The Traveler's Tavern

(I thot we where gonna shadow mirrior teh girls? Could rune just do an iris message? Kinda like a call that can b done using a mist or running water)
(Then Rune got pulled away by Aniasta with the gender bender problem remember so now it's just a new day with Rune no where to be found 030)
Akihiko jolted,"you scared me"she said and fanned herself,"I'm fine today and how's my delectable husband today"she said smirking as she put on a cute Sakura robe."I didn't see you yesterday what happened?"she asked as she hugged him.
Hatsuki popped out of nowhere and stood, for most of his job was to stand ( xD ) and his fire tail swayed slowly, along with the breeze. Hatsuki stayed silent for a moment and asked Aki," Mistress, might I ask, is there a festival coming up?" He said, indicating her sakura robe.
*rune chuckles* your sis got turned into a guy, and loch got turned into a girl, i took a picture*he shows her the picture* i had to turn them back....although it fitted them*he cracks up*

Oh and i was wondering if the twins school is in the underworld? Im sure it would be impressive to the other students if they got a visit from the god of hell*he smirks* and possibly along with a beautiful shadow princess like yourself
"No I just really like the color pink and this is may favorite robe"Akihiko explained then looked at the picture,"it really does though"she mumbled."of corse it is and it would be pritty funny to do something like that..... We should go pay a visit"she said making duplicates of the picture and spinning them around on her finger tips with ease.
*rune smiled and wrote a letter to the principal of the school and sent it with a geeb(magical bird like creatures used to deliver messages)* rune: ok, ready to go?*he snaps his fingers and is a suit and tie with long black jeans*rune: too much?
Hatsuki decided to follow his master unless said otherwise. Since he was already well dressed, Suki snapped his fingers and suddenly, a large black limosine popped up, with a few orange maguc dust oarticles twinkling around it. He looked to Rune for further instructions.
" A king should have a grand entrance," Suki grinned, obviously proud of himself. Though he normally used elemental magic, he taught himself creation magic too. "The children woukd want their king in a grand vehicle with a grand lady, yes?"
Rune: hmm.....i was thinming of summoning a dragon but thats not a bad idea, how do u work this thing? Ive never seen one
Akihiko looked in the mirror,"a married demon doesn't show horns"she thought and her hair tied around her horns with a cute hairstyle that made her look super cute but mature. She then put on red lipstick and soft red eyeshadow,"there"she said and a cute red and black dress with frills appeared on her,"now I look presentable"she said then looked at the boys,"and I take long to get ready"she said rolling her eyes.
"It feeds off of magical energy," Suki explained to he master, and opened a little box attached to the limosine, the box opened and revealed a small glowing orb," The user sends in his or her magical energy here," Suki tapped the orb, letting it glow for a bit," And it is controlled by thing little contraption here," he said, the vehicle had a large panel, a big screen like an enlarged iPad. "You tap whever in the universe you would like to go, and it teleports there," Suki then paused," The farther distance, the more magical energy required, though,"
Rune: i belive the expression is WTF?!...*he chuckles* if its a grand vehicle what better than a charriot pulled by a dragon? Im sure aquetoth or salinor would kindly do it for me...*he looks at the vehicle*maybe another day, i dont fare well with using magic that is new to me and i dont want to pass out because of the strain...
Akihiko yawned,"boring~"she said and laid on the bed waiting for the guys to decide,"men and there vehicles"she mumbled then looked in the mirror posing a bit,"I still look good"she said.
Lochrose came back up, his ear twitching furiously," Ding dong ditchers..." He mumbled and sat back on the bed, calming down and looked at Aniasta," Wanna go anywhere?"
*rune waves his hand and a huge golden charriot appears*rune: salinor! Can you take me my wife and suki to the school that the twins mary and sue go to?(think thts there names) *a huge true silver dragon lands in front of me and wispers yes, rune rigs the charriot to his back and smiles*rune: okay! All ready to go!
Akihiko sat down by Suki then looked at him,"clutzy little thing aren't you?"she asked pointing at the small flame on the seat by him smirking.

Aniasta blinked,"do you have any ideas on where to go?"she asked getting up.
*rune gets into the charriot not knowing what to say to make salinor take off*rune: yah!*it works and salinor takes off flying twards the twins school with incredible speed*
Hatsuki spazzed out and took his hand and patted the tiny flame down until it gave way and stopped burning. He gave a sigh, but couldn't help but notice the dark burn mark he had made. "Tch," he got up and sat on the burn mark, hiding it and gave Akihiko a glare. A kind of glare that says "Don't you dare tell Rune" kind of glare.

Lochy thought for a moment and sighed," Hmmmm...I got nothing. You?"
Aniasta thought,"there's a festival tonight wanna go?"she asked smiling.

Akihiko rolled her eyes and then thought,"you should be thanking me "she said then looked out the window tiredly she didn't know how long she could put up the facade of something being off today.

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