The Traveler's Tavern

Hatsuki saw this new girl,"Greetings, madam," he bowed and took her hand and kissed it lightly. His tail waved slowly, a burning inferno ready to alight. His bright red eyes looked up and he stood again. "I am Hatsuki Fureimu, demon cat butler of Lord Rune, king of the fire realm." His ear twitched," Master Rune is on vacation at the moment, so I am residing here, ready to serve when needed," Suki's tail swung with might, and he awaited his orders.

"Ani, I'm not sure," Lochy admitted," I like you and all, I really do," he said,"but... You're so much... older than I am," he said, his ear going down in somber.

(he's 15, remembar :D )
Thump. Thump. A sound produced not from the chest cavity of Halimae Blackwood, for that was quite empty. No, instead, it emanated from Halimae's bare heels beating gently at the worn stone she tread upon, the dirt staining between her otherwise pale toes. Her long silken legs welcomed glances as they glowed against the moons milky light, her mercury irises shining within the stalking fog of an autumn night. It was the stench of desperation, and the luminescence of the pathetic lanterns that beckoned her. Ahhh, but the people within the establishment, they were so delicious. Fraught with ignorance, and foolish smiles upon their fat faces. How she would love to lick the jubilant tears right from their lids.. But no, instead, she stood on the wraparound porch, smiling knowingly at those who entered.
The female looked unimpressed having encountered many beasts upon her travels, but manners were always much appreciated. The woman was compliant with her hand being touched and as she pulled her slim digits away, she placed her hands against the fabric covering her hips and offered a slight, sly smile. Her voice was like the softest silk, smooth and honey-sweet yet a slow sort of drawl to it, a gentle tone of sultry tease. "A pleasure...really. But I require no help, though I appreciate the...thought." All at once though the woman's face changed. Crystalline blues hardened into ice while her form gave the slightest tilt to the side, her head turning over her shoulder just enough to spot the new form she'd felt before it'd even approached. With a face full of indignation at first, the woman began to assess carefully. It was always the pretty ones who were the ones to look out for...Yet her demeanor changed once again. Relaxed and friendly as the pleasant pink flesh of her lips turned upwards in to a smile as she already sensed the detesting nature of this woman. "Well...hello there. Seems you've managed to keep on the same path I took, albeit...slower than I."
Aniasta sighed moving away and putting her hand over her eyes,"just...... Forget what I said okay...... I'm sorry......"she said and gave him a bag of gold,"take that and think of it as compensation for putting up with me.... I'm going to sleep on the roof"she said then jolted seeing Taro who grabbed her shoulder,"did you think?"he asked smirking."your my cousin I shouldn't have to choose you"she muttered then looked at Lochy,"get gone.... I no long her a lesh on you"she said softly looking away,"your step dad said you were already plucked"Taro said seeing the bruses on her arms."that's nothing so just leave"Aniasta said and began walking away,"I now have another reason to hate men"she muttered and jumped on a tree and jumped all the way up angrily,"if you lead me on your stupid"she mumbled angrily then she got to the top and glared at the moon.
And so she stood, just in the doorway, her tall thin frame casting a harsh shadow down the stairs. She parted her lips and partook in the the salty air of the Tavern, sipping on the dank, sweat filled moisture, and allowing it to coat her throat on its way down her gullet. And release... in the form of an impatient, or very bored sigh. The tapping of her thin-pointed digits kept her in the reality of the sad establishment. As it seems, her sanity was trapped in the deep end of her wandering thoughts, the malice grabbing hold of it with its claws deep in the delicate flesh that was her consciousness. But still, she stood, tapping away. A smile danced its way on Halimae Blackwoods pale, lush lips, though her eyes remained frozen in one expression: Indifference. A voice rang through mutterings of the Tavern, obviously directed at her. Sluggishly, she pulled her gaze in the direction of the smooth sound. Her tongue raked across her supple lips, and she listened, her expression remaining. She allowed her eyes to sink down the womans figure, and back up to her icy eyes.

"Well aren't you delicious?"

She said with a slow wink. Everything was slow for this being. She had all the time in her hands.
"A-aniasta!" Lochrose called. What just happened? He leaped up to her and looked at her with pleading eyes," I wasn't putting up with you! I love your company! You're the most wonderful person I've ever met!" Lochy cried. He couldn't think of anything else to say. His throat choked up and no more words came out. He clutched the bag she had given him and stood.
"Delicious...I believe I could give you the same honors." Her words were purred from between her lips, the smile now constructing itself into something a bit more dangerous, something with a bit more malice upon its flesh. The tone her voice took was quiet and deadly, thin ice over a freezing lake. Her attention was held in interested capture, her form turning from the previous members within this establishment to instead focus upon the new woman of interest. Batting her eyelashes and waltzing her way towards the female, the warm muscle of her tongue began to take its time to taste the flesh of her own lips, the brief parting of her lips allowing a slight glance within the cavern of her mouth, revealing pointed enamel that glimmered with the liquid of her saliva. This woman may have meant her praises in a different way, but she definitely meant her praise in a completely different way. Her stomach rumbled at the thought...
Aniasta shook her head,"..... Lochy you shouldn't tell me things like that.... And you shouldn't tell me to love only you when you don't love me"she said then covered her face trying to hold back tears,"please..... Lochrose...... Don't do this to me...."she said it was a surprise Aniasta never called anyone by there real name her tail swayed as her ears folded back. Aniasta crouched down her hair covering her body,"I can't...... It hurts.... Just rip it out please!"she thought.
Lochy bit his lower lip,"I'm sorry, Aniasta... I wasn't sure," he paused," now I know. I-I love you..." He said, telling himself to stay calm,"But if you hate me for it I understand." He winced at his.own comment and kneeled down beside her. "Aniasta..."
Aniasta looked at him crying a bit,"..... S-stupid puppy....."she said softly then sighed and put her index finger around his,"this is okay for me"she said then jumped down,"let go to our room"she said and began walking in she noticed the two girls and quickly pulled Lochy inside and past them she didn't want him near those two they seemed like the type to break there toys and Aniasta didn't like the idea of sharing. Aniasta quickly pushed Lochy into the room and smiled a bit,"I'll sleep on the floor you sleep on the bed k?"she said softly.
Her long dark lashes came together as her eyes narrowed in curiosity. This creature was obviously salivating at the thought of her flesh. Definitely not something that even Halimae had expected to find within this pathetic excuse of a Tavern. It reminded her of the slave sheds her family kept back at the estate. The hovels that were their homes and "Relief" rooms all in one. Another thing closely in common with the tavern was the breeding of the slaves, which also took place within their lowly hovels. This place seemed to be teeming with human discharge and bodily fluids. Even now, there was a horrendous "Love" seen unfolding its wretched wings and taking bloom before her very eyes. No... Halimae did not approve of the mortals. Back to reality, though. Halimae could practically touch the hunger given birth by the woman's eyes and saliva enriched tongue. A bubbling laugh of amusement escaped between her lips, her eyebrows raised in glee and surprise.

"Ho ho! I knew I would like you."

Though her words were excited, her tone was still as cold as a marble fountain perched in a snow covered park. As if on key, the woman's stomach began to speak for her.

"Doll, you flatter me. But I am afraid I am not exactly on the menu..."

She bore her gaze into the lovers.....
"Oh, thanks," Lochrose smiled, it was nice, with all the worries gone.(urgh srry authors block and srry fer not rping wit everybody O.o ill try to chat wit everybody soon :) )

Hatsuki's fire tail lashed about, whipping some flowers until they became blazed by his tail. Surprised at his carelessness, Suki quickly put them out. The Tavern was unusually lively today, normally having three to five a day. His tail lashed about more times, careful not to accdently burn something again. His crimson eyes quickly turned into slits as th butler observed the room before him.
"A lot of the most delicious morsels I've had were 'not on the menu.'" Her voice chuckled between the sharpened incisors and she leaned forward along the first column supporting the porch's overhang. Fingertips walked along the whitened wood and her cheek pressed against the surface, her eyes gleaming like two bright sapphires as she admired the delectable dessert in front of her. "It's not quite polite of me to come about this way though. Look at me, not even an introduction. How frightfully rude..." With her voice still light with her carefree attitude and the cockiness of her own achievements, the woman backed up and made a grand gesture of her arm against her abdomen and a bend of her legs, her free arm elegantly held out to her side as she executed a quick, flawless curtsy. "You may call me Eris. A pleasure to meet..." With a pierce of her eyes in altering directions, she spoke once again while coming up from her greeting gesture. "I suppose it follows to others as well..."
Aniasta sat down on the floor and yawned as she curled up her tails wrapping around her waist for warmth,"don't worry I won't do anything while your asleep and keep the money"she said then yawned cutely.
*rune crys silently into akis shoulder*

* a man steps into the tavern silently with a sword like runes*umbra wispers:where am i? why is my sword bringing me here?
Akihiko looked at him,"why are you crying love?"she asked she was still a little dizzy,"l-lets get out of the sun"she mumbled then slowly began heating up the ground again and hyperventilating.
Akihiko blushed a bit,"thank you"she said and got her shadow to turn off the light her body went back to normal,"I think it's because of how bright it was yesterday..... That I caught this cold because I was mentally and physically weak so I let myself get a cold"she said and sneezed then hugged her knees,"the brightness just influenced it"she said softly.
Rune:and also....that man....i feel something*he grabs his stomach and rips a shadow of darkness from himself*rune:aha! A dark spirit creator!*he rips the spirit in half* buggar....i always am prone to illness when a dark spirit trys to bond with me..
Akihiko smiled and sat on the bed,"cool"she said and patted the bed for him to sit she then looked serious,"you have... Two heads whaaaaaaaaat!"she said then passed out she fell asleep again her body wasn't heating but but she hasn't eaten anything recently so she was hungry in her sleep and began nomming her pillow cutely.
*rune pulls a shadow quietly from her and destroys it*rune:shes so cute when shes sleeping*he makes her a delicious omlett and leaves it on her nightstand for her and heads to the yard planning to take her on a adventure so she can have some real fun on their honeymoon(adventures are fun^_^ and u find cool stuffs

Akihiko slowly woke up and ate then looked around she finished her omelet and looked around,"RUNE?!"she yelled frightened.
*she can see rune thru the window petting a horse*rune to dar losh:bee awhile dragon fire....ready for another adventure?*dar losh winnys loudly and stamps his hooves on the ground meaning'BRING IT!'*
Akihiko saw Rune and smiled as she opened the window and jumped out and hugged him,"darling darling! I'm feeling better~"she said and kissed him,"whatcha doing?"she asked looking at the horse then hid behind Rune,"animals hate me"she mumbled.
*dar losh winnys*rune:i thought youd like a little adventire so im getting the horses ready, and dont worry these two are ayslian horses*he gestures twards a silver grey horse nearby*shahree is a kid horse and she will carry you far and to good fortune , she is very kind and exceptional for even auslian standards....and dar losh...well he probably does hate you...hes only taken 2 riders before, me and alex...but he is the fastest horse in auslia*dar losh stomps the ground in agreement*

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