The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta jolted and blushed then decided to make it a joke,"do you like what you see?"she teased.

The twins moved away,"do you not like it"Sue asked,"was it bad........?"Mary asked.
Hatsuki whuspered, trying to be as nice as he could, and ruffled their hair," Look girls, i'm sorry... Like I said, i'm just a butler. I love you, I really do" he paused," I-i just can't..." He said sadly," I am a butler, nothing more, nothing less..."

Lochy looked up, surprised," I-uhm, what do you want me to say~?" He counterattacked the tease, trying to gain dominance (lolwut?)
"You are more"Sue said holding back tears. "But you'll never be less"Mary said hugging Sue as she began crying. The twins grabbed Suki's hand,"never leave us.... Please"they said.

Aniasta smirked,"try to be an alpha again"she asked fixing her skirt then noticed a spider and smirked to herself. Aniasta shrieked and clung to Lochy wrapping her legs around him,"eeeeeeeep! Lochy save me! A spider!!!!!"she yelled as her tail wrapped around his arm and she shook a bit with her head under his chin snuggling him a bit.
"That, I can promise," Hatsuki said warmly and kissed each one of them on the cheek, leaving a small burn mark that didn't really hurt.

Lochy laughed and said in a royal-ish voice," Ohohohoho! I shall save you! Ohohoho!" He pretended to hold a mighty sword and went over and stomped on the spider like a boss. (lol is Mary and Sue were there they would freak out xD )
( xD yeah)

The twins blushed,"when will you not be a butler?"Mary asked. Sue was so very happy with the kiss on her cheek that she just touched it quietly.

Aniasta smirked,"I've gatta let him feel big sometimes"she thought then hugged his arm,"oh my Lochy your so strong and cool! You fight my fears it was so awesome"she said softly.
Hatsuki thought for a moment, his tail swaying lightly," Hmmm... I guess for as long as I live," he smiled," But Master Rune doesn't really need much assistance since he is still very young, so I guess i'll have enough time to play with you girls for a long time,"

Lochy had a glint in his eyes. He knew Ani was acting, but he bathed in the moment," Ohohoho!" He laughed like a king. He swished his tail, holding it up proudly like an alpha.
Aniasta smiled a bit and kissed his cheek ,"my sweet WOLF"she said stressing the wolf part to make him feel good.

The twins smiled happily,"we want you forever!"they yelled and hugged him happily,"we hope we can learn what you like"Sue said,"and what you don't like in our time together"Mary finished.
"Haha, i'm sure of that," Hatsuki said softly. He new when they were older they would find someone that would interest them. He smiled warmly, knowing what would happen in a few thousand years. Teenage years.

Lochy's tail fizzed a bit at the sound of him being called a wolf, he looked back at Ani with a smirk," Ha, now I kniw you're playing with me," he laughed giddy.
Aniasta chuckled and kissed him,"sorry my little puppy I was just trying to make you feel nice"she said cuddling him.

The twins looked at Suki,"good because guys don't seem to like us too much"Sue mumbled and Mary nodded.
"You're doing a good job," he chuckled, kissing her back

Suki ruffled their hair," I bet there's someone," he said, and used his tail to light a scented candle, the smell of different fruit wavered from the candle.
The twins blinked and blushed assuming Suki was trying to set a mood and hugged his arms,"we hope it'll just be you"Mary said,"we only love Suki"Sue said softly.

Aniasta smirked and pinned him to the bed,"am I really?"she asked smirking.
Suki smiled. Out of all the boy demons, he doubted they would be in love with him forever. One day, they would go along with their own interests, and he felt more like a big brother than a butler.

"Oh yes you are," Lochy said, his sharp teeth glistening, and he shot up, kissing Ani right on the lips.
The twins yawned,"I miss mama"Sue mumbled,"I wonder where she is....."Mary mumbled,"dot be stupid Aki said Mama's on a trip she'll be home soon"Sue said,"but she promised to watch our testing"Mary said pouting.(uh-oh~)

Aniasta smiled and kissed him back passionately,"you still haven't pinned me silly"she said smiling.
"Rawr," Lochy whispered into Nai's ear and flipped over, now he was pinning her," Excuse me~?"

Hatsuki shifted. The twins' mother was killed earlier. He looked down, smiling like an onii would smile like," Don't worry girls, i'll call Akihiko-san to check on her, okay?" Hatsuki stepped outside, and bringing out his little wisp messanger, he quickly dialed 'AKIHIKO' and rang, when he finally got reception, he whispered frantically," NEED. HELP. What should I tell the girls about their mother?" He said almost panicing.

(wisp messaging is how he calls. A little ball of flame acts as a phone and sends the reception to the other person :P )
"Just say she's on vacation it's not that hard...."Akihiko shadow messaged. Her shadow was infront of Akihiko talking.

Aniasta smirked,"take control"she whispered and kissed his neck.
"Yeah, but Miss Ale's been on vacation for a ng time!" Hatsuki spazzed," She even promised to go to their test,"

Lochy smirked, nibbling a bit on Ani's neck, and wrapped his tail around her's (im not the best at this :< help plz? :D )
"Arg!!!!! Listen can you transform into another person maybe there mom?"Akihiko asked.

Aniasta blushed and pulled on Lochy's shirt pushing it off as she licked his chest.
Hatsuki sighed," Yes ma'am.." And cut the reception with a small 'click.' Hatsuki wasn't especially good at transformation magic, so he estimated he would be Miss Ale for only a few days. Suki chanted a few spells and became a replica of the twin's mother.

(URGGHH Lochrose fangirl nosebleed squeal. Author's block due to loss of blood. Help mei Kandy? .n.)
Akihiko gave him a thumbs up then her shadow disappeared.

(I dunno how to explain it and I'm pure virgin so I dunno what to do after making out and taking off clothes I just time skip after that)
( xD don't worry sexy moments come with sexy time yes? XDDDDDD)

Aniasta woke up on Lochy on his chest ,"mmmmm Alpha is right"she mumbled and kissed his neck.
Aniasta smiled a bit at Lochy,"heh hope you can remember later"she said and yawned cutely as her ears folded back and her tail fluffed out.

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