The Traveler's Tavern

Rune: both*he looks around worredly* will they be able to see us at the contest? Cos...*he notes the fact that his shirt is across the room being the least of his worrys*
"It's unfair that you didn't let me touch you!"Aniasta counter attacked as she ran. Aniasta jumped in a tree and jumped from tree to tree she sat in a tree at the wntrance now waiting for Lochy.

"No we aren't even allowed to be seen we put our scores on a card and we tell them our scores and they aren't allowed to be changed"Akihiko explained and kissed his neck happily leaving marks,"mmmm Rune I love you"she said softly.
Lochy hiccuped a bit and jumped in the trees with amazing speed until he saw Aniasta. Lochy was jumping too fast, and saw Ani in a blur. Lochy gasped as he couldn't stop himself. He ran into Ani and kissed her. Lochy stood shocked, on the ground, and laying ontop of the fox girl.
Aniasta blinked then slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck,"Lochy......"she mumbled blushing deeply.

"if they can get there meal or not....."Akihiko said flatly,"you'll know watch"she said and pointed at the tv smirking slightly.
Akihiko smirked watching a girl lure a human she got them to a soft cute room and she pinned the man,"I'll do anything for my mistress"he said."even give me your soul"The girl asked the man nodded and the girl devoured his soul and let him walk away soulless for eternity,"eh the usual contract ah 4 out of 10 she passes poorly"Akihiko mumbled.
"Don't worry love these humans are suicidal....... We allow the students to take there souls and the people are then sent to the reaper to have there bodies destroyed......"Akihiko said then smiled at him,"no harm"she said more and more students seemed to be doing the "usual contract" as Akihiko called it,"these kids weren't taught to USE THERE OWN MINDS"she muttered angrily then looked at Rune pouting,"darling I'm way better then any of them right?"she asked.
*rune shivered then smiled*rune: yeah you are....i just hope you dont devour my soil someday*he chuckles nervously knowing how ruthless a lurer can be now, as he has seen what happens to soulless spirits and humans, amd it is horrific*
Akihiko laughed,"no darling that's just what we do to the humans to demons we try to marry or get into there family.... To the men we love..... We try to conceive...... And please them with our bodies"she explained an kissed him passionately.
Rune: yes but....that person will be a spectre now....a soulless crazes spirit that rampages across the earth looking for its soul day and night...and if it fds that girl it will tear her to shreads...ive seen what they can do and it isnt pretty, they can use magic at its purest form, the substance...and do crazy things with it..*he kisses her back* but the demon and other things dont sound so bad(when will sue n mary come on?)
(you guys dun want Hatsuki just standing in the corner right nao xD so I'll have him somewhere else)

Hatsuki wandered the halls of the school, looking around aimlessly. He had passed a few students that asked him questions about Lord Rune, but niw he had some peace. Suki swayed and yawned melancholy.

Lochrose kissed her back, and hugged her tightly, "Aniasta... I love you <3"
(Soon bwahahahhaha! I have evil ideas)

Akihiko pouted,"aw but I've always wanted a little girl"she mumbled and looked away.

The twins saw Suki."Suki!"They yelled and ran over,"we're nervous"Sue said."ha! I'm not nervous!"Mary said."Mary...... Suki please help us we don't know what we should do"Sue pleaded. Mary rolled her eyes pouting.
*rune kisses her cheek and smiles*rune:dont worry, im sure we will eventually have one*he smirks* but i was talking about the girl who devoured his soul...if he sees her he will probably kill her....even i can barely fight a spectre off sometimes
"We're too nervous!"Sue said. Mary glared,"YOUR NERVOUS!!!!"she yelled then ran off. Sue jolted,"Suki we don't remember any strategies"Sue said softly.

Akihiko smiled then looked at Rune,"no see the humans get caught by the crows and get taken to the reaper"She said and kissed him,"I can't wait I've always always wanted a daughter!"she yelled happily then hugged Rune close.

Aniasta smiled,"ah I love you too"she said blushing then got up,"l-lets get on some rides!"she said trying to be perky.
"Strategies? Do you mean luring?" Suki asked, then he saw Mary run off,"Wait! Mary!" He exclaimed, then Suki looked over to Sue," Were you two fighting?"

Lochy's ears went up excitedly," Yeah!" He said and looked around. There were roller coasters, a ferris wheel, and ither various attractions. He opened his mouth in awe, as he looked at the colorful designs.
Sue began crying,"t-the boy we like told us that only one of us can have him!Wahahaha! We don't know what to do Suki!"Sue yelled hugging him.

Aniasta smiled and hugged his arm,"which should come first? But lets leave the Ferris wheel for last"she said seductively then tapped his butt and walked away letting her hips away seductively as she walked to the biggest rollercoaster.
Suki tensed as he hugged her back. He knelt down to her level and looked at Sue," Don't worry. We'll fix this," Hatsuki thought for a moment and said," Who was this boy? What's his name?"

Lochy jumpes a little as she tapped his bottom, but he chuckled and followed Aniasta, noticing she was going to a fairly large rollercoaster. He wasn't a fan of rollercoaster, Lochy sighed in his head and went along.
Aniasta looked at Lochy,"you scared?"he asked smirking widely.

Sue sniffled,"Haru"She mumbled rubbing her eyes then held Suki's hand she didn't want to be alone without Mary.
Lochy's face blushed," N-no!" He countered. "I-i can totally ride a rollercoaster!" He blurted, his ears straight down.

Hatsuki smiled," Let's go find Haru," Suki grasped Sue's hand and went to another kid that went to the school. Hatsuki bowed and spoje," Excuse me, but do you know anyone named Haru?"
"That's me....."the demon boy said his horns were thick and long up to his waist. His hair was a dark red and his eyes where a sexy bright blue."hey Sue"Haru said. Sue blushed,"h-hi"she said and hugged Suki's arm.

Aniasta smirked,"then lets go!"she said and they go online.
Hatsuki looked at the boy and sighed," I understand that both Sue and Mary like you," he looked at Sue," What do you think? What's on your mind?"

Lochrose warily sat down, his tail quivering a bit.

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