The Traveler's Tavern

"I don't like animals...."Akihiko said,"I had a puppy once and it bit my hand off well tried to... It trimmed my nails for me"she said worriedly."but since I trust you I'm giving this a try...."Akihiko said hugging him closer.
*sharee trots over and nuzzles akis shoulder in an understanding way*rune:trust me, sharee is a great and nice horse...ive met people with less manners*rune laughs*
Akihiko covered her eyes and touched Sharee's head she opened on eye and smiled,"I'm not dead!"she said happily then looked at Rune,"only for you I would touch an animal"she said softly.
Now for the bargain or agreement if you usual anadventure has a 20 share system but hell theres only two of us so lets spit all treasure 50/ 50 kay? I contacted the adventurers order and we will need to travel to teoulous to get the adventure oficially recorded by mr clutter...and get you registered as an adventurer too, i think we should tie our titles together so we both get invited to any adventure one of us does ok?
Akihiko started at run,"..... What the fu-"she started then a man appeared out of a shadow and hugged her he was big buff and looked like Aki he has blue eyes and white long hair and long strong horns,"My princess!"he yelled,"hi daddy"Akihiko said feeling crushed and leaned back looking at Rune upside down,"Rune this is my dad.... Daddy with is my husband Rune"she said."ehhhhhhhh?!?!?? How's your nanny or second mother?"her dad asked,"I dunno Ale ditched me when those bandits came...."she muttered."are you erm...."her dad asked putting her down and touching her stomach,"no!!!!!"Akihiko said,"it's okay if your married just don't have sex before your married"he said. Akihiko jolted and looked away."eh?!? Ggggggrrrrrrr you ass whole! Plucking my sweet fruit before she is ready!"he yelled grabbing Rune by the callor. Akihiko laughed.
*rune laughes as he is grabbed*rune trying to supress laughter:im sorry sir it was not my place to-*he stiffles a laugh as he knew this man a long time ago*-do anything with her before we where wed i am sorry
"Where's mom?"Akihiko asked as her dad dropped Rune to the floor,"she's ehem..... Relaxing"her dad said blushing,"anyway my husband he will father my children and care for me"she said hugging Rune a bit sadly,"I wish mother could see him"she said."oh yes and you can return to the realm now sweetie.... "He said and glared at Rune,"I don't like him...."he said."DADDY! Don't be stupid"Akihiko said glaring."s-sorry....."he said,"bossy like her mother be on the look out to not get her angry"he whispered to Rune.
Rune:aye, she makes redok seem like a puppy, and youve seen what that dragon can do*he smirks knowing akis father would remember him from the adventure where they hunted and killed redok the black dragon*
Akihiko blinked not really knowing what happened,"haha! Forget puppy he's a mouse compared to my girls! My wife is worse!"he yelled laughing. Akihiko glared,"oh your from that adventure! Good times young one!"he said patting his head,"ah my wife is still worse the Redok"he said then a beautiful white snow flake appeared and turned into a beautiful woman with soft long blue hair and blue eyes that where soft she looked like Akihiko and had a beautiful figure,"mother"Akihiko said and kneeled to the floor and bowed. Her father smiled nervously,"darling.... My love.... Don't speak of me that way!"she said softly,"or I'll rip your eyes out and feed then to a fire demon then devour your body"she said with a beautiful smile."rise my sweet flower the snow isn't too cold"she said."thank you mother"Akihiko said feeling ugly compared to her mother but smiled sweetly. Her mother saw Rune and smiled,"I would like many grandchildren.... Make it so"she said,"Nila.. Sweetie-"he said but then she looked at him with an evil arua scarying him.
Rune:quite an interesting family.....*dar losh winnys and i absently pet him* if it isnt too much trouble (dunno teh name of her father!)sir, sould you possibly consiter travelling with me and aki, we are heading on a little adventure, nothing so grand as fighting dragons but aki still has no idea of adventurers and there ways....i doubt youve told her, have you?

* a large snakelike creature flys twards rune, he slaps it away and points at it*rune sin a serious tone:come back when im not in a conversation so i can rip you to shreads*the snake turns and goes full speed away*
"No.... She's my delicate flower... Nila ill see you at home"Her father Jasper said. Nila nodded and dissappeared,"mother"Akihiko said softly as she left then looked at Rune and her father,"lets go"Jasper said and a shadow horse appeared,"have you learned this yet My flower"he asked."no.... And-"Akihiko started but then the horse glared at her,"please ride freely have fun don't mind me!"Akihiko yelled then looked at Sharee,"l-lets go"she said and got on her.
*rune gets on dar losh and we tske off and along the ride rune goes beside aki*rune:ive always likes horses ....but theyll give ya a toll if your not used to riding the next morning, so whats with your family? They seem so on edge to me....
"I'm there first and only daughter.... I wasn't born naturally..... I was pulled out.... I could've died at an early age.... But they got me"Akihiko explained looking at Rune,"I don't think I should hurt that much.... I ride a much more dangerous thing don't I"she said smirking a bit at Rune then glanced t her father who didn't seem to hear them,"by the way Rune if we have a son he has to be trained to fight to be a king...."she said smiling at Rune.
Rune:id expect no less of a combination of the two of us, hell the art of combat came naturally for me, i remember when i kicked my yinstructor so hard his dentist had a heart attack at the same moment*watches the road*hmm, i sense a dark presence nearby...probably a wraith....hopefully
Akihiko smiled a bit then jolted,"erm what?"she said worriedly. Jasper looked at Rune,"what are you doing back there?"he asked.
Lochy awoke, on the soft bed. He looked to Aniasta, smiling. She had been very kind to him, and that made him happy. Lochy went over Ani and gently kissed her on the cheek, hoping fir her to wake up.
Aniasta woke up and sighed,"morning Lochy"she said sitting up,"holding back is hard"she mumbled rubbing her eyes.

Akihiko smiled at Rune,"what is the thing you said was near? I don't know what type of animal that is.... A wraith I believe you called it....?"she said softly.
A wraith is.....*he shudders* a spirit of evil....they can be foundin ruins and rarely wandering around....if you kill alot of them in a row they could kill you just by dieing....but usually wraiths stay by themselves
Akihiko blinked tilting her head,"well that sounds dangerous"she said and pouted,"I just realized.... We can't you know.... Cause of my dad"she whispered. Jasper glanced back,"yup that's right no touching"he said. Akihiko glared.(how long is the trip? Like a two day thing maybe?)
(Sure or you could take the safer path wich takes 4 to teoulous, then we can loose yer dadXD)rune:eh ill make up for that! Pit stop in techen!ill organize a feast day! I know the magisgrate and he knows not to tick me off
(No the dad is important for my idea but to lose the dad for a couple of hours should be a good idea for jealousy reasons that I always fit on honey moons I have lots of plans no worries)

Akihiko smiled,"I can't wait"she said smiling then blew a kiss at Rune,"you know i lure you"she said then went ahead as her father moved to be by Rune,"never threaten a lurers womanhood a.k.a how well they lure they'll get more determined and you'll have more then 2 or 3 kids cuz when they actually get to lure you they'll abuse you trust me"Jasper said.
Rune wispers to jasper:i hold enough power in to blow a crater so large that itd make the big bang look like a firecracker, i hope to the gods of greece she doesnt, or else the power mite just explode out of me, and i dont feel like explodeing....its rather unpleasant...

*a spirit of a godess appears next to me*hera:hehe, stop calling us and maybe we wont appear

Rune: out you annoying goddess!*hera dissapears*
Lochy smiled and scratched his ear. Ever since he woke up, he had been itchy. His fur (and hair) had been irratating for a while. He sat o the floor, his foot rapifly scratching behid his ear," Grrr..." Lochrose growled, getting agitated.
Aniasta wanted to laugh she was holding it in."here I'll help"She said and was about to scratch him but jolted,"do I have permission to touch you?"she asked worriedly.

Akihiko looked back at Rune and blew another kiss winking,"love you"she mouthed smirking. Jasper chuckled,"although I think she's rather abusive to you already since she's teasing you.... And your on a horse..... Good luck with that"he said and laughed.(pit stop soon!)

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