The Traveler's Tavern

( I guess so .3.)

Hatsuki blushed a bit," Oh, thank you," he smiled warmly, tapping the bracelet," I'll treasure it,"

Lochy jolted up," Ah! Your teddy!" He then hugged her very tightly, trying to comfort her," Don't worry, after the ride we'll find your bear, okay?" He tried to be as reassuring as he could, peeking in the corner of his eye to see where the bear went.
*rune blushes badly and stammers stupidly, the look on his face hilarious, he is so nervous he flat ourt faints and falls to the floor with a thud snoring lightly*
Aniasta sniffled and shook her head,"no! It's something you gave me! I need to get to it before anyone else!"she said and jumped off she jolted landing on her feet she grabbed the bear after a while of running through all this she yet hasn't realized that she had lost Lochy and didn't know where he was.

Sue blushed,"c-charms are my talent..... If you can wear it I can charm it"she explained blushing deeply.

Akihiko laughed and looked at Rune she sat by him,".... Guess I over worked you"she said and kissed his neck,"sweet dreams"she said then got dressed and smirked she waited for Rune to show signs of him waking up and began dancing seductively in her little gypsy costume her hips kinda moving like shikira's.(pffffft I wish every girl had that power!)
"Hm? Okay then," Hatsuki said, lifting his wrist where the bracelet was, his tail swayed calmly, sending a warm ripple through the air.

Lochy gasped when she jumped," A-ANIASTA!" He called, and bit his lip. Lochy took a deep breath, jumping down fron the ferris wheel, and stumbling a bit as he landed. "D*****!" He screeched, seeing he sprained his right ankle. Lochy's eyes watered for a bit, but he continued running through the crowds," Aniasta! Where are you?"
Sue smiled and they got to the dorm room and Mary opened the door,"welcome"the twins said turning into to cafe maids and did a sexy pose as they gestured him to come in.

Aniasta jolted hearing Lochy,"Lochy"she said softly as her ears twiched to find him. She wasn't to good at identifying a certain voice in a loud sea of people and she hasn't become accustomed to Lochy's scent to track him.
(oh wait, wut did suki get himself into?! xD )

Suki's eyes blinked in a mixed emotion of surprise and embaressment," Wait, w-what did I agree to?" Hatsuki stammered, his face flashing about twenty shades of red.

Lochrose dragged and limoed his sprained ankle and kept calling," Aniasta! Where are you?!" He cried, and felt immense pain in his leg. He rested on an abandoned food stand, leaning onto his good leg," Dang! Why do I have to be so useless?!" He slammed his hand into the cart, and sighed. Ni use whining if Ani's missing. Lochy told himself to man up and look for his love.
Aniasta looked around hugging the teddy bear she was worried about Lochy thinking of all these horrible situations he could've gotten into because of his innocents. There was then a girl that looked like her from behind walking around with another man and kissed the guy."Lochy!!!!"Aniasta yelled running around she found him and hugged him tackling him to the floor,"Lochy my darling my love!"she said worriedly.

The twins smirked,"many things"Mary said and Sue blushed walking inside and Mary pulled Suki inside giggling then locked the door. The twins then sat him down on the bed being that they didn't have chairs,"tea?"Mary asked,"cake?"Sue asked as they sat very close to Suki leaning to him closely.(it's because I'm evil =w=)
*rune wakes up, takes one look at aki and smiles . Rune gets up and pulls her down onto the bed and kisses her*ru e wispers in her ear: i wonder, if i can get you to say alot more than you have this time*he smiles misciviously and kisses her passionatly*
"I-um, uh, thank you," sputtered Hatsuki, his cheeks burning for some reason, his fire ears back slightly. Something told him deep inside, he was deeply scared.

"Aniasta!" He said, both shocked and relieved. He hugged her back and winced. His ankle was still sprained but he ignored the burning teeth that sunk into his leg. Right now he was so happy," Ani, i'm so glad you're okay," he breathed, catching his breath.
Aniasta kissed him passionately,"my love! I promise I will never do that again!"she said as her tail rubbed against his leg with the broken ankle,"are you okay?! Hurt?"she asked.

The twins smirked and kissed his cheeks,"was that a yes?"Mary asked,"or a no"Sue whispered hugging his arm. Mary being kissing his neck. Sue then looked at Mary worriedly,"your going to scare him away"she said sadly. Mary jolted and quickly moved away.

Akihiko smirked,"mmmm so devious~ "she said and kissed back.(time skip?)
Lochy blushed, "No- i'm fine, just a battle scar," he snickered," I'm fine," Lochy repeated.

Hatsuki had the thought they were having a tea party. Ya know, with cake and tea," Yes, please," he smiled politely. He had no idea what was going on, but Suki went along with it.
(I'm home :D )

The twins smiled and served Suki but soon fell asleep. They cuddled each other as they slept.

Aniasta smiled softly,"lets get you home....."she said a bit worriedly,"your positive your fine?"she asked as she began walking.
Lochy waved his hands," Yeah! Yeah! I-i'm fine," he said," Don't worry, love,"

Hatsuki blinked drowsily. He noticed the twins fell asleep, and soon Suki fell asleep also. Before falling into slumber, he smiled widely.
(yeah! Totally :D just make a character and try to squeeze in, kay kay? I'm Lochrose, a semi-wolf fifteen year old who is in love with Aniasta, a fox girl who is 5 years older. Imma also Hatsuki (or Suki) a cat demon with ears and tail made of fire, and he's a personal butler of Demon Lord Rune. Hatsuki's also currently single ;) but Mary and Sue ( two ten year old little girls) apparently claims him xD )
The twins smirked as they noticed Suki fall asleep then cuddled by him each taking one of his sides and sleeping there.

Aniasta smiled,"lets go home...... I don't trust what your saying"she said as they got back to the tavern.
"Ah, okay," Lochy was half glad they were going home and half wanting to stay, but he knew it would be better to rest.

Suki mumbled something in his sleep, probably a dream, and he pulled the twins close, hugging them lovingly.
The twins smiled in there sleep wrapping one leg around him.(btw ehem ehem the girls are really 1000 years old but they look like there 10 xD I feel like I've typed this before)

Aniasta watched Lovhy as he walked looking at his foot arms and other body parts to make sure he's okay.
(Sure *doesnt know what tht means* xD )

Akihiko smiled back and kissed his head,"I love you too darling"she said then brushed his hair with her hand,"I'm going to a dr today after the contest ill be bak before your performance okay?"she said as she hugged Rune close,"I'd hate to be away from you.... Maybe I can postpone it...."she said softly.
( pm means private message, just click the private message box at the top of the screen) *rune smiles* rune:its okay, do what you have to do*he hugs her* ive got to prepare the performance also..

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