The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta followed holding his hand,"I love the Ferris wheel it's so fun!"she said then smirked,"and private....."she thought and hugged his arm as they got on the short line.

Sue blushed deeply and kissed Suki's cheek. Mary snickered hugging his arm,"this is awesome!"she said.
Lochy waited a bit until the ride stopped. He jumped gleefully and led Ani inside. Inside the little gondola were various little colorful pictures and paintings. Lochy squealed on the inside as the wheel started spinning.

Hatsuki yawned," So, what now? M'lord is still doing who-knows-what to Miss Akihiko, and I doubt they'll want to end their honeymoon this early," Suki said thoughtfully, scratching his head in deep concentration," What to do..."
(Yeah but I was stalling for you to reply basically 0-0)

The twins blinked,"we have to take our test but it's getting late-"Mary started,"so we'll probably take it tomorrow"Sue finished.

Aniasta smirked leaning on Lochy she took out a mirror and put on lipgloss looking at her reflection she glance at Lochy in the backround and she seductively puckered her lips.
*rune putsa headphone in his ear away from aki and blares numb by usher, due to an enchantment it doesnt make any sound except in runes ear*rune:so, when do you think the twins will come on?
Akihiko blinked and looked at Rune she was sleepy and just wanted to nap,"I don't think there going on today"she mumbled still laying on him. Akihiko sat up rubbing her eyes a woman came it covering her eyes and handed Akihiko something that he didn't let Rune see and put it away,"thank you"she said. The woman bowed and ran out.
"You sure the school will be okay with that?" Hatsuki asked, worried his crazy atics got them in trouble.

Lochrose blushed and quickly looked away. He breathed on his hand to check if his breth was bad or not. He then checked his ears and tail, then turned back to Aniasta. He gave a smile and leaned in slowly.
*rune smiled knowing aki was tired* rune: you know, if your tired i know a spell that will take the need for sleep away...for a short time at least...if i do it on myself its a few months or more...but i could actually cover this entire school with it for a few days if i really tried and poured magic into dont know how handy that spell has been, paired with the one that removes the need to xrink or sleep it maked life easy usually...but not as easy as the time stopping does have its toll as i have to use the substance to work that kind of magic
Akihiko jolt,"n-no it's fine darling!"she said and hugged him,"but we should be done for today we sleep at the school dorm room for tonight"she said and got up dizzily then fell on Rune and blushed,"s-sorry"she mumbled.Aniasta kissed him passionately her tail slowly wrapping around his. She held his hand happily,"maybe today will be the day"she thought as she kissed Lochy.The twins shook there heads,"no we didn't even get called today"they said in unison then thought,"can you stay with us tonight?"Sue asked blushing and Mary looked at him with pleading eyes.
Rune:ive actually thought of something, maybe ill put on a little show and you can show them your shadow powers, i belive the kids will find it thinking of giving the school books of basic magic so students can study to learn the path of magic...but i know that many people dont have the physical capabilitys to do it...many are born without any magic*he twirls his finger and a spiraling flame appears above it, looking like one of those things at shops where a pole spins and it creates the illision that a red line is spinning*
Lochy blushed and wrapped his tail also. "A-Aniasta..." He mumbled, holding her close.

"Hm? Oh sure. Do you lice in a dorm or something?" Hatsuki asked, swaying lazily, his eyes becoming a little sleepy.
The twins nodded,"of course"Mary started,"come with us"Sue continued and they supported Suki as they began walking to there room.

Akihiko blushed and smiled at Rune,"oh Darling your so generous! And so smart too!"she said in an enchante tone.

Aniasta blushed hearing her name and brought her hands around his neck,"I love you"she managed I between kisses she found herself pressing against Lochy trying desperately to get closer. She sat on his lap wrapping her legs around his waist.
*rune hugged aki and smiled* rune: ive got plenty of the books, its no problem for me...and id honestly like to see magic more common in the lands...such a beautiful thing shouldnt be hidden*he kisses aki* just like you, the 1000 years you spent in the tower...well...i guess its true that if you have something too early you dont truely appreciate its beauty...
"I love you too, foxy lady," Loch smiled deviously, he recalled a shirt time after they met, he had called her that exact same name when they were fighting against Rune's enemies. He ran his fingers down her neck, feeling her tender skin," Remember when we first met? You practically hated my guts. Look at us now," he said softly.

Suki beamed and followed the twins. He noticed they were heading to the girls' dorm and realized he must've felt sillt. 'oh well' he thought to himself. He was in a good mood, so little things didn't really get to him right now. Hatsuki saw a couple of girls syaring and talking among themselves about him, and Suki did a "can't touch this" pose. ( xD )
Akihiko blushed hugging bak,"oh my beloved Rune........"she said softly,"I am so very happy by your side....."she said and brushed her hand on his cheek,"how long where you waiting to be loved?"she asked brushing her lips against his.
*rune smiles but its easy to tell he is almost going to cry*rune trying to keep his voice from cracking:1600 years...and its all worth it, because ive got you*he kisses her gently but passionatly*
(xDDD wow Suki just wow! No words only silence)

Aniasta leaned into his touch with her eyes closed awaiting more,"I didn't hate you..... I just thought it was fun to poke you....."she said opening her eyes slightly to look at him.

The twins smiled at Suki enjoying him being silly. They laughed odly it was jukstipose. Mary continued walking Sue soon followed after smiling at Suki,"your silly Suki"she said happily.

Akihiko kissed back unable to resist anything Rune did to her,"I think that everything we've been through..... Everything that has been destroyed was so prepare us for one another........ I would not love you so much if you weren't as pure with your kisses as you are now"she said smirking,"to be able to steal the man I loves first everything...... I am very pleased"she said and kissed him passionately.
Lochy closed his eyes and kissed her again. Now they were almost at the top, and he felt a cold wind sweep over him. The kiss felt so warm in contrast with the chilly air around him. He gave Ani a tight hug and whispered," I am yours, and you are mine," he smiled softly.

Hatsuki quickly got out of his "cant touch this" pose and laughed his hand behind his back," Haha, really?"
Sue nodded,"yes..... When your being yourself......"she said and smiled warmly at Suki. Sues smiles where actually very bright even though she was a demon she acted as though she was an angel.

Aniasta blushed,"I'm glad you think so"she said softly then looked at him sadly,"but aren't you disgusted that I'm older then you"she asked sadly. She was always conscience of how there ages where different.
*rune smiled and his earphone popped out of his ear*rune: i belive so too, and if you hadnt been so experienced and confident...i may mot have fallen for you..the world works in strange ways like this*he kisses her passionatly and giggles* rune: well, i do know one thing you couldnt steal*he smiles pervishly and forgetd the thought it being a bit wrong, he kisses her again and smiles happily*rune: i love you aki

*rune smiled and his earphone popped out of his ear*rune: i belive so too, and if you hadnt been so experienced and confident...i may mot have fallen for you..the world works in strange ways like this*he kisses her passionatly and giggles* rune: well, i do know one thing you couldnt steal*he smiles pervishly and forgetd the thought it being a bit wrong, he kisses her again and smiles happily*rune: i love you aki.
Lochy looked at her, surprised she was still bothered by that," Tch. It doesn't bother me anymore," he smiled. It was true he was cautious about it before, but now he gave it to little mind. Besides, he thought Aniasta looked younger than she was, which was very cute to him, and Lochy noticed he was almost as tall as she was.

Hatsuki looked down, feeling a little gloomy. "It's just that... being a butler, I can't really be myself sometimes," he held a fake smile, but then pushed the thought away," It's okay Sue, don't worry,"
Akihiko smiled back,"I just realized I gave you my nickname but you never gave me yours...... Hmmmm a cute pet name for Rune...... Un means yes in German......"she said and then smirked widely at him,"and we both know I'm always saying"she said leaning closer to him,"ah yes..."she moaned in Rune's ear trying to get him arroused then smirked moving away to see his face.
*it works and rune starts drooling*rune:unnmmmmm*he stammers and looks completely clueless* i guess
Sue held Suki's hand,"you can always trust us....... We love you Suki"she said smiling she then thought and took something out of her pocket and put it on Suki's wrist,"it's a charmed bracelet it helps you always find love and trust"she said smiling.Aniasta smiled a bit,"I'm sorry...... I won't talk about it anymore"she said softly holding his hand.(I'm guessing that we had two different looks at the Ferris wheel and there height 1. I thought it was closed but I'm guessing your thinking of the two seaters with only the bar and 2. I saw Aniasta shorter then Lochy even though she was older just because girls have a tendency to be shorter then guys anyways continuing!)Aniasta jolted as the teddybear flew off her lap. She jolted trying to reach for it but it had flew off too quickly and she began to cry.

Akihiko smirked,"are you sure? I have said a lot of things"she said then leaned in once again,"more more, please don't stop, faster"she moaned in his ear then moved away smirking even wider,"I've also said those things"she said.

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