The Traveler's Tavern

*salinor lands the charriot on the schools courtyard wich was empty on one side on wich the other was filled to the brim with kids who had been called for an assembly, salinor roars and flys off*rune: i belive were here*he steps off the charriot*(btw tht other rp is like getting really good, one of the rp mods decided to join wich is awesome but if anyone joins dont like curse lol)
(No thanks I don't feel too well to join any rps yet maybe some other time k?)

Akihiko smiled and got out some teacher helping her down. Akihiko smiled and looked at Rune,"my love"she said holding out her hand for him to take and he could lead her in. The twins could see the two and waved excitedly.
*rune takes her hand and leads her to a high stand-thing in the middle of the courtyard, wich the principal is also standing at*principal:hello , i recived your invitation and did as you asked(ok, and is the twins school like an abusive school where teachers beat students for misbehaving? or a nice school?)
(A nice but stricked school 0v0)

Akihiko smiled enjoying brig presented as Runes wife. Akihiko hugging his arm close to her body putting her head on his shoulder allowing him to lead her as she closed her eyes as a sign of trust.(imma take over the principal for just this post) The principal bowed infront of Rune and Akihiko,"The King and Queen of the shadow realm and hell!"he said then needled infront of Akihiko taking her hand,"it is an honor"he said kissing her hand on ever knuckle of her hand. Akihiko looked disgusted.
*rune chuckles and motions for the crowd to be silent so he could speak*rune:my wonderful citizens of the underworld, i thank you for attending this and am truely honored that your principal could arrange this meeting(wut should rune say next? will we let on that we know the twins?)
(Of course to rub it in people's faces)

Akihiko smiled at Rune,"you should all be very pleased that your top student has returned with the best man a lurer can have!"she said with a smile. The teachers and students clapped and screamed her name a bit the twins made a small banned from there webs with there names on it,"HI AKI!"it read.
rune: now i would like to name two very special people to me and my beautiful wife, the twins sue and mary(not sure if i got there names rite0.0) even though i have known them for just a little while i know how creative and fun they are, and so must my butler consitering i saw what they where doing awhile back and i had to contain myself from laughing out loud(im making no sense in speech)
(Yup it's Mary and Sue)

Akihiko blushed at Rune calling her his wife."yes the twins are very incredible and fast learners"Akihiko said never letting go of Rune's hand,"I love the twins as though they were my daughters and I have taught them so much"she explained,"I hope they can be the queen spiders of this school"she said smiling a bit. The twins nodded determinedly.
rune: and ive seen that the twins posses abilitys to use the magic arts, while that isnt uncommon it is in them because they both have it, i can say for sure the twins are very special and smart and i hope they grow to be great women, not that i doubt that though*he chuckles*(ugh! i suck at speeches-.-)
(We all do )

Akihiko smiled,"now I have noticed we have arrived on the day that is very well known as the luring competitions and we are to be the judges of the day...... Thank you for allowing us to participate"she said happily.
rune:ohh, interesting*he leans over to aki*rune wispers:exactly how will the students demonstrate luring?(oh and did the twins improve since i gave them those books on luring?)rune wispers:and what should know what to look for as a judge?
"Don't worry just follow my lead...... And yes they learned more I suppose"Akihiko said softly and they were led to a seat to judge there seats where in a small room that was gypsy style that had purple shades and pillows to sit on with fruits as snacks and a small tv to watch the games. Akihiko sat down and yawned smirking at Rune.
*rune waves his hand and it becomes a large-ish flat screen tv*rune:i never did follow the saying' use the smallest tv you can find'*he smirks and sits down and kissed akis cheek*
Akihiko smirked and got up brushing her hand on his cheek,"I'll be back soon"she said and walked out she came back looking like a gypsy and sat by Rune and kissed him,"what's a marriage without some cosplay"she whispered.(she kinda has on Jasmines clothes in purple from Aladdin)
*rune smiled mischiviously* rune: well do plenty of that im sure*he waves is hand and is now in a silk cape and a green t shirt and blue pants, wich makes him look like a high class person crossed with a wizard*
Akihiko slowly got up and hid in one of the shades,"come on find me Rune~"she said softly and blew a kiss at him she then giggled hiding behind the purple curtain.

Aniasta got up and smiled,"lets go pervy puppy"she said smirking as she referred to him posing as a female.
"Not for a while it has the longest opening ceremony....."Akihiko said pokeing her head inside again then smirked,"we can kill some time"she said softly.
"Heh," Lochy laughed and wavered his tail," Not a pervy puppy," he laughed, and did a fake sad face and crossed his arms," Don't remind me," he did a cheeky grin.
Aniasta laughed and patted his head then ran out,"beat you there!"she yelled and ran off.

Akihiko blushed,"ah Rune w-wait you silly demon!"she said trying to push his away playfully then they fell together onto the pillows that formed something of a bed.(yup)
*rune is laying in the bed breating a bit hard after like an hour, the opening ceremony is just finieshing and he smiles*rune: perrrrfect
Akihiko layed by Rune with her head on his chest and a leg wrapped around his waist,"the timing or the pleasure..... Cuz both was equally perfect"she said smirking as she drew hearts on Runes chest with her finger and hummed a bit.

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