The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta looked at Lochy,"of course.... thats why you get so angry when I touch you..... but don't worry I already said I wouldn't do it again"she said pouting.
"I never agreed to that," Lochy snickered. His happy moment didn't last long. He felt a sudden jolt of electricity. He told himself to deny it, yet he knew what it was. Lochy bit his lip tighlt and put his hands in between his legs and mangaed to stutter," Hey Ani... How does a girl use the restroom?"
Aniasta jolted and blushed,"c-can't you hold it?!"she yelled then looked around,"I um.... don't think about it we hvae tofigure out how to change back!"she said nervously.
"Noooooo..." Lochy groaned. He was holding it all day and now it apparently wants to go now. He squeezed his legs and tried as best as he could.
"I-I but...... You have to sit okay and and you can't look down okay and...... Erm "Aniasta said not really knowing what to say it felt like she was with another girl as she looked at Lochy.
"Uhuh, okay," Lochy said, then ran to the restroom. He took off his pants and realized there was nothing there. He groaned again, with a slight tint of blush, and relieved himself.
"No..... Ill be back stay here stay alive and stay a virgin"Aniasta said and jumped out of the window to go find someone that wasn't a wizard to help.
"Yes ma'am! ...or sir," he saluted Aniasta," I shall stay here, stay alive, and TRY to stay a virgin!" Lochy said in a military voice.

(love how ani says that xD )

(cant wait til rune sees us liek this >w<)
(They fought off the raiders and are in the basement)

Aniasta had got to Rune and grabbed him then proofed away from Aki and into the Tavern in Lochy's room,"oi! Fix us!"she snarled she really really hated wizards.
Rune: pushy, lemme bought bubble soap from a vulcan store? Here*he throws two packs of dizzolvable drink powder* put it in cold water and drink it, not too bad tasting either..
Aniasta looked away angrily,"yeah yeah go play with my sister and leave!"she said pushing him out after he left she blushed slightly looking at her hands,"a..... Muscular arm....."she thought then looked at Lochy,"and me and Lochy like each other.....why? I dunno he obviously doesn't like me"she thought then grabbed a cold glass of water and did as she was told drinking it all in one shot.
Lochy drank too. His body quickly becoming more normal. (Not that it was much different) and he looked over to Aniasta, noticing her mood wasn't the normal cheerful Aniasta. He came from behind her and gave her a hug," What's wrong?"
Aniasta kissed his neck then licked up to his jawline and sucked on it,"y-you can touch me but I can't touch you no matter how badly I want to"she said then kissed him again.

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