preparing a weapon. Figuring that the situation would resolve itself more favorably in equally skilled company, she sat down next to Vara and Lenore, smiling calmly and speaking with a light and friendly pitch.

"Mind if I join you guys for a round? They say drinking with others cuts the burn of cheap whiskey."



"Yeah me and him are definitely done for real this time," she told Blake, there was no forgiving what Jason did. Blake was right she could have and almost did die. "Besides I'm pretty sure he's moved on already." Paige sighed, she wasn't going to waste any more time on that jerk he'd get what was coming to him eventually.

"When I first saw you I thought you were one of the scariest things out there for sure! I'm glad I turned out to be wrong. Not that you're not scary, I mean I bet you gave that vampire a good scare," she sighed realizing that she was rambling. "I just mean I'm glad you turned out to be on my side." Smooth she thought keep going why don't you.

"Oh yeah, my camera died before I could even look at it. Sorry about that by the way it just seemed like the best way to light the area. If you have a computer I can plug it in and charge it and I can delete it." She was a little nervous for him to see her pictures, she had some of her best work on there. There were pictures of her and Jason, her family, random people she photographed while she sat on a park bench for a school project, skylines, and of course the self photo shoot she had done wearing a small bikini and a lot of paint. Curse her stupid school assignments. This was her favorite camera, she took it everywhere and kept her best photos on the memory card in case she needed to access them. Of course she had better cameras at home but this one was great to take anywhere and it was a gift from her brother so it was special to her.

She spotted him all alone in the area, vulnerable to attack and interrogation. Which she needed. Interrogation. Not attack, but attack was the back up plan in case he didn't want to help.She just knew it was him. Francis. She stood up, puttin her wallet in her back pocket and ensuring that her blade was hidden well. She hoped he hadn't been one for long, because the younger, the quicker the silver would take effect. Not that she needed to kill him, but just in case he didn't comply. Her plan: get the information, and leave without a trace. She wouldn't need to come back here unless the information was a bust and she spent energy and time on a wild goose chase. Then she would kill him and find someone else. If anyone else knew the vamp that killed the Drew's. For the little girl.

"Francis," she said in a low voice and raised up her hood. She had go looke the part for a witch and mysterious was part of the act. She headed towards him and felt her blade slowly sliding down. She rested it in the palm of her hand and clenched it into a fist to hide the tip, "I hear you know people. Can you help out?" Start casual, like she learned. Don't start off with the situation. Learn what they can do and see what they know, then ask. Hopefully it would work, but a sneaking suspicion tood her it wouldn't and all this would go to waste. Or it could end with her death and no one getting revenge for that little girl.

Blake Audric


Blake chuckled at Paige's rambling and her attempt to smooth things over. It had been a while since he brought a stranger, let alone a girl, back to his apartment. Usually he just saved people by fighting vampires on the streets then letting them go on their way. But this was the first time he had encountered someone who didn't have a place to stay for the night, and he found that he didn't mind it at all- in fact, he kind of enjoyed it. "I'm glad I give off such a scary impression," he said, smiling. "Although sometimes that doesn't help my cause when I try to appear friendly," he added amusingly, referring to earlier that night when he had scared her off.

He listened to her talk about the picture she had taken and her offer to charge it to delete it. "Actually that was a good idea. It sure surprised me and would have given away my position if I were one of those blood-sucking creatures," he complimented, thinking back to the blinding flash. Blake noticed the way she clutched onto her camera and figured that it must be one of her more important possessions, but he couldn't risk that picture getting out. Even though he was pretty sure she was trustworthy, he didn't want to take the chance of someone else stumbling upon it. "Tell you what, I'll give you the charger and you can delete it yourself," he suggested, trusting her enough to delete it.



Paige blushed and looked at the floor when he mentioned how she had run away from him earlier. "I'm sorry about that," she told him. She really did feel bad but in her defence she had just been trying to stay alive. "Well just the fact that you were out at night was enough to make me afraid of you to be honest it doesn't matter too much what you look like or how you act. Out at night equals scary." Paige tilted her head to the side, "How come you knew I was human and not something scary?" She guessed it had to do with smell but she wondered if there was more to It than that.

"Okay that sounds great," she said relieved that she wouldn't have to share her pictures with him. He seemed like a nice guy and he had saved her life but he was still a stranger to her and she put her very being into some of those pictures. Paige was also happy he trusted her to delete the picture. She went to the computer and plugged her camera in. Letting it sit for a minute to get enough power to power on, she looked around the room again. She noticed a guitar in the corner, "Do you play?" she asked Blake pointing to the guitar.

After a minute or two the camera came to life and she went back to her taken photos. When she saw the picture of him she sucked in a breath. He was standing there in the shadows as a wolf. She looked back to Blake realizing that she really did have to delete it. It was just such an amazing picture, "Want to see it before it's gone forever?" she asked him a little sad thinking of it gone.

Blake Audric


"Nah it's all good, I would've run the hell away if I were you too," he replied amusingly. "How did I know you weren't something scary?" he repeated as he chuckled a little. "The way you walked was rather... unsure. Plus, I can smell the disgusting rotten scent of a vampire from a mile away. And I knew you weren't a hunter because your fear scent was way too strong," he answered. "My advice for you is to not be so scared next time. As hard as that sounds when you're walking in the middle of the night, a strong fear scent is how most vampires will find you. Fear and blood," Blake added, thinking back to when he quickly addressed his bleeding shoulder. Although he wasn't embarrassed taking off his shirt at the time given the current situation, he felt a little sheepish looking back.

He directed his hazel green eyes onto the guitar in the corner and smiled. "Yeah I do. My mother taught me," he told her. "I've been playing for as long as I can remember, since--" he cut his sentence off, as he was about to say " since my father was killed by a vampire" but he figured that wasn't exactly the best way to keep a conversation going. "--since I was little," he finished, smiling a little sadly.

Blake watched her plug her phone into her computer and ask if he wanted to see the picture. Curious to see what he looked like, he walked up behind her and his words caught in his throat. "Damn..." he said. His bright green eyes pierced the darkness as shades of dark brown filled up the rest of the picture. "Tell you what, how about you send that picture to me? And you can delete it from your camera? That way it won't be gone forever," he suggested, hoping that she wouldn't take offense that he didn't want her keeping the picture. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, but rather he didn't want someone else stumbling upon it. "My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx," he told her.

His attention was drawn from the picture of himself onto the little thumbnails of the other pictures on her camera. Although the images were small, he could tell that they were thoughtful, aesthetic pictures. His focus landed on one that seemed to be of her in a bikini. "Are you into photography? You take amazing pictures," he complimented.


Treatment Centre where Kader's body is hidden:

The main doctor finally came out of the trance that Kader had placed upon him, that nightmare where the cadaveric body of the Turkish vampire gnaws and eats his face slowly. Yet the doctor isn’t angry nor scared…at least not now…stead he is delighted...for madness is their joy…chaos is their elixir…The main doctor was exhausted though….and soon he fixed his attention upon his "brothers"…

“How are father’s signs?”

Asked the doctor to the other medics who with professionalism could study and keep their master calm.

Kader tried to slide deeper into Charlotte’s mind…her past….her name…her occupation…more….and more…by now he believed he could explore with ease the mind of the huntress…he had done it before with many others…the mind is but an open book when in chaos or in fear…when in doubt or in hesitation…when blinded by emotions and out of ourselves…it is a plain for Kader to explore…

"My name is Charlotte Mimieux..."

Said the woman as Kader could now see better her features through the eyes of his children, the cardigan sweater and the jeans playing with whatever lights illuminate the place and play upon her silhouette. A possible child to join Kader’s followers? …closer…and closer she walks

"I'm a... huntress. The organization took me in when I discovered my powers and...but..."

And those words seem to catch the vampire’s attention; a huntress…this is no common woman…dressed as a bait ?....Kader needs to know more…he can’t risk himself to fall into a trap…more….deeper…like a spider that crawls its way into a dark corner, the children of Kader tried to lure more information…confident…overconfident …expecting the woman to no longer be able to come back from the trance

…but stead…

The main doctor saw Kader’s mouth opening wide….wider…and wider… his body started to jump slightly high…

“He is choking…”

Whispered the main doctor at first


Echoed now the main doctor’s voice in the room


Kader’s body started to tremble violently, his back completely arched as if someone would be lifting him by the neck.

The doctors tried to hold Kader’s arms in place and others tried to prevent the vampire’s body from stretching his neck to the point of dislocation.

“Stop!! You will harm him!! You will harm his body more!...let him be!!....”

Yelled the main doctor as he struggled with the other medics, pushing them back.

There was chaos…for a moment they saw Kader’s body tremble and hit his back against the support of the wheelchair, his fingers squeezed the wheelchair’s arms and his hands joined in painful spasms…his legs shook like if the cold winter had claimed his bones…

The medics and doctors started to scream….there were tears and panicked expressions…they didn’t know what to do …they witnessed each reaction…soon all the minions were agitated…like an ant-nest being attacked.

The main doctor held his breath…something was wrong…what has happened out there?...he just wishes for his master to resist, this was always terrifying for the children to see their father in this situation..and then …all the minions saw it…in their minds …they had that image….Charlotte’s face…her expression filled with bloodlust…her name whispered in their heads …

Kader’s body took a painful stance…his head looked up at the ceiling…his lips were wide open and it looked like if the mute lips were screaming as loud as they could…and soon…the body dropped…his head hanged like that of a doll….his signs started to calm down...a subtle line of drool hanging from the vampire’s jaw.

Soon the doctors rushed to stabilize their master’s body…there was always a painful reaction when the minions died…but this time…this time something had gone wrong…what hides within Charlotte’s mind?...what was that expression in her face as she stabbed the vampire’s heart?...

“…Find her…”

Was the voice that echoed in their minds now…there was no doubt about it …it was Kader’s …

Location close to the catacombs and underground lands:

Closer and closer Charlotte had moved and it seemed in a beginning that the mental pressure was working, how slowly they slip deeper into the thoughts of the mortals like worms that crawl under the skin. And Kader witnesses the situation, how the woman moved closer and closer…how every second it almost seems that she will soon be in the reach of the fangs and hands of those children of the mad blood, yet suddenly..

One of the minions is suddenly caught by the neck, the children of the mad blood gasped and choked in whatever air remained in his throat; their bodies were as fragile as that of any other mortal. Something is wrong; this has taken Kader by surprise before the stake sunk deep in the minion’s heart. A horrendous sound escaped the creature’s lips, a mixture of gurgling blood, spasms and groans. The remaining vampires yelled in pain and screamed in fear to the scene; they called their fallen brother’s name as its existence came to an end as soon as the spike sunk deep into his chest…they saw the woman disappear as soon as she had ended the minion.


Cried one of the mad children as he held the bloody stake. And only painful groans followed, tears slip down in sadness from the remaining children that seemed to witness the body of their brother.

“Father…are you…watching us?….are you….watching…us?….”

Called once more the weeping spawns and the painful groans grew into sadness and that sadness grew suddenly into something more twisted…The remaining vampires held the stake and took turns to stab their fallen brother; the minion was dead as soon as its heart exploded with the stake, but his face...his face was that of a wide and delighted smile... the remaining minions just stood; they seemed disturbed and soon started to roam the streets…the smell of blood…they were going to trace the vampire killer. Over and over the minions started to whisper two words as they haunted the streets…

“Charlotte … Mimieux”

Inside the bar where Vara, Charlotte and Lenore are:

There was a minion in this place, that had followed Vara after spotting her in the “fight scene” (The place where Francis had protected some cubs). This minion kept a close eye on Vara; he was confident that the smell of blood was still strong on the woman. Who are you?

The procedure was always important for Kader and their children to remain hidden, new faces should be recognized, their background must be known. Once their background is known it is easier to decide what to do: if it’s a human it can be guided into the “liberation”, even a hunter has potential for this…still…it is better to wash the hunter’s mind and send him away…wash their minds from all memories of their meeting…or maybe set them to a death risk situation; this was the path of Kader and their children, there was no honour nor bravery in their acts..all they had was their exquisite minds….that which blesses them and rots their thoughts.

The minion was ready to start his move when suddenly the vampire looked to the door, he was looking in direction to the sewers and catacombs…he could feel …something was wrong; the violent movement made him push the water glass out of the table…he could hear….that one of his brothers was ended…he could feel that their father was in pain. And then….he saw her enter, Charlotte darted to the bathroom and maybe the lights and the environment allowed the minion to remain hidden.

“Charlotte Mimieux..she works for the organization…”

Whispered the minion as he saw the witch pass by, soon in thoughts the vampire tried to alert the other minions to approach…he didn’t stand a chance alone and he knows it…but his blood boils…who dares to hurt his father…that blind and extremist adoration.

The owner of the establishment would surely approach the minion with a mop to clean the water and the broken glass. Probably the owner is angry now, but suddenly the human is tamed: The owner of the bar would walk back to the counter where the trio of females was…there would be something odd in the man’s expression probably, his eyes look slightly drowsy and he seems to be sweating more than often, for moments growing angry in a firmer frown yet keeps working. The minion took a seat once more as he now claims control of the human.

“You are in a bad mood….you hate this job…you hate this life…you hate these women…who do they think they are?...why aren’t they giving you attention?”

Would whisper the minion to himself; as he covered his mouth with his hands as if he was trying to keep himself warm.
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Dru was closing up at the library again and as soon as everyone was gone he used his telepathy to pick up a book and bring it to himself to read. As he read he began to sit in the lotus position and floated down the walk way using his magic and mind to organize books on the shelves. After reading and organizing for an hour Dru finally locks up and begins walking to his apartment. While he is going he takes a dime out of his pocket and levitates it slightly over his palm before using his gravity manipulation to increase the force of gravity on the dime as he walked using his telepathy to hold it up trying to strengthen his powers.

Dru made it to his building but stopped and decided to walk to the park. Dru walked to the park keeping his focus on strengthening his telepathy. It only took a few more minutes of walking in silence for him to make it to the park and he sat down under the shade of a large tree and sat back watching quietly as the dime spins in his hand. Then Dru fell deep into thought and his irises began to turn into a beautiful gold that glowed faintly as Dru raced down memory lane thinking about how dark his past was.

The cool breeze swept over him like a comfortable blanket as he lay against the old oak. However it was cut short when he felt someone approaching him. They whispered his name even before they were standing in front of him. Pinning his ears he lifted his head off his paws and stood up slowly. Who was this? And how did they know about him? let alone his name? A low growl erupted inside the canines throat as he watched the figure who he could now identify as a woman. The tree's seemed to sway toward them, their limbs almost reaching out to pull Francis into the forest behind him. Francis had never been a popular man and couldn't understand how she knew him. The glistening blade however caught his attention and he snarled at her loudly, stomping a foot, more or less to warn her to back off.

Her next set of words however caught him off guard "know people?" What? Francis was utterly confused but he decided to answer her would probably do more good than him growling at her. He stood tall on his four legs an raised his head "I know some things, although I do not know everything .. Why? What is it you want?" Francis' tone was mono and dull, he was not showing anymore emotion to this woman other than anger. How dare she draw a blade on him? Francis was a nice man and would have told someone anything as long as it wasn't against an innocent life. Flicking his tail like an agitated feline he let his icy blue's glare at her, awaiting her response to his questions. The night was growing short, and soon it would be morning, Francis would be forced to morph human and go back to his normal day job as a automotive technician, in other words more simple, a mechanic.

((*Future reference* The more you give me, the more I can reply with))

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.

The D.S.A. district head couldn't help but to think about who relevant those lines were their current situation. Cutting through all paradoxes was only the FBI, the government, and the force of contracted hunters. If magical and mysterious creatures were allowed leadership, they would be come conscious and organized, and take over the world. Vampires proliferated, and needed to be eliminated. The rest needed to be rooted out at the top, the heads of the snakes had to be eradicated.

Colton put down his copy of a tale of two cities and got out of his car, a black old nad used mercedes that fit his personality of getting the most bang and flash for the lowest cost. Today, he was dressed in tight leather jacket, tan to avoid coming across as one of those fake badasses who wore all black. It let his muscles bulge out from under him as he left for the park, where trees were lush and the birds were chirping. Children were playing near a pond with their parents, and Colton couldn't help but to smile, before his grin descended into a grimace. This was what he was fighting for: the beauty of these moments in normal life, that he himself was denied by criminals and organizations seeking to fight the established order. Gangs and supernaturals were all the same, they were all up to no good and would gladly climb over the bodies of half a neighborhood to get what they wanted.

In this fight, humanity needed friends, and wizards and witches were the best bets. This was where Colton was headed today, to scout out another recruit. He donned his sunglasses, then pushed through a bush. His "target" was up on a hill, under a tree. Colton walked up to him like a close friend. He'd never talked to this "Dru Meadows" before, but the files said he was a highly intelligent, bookish, and tragic youth, who had been through the same trauma that Colton did. While Colton found refuge in taking action to kill the men he thought were the root of the problem, even if it meant plotting against and backstabbing his superiors, Dru took refuge in books, and built a brain Colton could never hope to rival.

But he wasn't here to narrate someone else's life. He was here to find fodder. The moves he had planned for the next couple days involved grueling fights and confrontations. They simply didn't have the manpower, the hunters and their bureau. Colton had received reports of increased leadership among the New York supernaturals. It needed to stop, and the only way to stop a concentration of force was to break it with a greater concentration.

"It's so complicated now, isn't it?" he asked. He saw Dru in an almost meditative state before. While not intelligent in the conventional sense, Colton was in tune with how to pull people's strings, what they were thinking, how to strike them in a such a way that it seemed like he could peer into their souls. In simpler words, his ability to manipulate had no bounds.

"Before everyone was found out, we all lived in peace, didn't we?" he asked. He knew Dru would be taken aback by this stranger tapping into his moment of silence. However, Colton just needed to hit at soft spots, and use the mystery of the situation to keep Dru from running away before he could make his sell.

"But then, all us supernaturals started turning against eachother. It's a disaster" he said, shaking his head. Then, he opened his mouth and took a step back, widening his eyes.

"Oh- I'm sorry" he said.

"Really sorry actually... I don't mean to open any wounds. I'm a telepath you see... and sometimes I can't control my power..." he said, flat out lying. But he had Dru's files to put up a convincing show.

"It's just that I heard what you were thinking about... and we've been through the same" he said, pausing and looking to the ground.

"And you're a telekinetic. I think we can help eachother - we can find our families. We can take revenge, I know who did it, and it was the same person for both our families"

This was a lot, and very creepy. And that was exactly Colton's intention. When people were under stress, he could step in and build a false reality that was harder to doubt.

"I'm sorry, this is a lot, but I need a telekinetic, and I can help you find justice, Dru"

He pretended to look around before staring right back into the young man's eyes and extending a hand to shake.

"My name's Michael Rayner by the way. I know what's coming to this neighborhood. We can stop it, and we can get what we deserve. What do you say?"

Dru turned to the man and was taken aback, this guy had the nerve to come up to him then Dru began to listen to what he had to say and began to feel his heart twist and ache. This man was playing on Dru's heart strings and was so close to convincing him then he made one small slip up. Dru stood up slowly and ignored the man's hand. "I don't know what you are getting at but you and I aren't similar, no amount of lying can make us seem like we are." Dru was pissed this man had come up to him and tried to play him for a fool but Dru had caught on almost too late and that scared Dru but he would never admit it. "Take a seat." Dru used his telekinesis and gyrokinesis to contort the man's body so that he was sitting then Dru increased gravity on his body making it harder for him to get up then Dru levitated the dime near the man's face. "I will only ask you twice, who are you, what do you want and how do you know so much about me? Also if you refuse to answer me, try to deceive me, or try to attack me I will put this dime through your eyeball then I will ask you again."

Dru shook his head knowing deep down inside that he should probably kill this man or at least cripple him so that he couldn't easily come after Dru again but that wasn't in his nature and it would only lead to more problems for Dru. This man had gotten close to him which meant he didn't know the full extent of his powers or he was confident enough in his ability that he had gotten that close. Dru didn't like that he had tried to use his dead mother against him but Dru knew that his mother had died on her own terms and that she told him not to be afraid. This man was trying to warp his mothers death to get him onto his side and that was a big mistake Dru then began plotting multiple scenarios where he could get away and shake this man so he could get back to his life of solitude and quiet reflection. @Archie

Colton was taken aback when Dru's powerful abilities thrust him into the seat. He squatted a lot but couldn't fight gravity, amplified that much. He sighed and widened his eyes, but it was all deliberate. Worry couldn't strike him after this many close calls.

"N-" he started, feigning a stutter before closing his eyes and looking Dru in his.

"I'm a telepath working for the department. I don't find anyone, i'm like most of the other wizards, we find them"

He looked to the left and fell back against the tree.

"They're going to attack the neighborhood. The department head told me about you, but we don't work like a hierarchy. He barters with us. We don't get paid... I don't. I just want justice for my father. And the new rebel organization threatens us all"

Colton never said who he really was. The identities almost became real. They were him, all the personalities circulating, because the enemy would be defeated at all costs, even if Colton had to disappear. He couldn't be known, his name as the head of the DSA would make his physical head the priority of all the magicals. The director couldn't do let that happen, because organization was everything, and he had to eliminate the enemy's and preserve his own, fighting for law and justice. The gears in his mind kept turning until he affirmed that everything he was doing was totally and completely right. He could die at that instant, but he chose not to think about it. @Drumonkey
Dru wasn't sure what it was but something seemed off about this guy and this guy was clearly a manipulator , but when he spoke of his cause he seemed sincere enough. "I don't take sides I am on my own side. Besides why should I trust you exactly? You have given me absolutely no reason to trust your words and i'm no self proclaimed telepath like yourself." Dru was rapidly getting tired of this man and was preparing to just take off and leave this man to his devices, Dru was worried about the attack on the neighborhood but it wasn't enough to keep him there.

Dru turned and began to walk away but stopped "How bad is the attack going to be and why choose me?" Dru turned around and glanced at the man who he was sure didn't have powers but was just trying to use him for his own goals, Dru had taken the dime back and spun it around his hand curious as to what this man was going to spout out next, preparing himself for any kind of assault or anything. @Archie

Colton took a moment in waiting before answering as if he needed time to think through a sincere reply.

"For the same reason we all trust the DSA. Wizards are killed by vamps and werewolves way more than humans are. They hate us. Envy us, because we're the only challenge to their power, and the only ones that can spot them out with spells" Colton said.

"We're not really on a side. We work for the DSA as long as they pay us and we want to. Then, we come and go. But this week... it's too important for me to cancel my pay. It's all informal. They give you what you need, brief you on what's going to happen, and we stop terrorist attacks" he explained.

"I've got no idea why agent wilson put you in the vet files. You've got powerful abilities, maybe. It was my choice whether I wanted to come to you, but I need as many people as I can get to stop the attack. A hundred people are going to die or become vampires, we can't let it happen"

Dru sighed there it was his little voice telling him to help this liar even though everything was telling him it would probably bite him in the ass. As Dru was getting ready to tell off this guy he took a break and breathed in deeply through his nose. "Fine." Dru released his hold on gravity and let him up "I will help you but I am doing it on my terms and mine alone. I won't be ordered around and if you have betrayed me then I guess I will have to stand up for myself."

Dru hoped he had made it abundantly clear that if he was double crossed bad things would happen to this man and that he would do things on his own terms. "I will help you fight off this coming invasion only because I want to help people and I better be getting paid for it too." Dru didn't care about the money but he would need it because of his third power the one he didn't show people. Dru was just glad for the 85% chance that this guy wasn't telepathic. @Archie


She coughed and responded, "I hardly ever drink, so I wouldn't know good wine from bad wine if it hit me right in the face, but this is fine for me. I see you like yours plenty."

Vara wondered again if she was imagining the strange feeling. Then, when their eyes met up, Vara knew, she just knew that this lady must be feeling what she is feeling. Vara felt relieved that she wasn't the only one. Something was going to go down in this bar, something not pretty at all. And when it did hit, she must be prepared to hunt down the awful evil. There must be a way for them to attack it before it was too late. But what should they do? They needed to locate the target for certain, then quickly or stealthily make their move. Easier said then done. It was very interesting that the lady felt it too; perhaps she was a hunter like Vara. This could be her chance to find out what it meant working with another hunter. It finally occurred to her that she didn't still know the person's name.

"Oh, and my name is Vara by the way, in case you were wondering after all this time," she chuckled, admittedly a tiny bit embarrassed.

She crossed her legs that were in tight leather pants and looked to the entrance of the bar as the creaky wooden door opened to reveal a tired, worn, messy blonde lady. Looked like she had been through hell and back. Vara's eyes followed her as she did her best to stealthily make her way to the bathroom. She must have an interesting tale to tell. Was she attacked by a creature? Beat up by her husband? Either way, Vara was awfully intrigued. Who knows if she would ever get to hear it. Vara sipped at her drink carefully and thought what her next move would be. The dark energy kept rising higher and higher, until it felt like a bomb would go off any second. The temperature in the room seemed to drop too. She frantically looked all over the room until she spotted where the energy must be coming from; a creepy old man with eyes that looked cloudy. She knew that if she was acting weird it would bring attention to herself, so she immediately went into a relaxed and slightly drunk demeanor, not once looking back at that "man".

The person that came in the bar earlier sat down by Vara, asking if she could join them. Vara nodded curtly in return, although she did give a small smile to welcome this tired woman. As she ordered something from the bartender, Vara heard a crash as the old man's drink flew to the floor, splattering liquid and shards of glass all over the floor. She turned sharply, and was quite disturbed seeing that the man looked like he had just seen his parents die before him and wanted revenge. His eyes seemed to seethe with fury. Vara heart skipped a few beats knowing that she had to make a move soon before he did. She was reaching out to pull a weapon from her belt when the bartender came over to her with a furious expression on his face, all signs of humanity or friendliness gone. Her heart beat faster. Wasn't he supposed to clean up the mess? She gasped as he grasped her left wrist with inhuman strength.

His voice came out hoarse, "What is the deal with you, young lady? Acting like you own the place, ignoring my splendid service. Not once giving me a real sign of acknowledgment, that I am a human being too. I think it's time..."

He pulled her closer, almost over the counter, his voice dropping even lower, "Time... to give me what I deserve. Come on now, don't be shy. Let me show you me special offer out in back."

"Get off me!" Vara screamed in his face.

Vara was enraged by his move, yet she couldn't get her arm free from his grip. This is why she had become a hunter in the first place, to make sure she wasn't attacked like this ever again. She still was not strong enough. Knowing that she couldn't get free on her own, she desperately looked at the ladies she had just meet tonight, praying they could do something.


"I'm Lenore," she told the woman whom introduced herself as Vara, offering a subtle smile before taking a sip of her whiskey. Though the creepy sensation of someone's eyes on them persisted, Lenore managed to retain a calm composure -- until a blonde woman made a dash into the bar, to hasten to the bathroom. Lenore couldn't catch a good look of the woman when she whipped her head in her direction, but from the way the blonde was hurrying, she assumed she'd gotten herself into something. Lenore's brows furrowed. Lips pursing, she delved into thought about what might've happened, only to rip herself out moments later with a shake of the head. It probably wasn't her business. Her attention wandered back to her drink.

Much to her surprise, the blonde woman asked Vara and her if she could join for drinks. "Yeah, sure," Lenore replied with half-grin. "Helps the whiskey's not bad here, too."

A crash kicked Lenore's senses into high-gear, glass and alcohol splayed on the ground by the drunken hand of the old man, an inexplicable rage burning in his eyes directed straight at Vara.
Jesus, maybe this guy's more drunk than I thought. What's his damn problem? Perturbed, Lenore jumped from her seat just before the bartender came stomping -- not to the man who'd broken one of his glasses, but to Vara -- with an even greater level of fury than the drunk had. His hand snapped out, fingers curling around Vara's wrist in a death grip. Despite Vara trying to tear away, she couldn't. Lenore gritted her teeth.

With a fluid motion, she smashed her drink against the bar, swiped up a portion, and made an unflinching advance to the bartender. She dug her nails into the man's arm with one hand and held the shard of glass to his neck with the other, meeting the man's ire with her own.

"She's not interested," she ground out. "Let go. Now. Or someone will have a hell of a mess to clean up later."

Sudden remembrance sent Lenore's head back to the blonde.
"Can you make sure that drunk jack ass doesn't do anything else stupid?" she asked, tipping her chin to the old man who'd thrown his drink on the floor, before she returned her attention to the attacker, burying her nails deeper into his flesh.
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Charlotte Mimieux


The Huntress nodded and returned their smiles, too tired to be outrageously social. She was simply glad to have some company, some part of her subconscious allowing her to relax in the presence of the leather-clad Vara and her companion Lenore. Both seemed kind enough, a blessing in these troubled times. Charlotte smiled and waited politely for the bartender, who was her greatest ally in her quest of catching a buzz before she stumbled home to write an Oatmeal commercial she had been putting off. The warm feeling of booze in the near future and pleasant company to enjoy it with settled her stomach somewhat, but she couldn't help but shake the same feeling of fear she had felt since the Catacombs- and she knew exactly why. She alternated her peripheral vision between Lenore and the haggard bum near the door, a problem to be solved and a person of interest. Which was which was another matter.

Charlotte had barely noticed the Bartender approaching when the glass shattered. She did not look in the sound's direction. When the Bartender grabbed Vara, Charlotte simply stood and glared at the man, fear once again filling her body like nausea. Her first instinct was to attempt to grab the Bartender, but seeing as Lenore had already accomplished that she just froze. She wanted to run again, leave these people to their fates so she wouldn't have to feel the terror she had felt last time she encountered one of these Vampires just minutes earlier. She could probably manage it, just walk out the door and take the contract later. She turned her body and lifted her foot to walk- and then Lenore spoke.
"Can you make sure that drunk jack ass doesn't do anything else stupid?"

The Huntress winced, a mild frustration growing inside of her. She turned around briefly, and growled to Lenore much more aggressively than her reserved demeanor would usually allow. "Get your damn nails out of his arm, you fucking-" She winced at her own crudeness, a side effect of killing for a living. "I'm sorry. Just hold onto him. He's an innocent. You'll understand ." She spoke in a much gentler, albeit faster tone this time, hoping to avoid having those nails buried into her own neck. The woman rolled up the sleeves of her sweater and pulled her jacket off from the back of her chair. She slid the fleece over her shoulders and reached her arm over Lenore and Vara, taking the whiskey in hand. She pointed at the minion of Kader and threw out her best scream of terror, not entirely acting. 'Vampire!" She yelled. "There's a Vampire in the bar! Somebody call the DSA! He's going to eat us! RUN!"

She poured the whiskey down her throat as she approached the Vampire in the corner, the tenants of the bar moving around her like water as they fled for the door. "Liquid courage", she thought as she remembered how she had been reduced to tears, manipulated into revealing her identity. Never again would she be so weak. She didn't give the Vampire a chance to hypnotize her, throwing her jacket over his eyes. She withdrew a stake from her belt and pressed it into the Vampire's stomach, parting the flesh slightly. The Huntress intended to keep this specimen alive, to deliver a message to whatever master he served. She screamed to Lenore and Vara over the sounds of the last patrons leaving in an attempt to explain herself.

"He's hypnotized! He' can't control himself!"

Charlotte drove the stake deeper into his belly in an attempt to cause severe pain. With her other hand, she grabbed the side of the Minion's head and put pressure on his eye with her thumb, pretending that she intended to pop it like a bubble. The Huntress felt her fear wane as the Vampire weakened, and as she applied increasing pressure she interrogated the Minion, frightened to know the answers to her questions.

"Let them go. You will be allowed to live if you let them go. Who is your master? Why were you watching me outside of the Catacombs? What is your name?"

The girl's heavy breathing made her words sound desperate for information, but all she really wanted to do was go home to her cat. She wasn't a killer, not really and this was the third time that night circumstances forced her to hurt somebody.

Charlotte looked down at the stake. She almost couldn't believe how cruel she was being, torturing this haggard old man with a piece of wood. She wanted to apologize. This wasn't her. She felt the twin forces clash in her mind, Kader's influence against her own will. She wanted to cry, felt the tears well up in her light green eyes.

She tensed her muscles and drove the stake in, pulling the Vampire towards her as she penetrated the walls of his stomach, the splattered blood on her face diluted by sweat.

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Grandiose. It was truly the only word that could come to mind whilst looking upon the mansion grounds and even that couldn't hold a candle to it. Mayumi somewhat self-consciously clutched the thick, leather-bound book before summoning the courage to walk. She had come here simply to assist the woman and assist her she would, she owed a favor that she had yet to return and now was the only time to act. Stepping up to the wooden door, she knocked once, twice, thrice..

No answer. She frowned slightly before stepping backwards and glancing upwards at the boarded windows..



They certainly hadn't been boarded on her previous visit.




Stealth had always been something she had been exceptional at, she had an ability to go unnoticed despite her appearance and she was thankful for it now. Breaking and entering had certainly not been on her list prior to this but, ah well. Slipping in through the door she had lockpicked open using a clip she had stored in her hair earlier, she removed her shoes. Her father had always informed her that shoes caused creaks and unwanted noises, it would always do to be cautious or else it could be your head placed upon a spike. The interior of the house was rustic and vintage, dust gathering in corners and cobwebs strung upon chandeliers like silly string, a number of portraits framed the walls, and statues loomed around every corner. It had come as a surprise to run upon a marble angel whilst she had been exploring days before and had managed to frighten her, Mayumi silently walked along corridors with the book practically thrumming in her hands. She had been content with using magic that didn't require words but it always sufficed to keep to the olden ways of doing things, the book was certainly a favored item among her collection.

"Crunch." Mayumi hissed in pain as a sharp object lodged itself in her foot before glancing downwards, she lifted her toes and studied the pads of her feet before cautiously removing the sharp device.

And nearly recoiling in shock.

It was a damned

Caught off guard by the blonde's harshess, Lenore retreated her nails from the man's arm with some hesitancy. Her eyes lingered on the bartender for a moment, squinted, before switching over to the blonde, curious as to what she meant by him being innocent. From what she pieced together, he was far from it; he lashed out at Vara without cause, only showing aggression after another one of his customers threw his drink on the ground, and his anger wasn't even directed at that drunk lout. It made no sense. When the woman flung her finger and yelled 'vampire', things became clear -- there was a split-second that Lenore froze, fearing the blonde was exposing Lenore for what she was.

With something akin to a concoction of strange relief, anger, and adrenaline mixing in her guts, she pulled the shard away from the man's neck as she watched the woman approach the vampire, though she kept hold of the bartender's arms. The people of the bar made a mad dash for the exit, and through the rush of bodies, Lenore caught glimpses of something in the blonde's hand, and with each peek, she found herself getting closer to realizing what it was. A stake.
She's... Is she a hunter? She has to be. It wasn't long before that same stake was buried in the vampire's torso. Despite the dread pouring into her veins, she kept the same angered expression. Seeing another vampire being stabbed planted images of herself being staked into her own mind, and she suppressed a shudder. She'd seen such things before -- hell, worse -- but it'd been so long.

"He's hypnotized! He' can't control himself!"

"I'll hold him!" Lenore snapped from her thoughts to focus her full attention on subduing the bartender. For someone who seemed human, he was strong, likely an effect of being hypnotized, and Lenore struggled with holding the man still as he tried to writhe from her grasp, all the while spewing curses. She could feel the way her arms shook against the force of his, and through gritted teeth, she gave an exasperated growl.

She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold him off. Lenore was weak and tired, not having fed in a few days. She looked at Vara, realizing his clutch was still tight around her wrist. One hand dropping, Lenore began prying the man's hand from her, finger by finger, until she herself was able to latch her fingers around his wrist and hold him back. Her body still rattled with fatigue. Lenore glanced to Vara for help.
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Mayumi should've abandoned the old lady's house when she had a chance but due to her curious nature and need to help whoever had lost their tooth (amongst other things), Mayumi continued down the dusty corridor, every step cautious and timid. Of course this had no effect due to as soon as she rounded the corner she was blasted backwards into a nearby wall, body reverberating with pain. Mayumi quickly recovered, barely missing the object which whizzed past her ear before lodging itself into the beige wallpaper. A woman stood in front of her, black liquid oozing from her pores and dripping into the carpet, her eyes were a charcoal black, and her mouth had slid open to reveal sets of jagged, yellow teeth. Mayumi quickly reached for her book which had landed on the floor nearby and grimaced in pain when another object caught her ankle, sending her sprawling across the floor. 'Well, wasn't this lovely?' Not only had Mayumi fallen for the obvious bait but she also was seemingly unable to defend herself. She stared in defiance at the woman, holding her penetrating gaze before jumping in surprise as the house shook violently, photographs flying across the enclosed space and chandeliers crashing down upon the floor sending shattered glass raining down upon Mayumi. She shielded her face before peeking through her fingers as the shaking abruptly stopped. The woman had disappeared, along with Mayumi's book. SHIT.


The minion’s eyes widened as Charlotte suddenly screamed; he surely didn’t expect to be spotted although his anger, the lack of training and Charlotte’s expertise played against his favour. How angry was the minion that he couldn’t even concentrate enough to focus the attack of the “influenced” bartender/bar owner on Charlotte, the human had become enraged stead and had aimed for Vara.

But all of this had a sudden twist as Charlotte screamed and chaos sprouted in the middle of the night, the minion’s eyes were curtained by the jacket and what received him was the piercing pain of the stake on his stomach. The minion groaned and his beard exposed the painful and gnawing teeth stained in blood, his eyes narrowed and his features were that of someone containing a scream, what a horrible pain must be to have a piece of wood forced through your stomach!

The bartender/bar owner would start to slowly calm down; the minion struggled with whatever strength remained in his body to wield the human against Charlotte, ineffectively due to the quick response of the other vampire; Lenore’s true identity probably still hidden since the minion was kept away from her and her lack of human blood.

"Let them go. You will be allowed to live if you let them go. Who is your master? Why were you watching me outside of the Catacombs? What is your name?"

Demanded the blonde, she negotiates as the violence grows by the second and the minion hears Charlotte asking for his master’s name, how did she even figure out that there was a “master"? must be her huntress instinct and obvious training. More questions pour as the painful and piercing sensation sinks deeper in the dead flesh and the servant’s vision blurs; to this joined the pain with the pressure of Charlotte’s thumb on his eye.

“I am alive…I am free…from your….kind…”

And such irony to hear a vampire calling you as “that kind”. The minion’s voice faded due to the pressure in his stomach, the creature probably felt like a balloon ready to burst any moment now with the puncturing sensation on his guts; his eye probably sinking deeper in its own socket due to Charlotte’s thumb yet the creature claimed a brave frown in his countenance, that blind devotion to its father.

“I am liberated!”

Screamed the minion as the blood sprouted from its stomach and his eye popped in a crimson squirt, not wishing to reveal his “father”’s name neither give clues of his existence, at least not directly. His voice grew into the loudest yell his lungs could produce; either of devotion or maddened by the pain; such a chaotic scene would surely call the attention of the fleeing humans; what a traumatic event. The night had become grim and dark with the screams that suddenly ended as the vampire’s head hanged like that of a doll…the violent and loud behaviour abruptly changing…


…the minion’s face rose once more…and the old man stared straight into Charlotte’s emerald eyes with that which the minion still had…the darkness in the empty socket of the minion’s punctured eye was like gate …a gate into an abyss…and there the minion remained: as his blood embraced the woman in a crimson veil and her clothes were now in new colours, Kader had taken possession of the minion and contemplated into the eyes of this woman presented to him like a bride dressed in mad blood. There Kader met Charlotte, the piercing look of that single eyeball fixed on the woman, so deep it almost wished to sink inside the green of hers.

The fleeing humans would suddenly start to slow down on their pace…their scared minds were easier to control by the vermin that are the children of Kader ….from afar they watched the encounter of the unexpected quartet that are Charlotte, Vara, Lenore and Kader….were they planning to use the humans to attack?...no…not at all…they just…watched….for they wanted to witness the meeting as much as they could, maybe out of curiosity?…but they know they have to leave….the sun will claim the world soon…the twisted silhouettes would blend with the humans and leave...two children had met their end tonight…but maybe…from their ashes will sprout new seeds of …”hope”…and…”liberation”…
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"Seems these ****** have a tougher resistance to fire then I thought... "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.d8431963331aedc5838b9aaad9de69ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.d8431963331aedc5838b9aaad9de69ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jon placed his blueprints on the desk and walked over to the prototype weapon situated on the work bench, he sighed heavily and ran a gloved hand through his silver hair. All that time spent scouring ancient Romanian texts and church manuscripts on vampires takes its toll, especially on a man with too much free time like Jon. He couldn't remember the last time he properly had a good nights sleep, paranoia didn't help after all.... Jon slept with two stakes and a crucifix just in case. His work was more important then sleep, he had already published several manuals on vampire behaviour and weaknesses; although the government just wrote him off as a Paranoid old man. That was till the vampires made themselves known, his work sold well amongst the various anti vampire vigilante groups; business like that made good profit nowadays.

Beside writing various manuals and books on the subject of vampires, Jon also designed weapons for killing vampires and armour for protection against the vampires fangs and claws. In reality the armour didn't make the user completely safe against a vampires attack, it only absorbed the damage not prevent it, the vamp could still rip you apart like a rag Doll. Jon also had a rather impressive vampire hunting record, with a total of 46 vampires slain by his hand over the course of his vampire career which spanned a decade and a half. His personal weapon "Betty" had taken many a vampires head off, Betty was his own special weapon or prototype as Jon called it. betty was a experimental crossbow which could fire special barbed bolts, designed to easily penetrate a vampires tough rib cage and hit the heart, almost like staking one albeit from a distance; it could also fire explosive bolts although they were used rarely given the mainly urban setting where Jon hunted vamps. He also carried a plethora of other vampire killing weapons such as steaks, a Bowie knife, a hatchet for decapitating vamps, holy water and garlic. Jon never had the misfortune of encountering a Lycan, he never studied that particular species nor did they interest him.

Jon finished the last bit of his latest prototype hours later, he put his tools away and made his way out of the musty smelling garage which served as his work place. Jon sighed miserably and went to check his fridge to see if there was any J.D left, sadly there wasn't so he made do with a Budweiser. He hadn't had any customers recently, after all he sold his wares to his fellow hunters and the occasional witch who was interested in his more interesting designs. After finishing his drink Jon opened up his laptop, checking his social media for any hints towards recent vampire activity in the area. Jon could find no clues whatsoever which didn't help, maybe those **** are getting smarter he thought to himself with a slight chuckle.



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