The Traveler's Tavern

Akihiko blinked and walked towards him rolling her eyes,"I'm so hateing how much he knows everything"she mumbled pouting."can't wait till we go to the shadow realm"she said smirking.
*rune sits at the right of the magisgrate in a huge table and saves a seat for aki next to him*magisgrate: today my fine city of techen, we feast! In the honor of lord rune! Who saved us all from the order that wamted to kill us all!*all teh ppl at the table cheer and hundreds of servants fill it with food*rune: yumm..*he eats 10 full plates of foods and other stuffs, 2 bowls of ice cream and candy*
Akihiko sat by Rune she watched him eat so much,".... And yor not fat at all"she mumbled poking his stomach then ate one plate,"I have to watch my weight or I won't be as pretty as my mom when I'm her age"she said determinedly.
Akihiko blinked,"ehhhhhh? Really"she asked then leaned in close to him and licked his cheek,"mmmmmm icecream"she said and licked his cheek again then wiggled her nose with his,"your so yummy Rune"she said and giggled.
"Rune your such a perve"Akihiko said and giggled she then drank some of her juice and smiled at him happily,"I'm glad where married"she said softly.
rune: meh too! Its so perfect....your like the girl of my dreams*he smiles at her, his face beaming with ahappiness*
Akihiko smiled a bit and hugged him,"I only love you.... I hope to never leave your side....."she said softly then kissed him,"I think you should have fun tonight without me though.... Ill be in the room k.... Besides you love adventure..... Go have one"she said walking away.
*rune is sad tht aki is gonna go bak without him but he smiles for her*rune: ok, get plenty of sleep, i heard theres a concel meeting and ill need to be there so imay be back really late...or if we get really chatty in the morning, ive got alot to update thenrest of the wizards about*he dissapears mouthing 'i love you'*
Akihiko pouted and walked into the room and laid on the bed she glared at how far they were she thought and made green tea knowing Rune liked it she then put it in a case so that it would stay hot for him,"I would make Rune sweets but he'd make a earth quake"she thought then pushed the two bed together took a shower and put on her pjs and laid on the bed cuddling the blanket she then closed her eyes worried about Rune she couldn't fall asleep but just laid there.
*rune goes to the councell of the wizards and discusses many things with the 7 other members of the councell, they talk about the adventures and how they all brought down the support of the order of maglir while rune took the order on head to head, they also discuss who the magic bag of runes friend alex should go to and they decide its rune, they give him the bag and he accepts it happily, knowing hedalways have a reminder of his friend, he then returns to aki in the room, he slowly opens the door and wislers*rune: aki? You awake?
Akihiko had fallen asleep waiting for Rune she heard the door open and covered herself to tired to do anything about it,"no"she whined.
Akihiko looked at Rune and grabbed his hand pulling it around her waist and she snuggled close to him with her head under his chin,"good night"she said softly.
(Time skip)

Akihiko slowly woke up but didn't move,"so warm"she thought snuggling closer to Rune."Rune don't move I know your up"Akihiko said smirking as she held onto his shirt,"did you have fun yesterday?"she asked softly.
*rune smiled and yawned*rune: yeah, i had fun wkth the councel, especially when we played spin the lightning bolt, arok was so suprised
Akihiko blinked so many thoughts past her mind then she let out a soft laugh,"anyway did you-"she started then a woman opened the door,"room service"the bunny girl said. She had long blonde hair with cute pink eyes she smiled,"would you like anything?"she asked gesturing at the food on her cart. Akihiko blinked and pouted,"this was husband and wife time"she mumbled bitterly.
Rune: hmm, that wine please*he points to sum wine* and a bagel...*he gives her two gold clons(WAY OVERPAYING FOR THE FOOD)rune wispers to aki: well have plenty of husband and wife time where the adventure will lead us
Akihiko pouted and the woman handed Rune what he ordered and smiled then jolted slipping into a kiss she quickly jolted and bowed,"I'm so so very sorry sir!"she yelled. Akihiko twiched angrily she balled her hands into a fist and glared at the girl intensely.
*rune is utterly suprised*rune:ermm....this awkward...*theres the sound of a building falling*rune: i think i hwar a dragon!*hw jumps out the window honestly trying to get away before aki takes it out on him*
*rune runs down an alley and out of the coty sitting on a low hill he sighs and puts his head in his hands*rune:what the ****...nobldy would ever have kissedme before...1600 years and NOW that ive got a great girl others are trying to get me? This is so screwed uuuppp(last line was in a wine tone)
Akihiko glared at the window as the bunny girl ran off. Akihiko glared,"if you leave now don't come back!"she yelled angrily then walked out she then saw Taru and smiled,"hey"she said."hey=aru said and they began walking to watch up they passed Rune. On the streets then when they where in a good angle Akihiko whispered to Taru and from Runes perspective it looked like they had kissed. Akihiko then kissed his cheek and hugged him arm laughing as they walked by.
Lochy laughed and quickly changed back. He flopped onto the bed and his tail twitched. His body felt funky. A tingly sensation he just cpuldnt put his finger on it.

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