The Traveler's Tavern

Lochrose's face had become completely a bright red. "A-Aniasta!" He said, he was still shocked, he stood there for a moment. Lochy turned to Ani and his lips were quivering," Ania... Who was that?" He spoke quietly, "N-not that I want to know anyway..." Lochy looked away with a slightly jeolous face.
(0-0 parallel universe!)

Aniasta blinked,"hm? My x-boyfriend..... No worries"she said and kissed him she put her hand on his chin pulling it up to face her,"want to kiss like that again?"she asked smirking then chuckled,"just kidding puppy let go home"she said patting his head and teleported them home and landed on the bed,"I'm tired"she mumbled.

Akihiko falls asleep as well.(you wanna start the day or should I 0v0)
( i will lol)*rune wakes up and goes out into the kitchen and then brings aki breakfast in bed*rume in a sweet voice: wake up aki, ive got a suprise for u

(Night all, cya after school tommorow hopefully)
(lets pretend its same time)

Lochy nodded, his face still red. He sat on the side of the bed, his tail touching her's," Aniasta..." He mumbled," Do you really like me that way," Lochy paused," Or am I just someone to keep away ex boyfriends?" Lochy's eyes glazed over his his thumbs twiddled around
Akihiko slowly woke up and put the blanket over her to cover her body,"mmmmhm what?"she asked sitting up tiredly,"what's the surprise?"she asked smiling at him as she rubbed her eye cutely.

Aniasta frowned and hugged him from behind,"I think a lover is supposed to keep his enemies away"she said and kissed his neck,"I like you a lot Lochy..... But I want you to get stronger... Because I don't want you hurt"she said patting his head.
(I got bored so im bak lol)

rune: i made u breakfast in bed(did we just go thru an entire day in two pages? NEW RECORD)
He looked down, his black and white hair covering his eyes,"Sorry I''m not as strong as I look," without saying a word, he got up and walked out. Before stepping out of the room, he turned back with a half smile," I'm gonna take a shower, kay, Ani?"
(No way bro!)

Akihiko smiled,"you didn't have too.... I should be the one making you breakfast.... Your always protecting me and you topped so...."she said blushing a bit then smiled,"but your so sweet so ill accept it... If you feed me"she said smirking.

Aniasta looked at him sadly feeling her heart hurt,"yeah sure"she said watching him leave then grabbed a pillow and stuff her face in it and screamed then fell back on the bed,"oh I'm so stupid.... I hurt him.... Ugg"she said then opened the window and jumped out landing on her feet she then jumped into a tree to feel the fresh air,"I'm just ganna sleep here"she thought closing her eyes.
( ill check....this will b rpnation history if it is)Rune:it would be an honor*he picks up a spoon and feed her some eggs/bacon/ pancakes(PANCAKES!)
Akihiko smiled and opened wide then ate the food smiling happily,"it's fun to have such a handsome, strong, muscular, daring, cool husband"she said happily.
Lochy soon came back, with a slightly better mood, he couldn't see Aniasta anywhere," Ani? Ani? Where are you?" He paniced. What had happened to her? "ANIASTAAAAA!" Lochrose yelled, he had run out of the tavern, frantic. Lochy searched everywhere he could, "ANIASTAAA!" He cried. What if something bad happened to her? Did he do this? He walked back, and slammed his back against the door. "Man, I'm stupid..." He thought to himself.
Aniasta jumped in with a yawn,"what's with all the slamming"she asked. She had no clear emotion to her face when she looked at Lochy she looked away feeling bad,"erm.... Listen..... You should sleep on the bed from now on.... It's comfy...."she said scratching the back of her head not knowing what to say.

Akihiko smiled and kissed back,"I love you Rune!"she said then finished the food and smiled,"so what's planned today?"she asked excitedly.
Akihiko laughed,"troll hunting it is"she said then went to the bathroom and did what she needed to do she came out in a cute pink t-shirt that was a little showy and shorts she had on her pink boots too,"I can't wait to see how awesome you are at this Rune"she said hugging his arm.
Rune worried:just....try not to get hit with a club ok? Theyre tricky*rune darkens the sky and blocks the sun so any trolls will come out, he tosses aki a sword(in a seath of course, a dark elf blade named soul ripper)*rune pulls out his own sword but keeps it seathed*(another dark elf blade named star splitter)
Akihiko looked at the sword,"here I don't need this"she said and was cloaked in a hoody,"shadows are my weapon so no worries"she said handing him the sword,"but you look so cool right now"she said softly looking at how determined he was.
Rune:ok...but i doubt shadows can beat dark elf forgemen that ever existed...*he jumps outside and sniffs the air, letting his dragon instints come out(he is part dragon0v0)*rune wispers: follow me, this way*je walks quietly into the trees*
Akihiko rolled her eyes as she walked behind him her foot steps where light and quiet,"my trained shadows are way better even though I take there damage"she thought then jolted hearing something and hugged Runes arm she jolted back,"sorry reflex"she whispered quietly.
Rune:shh....i hear something*in the clearing ahead somthing moves and rune runs at it screaming troll*rune:not a troll!big ogre!*he kicks the thing in the face knocking it over then jumps back as the thinf swings a huge club at me*
When Rune said,"shhhh I hear something" Akihiko glared at him and flipped him off. She then took control of the ogres shadow and it grabbed the club before it could hit Rune,"yes because a sword is so much better then my shadows"she mumbled the ogre dropped the club and shot a punch at the shadow. Akihiko braced for impact and took the hit she went flying feeling shadows pain,"now!"she yelled. The shadow dog pilled the ogre with two others. Akihiko smirked puffing out her chest proudly.
*the ogre throws the dogs off and runs at me, a glowing light appears over my sword, i jump and slash the ogre down his middle with what should be a minor blow to him, i turn around and a glowing line appears down the center of the ogre*rune:you just got split*the ogre explodes in two supernovas like a star being cut in half*rune: still think your shadows beat dark elf blades?*he smirks and wipes the ogre blood off his sword and lets the sun come back out*rune:lets search it for any treasure and a key to its cave....ogres usually have a ton of wealth*he picks up the ogres pockets wich are the size of horses(4 pockets in all) and rips them open a large amount of gold/gems/crystals spilling out* rune happily:if this is any sign the cave should hold a ton of wealth*he pulls a key out of the pile and uses a hiding spell on the treasure*rune:lets go find the cave, we can come back for this afterwards
Akihiko blushed a bit,"so cool!"she said and hugged his arm,"mmmmm your better then everything"she said and the shadows dissappeared,"find the cave!"she said and a bit shadow of the ogre began walking backwards a though in reverse."can your sword do that?"she asked smirking.
Rune:good trackers they are ill admit....but youll need to have a weapon you can rely on even in a place without shadow...once your ready i know just the one that would fit you...moon slayer*he follows the shadows to a moss covered bolder*rune:rookie mistake ogre! Moss grows on the north side of bolderds not the south!*he puts the key into the moss and turns it, somthing clicks and he pushes the boulder out of the way, a bad odor coming from the cave*rune:do you have that neclace i fave you on? All ogre caves stink badly
"I never take it off I don't want to lose anything YOU have me"Akihiko said,"and I can't use a sword there heavy"she said softly and pouted,"maybe you can teach me"she said.

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