The Traveler's Tavern

Akihiko blushed,"oh darling~"she said then sat up,"what should I wear"she mumbled then smirked at Rune,"tonight's outfit will be..... A kitty"she said then crawled to his face and licked his cheek,"master~"she said.
*rune smiles and yawns still sleepy*rune:imay get some more sleep.....itd be reeaaalllly bad if i fell asleep during the performance..*he lays down and pretends to sleep planning to follow her to the doctors to see what she was going for*
Akihiko sighed and kissed his cheek then walked out she walked quickly hiding around a bit trying to be sneaky so nobody could follow or see who she was. She walked into a drs office filled with women and whispered something to a woman behind the counter then walked to the back.
*rune wispers a spell and morphs into a spirit invisible to the world he follows her and floats in the air clmpletely invisible not making a sound*
Lochy kept reassuring," I know you're worried, but trust me, i'm fine," he siad quietly, his tail swiping a bit at the ground.

Hatsuki awoke with a grunt. He noticed the twins on either side of him and Suki blushed. "Dang..." He put his face into the hands. For a while, Hatsuki was feeling a strange feeling. He fogot about it and went to make some food.
Akihiko blushed as she sat down on the cold chair wrapping her arms around herself worriedly. The doctor came out and was flipping threw the papers on his clipboard,"so you think your pregnant"was written on a panflict where she was sitting,"lets go through the tests"he said and Akihiko nodded taking off the cloak. After a while of tests the doctor sat down writing stuff on the papers,"so it seems your pregnant..... But it's not unusual everything seems in order"he said. Akihiko blushed and facepalmed,"what will Rune say?"she mumbled to herself.

The twins woke up crying,"waaaaa Mary!!!!"Sue yelled,"waaaaa sue!"Mary yelled."waaaaa S-Suki nooooo!!!!!"the yelled in unison.

Aniasta sighed,"I'm sorry....."she said softly,"but your ankle....... Looks swollen...."she added.
*rune is purely shocked, his hold on the spell fades and he falls on the floor landing on his face in his regular form making a loud slapping noise*rune:your pregnent? dear ghandi.....i-i dont know much about raising children
Suki ran in, frantic and panicky," W-what's wrong?!" He exclaimed, in an apron and holding a stirring rod.

Lochy kissed her cheek," Thanks for caring about me," he said softly and then started spazzing out," And yesss please hellllpppp!" He waved his leg around.
Akihiko jolted and glared at Rune,"you stalker!"she yelled then sighed,"I guess it's my fault I should've taken you here"she mumbled,"it's not that hard with demon children..... Here"the dr said giving Rune a panflict on how to raise children and a book on child care."but......."Akihiko mumbled,"don't worry just be careful about your symptoms"he said patting Aki's head.
*rune examines it and chuckles* rune: wow, this is easier than i thought, and i guess it was kinda stalkerish to follow you here as a spirit....but its so hard not too sneak around like that sometimes......
Yuki slowly pushed open the door of the tavern with her tail, cautious. It didn't seem like anyone was there. Should she go in? But what if someone came back and she got in trouble. She felt herself shiver, even though she wore a thick calico patter sweater. She made her way inside and instantly her shivering stopped. "Such a warm and cozy place....." She murmured.
*umbra looked at the newcomer and smiled, hed been there a long time and was ignored*umbra:well hello there, who mite you be?
Aniasta laughed at Lochy,"okay let's get to our room"she said.

The twins sniffled,"we had a nightmare"they said softly.

Akihiko smiled a bit and patted his head,"I can't believe you did this to me"she said smirking a bit as he teased him.
Lochrose nodded, and finally calmed down.

"Oh..." Hatsuki said," Are you two okay?" He asked worried, and leaned down to look at the girls with a warm face.
The twins blushed then Sue kissed Suki quickly then Mary did the same after,"as long as your here Suki"Mary said softly against his lips as Sue hugged him.

Aniasta helped Lochy up the stairs and into the room,"okay take off your pants"she said then jolted and blushed at how negative that sounded.
Lochy's face instantly flared a deep red," W-whaa-?" He stammered and sighed. Lochy zipped off his black jeans and sat, obviously embaressed, sitting in his boxers infront of Ani. 'Urgh... how could this become more embareassing?' He thought.

Suki hugged the little girls back, then stood," So, what do ya want for breakfast?"
"Ice cream!"Mary said,"pancakes....."Sue corrected facepalmed. Mary pouted wanting icecream.

Aniasta grabbed his foot and rubbed his ankle a bit as she pulled off his shoes and sock. In the mirror for Lochy it looked like she was doing something else.
Hatsuki tapped his cheek," How about icecream and pancakes?" He laughed, and went along into the kitchen.

Lochy blushed even more," Stop it, Lochrose," he grumbled to himself," You're not a pervert, so stop it," he tried to ignore it. He tried to ignore it the best as he can, but it was too overwhelming," URGGG," He groaned, Lochy was as red as a beet as he flopped over, trying not to look in the mirror.
Aniasta blinked and just shrugged as she began wrapping his foot in a clothe that was damp,"does this hurt?"she asked putting slight pressure on the swollen ankle.

The twins smiled,"do you think our feelings got through?"Sue asked blushing,"of course Suki's not stupid......"Mary said then the twins thought,"we should do more"the whispered to each other bluntly.
"Thanks, Ani," Lochy breathed," Feels much better, thanks," he said, still sprawling over.

Hatsuki came back, cheery and happy while whustling a tune," Ready~" he said, setting a plate with warm pancakes and a blob of icecream.
The twins smirked after Suki set it down then pinned him transforming into two nekos and kissed his neck licking him an pulling on his shirt. As Mary was kissing his neck Sue kissed him passionately hoping to get her feelings through to him.

Aniasta smiled and stood up,"no problem for my love"she said she hadn't realized that her skirt was up and in the mirror her underwears could be seen.
Lochy saw the mirror image," Dang mirror..." He said," Ani, your panties... Are showing..." He spoke quietly, hoping to not sound like a complete pervert.

"Ah!" Hatsuki gasped, surprised at the sudden assault," Mary! Sue! W-what's going on?" He squirmed a bit, blushing immensely.

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