The Traveler's Tavern

Akihiko slowly sat up,"what's going on?"she mumbled rubbing her eyes cutely she walked over to run and sneezed cutely as she rubbed her eyes with one hand and fixed her gown with the other,"what are you doing?"she asked making a super cute sleepy face.
(Every anime Character looks adorable when they wake up just sayin')

Akihiko smiled and sat down,"how good of a cook are you on a scale of 1 to 10?"she asked smirking.
(Kewl :D )

Akihiko smiled a bit,"I want to feed my husband"she said and got up. Akihiko went over to Rune and sat on his lap brushing her hand on his cheek,"because he's wonderful"she whispered.
*rune blushes from the praise and moves a dish that smells delicious from the other side of the table*rune romantically:and i want to feed my beautiful smart funny and sweet wife
Akihiko smiled happily,"then lets eat"she said and grabbed a dish and spoon then noticed Rune was close to her,"and and don't be afraid to bite in Rune I could be a dessert for you"she said puckering her lips slightly and putting her index finger on her bottom lip,"I put on my favorite kiwi body spray and lotion after our bath"she said smirking.(I love kiwi seriously it's good)
*rune pulls a piece of a meat off a plate and feeds it to her smileing*rune: and i put on my favorite nautica colone(i love nautica! I use it everday before school so i smell good)
Akihiko smiled,"good"she said and chewed. She put her hand over her mouth as she chewed then when she gulped she feed Rune,"darling do you have any enimes I should worry about?"she asked.
Rune: ohh just a few hundred, maybe an army or not much for me...ugh im slacking, remind me to go blow up a few evil castles...thatll get me back on the top hated by evil lists...i got knocked off last week*he shows her his ipad wich has a site on it named:most hated by evil, and runes name isnt on it*rune: wierd huh? Id think with the stuff ive-*his ipad beeps and his name is on the second spot*rune: thats more like it...
Akihiko smiled,"Rune that's so cool... but isn't that dangerous for the people you love?"she asked then laughed,"sorry sorry I couldn't keep the straight face haha! We both know I'm capable of protecting myself."she said laughing then smiled,"but that really is cool Darling... ya noe certain things are harder then defeating evil... you'll figure that one out if we keep this up"she said and kissed his neck,"ah that does smell nice"she said.
*rune smiles and kisses her passionatly*rune:if i have you anything is possible...because love is the key to life, and quick wits, but mostly love
Akihiko smiled,"lovely but.... Your ganna need a lot of both if you can expect what might happen if you keep our love on honey moon mode"he said smirking then kissed him,"you full yet?"she asked him bouncing on his lap.
Akihiko smirked,"good.... your dessert will be waiting for you"she said and got up she brushed her hand on his cheek down to his chin and off his face as she got up. Akihiko turned to look at Rune then began dancing seductively out of the room she peaked back inside batting her eyes to set him in a trance and giggled then hummed as she walked to her room and her hips swayed side to side as she walked.
Akihiko hummed as she walked into her room then looked in her mirror and put on kiwi lip gloss and sat on the bed,"Rune should be lured here any minute"she said and giggled and she laid on the bed and hid under the covers she threw off her clothes and such and they landed on the floor where Rune could see them.
(Lachrose,fight a dragon, works every time)

*rune turns himself into a gust of wind and blows the covers off her and appears abover her*rune: you know, im not here because you lured here because i want you*he kisses her neck*

"nope your not... Come on let's get home"Anaista said picking him up. A guy walked up to them,"hey Ania who's this your new pet?"he asked. Aniasta glared,"why do you think that?"she asked,"because he's a puppy"he said. Aniasta glared nobody was allowed to call Lochy a puppy but her she looked at Lochy and grabbed both of his cheeks and pulled him close to her she kissed him. She then wrapped a leg around his waist as her tail rubbed up against his leg. Aniasta French kissed him passionately making it feel and look heated as drool came out of the corner of her lips she kissed him roughly forcing herself on him to make the guy jealous of how heated they looked. Aniasta then pulled away,"sorry what was that you called him?"she asked with both her legs now wrapped around his waist,"a lucky lucky man"the guy said walking away.
( yup. xD )Lochrose got up. Had he taken an afternoon nap. Lochy went over to Aniasta and bit her ear," Wake up, Ani," he said, still nomming on her ear.
Akihiko smirked,"that's a form of luring"she said tilting her head to give him more access he then got her soft spot which was the nape of her neck,"ah Rune"she moaned.(POWER OF SKIP!)
( were time skipping? Ok)*about 2 hours later rune is laying next to aki out of breath*rune: wow...your amazing*he kisses her *
Akihiko breathed heavily laying by Rune,"that power of luring"she said blushing,"your touchy feely"she said and kissed him,"but it was wonderful"she said and whistled,"best day ever"she said softly.

Aniasta blinked feeling him tug on her ear,"oi oi!"she said then began tugging on his ear as her tail intertwined with his.
*rune puts his head on akis shoulder and falls into a deep peaceful sleep from how tired he was, his nose wistles for a second bbut then stops*

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