The Traveler's Tavern

*rune looks at them with his mouth wide,his eyes darken and he walks into the forest wjerethe dimensions shift, tears fall from his eyes*rune: come on, kill me now!*he screams in rage and lets a huge explosion rip through the forest* rune: JUST KILL ME ALREADY
Akihiko jolted and ran over to Rune,"what are you doing?!"she yelled glaring,"because you couldn't face me your suicidal?"she yelled holdinlg Taro's hand. Taro put his head on hers a bit boredly with the situation and yawned.

Aniasta took her shirt off to dry it and blinked she looked in the mirror and she had curly short hair and a guy body,"epppp?! What happened?!"she yelled.
Rune: u kissed taro...i ran becsuse i didnt know what to do...and without you ive got nothing...nobody...ive wanted to die a for a long time but you where the one good thing i had...*a half-light steps from the shadows and slowly walks twards rune*rune: bye aki*the half light grabs rune and bights into his flesh on the sode of his neck its claws difging into his skin*
Akihiko's eyes widened,"Taro's my step brother!"she yelled,"I didn't kiss him you mornon"she said softly then glared and put her hand down her throat and pulled out. Sword and gave it to Taro. Taro sighed and began attacking the half-light. When it dropped Rune she glared at him,"..... how dare you accuss me of cheating"she said with pure hatered in her eyes then tears welled in her eyes,"....... I have now words to express my emotions for the man I loved... who doesn't trust me..... I'm always there for you Rune...."she said then turned around to cover her face as she cryed softly. Taro frowned and his tails wrapped around Aki's body,"just relax it was a missunderstanding..."he said softly.
*rune huddles in a corner and silently crys, he feels horroble for not remembering taro was her step brother and for mot trusting her...his soul litterally hurts(well half soul)he wispers something about being a terribke person and just lays there silentlt crying, tears making small pools*
Akihiko looked at Rune and walked over,"what are you doing?"she said sniffling,"why are you doing this to yourself... aren't you considering how the kids would feel?"she asked being meterphoric knowing she wasn't prego yet.
(Ermm i remember saying rune was badly depressed from a lifetime of lonliness so try to remember that lol)

*a melody plays through the forest and rune stops crying, as he does the melody cuts off*rune: i-im sorry aki...please forgive me
(Sorry haha)

Akihiko blinked at the music as Taru began eating a lolipop,"where did you get that?"Akihiko mumbled then kissed Rune's cheek,"come on let's head back I think we should shadow mirror the girls"she said smiling.(shadow mirror is her way of calling people kinda like facetime)
(Oh, im guessing shadow mirror is kinda like a iris message lol)*rune follows her, tryinig to ignore the pain of his half soul slowly eroding*rune thinks:damnit, why do all male sayins have to get half there soul taken out and made into another person put on the other side of the planet from there original half and have to find there own other half to get it back as a rite of passage...ive got no clue where mine went
Lochrose heard her scream and ran into the bathroom. He gasped and bit his lip as he looked at the mirror. He. Had. Boobs. His hair had grown longer, and body more slender. Lochy admired hinself for a split second and realized his predicament. "Oh crap," was the only thing he could.mutter.
(sorry for lateness)

Aniasta looked at Lochy,"what did you do?!"she asked then looked in her mirror,"i look like a curl-haired Taro!"she yelled glaring.

Akihiko smiled as they walked back she thought they could just forgive and forget.
(Kandy, nightmares alive is like crazy active rite now but theres liitterslly mo female chars,if u wanna come me and spirit r both there lol) *rune puts his arm around akis shoulder and hums to himself as they walk*
(whats it about?)

Akihiko smiled leaning on him then jolted hearing something it was a raid at the inn they where at,"don't be the hero Rune... just stay quiet..... they have hostages"she said watching the raider's tie up a little girl and boy and an old couple."shoot-"Akihiko said and pointed her finger at the guy a shadow bullet came out of her shadow's finger and shot the guys neck paralyzing him."WHO'S THERE!"One yelled."stelth my love quiet"Akihiko said pointing at Taro who sneaked up behind another guy and swallowed him whole and snuck away.
*rune smiles, knowing stealth is his specialty, he quickly dissapears moving faster than the eye can register , he quickly takes out three of them with his sword disintigrateing them in the blink of an eye, as soon as it happened he appears next to aki*rune wispers: its not just a raid...theres hundreds of them in rthe inn basement, theyre planning a WAR on the known lands, do you know how chaotic that would become?

(Nightmares becoming real)
Akihiko jolted,"shit"she said then looked at the hostages,"but... Damn it"she muttered,"if you can stop them without getting those poeple killed do it"she whispered,"I'll distract"shesaid and winked. Akihiko got up and walked over,"oh my whats a strong group of men like you doing to these poor people"she said letting out pheremones every man that was there looked at her dazed,"my my theres more then the eye can see"she said worried about the numbers but took a deap breath,"well you see men those poor poor people are my friends and I would be so sad~ if something happened to them"she said puckering her lips perfectly as she wrapped an arm around her waist to show off her curves the men began drooling,"of course miss we weren't ganna hurt them!"one said."really"Akihiko said tearing up perfectly and posing more seductively,"of course!"another yelled."then please release them~"she sang brushing her hand against one of there cheeks they all began fighting to untie the people. Akihiko giggled smirking.

(whats going on so far?)
*rune puts on his special pair of explosion causing gloves, he sneaks into the basement and snaps his fingers, every person in the basement exept for rune is instantly incinerated*rune: wow..i overdid it

(Nothing much, few ppl r fighting demon hounds and rune just beat his own nightmare with help)
(mmmmm where are the characters currently and who can i bump with?)

Akihiko smiled as all the men killed themselves then walked to the hostages and untied them then went downstairs to Rune,"I didn't even get my hands dirty they killed each other"she said and hugged his arm.
(Were in some forest i guess...and by bump i guess u mean talk...most ppl r preocupied but rune and another guy are open, well the other guy has two demon hounds talking to him.. )*rune smiled at aki* rune: i think i overdid it...even theyre bones are gone now
(I saw well I'll add a bio and ask to join)

"you are from hellwe shouldn't expect the bones.... or an untourtured soul..... ah the darkness"Akihiko said then blushed happily at how dark and gloomy it was in the basement she loved there creepy area's and enjoyed them a lot.
Aniasta shot a glare then looked in the mirror.View attachment 7729 she let out a soft sigh as she touched her tail and touched her hair,"at least now you wont feel disgusted liking me as an older woman"she said and walked away. Aniasta sat on the bed looking at the ceiling.

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