The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta blushed deeply and her tail wrapped around his leg,"no fair"she whispered and tugged on his ear she licked his cheek,"your to cruel"she mumbled.
"Not at all"Aniasta managed brushing her cheek against his happily,"I love you"she whispered pressing her body against his.
"Very well," he wrapped his tail around her waist, pulling them even closer, and Lochrose kissed her. Right on the lips. He felt her tender lips, his own quivering slightly.
"Did I hurt u last time? When I kissed you like that?"Aniasta whispered brushing her hand against his cheek,"are you scared of me?"she asked worriedly.
"Aniasta... you're the first person i've felt this way," Lochrose said, feeling warm and hot inside, like a big hug.

(pffft im so corny xD )
(Corny xD so your acting like corn 0-0)

Aniasta smiled and pulled him over her,"then how do you know this is love?"she asked curiously and kissed him happily.

Lochy smiled," Taught by the best," his tail indicated toward Aniasta. He leaned, his eyes looking straight into her own.
Aniasta leaned to his touch,"I want my lovely Lochy"she said and kissed him passionately,"but I don't know if he'll have me"she mumbled blushing.
((I would love to join~ Because I really want to get back into roleplaying, is it too late?))
(you can totally join~! But if you barge in right nao it would be kinda awkward xD pretend your character is coming in the tavern or somethin. Anythin ya want :) )
((You guys are so great~ I want to find a picture of the anime character Naomi Milon or something she's from Angel Beats but I'm on mobile...))

Alice stepped into the tavern as she glanced around. It was quiet tonight.
(we kbow we great xD )

Lochy paused and his ear twitched. He heard the door open and said he'll be right back. Lochy tapped his finger on Ani's lips as he went downstairs to see who it was.
*umbra is standing in the back of the tavern having been alone for several hours with people ignoring him*

*rune is walking with aki to wherever she is gonna do teh shadow mirror*rune: so, where do the twins go to school? Im sure if its in the underworld i can arrange a school asembly, make the twins look cool knowing me n u cos were so awesome*he smiles*
Aniasta blinked and smiled happily,"how cute"she thought then stood up and sat on the bed and yawned,"that was fun"she mumbled.

Taro sat at the bar table eating cookies and sweets.(yeah we are!)

Akihiko was at home sleeping for some reason she had felt drained and wanted to just relax today. She wondered why.

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