The Traveler's Tavern

*rune is sleeping in the water but he wakes up*rune: best,day,ever*he smiles and falls back asleep his nose wistleing lightly*
Akihiko rubbed her eyes,"I want to eat"she said then jolted hearing someone come in t was a guy she jolted,"I'm naked"she said trying to hide,"shadows shadows"she thought blushing then jolted seeing that there where no shadows the guy looked around,"we found it!"he said smirking."Rune.... I can't hide"Akihiko thought seeing the man snap it fingers and made a bridge for him to climb. Akihiko jolt and pulled her knees to her face trying to hide her body.
*rune jumps up and looks at the guy,runes voice booms off the caverns wall* rune: who do you think you are invading the rainbow caverns and the reton springs!*rune waves his hand and both aki and him are dressed*
Akihiko jolted and jumped to Rune and hugged him tight,"thank you"she said hugging him tighter,"the crystals and a girl.... I like it"the man said. Akihiko jolted as the man snapped his fingers putting tape on Runes mouth and made him fall asleep."Rune!"Akihiko yelled as the man pulled her away,"let go or or-"she said and her eyes glowed eternal darkness!"she yelled but nothing happened,"what the... Eternal darkness!"she said and nothing happened,"oh a shadow girl"he said,"very rare outside of her realm you'd bid for a high price"he said. Akihiko jolted as the man touched her,"let go!"she yelled.
*as rune falls asleep a voice ooms through the cavern*behemoth:whats this? Bah, an intruder!*a huge tentacle comes up from the water abd grabs the man*behemoth:im hungry....i suggest you leave and take that spell off my master....or else ill eat you as a snack
Akihiko kissed Rune pushing herself against him."that man.... I couldnt use my powers Rune...."she said,"lets just forget that happened and leave this place..... U don't feel safe if there is no natural darkness"she said and grabbed his hand.
Rune:uhm...ok...where do u want to go?

Rune thinks:if someones found this cave ill have to put behemoth on a kill order if someone tresspasses...
"A dark and empty closet but that's not the point lets rest for a while k so to our room it is"Akihiko said and hugged his arm.
*rune feels awful for putting aki through that but smiles and hugs her*rune: ok...lets go*he dives into the water and swims out into the spring and onto the beach near the house, he shakes off water and sneezes*rune:oh dear i hope i dont hsve a cold..
Akihiko followed and looked at Rune,"I'd love to play nurse"she said then smiled happily seeing the shadows,"better"she said softly then hugged Rune,"a shower or bubble bath you choose darling"she said happily.
Akihiko undressed then went in and sighed in content,"I love bubble baths"she said softly,"a little tiny bit less then you darling but you so come in first place when it comes to affection"she said.
Akihiko giggled then turned invisible thanks to her shadow use. Akihiko washed up but was a bit nervous,"it's so easy to do crazy thigs with other men but with Rune he gets my heart to beat too fast"she thought.
*rune smiles*rune wispers: imaniko*he turns invisible too*rune:ive got some tricks tol, but the shadows are pretty cool cos they can hide you...i dont know how its possible tho
Akihiko reappeared,"see light allows you to see things and it also makes colors without light things don't appear if I drain the light from my body a.k.a turning into a shadow I can't be seen"she said. Akihiko then blushed,"I really love you....."she said softly,"I'm done so I'm ganna take a nap see you when dinners ready"she said and got out. Akihiko put on a pink see through night gown and had on pink undies. Akihiko laid on the bed and closed her eyes and yawned.
*rune put a note on her bed and walked out headed to town(note says that he was heading to town to get some ingridents for dinner)*
Akihiko opened an eye then smiled,"it went away"she said touching her heart,"I love him"she thought then smiled,"lonely yet again though"she thought then fell asleep again holding the note close to her.
*rune comes in with a ton of grocerys on his back(litterally) he then cooks a huge delicious meal for aki and rings a bell*rune: dinners done!

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