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Fantasy The Underworld


Can you feel that? The feeling as though your falling but its never ending? You cannot stop yourself nor slow your pace as you plummet to the ground below. Your heart races and your breaths are short and sharp. A quick jolt woke Francis from his rather frightening slumber. Sitting upright with a hand on the back of his sun kissed neck he groaned an glanced out his bedroom window of the old farm house. It was still dark and the clock sitting next to the bed read it was only 12:00 AM. The moon was almost full and he was dreading tomorrow night. However Francis knew very well he wasn't going to be sleeping anymore. Throwing the blankets off him he stood and dressed himself in a plain black t-shirt with black cargo pants. Stepping out onto the back deck he glanced around the house before shifting forms. His paws dug into the earth as he pinned his ears an flicked his tail, before taking off toward the city.

The light pitter-patter of his claws against the pavement rang in his ears as he entered the barely lit city. Ever since the human's had found out about their existence the humans had been given strict orders to be in their homes before the sun went down, however you had the few troubled teens who would stay out on purpose, trying to really see if these creatures of the night really were real. The city was almost a ghost town as he made his way along the shadows of the streets. A group of about three teen boys however turned to start up the street an he growled under his breath to himself, slipping into a near by alley he popped his head out to watch them. It hadn't taken long for a mischievous vampire to come crawling to them. The vampire was slender and pale, her icy pale skin seemed to shine against the dim street lights. The three boys grinned toward each other, obviously enjoying the young woman's attention. However when she hissed at them an began to attack, Francis rolled his eyes and knew he had to take action.

The Lycan's were more to protect the people were as the Vampires wanted to claim power over them. Francis growled an darted out of the alley and across the street, all fours clawed at the pavement as he neared the vampire, she swung her head around just to see him as he leaped into the air, front paws out toward her to lash at her throat and face, which ever he came into contact with first. Both paws collided with her shoulders an she went toppling to the ground, the one teen that had been in her grasp pulled himself from the ground and stared at Francis for a moment, knowing very well he was no normal wolf, he was to large to be. Snaking his head around to glare at the boy he took a heavy step toward him, growling and pinning his ears, trying to scare the boy off. As the woman began to stand up again the boy took off, the other two following him closely. The vampire cackled an crossed her arms "You spoiled my Dinner, mutt" Francis stood tall an snorted, showing his teeth "You are the reason they fear us enough to kill us!" With that he leaped toward her again but this time she avoided him an came to stand on the roof top "Well, we are the superior race! They are smart to be afraid!" With that she took off in the opposite direction. The cool nights breeze rustled his white pelt as he perked his ears, making sure that she hadn't tried to chase the boys. This was what the city had come to, Fear, Blood and Violence.

Finally realizing he was out in the open he quickly moved himself into the shadows once more and continued on his way. Finally he reached the entrance to get below the city. Shoving the door open he slipped inside where it was nothing but sewer and scattered catacombs where many different Lycans gathered to discuss the growing problem above the surface, however many vampires an ever witches gather in here as well, if you cross them run as fast as you can because down here its more difficult to maneuver through.
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Charlotte Mimieux


She blended in perfectly. Her long blonde hair was loose, uncombed and frazzled. She was thin and pale, as was expected from somebody in her line of work. Her most distinct features were her green and blue eyes, somewhat too sharp for the equally cheap and revealing red dress she was wearing. She was a typical prostitute, at least on the surface.

The first thing on Charlotte's mind was the smell. It wasn't a surprise, she had been sitting in his lap when he had lit the pipe. While her fingers ran through his hair, his fumbled to light the pipe. While her mouth whispered honeyed nothings his mouth greedily inhaled the smoke of the tiny crystals, and when he kissed her his lips tasted of Clorox. Charlotte winced. Overcome with dopamine, the man dropped the pipe. It shattered into the carpet of the hotel room. The man grabbed Charlotte by the neck, drawing her face to his in such a way that she could smell the drug on his breath. He breathed deeply for a moment, as if he was preparing his lungs for the whisper that would ensue.

'You're the first whore I've ever met who isn't chasing ice." The man whispered. "Sluts like you, I can't tell if you suck dick for Crank or you smoke it to get the taste of cockmeat out of your mouth." The man pushed Charlotte onto the bed and loomed over her.

"So if you don't do either," Charlotte shook her head,

What does that make you?" The man stared at Charlotte. When she opened his mouth to respond, he slapped her with his open palm. Nausea filled Charlotte, the world out of focus as he began to undue the straps of her red dress.

A fucking cop, is what. What you with? FBI, DEA," He continued to fumble, searching for a wire. "Come on, Trix." Charlotte sighed, aware that she had to take immediate action to prevent something worse than a slap. Reaching up, she grabbed the left side of his muscled torso.

"Jack..." Charlotte steeled herself. She gently pulled her arms from the straps of the cheap dress and loosened the bodice. Jack backed away, and Charlotte allowed the dress to fall around her feet. An intense feeling of shame clawed at her belly, but she ignored it. She had to get the job done. The girl stood and walked towards Jack, grabbing him by his side and guiding him to the cheap bed where she pushed him onto his back and put her legs over his torso, straddling him.

"You're right." Her hands rubbed his face. "Some of us do it for the thrills. Now, close your eyes and.."

She grabbed one of the flat pillows and kissed Jack before placing it over his face. Charlotte slid her hand down, into the waist of his pants. Gently, she rubbed his stomach.

"You know what I hear?"

"What?" Jack responded, distracted by the sensation of his belly being rubbed.

"I hear you kill girls like me."

"Where did you hear that?"

"On the contract. For the job."

Jack snarled as fur sprouted from his body. Charlotte could feel his mouth transform into a muzzle, but he was too late. His last action was to lunge forward, but before he could get all the way up Charlotte pulled her silver pistol from the back waistline of underwear and blew a hole in his head with a loud bang. She contemplated the hole for a moment. Early in her Hunter career, the sight of blood and brains sickened her. But now, in this chaotic time, such a site was far from unusual.

Charlotte slapped his half-wolf face and got up, washing her body with a series of alcohol wipes. She wiped off the makeup and the yellow dye from her teeth and quickly dressed in her usual cardigan sweater and jeans. Briefly, she inspected her face in the mirror. She strapped the pistol to her inner thigh, and walked as quickly as she could out the lobby and onto the street.

She walked, as she usually did from a hit job. Usually a woman would have a lot to be afraid of in this part of New York at night, but these days, with the Vampires and Werewolves about even the less savory figures of the night chose to conduct their business indoors. She had never enjoyed the night, really, and as the wind blew her hair she was contemplating hailing a brave taxi when a pale woman ran by her. She grumbled under her breath and ran in the opposite direction, just in time to see a white wolf enter the shadow. She watched from afar before stalking him, entering the complex behind him. She knew where he was headed- Some sort of underground meeting hall for the Paranormal. Something of a no-man's land that she was familiar with, but had never actually attended.

She banged her gun against the wall, making a sharp noise.

"Easy there, Fido." Charlotte didn't point her gun at him as she had no intention of hurting him. She also didn't exactly hide it, allowing the silver to gleam in the low light.

"I'm not here to cause trouble. I just need to report a death. As a courtesy to your kind." Charlotte leaned herself against the wall. "Nobody you'll miss."

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A howl pierced the night, sending shivers down her spine. After all this time, she could still not find the noise of a lycan creepy. She was out a little later than usual, but she didn't really notice or care. The sole thing she had on her mind was finding more beasts, then swiftly bringing them down to their deaths, hopefully sending them to Hell, where their proper home was. Vara wrapped her leather jacket closer to her body as she went down an alleyway as a shortcut through the busier streets. As usual, she had a thick stake underneath her jacket and on her belt along with some silver bullets for the pistol she had in her back pocket. Years ago when she was attacked on the streets she had only confidence and courage, now she had a way to back those things up. Maybe if she was lucky tonight, a vampire would attack her thinking that she was a simple, innocent, girl. Her lips curled into a sneer at that thought. Those were always her favorite nights.

When she turned the corner and onto 42 street, she wondered if she was going to have anything interesting happening tonight. The coldness seemed to be seeping through her thick clothing and she wanted nothing more then to go back to her plush bed. Vara halted to a stop when she saw a few drops of blood casually splotched at the entrance of a garbage littered and fairly suspicious alleyway. She crouched down, looking at it with a trained and way eye. By the looks of it, probably human, but she could only guess with her level of knowledge about the beasts of Hell. The scarce amount of blood hopefully meant that the presumed human was able to escape in some manner and is still alive. Most people wouldn't notice the things Vara noticed, but then again, most people aren't hunters. Only the true protectors and good, courageous people of humanity are. She stood up, and spat on the ground, frustrated that she had missed the action. Just before she was going to leave the area, she noticed a few thick white hairs that seemed out of place. Yes, they could be hairs from a harmless animal, but these days in New York the hairs most likely had a different origin; a lycan. Might even be the noises she heard earlier. Yet, a few hairs still gave her little to nothing to trace, so Vara gritted her teeth with frustration and decided to continue to roam the streets.

She knew that she needed a better method to her hunting. Just wandering around, hoping to find a vampire sucking the life out of somebody wouldn't always work out. Just because there were a lot of creatures out there, doesn't mean they are all cocky bastards. Tonight might not be her night it seemed. She sighed, feeling like a sloppy hunter that didn't know anything. When she first started, she wanted to be the grand solo hunter that would bring them all down. Now, she was seriously considering the benefits of joining a team or a police force dedicated to hunting them down. It would be beneficial, she thought reluctantly. After wandering around a few more lonesome long blocks, she decided to go to a bar, get a drink and be done with the night.

Bright lights and the sign of a few people wandering around the area alerted Vara to a decent bar across the street from her. The neon sign blared at her, "David and Scott's, Always Open". She wasn't much of a drinker; wine only, really. Her doctor said that drinking a little would be soothing for her nerves. She swiftly entered the bar, nearly getting run over by a taxi as she crossed the street. It smelled of cigarettes and barely masked sweat.

The bald bartender looked up and grumbled, "What will it be for you? I hope you're actually what you look like, a simple human. I've had enough trouble for one night."

"Just a glass of Pinot Noir, if you could. And, well, I am normal enough. I won't bite out your throat, at least." she gave him a grim smile as she sat down.

"Good. I'll get that for you right away."

When her wine arrived, she sipped on it thoughtfully, pondering on how she could make her hunting better. She let the warmth flow through her body and relax if only for a second. There was still plenty of nighttime for things to happen. You never know what awaited you when the sun fell below the horizon.



The night had arrived and that meant one thing…Kader’s “children” would roam into the city looking for new members for their “family” or maybe new sources of food for their master. Does this mean that Kader and his children are stronger than any of the other characters of the story?... no ..not at all…Kader and his children are like an ant nest...they were no longer different individuals …they were all “one”…they served their master and they lived for him…they allowed him to see through their eyes …to live the world through their bodies…alone a single child of Kader is but as weak or weaker than the average vampire…how easy it would be to dispatch them…but in a group…oh in a group they can be as threatening as any other.

There is this group of believers… five to be precise…they roam the city looking for a meal …vampires…believers of Kader …that is what they are. Their bodies are as fragile as that of a human…all the vampiric trait that they carry is that mental pressure…that’s why they go in groups…like scavengers and low lives they attack in group….they move in packs…for alone they are fragile enough…at least together they can withstand an encounter with the lycans or hunters….at least some of them…

“Can you see us father?”…

Uttered one of the children as they roam the streets and they can feel him, Kader is watching them…is smelling the fresh air…is feeling the touch of their hands on the street. Their outfit is weak, they look like a bunch of homeless people


And they believed to had spotted a battle…

“Father….there is…blood here….there is…..”

Like worms they kneeled and looked at the blood, stained their fingers…these vampires….the children of Kader…they were not the seductive of elegant creatures…no…Kader’s family was modest…they believed in humbleness… in pain…in the madness and the cruelty of men….they had witnessed it before their conversion…before Kader freed them and transformed them into these redeemed creatures.

They were late to witness the encounter of Francis with the vampire; they were late to witness Vara exploring the scene…but…they could smell it….they could feel it…the smell of blood. One of these …”poor” and “suffering” men that New York had created with the financial crisis walked into the bar…trembling and shaking he would look inside. As Kader witnesses…there is Vara…and soon the homeless man approaches her from behind…his eyes roam the figure of the woman without shame nor remorse….and it is Kader that looks through his child at this woman that …if not the smell of blood that embraces her body makes her outstand…at least it is her figure…

The other four walked lower…and lower into the catacombs….they were going to preach there…they were going to tell the other vampires what Kader had done for them…they were going to search for any lost souls that wanted to join….and maybe…just maybe…a meal for their master. If they are lucky enough they will reach the sewers without an encounter with the S. A. D. hunters …their world had grown into chaos…this is another reason why the children of Kader had been able to survive the hunt…they didn’t stand out like the elegant vampires that lived in rich and luxury….only the fittest vampires could still hide in human society as billionaires and dukes…Kader and his children took another route to their survival.

These spawns that are Kader’s children approached the sewer…and the encounter grew in a dreadful situation…a young man (Francis) …..a woman (Charlotte). Their eyes widen…and they can almost imagine this is not the usual meeting.

“Father…what ..do we do?”…whispered one of the children as they witness the huntress and the lycan.

Yet they receive no answer …Kader simply witnesses who these strangers are…what are but 4 of these little vampires to Kader but pawns…they are disposable…they will accomplish their goal….the supremacy of the vampiric race...

“Father?”… asked once more with a slightly higher whisper one of the children of the mad blood that are Kader and his kin; but Kader doesn’t answer…he wants to witness what happens here…his children can pass the scene as madmen or hobos….junkies or drug addicts…it doesn’t matter…

And Kader then decided…he injected them with fear…and the four believers trembled with gasps and fear…let them look like simple and scared humans…Kader had learned not to follow the outer looks...there is no honour nor majesty in the children of Kader…only madness…
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"Seriously you're going to kick me out? It's dark and I have no way home!" Paige yelled to her boyfriend Jason, banging on his door. Make that ex-boyfriend. "If you don't let me in I'm going to turn around and walk away and you will never hear from me again," still nothing not even a slight response. "Ass," she mumbled walking down the stairs to the sidewalk in her black ankle boots and a skirt, her shirt wasn't very warm and she hadn't even worn a jacket, it was chilly now. What kind of person did something like that? It was dangerous now, there was a curfew for a reason and her parent's place was pretty far away. Paige looked through her purse for her phone but it wasn't there. Great Jason must have it, along with her wallet which also seemed to be missing. This night couldn't get any worse. Wait wasn't it an unwritten rule that if you thought that it almost instantly got worse?

Letting all the creepy thoughts slip from her mind Paige began to walk down the sidewalk staying as close to the buildings as she could so she was less visible. Truth be told she was terrified but she had nowhere to go for the night, it was either camp out on Jason's doorstep or walk home. Both were equally dangerous so she decided to keep her dignity intact and go home. She focused on stepping lightly so her heels didn't make an echo that might attract unwanted attention. Her camera swayed slightly hanging around her neck, at least she didn't lose that.

For a while Paige almost waited for something to jump out at her but as time went on and nothing did she began to relax a bit. It seemed like no one was around. Most people were inside, too afraid to go out at night so maybe all the baddies realized that there was nothing her for them and hunted elsewhere? It made sense. Her feet were getting sore,she was really tired and she was only half way home. "Jason I hate you and you are such as ass," she mumbled even more mad at him now that she was tired and sore. She wanted to scream and she might have if she knew for sure there was no one or nothing around to hear her.

She was going straight to bed as soon as she got home! Paige could almost feel her soft blankets and pillow waiting for her. She doubted she would even get out of bed tomorrow, maybe just curl up with a book and some snacks. She knew she'd have to keep her brothers from paying Jason a visit for making her walk home like this but he wasn't worth it.

She let her mind wander on other things while she walked in the night.

"Oi, would ya' mind speedin' it up a bit? Club ain't gonna be open forever." Scraggly-bearded and nearing his late 20s, the man rolled his eyes, huffing out a sigh that mingled with the repetitive tapping of his impatient foot and quiet growl of the taxi's engine. Lenore gripped the steering wheel harder and gritted her teeth. It was tough to resist the urge of throwing him and the chick kissing his neck out of the car.

"Listen, I can't go any faster." Lenore's words were slow and measured; she'd said them for what felt like the millionth time tonight, but since the message didn't seem to get through to the guy, she was tempted to write it down for him. "Calling attention to us right now would be stupid, and I'm sure you'd like to make it to the club in one piece, yeah?"

He grunted, but said no more. It's not like he could really tell where they were, anyhow -- Lenore made sure to black out the back windows a while ago to keep her customers from freaking out when they saw non-humans crawling around the city. Despite the order given to humans to get indoors before sundown, New York's night scene was still active with those willing the take the risk of getting themselves killed for a good time. Daring or stupid, you take your pick.

A lot of the people who decided to wander out during the night normally didn't venture by foot -- and Lenore managed to wrangle up her customers by providing them both the protection of the taxi and "skills". Humans' nerves eased and pockets opened whenever they're given the opportunity to be protected by a hunter -- "Protect us from the big bad monsters" mentality -- so normally, they'd all but jump into Lenore's cab, feeling safe and secure. Truth is, Lenore's no hunter. She's a vampire. But hell, her promises of protection still rang true; it's just people hardly found comfort from a vampire.

Ten minutes later, the cab slowed to a halt outside the club. "'Bout time," mumbled the man and smacked the cash down into Lenore's outstretched hand. Her fingers curled around the money, and she tipped her chin toward to the car door with a forced half-smile as the chick finally withdrew her lips from the man's neck, leaving a reddish-purple splotch in her plump mouth's wake. The girl shot Lenore a drunken grin. Opening the door, the man dragged along the lady by the wrist out of the car and slammed the door shut behind them. Lenore's eyes lingered on the club's entrance as the couple stumbled inside; flashing neon lights flooded into the streets and a baseline deep enough for her to feel it vibrate within her chest reverberated from the building. If she looked hard enough, she could barely make out silhouettes moving in time to the music. All of which stopped when the doors shut, leaving the streets as dark and quiet as they were before.

Her gaze drifted to the road in front of her. As her fingers tapped absently on the steering wheel, her mind was running with ideas of where her next stop would be, and she soon came to two possible options. Either drive around in search of more customers or get drinks. Well, that's a no-brainer, thought Lenore, and with that, started off toward a pub -- any pub, really.

"David and Scott's, Always Open!" read an illuminated sign, and she pulled over. If the drinks looked as decent as the place did, Lenore was in for a damn treat. Exiting the car, she took a few glances to her surroundings to find a lonesome girl walking down the street (@Lithia), and Lenore wondered why she would be doing something so dangerous as to stroll the sidewalk of New York City at night. Maybe she's a hunter, or an unnatural. Or maybe she actually didn't get the whole "stay indoors" memo? Either way, would be a shame if something happened to her. Tearing her gaze away, Lenore walked into the bar.

She made a beeline for the bar and plopped into one of the stools, giving a quick raise to her hand to call over the bald bartender. He eyeballed her the whole way over.

"Could I have a Jack on the rocks?" The bartender blinked and raised a skeptical brow. "Please," she added, lifting a brow to mimic his. His wary eyes trailed over the features of her face a few moments longer before he gave a reluctant nod with his departure, going to make her drink. Running a hand through her hair, she bore a sigh. She leaned on the bar's surface with her elbow and shifted in her seat to investigate the bar. Few people were at the actual bar itself besides Lenore: an older man with peppered hair, a thin young man, and a woman with tattoos (@TheDragonMoon). The men sipped on beers, eyes glazed over with something Lenore assumed was intoxication, where the woman, on the other hand, was drinking wine. It'd been a long time since she saw anyone drinking wine in a bar.
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Blake Audric


A large dark brown wolf with piercing green eyes slinked through the shadows of the streets. His senses were alert to his surroundings as the various scents and sounds flooded into his ears and nose. He heard the vicious conversation between a lycan (Francis) and the mysterious vampire, as well as a newcomer, a hunter (Charlotte) it seemed, confronting the lycan. But Blake could tell that the lycan would be able to handle himself- his scent was husky and determined.

His piercing green eyes noticed the local bar, David and Scott's, and saw several customers through the dirty window, including a cab driver (Lenore) and a woman with tattoos (Vara). He sniffed the air and breathed in the smells that the night offered when suddenly, his muzzle pointed toward the sharp pungent scent of his archenemy: vampires.

Ever since a vampire had killed his father when he was a little boy, he always had a natural hatred for those blood-sucking monsters. They disgusted him, and all he wanted to do whenever he saw one was to plunge a stake through their hearts and burn them. However, the rotting scent from this particular one (Kader) was stronger than most, and he could tell that the creature was old and experienced. Not only that, Blake's nose told him that there were other vampires with him as well- younger ones. This was a fight he wouldn't be able to win as he was outnumbered and he could tell the vampire was ages old.

He looked back at the bar where the cab driver was sitting and he picked up the faint scent of vampire as well. However, the smells of all the other humans and alcohol in that cramped little room made him uncertain. Even if she was a blood-sucking monster, he wouldn't be able to attack in the middle of a public bar. It would cause too much uproar.

He directed his attention onto another part of the city and he noticed a young girl- light brown hair and pale eyes (Paige). Blake didn't smell the usual disgusting stench of vampires, nor the more guff wild scent of lycans. Either she was a hunter or a normal human, but the brisk way she was walking and the look of fear in her eyes told him that she was the latter. He could smell the strong stench of fear from her and he was almost afraid for her. A scent that strong was sure to attract trouble.

Blake stealthily began to make his way towards the girl, careful to stay in the shadows, keeping a close careful eye on her. He just wanted to make sure she got to wherever she did safely and he would be on his way. He wondered what had caused her to venture into the danger of the night, especially after the breaking news of the existence of mythical creatures. Although she didn't look stupid, more upset and angry instead.

There was a brief gap of moonlight between the connecting shadows of the alleyways, and he swiftly moved from one side to the other, only revealing a flash of brown fur for anyone who had seen. He hoped that the girl hadn't noticed, as it would only serve to scare her more.

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For once in a long time, Vara actually felt that she wasn't stressed out of her mind. She swished the red, blood-like, drink in around in the glass. It's been a while since she relaxed and had a decent glass. It was impossible for her to be saving the world every second, so she should certainly find a few ways to calm herself down and simply chill out occasionally. She looked at the time on her small black watch; 1:20. Vara was used to staying out late of course, but she did need some stamina to get through work tomorrow. Eh, screw it. At this point, staying out a little longer wouldn't kill her. As she was once again lost in her thoughts, a lady entered the bar. She sat down, leaving a seat between her and Vara. The bartender eyed her as she ordered, although Vara couldn't see why, her being your basic brown haired woman. Men have their own weird personal preferences she supposed. Vara was a popular pick among the rough, rebellious men that were daring enough to wander around late at night.

Vara was going to try to flirt and have some fun with the cute red haired man that was in the corner, but he didn't look like he was going to be a favorable pick, seeing the way the slouched over and rested his head on his arms. The only other option was an old man, which definitely wouldn't do. There seemed to be nobody that was a good pick these days; they were either grieving over a lost one or they were a beast that she would have to kill just as they got started. Vara shifted thoughtfully on her crooked wooden stool. At least this lady didn't seem depressed and trying to drink away all her worries.

Feeling bored she turned, leaned in her direction, and spoke to her, "Nice drink you got there. So, what's your deal if you don't mind me asking. I hope you're not all sad and pathetic like most people that come to bars. Or, if you don't want to talk, we can always play a game of pool or darts."

She inhaled a deep breath of the stale air and took another sip of wine, listening as the bartender clinked bottles together as he was getting things organized. Most people didn't like her curt and direct attitude, but that's who she was. And well, other people could just deal with it.
Paige's anger was starting to die down again purely from exhaustion. At this point her guard was let down, she was walking slower and considered taking off her heels and walking in bare feet even though that seemed stupid on a dark city street.

She thought she saw something in the shadows out of the corner of her eye but when she looked back there was nothing there. Great paranoia must be setting in she thought. She sat down on the curb to take a break, it didn't seem like a smart choice but she had been walking for a while and hadn't seen a single dangerous thing all night. Paige reached up and took her pony tail out shaking her head to make her hair fall around her face. There it was again in the shadows.

Looking over her shoulder she called out, "Is someone there?" Great she thought, I sound like every dumb character in every dumb scary movie ever made. No one answered her, actually things seemed almost too silent. The air around her felt weird like she was being watched.

Paige had an idea. She took her camera and snapped a picture of the shadows where she was sure she saw something. The flash lit everything up for a split second. Her eyes weren't used to the bright light and it momentarily blinded her. She cursed herself for not closing her eyes but she had been trying to see if she could make anything out. Paige held up her camera looking at the screen and went into the menu to look at her taken photographs. The screen flickered and her battery went dead.

"Are you kidding me?!" she said louder than she probably should have. Paige looked back to the shadows but still there was nothing. She was too tried to walk any further tonight so she looked around for a place to hide out. She spotted a fire escape a few buildings up and as quick as she could headed in that direction. She reached up to pull the halfway down stairs the rest of the way down, climbed up them and then pulled them back up, out of reach. The tired girl curled up using her purse as a pillow and tried to rest a bit slightly shivering.

Blake Audric


Blake practically sighed with frustration as she saw the girl sit down to rest. Now he was convinced that she was stupid. She was basically a sitting duck for any vampire or vicious lycan. What was she thinking? He heard her call out if anyone was there and he almost yelled at her right then and there for her stupidity. Her voice was surely going to attract any unwanted creatures out there.

Suddenly, she turned around to take a picture and the flash caught him off guard. He let out a soft low growl in shock as the bright light blinded him for a few seconds. Shit, she better not have gotten a picture of me, he thought to himself. He watched as she climbed the fire escape and curl up, using her purse as a pillow. Blake narrowed his eyes, trying to see if this vulnerable human girl was actually about to go to fall asleep in a dark alleyway in a city filled with monsters. She had just signed her death wish.

He quickly shifted back into his human form and slowly made his way towards the fire escape. His piercing green eyes scanned the darkness for any unwanted company before proceeding up the stairs. "Hey..." he softly called out to her. Blake was careful not to scare her as she seemed fearful enough. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked as he got closer to her, waiting for her reaction. He tried to make himself look as friendly as possible, but he knew that his leather jacket and rough exterior wasn't going to help his cause.

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Francis had been at a steady pace when he heard the loud clank of something and then he heard the feminine words "Easy there Fido" Francis however was not impressed, his back arched upward and his fur began to bristle as he laid eyes on the gun the blonde woman was carrying. Time seemed to slow itself around them as Francis' eyes glared into hers, however when she mentioned she had a death to report his stance quickly reformed itself to a neutral state, his back now comfortably straight an his teeth hidden below his lips once more. Sitting on his hind he let out a loud snort an stared at her blankly, waiting for her to explain just who had been killed tonight. The dark shadows that surrounded the door to beneath the city seemed to lurk with many creatures, waiting to hear the news of the deceased.

It didn't take long however for something else to appear across the street, three scraggy look men, they spoke to themselves quietly in whispers that even Francis could only barely make out. Then they began to shake, as though in fear. Lifting his head to sniff the cool night's air he growled an pinned his ears as he looked to them. They were Vampires. Although he couldn't figure out as to why they seemed so afraid of him? Maybe they were acting because of the hunter? Francis turned back to the woman an perked his ears once more, his rough, husky tone rang out to her "You best tell me who was killed and be on your way, this is no place for you here.. It's dangerous" Francis was merely being cold so she would hurry up and leave, knowing very well many more vampires were just beyond that old, rotten door. His eyes bounced from the vampires to the woman repeatedly as he waited for her to speak. As soon as this was over with he would have to make his way down toward the night clubs and make sure the drunks got home safely.

Even as a young boy Francis had always been what they would call a "peace Keeper" He never wanted anyone to fight or be injured without a valid reason. Francis took a daring step toward the three vampires, his gaze now turned to a glare, meaning for them to stay very clear of the small space he was in. Once more he looked back to the woman, hoping she would respond. His ears twitched an his eyes darted around the street, something was irritating him and he couldn't decide if it was the vampires, the hunter or something else. Pushing his thoughts away he stood on all fours, his eyes calmly watching the vampires, yet one ear was directed toward the woman.


Paige sat up hearing a man's voice. He looked older than her and sort of rough around the edges. "I'm fine thanks," she said not wanting him to come any closer. She shivered a little from the chill and a little from the fear that was creeping up again. "I just needed somewhere to rest, I didn't think I was so noticeable up here." Paige didn't know how much she should tell this stranger. He must think she's so stupid for being out here all alone, it's not like she had any choice but he didn't know that. Unless he was the something she was trying to hide from. She had never seen an vampire or a lycan before so she had no idea what they looked like unless there were pointy fangs and capes or a giant wolf monster. She knew that she would be easily fooled so she slid back a little further try to put more distance between them.

Her mind was a mess right now, the whole thing with Jason, and then being alone in the dark. This was definitely a contender for the worst night of her life. "I'll be alright," she called out to him, "Please don't come any closer." Paige didn't want to be mean or rude especially if this stranger was just a nice guy but she couldn't take that chance. Her heart was beating really fast. A voice in the back of her mind was telling her to run but it's not like she had anywhere to go. She looked around and noticed a window on the next floor up was slightly open. She looked back to the stranger who terrified her.

Paige quickly dashed up the stairs to the next floor hoping that the guy would be surprised enough that it would give her a head start. She reached for the slightly open window lifting it the rest of the way open. She quickly looked over her shoulder to see if the guy was even following her. She didn't see him but it was dark and she didn't trust her eyes. She couldn't hear anything over the pounding in her chest. Paige paused just for a second trying to see if it was safe inside the building.
Charlotte Mimieux


Charlotte stared back into Francis's eyes as he growled. It wasn't that she wasn't frighted (she was terrified, it was that she would be damned if she allowed herself to show it. She made a point of yawing, and when he returned to his neutral state she simply threw the paper between his front paws. "Jack... uh." She thought for a moment. "Well, it's on the paper." Charlotte shuffled, her ears turning subconciously towards the scuffling of Kader's minions. She looked over her shoulder, before back at the wolf. "Our friend Jack was a lycan. He was in the metaphorical dog house with the organization for the murder of roughly..." Charlotte lit a cigarette. Between the angry wolf in front of her and the unknown presence behind her she needed a bit of relief. "Thirty prostitutes, I think?. His brains are currently coating a pillow in Hotel Carter." Out of a more intimidating person's mouth, this sentence would have been quite distressing but from Charlotte's it sounded more like a schoolgirl counting numbers. Her small profile and meek, feminine appearance were tools as a huntress but in conversation she often found herself not taken seriously. "Anyway... there's no way this'll be traced back to you. Just thought one of you should know before cops got to it." She turned around to the Vampires, following Francis's approach.

The woman took a long drag of her cigarette. As much as she would have liked to deny it, Francis was right. She would have been passively accepted as a witch, but as a known huntress she would probably be raped and killed if she was lucky, turned if she wasn't. Charlotte stepped out onto the street behind Francis, who was now standing on his haunches. She inspected the men between puffs. She could tell that they were Vampires, but they were the sort she would usually ignore. Incapable of drinking blood through one reason or another, they wandered the city, losing their sanity. Worst you would hear about is one gumming at a late night tourist, in which case the organization would sent out a junior hunter to put it out of it's misery.

But they were different. They spoke to eachother in whispers, quivering as if shook by the wind. She looked into each of their eyes, pitying them. Charlotte was not hunting for the sake of hunting. In fact, she was probably more accepting than most. She did not hate vampires or lycans, but hunted to pay her debt to the organization. She took contracts, but rarely stalked Lycans or Vampires off the clock. She much preferred writing commercial jingles for money, that being her day job.

Charlotte stood next to Francis as he pinned his ears. She decided to take a more diplomatic approach, and stepped forward into arms reach of the Vampires. There was
something about them that terrified Charlotte, but she couldn't determine exactly what. She extended her arms outwards. "See?" She spoke half an octave above her usual pitch, making herself look as unintimidating as possible, somewhat like a kindergarten teacher."Nothing therrreeee!" She opened the right half of her jacket, revealing the empty pockets. "Still noooottthing." She followed the Vampires eye's, hoping that they were watching her. She stepped forward again, beginning to shake slightly herself. Quietly, she opened the left side of her coat, revealing four stakes and a crucifix strapped to the soft material. She forced a laugh, pretending that she felt no fear. Charlotte had no intention of hurting these men, wanted to win the battle by preventing it in the first place. All she wanted to do was get home and take a shower.

"Oops! Where did I get those?" In a quick movement, she brandished the crucifix in one hand and a stake in the other. She smiled. "Better get away, before any mean vampires come and take my toys."
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Blake Audric


Blake didn't have to be a lycan to sense the fear in her. Everything about this girl gave off her fear. He stopped moving closer once she told him not to, but he almost growled in frustration when she turn tailed and ran towards the window. Suddenly, the disgusting rotten scent of a vampire caught his attention and he whipped around. Not far off on the building to his right, a slender pale vampire with dark hair stood silently on the roof. She no doubt had picked up the girl's fear scent and cries.

Without any warning, the vampire lunged across the gap between the buildings at super speed and shot herself through the window towards the girl, her fangs sharp and ready. With a growl, Blake quickly shifted into his large dark brown wolf form and leaped powerfully through the window after the vampire. The vampire had pinned the girl against a wall, and the human's pale eyes were wide with absolute fear. He lunged straight at the blood-sucking monster and knocked her off of the girl. "Go!" he growled towards the human as his piercing green eyes turned back onto the vampire.

Blake leaped right at the vampire's throat, but she slapped his muzzle aside at the last second. The brown lycan felt the pain in his face, but he wasn't fazed as he immediately used his hind legs to powerfully kick her against the wall. He heard the loud impact as the vampire crashed against the wall. Before she could react, Blake leaped at her again and sunk his teeth into her throat, but not before she managed to claw sharply at his shoulder. He could tell from the creature's scent that she hadn't fed in a while, causing her to be weaker than normal. That was also probably why she decided to attack the girl even though she saw that the dark brown lycan was there, but he desperation got the best of her. The pale vampire fell to the floor, and the lycan stepped back panting. He knew that she wasn't dead, but he didn't have access to any stakes or fire at the moment, and it wouldn't be long before she recuperated again.

Blake quickly shifted back into his human form, trying to ignore his bleeding shoulder and pain in his face. He dashed over to the girl's side and crouched down next to her. "We have to get out of here. She's going to be awake soon. Follow me," he said quickly and softly as he helped her stand up. He headed towards the door, looking over his shoulder to make sure she was following him. He didn't live too far from here, a couple buildings over actually, and he figured that she could stay there for the night.

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She looked around, her hunting knife hidden in the sleeve of her jacket as she attempted to blend in with the other monsters. The best she could do was a witch, but if she was asked to do something, she would have to beat it. She walked forward and inhaled. She could die. She could be killed. Anything could happen, but she had to avenge that little girl's father and mother. Find the vampire. Kill him. Run. She walked up to the clearing and saw a fight breaking out. "Damn." She hated the sight of blood when it was fresh.

She walked forward, her heartrate beating faster than ever and headed towards the obvious vampire. Maybe he knew him. Vampires know everyone, and she needed to find this...Francis, as the girl had said. She remembered the chill as she saw the man and woman on the floor, bleeding out and their six year old daughter crying in the corner. The comfort she had to provide when she's never provided it before. It delt so foreign. Not even...he...gave her that care. He was always the strong silent type.

This woman was attempting to hide her own fear but he had to turn his head away as she stepped forward to expose the insides of her jacket, the light stench of fear slipped into his nose. However he turned back to look at the paper. This was one of the Lycans Francis wouldn't call a brother. He growled an took the paper in his mouth an used a paw to hold it down, ripping it in half he spat it out an growled once more. Francis was not about to keep the hunter safe, if she was dumb enough to approach the fools of Kader, he would have no part in it, the two races had already agreed they both disliked one another. Francis was on all fours an leaped forward to stand in front of the woman, both front paws slamming against the pavement an he bared his teeth toward them before he flicked his large, white bristled tail and took off up the street. The huntress was now on her own, he wasn't going to be a personal guard dog for someone who killed his own kind. Although she did kill one that was giving the Lycans a harsh name.

Francis wasn't going to stray to far as he wanted to be near if any of those minions decided to get brave. Snorting he padded down the street on all fours, his stock build swayed lightly as he stayed to the shadows along the sides. A strong scent of fear hit his nostrils an he snarled, pinning his ears he darted. As he came to the scene he saw a bleeding man and a young woman. The stench of Lycan filled his nose as he glared at the man before looking to the seemingly unconscious vampire only a few feet from them. He stepped toward it an took his large jaws, opening them fully he took the woman's head an wrenched it back an forth until finally it gave way an he tossed it aside, looking to the man once more he growled "That should keep her stalled more so than before.." He turned to leave as he glanced over his shoulder at the young girl, hoping she wasn't injured. Although he wasn't to sure if he should leave them alone, with the scent of blood, more vampires would definitely be on the way toward them.

Lifting his head to sniff the air he grumbled under his breath and decided to lay on the rough terrain below him, resting his muzzle on his front paws he waited for the two to either leave or speak up at him, until then he would calmly wait until another vampire showed up, and with his luck it would probably be within the next few moments. He wasn't wrong however the vampire that had shown up was a younger one, much more vulnerable and they obviously hadn't even encountered a Lycan before because the young man's eyes almost popped from his head, he watched Francis and then its eyes turned to the young man who was bleeding and it let out a frustrated hiss before it turned to go the other direction. Francis had lifted his head to watch the new born but was very still and would only move his eyes.

@Lithia @Semblance
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She heard the sounds that she heard on the street those many years ago and honed in her ears. He taught her some things before he left her, and now she was using them to hopefully save someone. It came from outside, so it must have been from the graphic scene from early before she walked inside. She slowly turned around, sliding her knife out of her sleeve conspicuously so no one would see it. She didn't need some freak terrorizing her for holding a knife, then finding out she had a silver one. That would be a difficult topic to get out of. Especially under the cover of a witch. As far as she knew, they don't carry weapons harmful to themselves. She headed outside, heading right and going around. Nothing was happening. Nothing at all. Her ears must have been playing tricks on her. Must be the presence of monsters here. Probably why I'm hearing things.

She needed to find this Francis guy. Maybe he knew the vampire that killed the Drew's. The little girl had to know that the monster that killed her parents wouldn't hurt anyone else. Monsters have connections. If he wouldn't talk, she would make him. She had her ways. Good and bad. It all depended on his cooperation. Heading back to where she was before, she put the knife back in her sleeve and leaned against a wall, trying to make herself fit in. She probably looked more out of plave than usual. Sighing, she slid down and took out her wallet, and the first thing she saw when she opened it was his picture. Dark hair. Green eyes. A strong build and a kind heart. A heart she loved. A heart she was going to marry. A heart who broke hers and leff her hunting for all eternity looking for something to fill that void. Well, she did. And that was hunting.



Inside the bar where Vara and Lenore are:

That bearded man who is one of Kader’s minions remains by the entrance, he was contemplating Vara’s silhouette; although his attention diverged for a moment towards Lenore who soon joined by Vara’s side. Did Lenore noticed this man was a child of the blood like her?...a vampire?...Kader couldn’t tell yet …maybe because Lenore didn’t drink human blood…maybe because Kader’s attention was more worried of Francis and Charlotte…or maybe it was because …he needed to move a bit closer.

This minion’s countenance seems exhausted; his mind is right now embraced in the delight that is Kader’s influence; his outfit although is not fitting for the bar right?...he wears nothing more but some old clothes that seemed to lack an ironing and washing for quite some days now. Yet if the owner of the bar approaches and asks the man to leave…that mental influence would try to play on his favour…

“…Help a brother …a glass of water and some change please…we all struggled with the crisis..”

Would utter the man that seems had been once a successful men of business that was dragged in the chaos of the financial crisis; maybe that was the beginning of his meeting with the self-proclaimed “saviour” Kader.

That mental pressure would convince the owner to allow the old man to stay in the establishment; his eyes looked exhausted like a man that hasn’t slept in days and his sight roamed the room….once more he moved closer…and closer…the idea of trying to influence Vara grew complicated when Lenore joined for a drink. The homeless man simply dragged his body closer …and would find himself a seat on a table from where he could keep an eye on both women from behind. The smell of blood on Vara was stronger than on Lenore…maybe because the former had been in the scene of that confrontation and the smell got stuck on her.

“Father can you see me?”

Would whisper the man as his eyes fixed on the curves of the women; and through him Kader spotted them both.

Why was Kader so interested in Vara?...well…she was in a crime scene…and that ..he needed to know why….was she a hunter?...was she working for the S.A.D.?...maybe vampires that need asylum?...

Location close to the catacombs and underground lands where Charlotte and Francis are:

The remaining minions shivered in fear; they stepped back and covered their faces when the stake was shown “Don’t…don’t kill us!” would yell one of them; still trying to follow this charade of homeless and mindless drug addicts. It was more than possible that Charlotte could read through them as she surely had done by now; she was experienced when dealing with the children of the blood and the moon. Still the play kept on; that was of course …until the lycan leaves.

There is a reason why Kader’s children are infected by his blood and madness…there is a reason why he claims the mind of those that have witnessed the cruelty of the world: a troubled mind, a broken spirit, a fearful being are easier to influence than one with a strong resolve; for even when the crippled vampire can’t abandon the wheelchair where his body is anchored, his mind slips deep in the thoughts ...a weak mind is of course easier to …liberate.

It would be then that the children of Kader would slowly focus on Charlotte…

“Who are you?..what do you want?”

Woud ask with trembling voice the vampires; yet underneath this veil of submission and cowardice awaits the mental pressure…trying to influence her….trying to slide within her thoughts….trying to invite Charlotte not simply to tell her name…but tell if she is working for the S.A.D. …or is she on her own…and maybe…maybe…slip deeper into her thoughts….know more of the past of this woman…and in exchange …allow her to see…at least for a moment…the silhouette of that agonizing being.

Treatment Centre where Kader's body is hidden:

The doctors that watch over Kader quietly take care of his body; like an ant nest they are the drones and workers that keep their “queen” alive.

Kader’s body trembles for moments, the spasms and the painful expressions on his face are things all the followers have grown used to; to see the fingers that squeeze the arms of the wheel chair; the mute lips that seem to scream in pain and expose whatever teeth remain; the dropping and stretching of his head like a ragdoll being shaken by a kid. And even when that mind was abominating …the body of the Turkish vampire was more fragile than glass.

The main doctor witnesses in silence with worries for each day Kader seems to grow weaker; his body ….how long is going to last like this?...medicines and treatments slowed down the process..but…something new had to be done …if they wanted their master to survive; Kader was perishing a bit more every day.

“Father…please…do not overdo your efforts…” would utter the main doctor; yet the mental influence only grew stronger now…and for a second the doctor turned pale…his world turned grim and saw his face being chewed by Kader with those flat and yellow teeth…just a little warning of the power of their master…just a little …taste of these beautiful elixir they enjoy and call madness. Kader was planning something...this era of chaos and fear …was for him an era of opportunities…the wheel of fate for him and his children was now moving…leaving the trace of madness and “liberation” they so much love.

(((*Updates the background music*)))


Everything slowed down, Paige no longer had a sense of time and the way it worked when the vampire attacked. It wasn't until her body was slammed into the wall that the speed went back to normal. She realized that she was about to die. No one would know what happened to her, and she would never see her family again. The smiling faces of her brothers, she'd never graduate, or photograph anything again. Paige closed her eyes waiting for the unavoidable pain that would come with this type of death but it never came.

She felt the vampire pushed off of her and her eyes shot back open. It was a wolf, and it appeared he was trying to save her life. The wolf growled at her what sounded like "Go" but she was too terrified to move very far. The frightened girl backed into a corner and crouched down in the shadows. Watching the two strangers fight probably to the death. She was certain that if the vampire won she would not survive the night, the lycan though she wasn't sure about, maybe he wanted to save her only to kill her later? Still her chance of survival was much higher with the wolf so she silently hoped that he would come out alive.

The fight was fast but it seemed like it went on forever and there were a few close calls for the wolf but in the end it was the vampire laying on the ground. Paige didn't move from her spot at first. She watched the lycan shift back into a human form, it was the guy she had tried to run from. It looked like he was losing a lot of blood from his shoulder but he didn't seem to acknowledge it hurrying right over to her side. Paige let herself be helped up taking his hand, "You mean she's not dead?" she asked looking back at the body on the ground. She had heard about staking and burning them but the woman on the ground did not look alive. She let the guy lead her away when another woldfappeared from the shadows. She quietly watched as the second lycan ripped the vampires head off, turning away and trying not to vomit and squeezing her rescuer's hand tighter.

Paige looked from the guy to the other wolf not knowing what to do. She seemed to be safe with leather jacket guy so she waited for him to decide what to do next. She shivered a bit again from both the night chill and fear. She thought she heard a hiss in the shadows and stepped closer to the guy still holding onto his hand. At this point Paige would be happy to never know what was lurking in those shadows ever again.

The clink of glass on wood whipped Lenore's attention from the faces in the pub back to the bar, and it only took a moment for her fingers to wrap themselves around her drink. Taking a swig, she relished the burn as it poured down her throat to settle in a fiery pit inside her stomach; she couldn't stop the soft smile that spread across her face. Nothing like it, she thought, watching the alcohol with something akin to admiration as it swished around in the glass, over and around the ice. Her drink was poised at her mouth when the woman spoke.

Throwing her a glance, Lenore set the cup down and gave a dry chuckle.
"Long day," she responded, and she could feel the ghost of a smile tug at the corners of her lips as she shifted in her seat to face the woman. Her appearance all but screamed "rebellion", with a vine tattoo winding up her neck, dark hair, and a pretty face -- quite the contrast to Lenore. "I'm not much of a talker," she said, "So, how's a game of darts?" Sipping her drink, Lenore raised her brows above the rim of the glass, waiting for the girl's response. When was the last time I even played darts? Thinking back on it now, it'd been, what, 23 years? If that was the case, Lenore might as well've given the woman a congrats on winning. "Actually, on second thought," Lenore said, leaning against the cold surface of the bar, "What brings you here? Doesn't sound like you enjoy the company very much." She tipped her chin in gesture to the old man, hunched over his beer and looking like he could fall from his stool at any moment.

Blake Audric


Blake whipped around at the sound of another lycan coming into the room. He watched him bite the vampire's head off and knew that the vicious injury would buy them more time, even though the creature still wasn't completely dead. However, there was no way to access a stake and fire at the moment, but he figured the vampire shouldn't be bothering them anytime soon. He felt the human girl's hand grip his own rough ones tighter, her fear scent overwhelming his sensitive nose.

He nodded a thanks at the lycan who had came, his piercing green eyes eyeing the white wolf in front of him. The new wolf seemed to be on a mission similar to his own, protecting the humans from vampires, vicious lycans, and evil witches. However, Blake's current priority was to get the girl to safety. After keeping eye contact with Francis for a few more seconds, he turned around quickly and led Paige down the stairs. He figured that the presence and scent of two lycans in the same vicinity would deter any unwanted monsters for the time being.

Once they exited the building, all of Blake's senses became sharply alert for any danger as he led her quickly to the building over. They reached the doors of his apartment complex and they slipped safely inside. Although they were indoors, he didn't feel completely safe until she was inside a room. "I live on the fourth floor," he told her gruffly, leading her back up the stairs until they reached his apartment door. The husky man with dark brown hair pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, letting the human girl inside first before following after.

"Are you alright?" he asked her, scanning her up and down. He could see that her neck was red from where the vampire had pinned her against the wall. "Your neck looks bruised but you should be okay. Nothing you can do with that except let it heal," he told her. "If anything, people will just think they're really bad hickeys," he said amusingly, trying to lighten the mood. Blake could tell that she was still scared and the last thing they needed was another monster detecting her fear scent.

Only then did he realize that his shoulder was bleeding, but most of it had dried up by now. Knowing that the scent of blood would also attract unwanted monsters, he quickly and carefully took off his leather jacket and his shirt as well. Normally, he would have felt awkward about being shirtless in front of a girl he didn't even know, but all he could think about was getting rid of the blood scent. He took out some cleansing alcohol and quickly cleaned it before drying it off. He barely winced as the alcohol soaked his wound as he was used to pain by now. Blake put a large bandaid over it to mask the blood scent even more, and put his shirt back on.

He turned his attention back onto the human girl, who's eyes were still wide with shock, and managed to smile. "So that must have been pretty scary for you," he said. "I'm Blake by the way, what's your name?" he asked, his green eyes meeting her pale ones.

@Lithia @Boondox

Her ears perked up at the mention of planning darts, something that she quite enjoyed (although she wasn't the best at), until the lady asked Vara about herself. She gulped up the remnants of the wine, pondering what she should say. She had only just met this girl, so who knows if she was one of those beasts. From what she has observed so far, there wasn't much bloodthirsty malice in her eyes or anything of that sort. Wasn't she going to relax this evening? Met as well give a sort of vague yet honest reply.

"Oh, you know I was just out walking around the city a little bit, then decided to get a drink and relax for a short while. Maybe mess with a few attractive men, but as you can see, is not really realistic with the current inhabitants here. I knew you might find it strange that I was out, but I never give much thought about the rules to be honest. Besides, life is interesting with some danger to spice it up, am I right?"

As Vara was talking with this lady, she felt a creepy and unsettling shiver feeling that something was watching them. Not just any weird pervert or stalker, but something quite different. She scanned the room briefly, looking everywhere from the small TV that was buzzing sports to the pool table in the far left corner. Nobody looked menacing, just ready to pass out. Was she simply being paranoid or were these her hunter senses? She wondered if this brown haired woman could feel it too. It would be great to actually end up with a pick tonight, but then again she didn't wait to be caught off guard. Brushing her hair nervously, she ordered another glass of wine and prayed the if something was there, it would settle to buzz off and leave them alone. Just in case, she tensed up her body a tad bit and was prepared to pull out a weapon from her belt. She would also drink this glass more slowly then the last one.


Paige let herself be led down the street and into an apartment building. She wondered if she would actually make it through the night thanks to this stranger, who just happened to transform into a giant wolf. The two made it up to the fourth floor and into his apartment, in which judging by the size he lived alone. She noticed that it was pretty nice, the walls could use some pictures but other than that it was cozy and inviting.

At the mention of her neck, Paige's hand shot up to touch it. It was really sore but at least it wasn't worse. Really she was lucky the vampire hadn't broken it and killed her. She laughed nervously when he assured her they could pass for really bad hickeys. Her parents were going to kill her. "I guess I'll be wearing scarves for a while huh?" Paige attempted a smile but wasn't sure if her face had actually cooperated or not. This guy seemed like he knew what he was doing when it came to helping people, "You must save a lot of lives," she said jokingly just above a whisper. Her fear was finally staring to ease a bit, she figured if he was going to hurt her he would have already.

As he began to undress Paige blushed and looked away to give him some privacy. She did catch a glance though and wasn't disappointed. He was in good shape but she guessed that made sense, him being a lycan and all. She saw him begin to clean his wound, it looked pretty bad to her but he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. As he put alcohol on it she sucked in a breath knowing that it probably hurt like hell. You'd never know with this guy though, for him it looked about as painful as water.

Realizing he was finishing up she looked away again, but at the sound of his voice she met his gaze. "It's definitely up there on the list of scariest things that have ever happened to me before," she said with an unsure laugh. Not that the situation was funny, she just almost couldn't believe it had actually happened.

"I'm Blake by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Paige," she said, "Thanks for saving me back there Blake." She liked the sound of his name, it seemed nice. Obviously bad guys could have nice names too but she couldn't help but feel like if he was a bad guy he'd have a scarier sounding name. "You must think I'm really stupid," she looked at the floor. "I didn't mean to be out alone in the middle of the night but my ex-boyfriend stole my wallet and phone and locked me out of the house. I had no way to get home except to walk." Paige really hoped she didn't sound like a complete idiot.


Though slight, Lenore saw the way the woman tensed when she spoke, like she was anticipating something less than amiable. It was enough to set Lenore's nerves on edge, but she managed to keep a passive expression as she sipped on her whiskey and leaned more against the bar; it expanded her peripheral vision of the bar. She'd be damned if she was attacked before she could finish her Jack on the rocks. Just then, a wave of eeriness swept over Lenore.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and her chestnut eyes fell to the bar just after the woman nervously brushed her hair.
Maybe this feeling is what's making her so uneasy. If it is, I can't blame her -- it's creepy as hell. Gnawing on the inside of her cheek, Lenore's finger circled the rim of her glass. Someone might've been watching her and the woman, but the last thing she wanted to do was give the observer, whoever or whatever this thing was, a sign that they felt his or her eyes on them.

"How's the wine?" she asked the lady, voice quiet, her eyes trying to let the girl know they shared the same feeling of strangeness. Maybe they'd be able to take the watcher off guard. Lenore downed the rest of her whiskey, and was quick to order another. Fingers tapping against the bar's surface, she occupied her time waiting for her drink by making sure her body language suggested nothing outside the norm, shoulders eased and limbs loose.

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