The Traveler's Tavern

"You have permission any time," Lochy said, between scratches. Then laughing on the inside with what he just said. "Ugh, I think it's fleas," Lochy said sheepishly. He bit his lower lip as he scratched again. Lochy's ear twitched and his tail had a spasm.

(lawl... Spasm)
Aniasta scratched him a bit her nails where long so it helped,"maybe you should take a bath..... If you take a bubble bath I could probably wash your hair for you.... Anything else is all on you"she said as she scratched him.
rune wispers to jasper:at least she hasnt knocked me through a solid stone wall yet like old redok did......*he looks at the forest*rune wispers:half-lights....(a half light is a creature from another dimension with unimaginable strength , downside is theyre stupid as heck and very slow, most everyone knows of them but they are super rare to see)
Jasper jolted as Akihiko rode faster,"Princess!"he yelled as Akihiko rode into the forest and dissappeared."damn it that forest sure as hell isn't normal people get seperated cause its always changing from demenisions"he yelled and tried to ride to Akihiko then turned back to Rune and couldn't see him,"shot where separated"he muttered."haha Rune catch up-...."Akihiko said then jolted not being able to see him,"what happened"she said looking at the sky seeing it wasn't blue it was purple,"this isn't the same"she said nervously.
*rune brings out his dragon eyes and bores a hole into another dimension, he looks around not being able to see aki*rune AKI?!?
Akihiko hid in the shadows scaredly,"Rune"she said hoping nothing would hurt her she felt lonely. It brought back horriable memories.
*hundreds of half lights surround rune* in the nevarld...*he quickly makes another portal and comes out next to aki*rune: AKI! im so glad your ok, hmm.....were in the dragons realm....peaceful enough here, wonder where your dad went....hopefully he didnt get sucked into the un-dimension....that place nearly kills you if not fully kills you
Akihiko kissed him and rubbed her eyes,"I'm fine......"she said then hugged him closer,"lets hurry up and get out of here"she said softly she looked a bit sad before but was smiling now.
Rune: one second....*he stares at one spot and then reaches through a unseen portal and pulls out akis dad*rune: you know better than to run off when a place is shifting dimensions....ill try to find a way to get pack to our own plane of existance*he stares in one point untill a gloring blue portal appears*i think its to ours....feels like it....tho its hard to tell with dimension-y stuff
Akihiko hugged Runes are,"no seperation"she said smiling,"no getting so close"Jasper said getting between Rune and Aki. Jasper was trailer then Rune by about 1 foot.
(Woaz, rune is 6 feet tall so jasper is 7 feet tall, thats gonna be trouble walking thru doors...)*rune walks thru with the rest of em on their horses, they appear in a old looking citty with wonderful smells coming from everywhere*rune:ahh techen, a city of feasts and parties, aki can you go find us a place to stay while i find the magisgrate and arrange a feast tonite?*he hands her a piece of paper with the specifications for the rooms(a double for rune and aki and a single for akis dad)
Akihiko nodded blushing slightly,"I'll go with you.... You never know with the drunks here"Jasper said and rode with Aki to find a place they found a nice hotel and got the rooms,"I guess it's fine letting you guys room together.... You ARE married"he said pouting then got the keys they had found a horse inn for the horseys.(0v0 yeah not completely stupid and woe that is tall wish I was tall I could stomp on people =w=)
( ull say that when your short....but i hit my head on the chandeleer evry time i get up from the table ;( and its a stable not a horse, u should read adventurers wanted, it gives alot of info on adventurers/true silver and magic, also xome on dragons

*rune talks to the magisgrate and arranges a feast night, he comes bak to aki and janus*runse: got the rooms?
(Eh? I remembered that in a town it's horse in because of letter bee)Akihiko nodded and hugged Runes arm,"Akihiko who's cooler Rune or daddy"Jasper asked. Akihiko stood quiet and began walking away letting go or Rune humming,"wait answer my question!"Jasper yelled then looked at Rune,"this is bad for one of us"he said.
(Got an awesome idea for next scene MAGICAL GENDER SWAPPING xD )

Lochy sighed," I guess I should take a bubble bath," Though a bubble bath did sound nice, he hated the fact that there were little tiny freaks in his hair. Lochy walked in the bathroom and peeked out the door one last time," No peeking, kay?" he stuck out his tongue happily.
Aniasta rolled her eyes,"yeah yeah"she said as her tail swayed and her eyes perked up,"let me know when your done"she said.(sounds epic)
(Inn is wherepeople stay, you 'stable' your horses at a stable, that is why its called a stabke not a horse inn , yes i know alot abt this stuff, reading all 3 adventurers wanted books 30 times will do tht to ya) rune:you aked the question....and also she doesnt know your little secret about what you used to do(to go on an adventure you hav to b an adventurer so he was an adventurer^_^ cos he went with rune on the time he fought redok the black dragon)
(I've never read that stuffes)

Akihiko looked back at them,"My husband vs. my dad.... Ssssss so hard"she said nervously. Jasper glared and punched Rune in the stomach so he would topple over,"don't tell her that"he whispered glaring,"Aki sweetie you husband seems to have a stomach ake"he said. Akihiko jolted and ran over to him,"you okay Rune?"she asked worriedly.
*rune turns his stomach into true silver but still topples over from the force*rune: yup...i ate something annoying*rune is cracking up on the inside at the fact that he was reffering to jasper*
Lochy laughed again. He took an entire hour in the warm soapy bubble bath, scrubbing furiously to get the fleas out. In the bath, the bubbles smelled funny, something he hasn't smelled before. It wasn't a bad smell, it was actually kinda nice. 'Must be a new fragrance' Lochrose thought. After getting out, he was very proud at the fact that he had done so well getting the little pests out with some bubbles. He wrapped the towel around his waist and reached for his clothes. 'Oh crap' he snarled. He forgot to get clothing to change into. Getting into his old ones would not only be gross, there might be some fleas on the clothing that would latch onto him again. He had no choice but to call Ani, "Aniasta!" he called, "Could you please get a fresh pair of clothing for me in the drawer?" He knew it was a strange thing to ask, but it was better than him running in the cold, chilly air right after a nice bubble bath.

Akihiko blinked and patted his head,"you'll be fine"she said softly. Jasper glared again pressing his infer against his lips telling Rune not to say anything,"why don't you two explore the town while I take a nap"Jasper said and walked away.

(Now to get Aniasta in on that soap!)

Aniasta sighed and opened his drawer and got his clothes she opened the door and gave him clothes and jolted slipping she tried to catch herself but ended up falling into the water landing on her butt she jolted and screamed,"ew flea water!"she yelled and quickly got out of the water and rubbed her body on the carpet.
*rune looks at jasper and stiffles a laugh as hes walking away consitering he just noticed the magisgrate land flat on his arse*rune:ok...lsts go, where do u wanna go?*runes stomach growls*
"Haha don't worry," Lochrose reassured. "After getting all the fleas out, I kinda-sorta drained all the water (and fleas) and then replaced it with more bubbly soap," Lochy said in an embarressed way. He had taken an extra 20 minutes sitting and relaxing. He then blushed slightly, realizing he was still in a towel.
Aniasta blushed deeply looking at Lochy,"stronger then you look"she said blushing.Akihiko smiled,"why not to get something to eat"she said and giggled.
rune: im not gonna eat untill-* a loud speaker comes on and announces a feast*rune: THAT! lets go!*he runs twards the feast hall with a flood of ppl*

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